Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 19, 2011, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TWO • Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Official Newspaper
of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow
Holland family wins
_____ Obituaries
arts. From 1996 to
grandfather clock raffle Mark b . Dowdy language
1997 he was the girls’ bas­
U.S.P.S. 240-420
M o r r o w C o u n t y ’s H o m e - O w n e d W e e k l y N e w s p a p e r
P ub lished w e e kly by S y k e s P u b lish in g, L L C and entered as periodical m a ne r at the
Post O ffice at H eppner, O re g o n under the A c t o f M a r c h 3 , 1879. Periodical postage
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D a v id S y k e s ....................................................................................Pub lisher
A u tu m n M o r g a n .................................................................................. Editor
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For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor M U S T be signed by the author The Heppner
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Matheny to hold CD
cover signing Saturday
H e p p n e r n a tiv e
Sandy M atheny and her
Aunt Doris Pitzer of Herm-
iston have collaborated to
create their long-awaited
m usical CD, “These Old
Hills Will Sing.” Matheny
will be in Heppner at Mur­
ra y ’s D rug on Saturday,
January 22, from 3-5 p.m.
for a CD signing.
The CD is available
at Murray’s Drug in Hepp­
ner and Condon, W ilcox
Furniture in Hermiston, as
well as by mail order. The
cost is $ 15 (plus $2 shipping
and handling if mailed). All
proceeds from sales o f the
CD will be donated to the
O regon H ealth Sciences
University (OHSU) Foun­
dation to be used in their
spinal cord injury research
On the album, Ma­
theny and P itzer devote
their love of making music
to “those living with spinal
cord injuries and to those
who life, love, laugh, and
cry with them,” according
to M atheny. M a th e n y ’s
brother, Dave, was severely
paralyzed in a horse ac­
cident in September 2001.
An eastern Oregon wheat
rancher, Dave is once again
a vital member of the family
ranch between Lexington
and Hermiston.
A ll songs in the
collection were requested
by friends and family and
come with m em ories at­
tached. In addition to a Ma­
theny original, Old Friends,
she also sings Whispering
Pines, Hallelujah, Mariah,
W ild M o u n tain Thym e,
Blue B ayou, T he Rose,
Fields o f Gold, I Can See
Clearly Now, Till I’m Too
Old to Die Young, Catch
the Wind, Me and Bobbie
McGee, What a Wonderful
World, and You Have Come
Down to the Seashore.
Pictured are Dale and Karen Holland and their children Thom­
as and Stephanie Holland with the family's new grandfather
clock. Dale was the winner of the Inland Northwest Musicians’
grandfather clock raffle. -Contributed Photo
The Inland North­
west M usicians’ grandfa­
ther clock raffle came to
conclusion at their Christ­
m as concert in Echo on
December 12. The winning
ticket was held by Dale
Holland o f lone.
G a ry K o p p e ru d
traveled to lone on D e­
cem ber 31 to set up the
clock. Kopperud will also
keep the clock cleaned and
maintained. Kopperud said,
“It was a joy to be a part o f
their winning the clock as
they had a special place just
for the clock in their home.
The clock , with all the
miles on it, came through
without even a fingerprint
on it and arrived and was
set up in perfect condition.
1 think ev eryone in the
Morrow county area knows
about th eir w inning the
clock as they are very well
know in the area.”
Proceeds from the
clo ck w ill go to Inland
Northwest Musicians’ op­
erating fund. This organiza­
tion o f five orchestral and
choral ensem bles travels
to c o m m u n ities aro u n d
northeastern O regon and
southeastern Washington to
perform free, live classical
music. Because there is no
charge for the concerts, In­
land Northwest Musicians
appreciates the donations
received from their audi­
ences. The next concerts
will be held at Hermiston
High School in Hermiston
and at Columbia Basin Col­
lege in Pasco, WA on the
12th and 13th of February at
4 p.m. in each location. The
Inland Northwest Orchestra
will perform Scheherazade
by N icolai Rim sky-K or-
St. Patrick’s Altar Society hosts Neighborhood Center releases
2010 operation information
game day for young adults
M ark B. Dowdy, ketball coach and language
5 2 , o f H e p p n e r d ie d arts teacher at McKenzie.
W ednesday, January 12, He returned to teaching lan­
guage arts at Hepp­
2 0 1 1 , at P io n e e r
ner High School in
Memorial Hospital.
2003 where he was
A memorial service
the girls’ basketball
w ill be held at 1
p.m. Saturday, Jan­
A life-long
uary 22, 2011, at
le a rn e r and avid
the H eppner High
sports fan, he posi­
School gymnasium.
tively impacted the
A private family in­
lives o f many, his
urnment service will Mark B.
fam ily , te a c h in g
be held at a later Dowdy
and coaching were
his passion.
He was bom
He is survived by:
May 9, 1958 in Springfield,
the son o f John and Helen his wife, Pam; sons, Jef­
M cKinney Dowdy. Mark ferson Dowdy 14 and Josh
was raised in Pleasant Hill Dowdy 12; daughter, Ken­
where he graduated from dall Dowdy 7; father, John
Pleasant Hill High School Dowdy and his wife Markie
in 1976. He was a 1982 o f Pleasant Hill; brothers,
graduate o f W estern O r­ Terry Dowdy and his wife
egon State College with a Ann o f Carlsbad, NM and
Bachelors o f Arts degree in Steve Dowdy and his wife
Judy of Rancho Cucamon­
language arts.
Mr. Dowdy taught ga, CA; and many other
language arts and coached extended family members.
He was preceded
girls’ basketball and base­
ball at Port O rford from in death by his m other,
1982 th rough 1986. On Helen, and a brother, Doug
June 15, 1985 he married Dowdy.
M em orial contri­
Pam ela R eim ers in Port
may be made to
Orford. In 1988 the couple
Dowdy Memorial
moved to Heppner where
he tau g h t language arts Scholarship Fund c/o Bank
from 1988 through 1995 o f E a ste rn O reg o n , PO
and also coached girls’ bas­ Box 39, Heppner, Oregon
ketball and baseball. They 97836.
Sweeney Mortuary
moved to Brookings where
he was the assistant girls’ o f Heppner is in charge of
basketball coach and taught arrangements.
Lopez receives Marine
Corps promotion
Marine Corps Cpl. P D. Lopez, son o f Ida Al­
faro o f Boardman, recently was promoted to his current
rank while serving with Marine Wing Control Squadron
38, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine Corps Air Station
Miramar, San Diego.
Lopez was promoted based on sustained supe­
rior job performance and proficiency in his designated
Heppner Christian Church
to show documentary
Heppner Christian Church will be showing a
documentary by Ken Ham about the “State o f the Nation,
The Collapse o f Christian America” on Sunday, Janu­
The Neighborhood Center o f South M orrow ary 23, at 6 p.m. This video was produced by Answers
County recently released the operation information for in Genesis and has some interesting insights o f why as
the 2010 calendar year. The information listed included much as two thirds o f young people raised in a Christian
some of the needs met in the community, community home fall away from their teaching. This is open to the
donations, and who donated financial donations.
community, refreshments will be provided.
In 2010 3,691 pounds o f food were donated
by the community, clothing donations were valued at
$14,184.65, and 974 volunteer hours were contributed
at a value o f $19,967.
With the help o f community donations and other
W ashington State dem ic p e rfo rm a n c e. To
financial assistance, the Neighborhood Center was able to
U n iv e rs ity ’s P re sid e n t’s be eligible for the honor
provide 9,117 pounds o f food to a total o f 221 individuals
H onor Roll for the 2010 roll, undergraduate students
and provide clothing to 214 individuals.
fall semester was recently must be enrolled in a mini­
A detailed list o f donations and financial contri­
announced. Emily Kather­ mal o f nine graded hours in
butions and how they were used can be found on Page
ine Rietmann o f lone was a single term at WSU and
among the honorees.
earn a grade point average
T he P r e s id e n t’s o f 3.75 or earn a 3.50 cu­
Honor Roll recognizes stu­ mulative GPA, based on 15
dents who stand above the cumulative hours o f graded
rest w ith ex cellen t aca- work.
The shared ministry o f Hope Lutheran and All
Saints Episcopal Churches will be hosting a bunco party EOU chamber choir, music
at All Saints Church on Thursday, January 27, at 6:30 department channel best of the 60’s
p.m. The suggested offering of $5 will be donated to Co­
lumbia Basin’s “Helping Hearts” program which assists
“Flashback to the o f the concert is to be “true
its customers with their electric bill. The community is 60’s” when the Eastern Or­ to the spirit o f the 60’s.”
invited to attend.
Michael Frasier, in­
egon University Chamber
C hoir and m usic depart­ structor o f music, is the as­
ment present their antici­ sistant conductor and Allan
pated first concert o f the Sanada is the light designer.
new year the last weekend The band is comprised o f
M cK ern on guitar. M att
in January.
The 11,h annual Heppner High School Cheer­
The perform ance Cooper, professor of music,
leader Dessert Auction will be held on Saturday, January features more than 30 num­ on piano and keyboard,
29. The auction will be held during half-time o f both the ber one billboard hits from John M cK innon, profes­
varsity girls’ and boys’ games.
1960-69, draw ing on “ A sor o f music, on keyboard,
Beatles Celebration” con­ Roger Barnes on bass, Teun
Ecumenical Youth Group collecting cert that wowed audiences Fetz, associate professor of
last year. Ray Charles, Otis music, on drums, and Wil­
cans of soup for outreach project
Redding, Elvis Presley and liam Morris on saxophone.
Chiffons are just a few
Tickets are $8 for
The Ecumenical Youth Group of Hope Lutheran/
$6 for students
All Saints Episcopal is collecting cans of soup through
Group tickets
February 6 for their Souper Bowl o f Caring outreach
for $5 each
project. The soup will be donated to the Neighborhood
o f 10
scheduled with the open­ or more. Ticket outlets are
ing night perform ance at Red C ross United Drug,
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem,
7:30 Friday, January 28. Sunflower Books and the
help is available and that help Is FREE of charge.
On Saturday, January 29, EOU Bookstore.
“Flashback to the
epneerts are set for 4 p.m.
If Y O U h a v e a fa m ily m e m b e r w h o su ffe rs from
g a m b lin g a d d ictio n , Y O U c a n a ls o re c e iv e F R E E treat­
and 8 p.m. All take place in 60’s” is presented by Red
m e n t e v e n if the g a m b le r is not re c e iv in g treatm ent.
McKenzie Theatre in Loso C ross U nited D rug and
If y o u a re a re sid e n t of M o r r o w C o u n t y a n d y o u w is h
sponsored by The Observer.
Hall at EOU.
to ta k e a d v a n t a g e o f the s e r v ic e s a b o v e or d e s ir e m o re
C o n d u c to r P eter For more information con­
inform ation, P le a s e call a n y o f the fo llo w in g n u m b e r s
to s e t u p a L O C A L a p p o in tm e n t o r ju st to talk:
Wordelman, EOU Chamber tact Wordelman at 541-962-
B o b b y H a r r is @ 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -9 9 2 5 or 5 4 1 -2 5 6 -0 1 7 5
Choir director and profes­ 3352.
Com m unity C o u n se lin g Solutions ( C C S ) @ 541-676-9161
sor o f music, said the goal
WSU President’s Honor Roll
for fall 2010 announced
On Sunday, January 16, St. Patrick's Altar Society sponsored
the second get-together for the younger population of the
parish. The afternoon was filled with games, snacks, and fel­
lowship. The competition was intense but pleasurable. The
group enjoyed each others company while the children had
their own party in a separate location. One of the participants
commented that it was a great way to break the January blahs.
-Contributed Photo
Heppner Christian Church to
sponsor community ham dinner
Heppner Christian Church will be sponsoring a
community ham dinner with all the fixings on Sunday,
February 6, at the Senior Center dining room from 4-6:30
p.m. There is no charge to the public.
These Old H ills Will Sing
All proceeds will ga to spinal cord
Research apDHSU
A vailable
‘*“ iurrayS
Meet and Greet
Sandy Matheny
will be at
Murray’s Drugs
Saturday, Jan. 22
3-5 p.m.
Photo by: Lee Farren
Bunco party funds to benefit
Helping Hearts program
Cheerleader Dessert Auction
to be held Jan. 29
O R 1 -8 7 7 -6 9 5 -4 6 4 8 ( 1 - 8 8 8 - M Y L IM IT )