Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 17, 2010, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 17,2010
New U of O basketball court named after Pat Kilkenny
Editor s Note: The follow­
ing story was published at
www.katu.com on Novem­
ber 5.
T h e U n iv e r s ity
o f O regon A thletics De­
partment unveiled another
key element for Matthew
Knight Arena designed to
set the facility apart from
any other arena in the coun­
try. Installation o f a unique
aren a flo o r is c u rre n tly
un d er-w ay and featu res
symbolic references to the
Pacific Northwest, as well
as the two individuals most
responsible for the arena
becom ing a reality, Phil
Knight and Pat Kilkenny.
"We wanted to de­
sign the most iconic televi­
sion presence possible for
the University o f Oregon
by conjuring up a highly
unique and visible basket­
ball floor design,” accord­
ing to Tinker Hatfield, vice
president for design and
special projects for Nike.
"It’s inspired by our beau­
tiful tree-covered region
and the UO 1939 NCAA
Cham pionship basketball
team nick-named the 'Tall
The court is framed
by a representation o f a
view from beneath a forest
o f fir trees. Also present
on the floor is the new
arena logo, designed for the
namesake o f the building,
Matthew Knight.
T he f l o o r has
been named for Kilkenny,
a long-tim e supporter o f
the University o f Oregon
who recently served as the
school’s director o f athletics
(2007-09), and w hose con­
tributions were paramount
in the arena’s construction.
The "Kilkenny Floor” text
listed above the Matt Arena
logo, is accom panied by
three additional graphics.
"We wanted to pay
respect to Pat K ilkenny,
and the K ilkenny fam i­
ly, by telling their story
in a classy and subdued
series o f three sym bolic
graphics,” H atfield said.
The co urt d ep icts M or­
row County and Heppner,
where Pat Kilkenny grew
up; his education at UO,
is the 1970’s interlocking
UO logo adorned with three
shamrocks representative
o f his very green and very
Morrow County Health District is Offering
Free Medicare Part D
Prescription Drug Plan Assistance
Morrow County Health District will hold Free Medicare
Part D consultation appointments to help you determine the best
prescription plan for your specific needs. Plans change each
year so it*s important to review your coverage every year!
We will be scheduling appointments for the following locations on
the following dates:
e p p n e r
N o v e m b e r 16, 2 2 , 23
D e c e m b e r 1, 2, 7, 9, 15, 16, 2 0 , 2 1 , 2 8 , 30
Irish heritage; and the beach
and sunset o f San Diego,
where he became a highly
successful entrepreneur and
still resides today.
As a f i n i sh i n g
touch, the phrase “ Deep
in the Woods” is located
below the Matt Arena logo.
These words embody the
intimidation the venue will
pose for visiting teams, and
add soul to the building.
Floor i3 a Connor
Sports Flooring Quicklock
Portable Floor (The same
surface used for NCAA
M en’s and Women’s Bas­
ketball C ham pionships).
Floor was m anufactured
in the upper peninsula of
M ichigan in the town o f
Pictured is the new basketball court, Kilkenny Floor, at the
University of Oregon.
Amasa, MI.
Floor is 6,944 square feet
Wood used for the o f N orthern Hard Maple
floor was donated by Gon- that is from an FSC Certi­
yea Family/Timber Products fied Forest. Fabrication of
Co., o f Eugene/Springfield. Raw Floor took one week
to complete. There are 225
interlocking panels weigh­
ing approximately 45,000
Nov. 15-Dec. 31 st is the time to Re-evaluate,
total pounds.
Renew, or change your Medicare Rx Plan!
G r a p hi c s were
We have added new plans from last year.
by United Ser­
We appreciate your business and will work
vices based in Idaho Falls,
hard to earn and keep it. If you want local
ID. G raphics took 2,500
m an hours to com plete.
pharmacy services call for more information.
Almost two miles o f stencil
Impartial assistance with the medicare,
material was utilized for the
gov website available as a service from the
com pletion o f the graph­
ics. More stencil material
Morrow County Health District
was used on this floor then
by calling 541-676-9133.
used for the other 30 floors
C onnor Sports F looring
Thank You - John and Ann Murray
completed this year.
Mimmj'i thug
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D e c e m b e r 14
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Call 676-9133 or 1-800-737-4113 Mon. - Fri.
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List should contain nam e o f m edication, dosage and how often
taken - o r bring m edication bottles.
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