Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 6, 2010 -SEVEN NOTICES B o ard m an R u ral F ire P ro te c tio n D is tric t requests letters of interest to fill vacancy on Board o f Directors. Minimum requirement(s) to serve on the Board include residing within Fire District and regular attendance of the monthly meetings. Submit le tte r by O c to b e r 21 attention Marc Rogelstad, 300 SW W ilson Lane, Boardman, OR 97818 9-29-2c PUBLIC NOTICE M ORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY CO URT w ill hold the following hearings of public interest on W ednesday, October 20, 2010, at the Port of Morrow Riverfront C e n te r, B o a rd m a n , Oregon. At 10:30 a.m., AZ-035-10 Amend General Industrial Use Zone and RV Standards: Morrow County, applicant. Proposal is to amend various sections of the MCZO based on State-adopted temporary private campground rules and other statutory changes regarding RV parks. This amendment will also update the entire MCZO relative to RVs and RV parks. Criteria for approval are found in the M orrow C ounty Zoning Ordinance Article 8 Amendments. At 1:30 p.m., Remand from the Land Use Board o f Appeals (LUBA) of Land Partition LP-N-404: Devin Oil Co., Inc., appellant. City of Boardman, owner, and Greg Flowers, applicant. Property is described as tax lot 119 of Assessor’s Map 4N 24 15 and is located west of Boardman just south of the intersection of Interstate 84 and Tower Road. The property is zoned Space Age Industrial. Request is to partition a 456-acre parcel into two parcels. C rite ria fo r a p p ro v a l include the Morrow County S ubdivision O rdinance Article 5 Land Partitioning Access Standards. Based on the LUBA decision, the only criterion to be reviewed is access. O p p o rtu n ity to v o ic e support or opposition to the above proposals or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents w ill be av ailab le after October 8, 2010. For more information, please contact the Planning Department at 541-922-4624 or 541-676- 9061 extension 5503. DATED this 29th day o f September 2010 M ORROW COUNTY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT P u b lish ed : O cto b er 6, 2010 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE T R U S T E E 'S N O T IC E OF SALE T.S. No.: T10- 66049-OR Reference is made to that certain deed made by, MICHAEL D. RICHARDSON as Grantor toMID-COLUMBIATITLE COMPANY, as trustee, in favor of INLAND EMPIRE BANK, as B eneficiary, dated 12/02/1998, recorded 12/07/1998, in o fficial reco rd s o f M ORROW County, Oregon in book/ reel/volum e No. 56078 at page No. 10131, fee/ file/ instrument/ microfile/ receotion No. - (indicated w h ic h ), c o v e rin g th e following described real \ property situated in said County and State, to-wit: A P N f R 03976 LOT 6, BLOCK 9, COLUMBIA T E R R A C E , IN TH E CITY OF BOARDMAN, COUNTY OF MORROW AN D STATE OF OREGON. Commonly known as: 406 WILLOW FORK DRIVE BOARDMAN, OR 97818 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) o f Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is the grantor's: INSTALLMENT OF P R IN C IPA L AND INTEREST PLUS IM PO U N D S A N D /O R A D V A N C E S W H IC H B E C A M E D U E ON 05/01/2010 PLUS LATE CHARGES, AND A LL S U B S E Q U E N T IN S T A L L M E N T S OF PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, BALLOON PAYMENTS, PLUS IMPOUNDS AND/ OR ADVANCES AND LATE CHARGES THAT B E C O M E PAYABLE. Monthly Payment $844.23 M o n th ly L ate C h arg e $25.73 By this reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit: The sum of $81,227.70 together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.875% per annum from 04/01/2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sum s advanced by the beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that F1RT A M E R IC A N T IT L E INSURANCE COMPANY the undersigned trustee will on 01 /04/2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM Standard of Time, a s ‘established by section 187‘. 110, Oregon Revised Statues, at AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE MORROW COUNTY C O U R T H O U S E , 100 COURT STREET, H EPPN ER , OR 97836 C ounty o f M ORROW , State o f Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him o f the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, in clu d in g a reasonable charge by the tru ste e. N otice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's and attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice o f Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any tim e prior to five days before the date last set for sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance o f w hich is secured by said trust deed, the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. For sales information, please contact AGENCY SALES AND POSTING at W W W.FIDELITYASAP. COM or 714-730-2727 Dated: 08/23/2010 FIRST AME RI CAN TI TLE INSURANCE COMPANY AS TRUSTEE C/O CR TITLE SERVICES INC. P.O. BOX 16128 TUCSON, AZ 85732-6128 PHONE NUMBER: 866-702-9658 REINSTATEMENT LINE: 866 -2 7 2 -4 7 4 9 MARI A D E L A T O R R E , A SST. SEC. ASAP# 3720087 09/15/2010, 09/22/2010, 09/29/2010, 10/06/2010 P u b lish ed : S ep te m b er 15, 22, 29 and October 6, 2010 Affidavit Sheriffs Report The Morrow County Sheriff s Office reports han­ dling the following busi­ ness: July 3 cont.: -MCSO received a call reporting that two Hispanic males wanted to pick up an AK-47 assault rifle from the reporter. The reporter did not want to give the rifle to them and requested deputy contact. A hold was put on the gun. -MCSO issued a citation to Miguel Juarez Jr, 24, for driving 78 mph in a 55 mph zone. -MCSO issued a citation to Robert Doyal Hubbell, 44, for Violation of the Basic Rule by driving 57 mph in a 45 mph zone. -BPD received a theft complaint. The caller stated that a male stole a bottle of vodka. -BPD received a 911 call reporting that someone had vandalized the caller’s truck, breaking the em­ blems off the rims. July 4: -M CSO received a report of a tres­ pass in progress. A deputy made contact with the ho­ meowner who advised it was a neighbor working in the yard. -MCSO received a report of an elderly female driver slumped over the wheel. OSP transported the patient to Boardman. -MCSO received a report of telephonic harass­ ment. The reporter stated that she had a restraining order against a subject who was giving out her number to all his friends who were calling and harassing her. -MCSO received a report of a juvenile throw­ ing fireworks in the street and irritating the animals. -MCSO received multiple reports of illegal fireworks. -MCSO received a report of a drunk driver. Christopher M. Worthing­ ton, 48, was arrested for DUII. W orthington also received a citation for Fail­ ure to Drive With-in Lane, Refusal to Submit to Breath Test, No O perator’s Li­ cense, License Plate Light Defective, and Failure to Carry Registration. -MCSO issued a ci­ tation to Lucero Rosas, 26, for No Operator’s License. -MCSO issued a citation to Samual Lee De­ hart, 22, for DUII (BAC . 12 ). -BPD arrested a 20 year old male subject for DUII. Citations were also issued for No O p­ erator’s License, Driving Uninsured, DUII, and MIP Alcohol. -BPD issued a cita­ tion to J De Jesus Afanador Hernandez, 25, for Open Container. -BPD issued a cita­ tion to a 27 year old female subject for Open Container of Alcohol. \ Boardman’s 6th annual Quilt Show held were exhibited in abun­ dance. Several entries were composed of quilt blocks found in granny’s chest or attic, newly assembled and quilted or tied. Viewers showed their respect and apprecia­ tion for tradition by voting Lila Killing beck’s hand quilted King Size “Garden Twist” the People’s Choice winner. Judith Stark o f Hermiston was voted the second Peoples Choice winner for her “Friendship Baskets” quilt, machine quilted by Becky Som. A m ong the 125 quilts exhibited were eleven entries from the Boardman Quilters Challenge project. The Boardman Quilters, who meet Monday’s to quilt at the Boardman Sr. Center, created a variety of projects using a unique “Fireweed” fabric found in Alaska. Another unique feature of the show were several “Art” entries, created by Arlene Walters of Boardman. Ar­ lene used scraps of fabric, netting and thread to form the unique shapes in her wall hanging designs. F o u r v e n d o rs : Quiltmania, Richland WA; Thimbles of Pendleton; In­ ova of Portland and Aunty Idas’s of Hermiston kept busy exhibiting equipment, sharing techniques and sell­ ing quilting supplies. Fea- -B PD re c e iv e d a report of shots fired in Boardman. -BPD received a Request for cover regarding a male with a gun in Board- man. Deputies were unable to locate the subject. -BPD received a 911 hang-up call from a payphone in Boardman. -B PD re c e iv e d multiple fireworks com­ plaints. -BPD issued a cita­ tion to Irma Nesta, 77, for driving 54 mph in a 30 mph zone. -BPD issued a ci­ tation to Mariluz De La Paz, 32, for Endangering a Child/Not in Child Seat. -BPD issued a ci­ tation to Felix Balderas Urbina, 27, for Parking in Disabled Reserved Zone. -BPD issued a cita­ tion to a 46 year old female subject for No Operator’s License. kathy lly dvr of Boardman and Nancy Pace of Plymouth, WA begin displaying enries. -Contributed Photo tured Regional Q uilter, Kris Dorran of Hermiston, displayed a large variety of her favorite small projects, and graciously dispensed advice and encouragement to visitors. Ni c k La n d o f Boardman, who happened to be Kathy Hyders grand­ son, won the Raffle Quilt, a Grandma's Garden de­ sign. Kathy Hyder was a very busy quilter, as she surprised friend Shirley Donovan, with a quilt made and exhibited by Kathy, in honor of Shirley’s 75th Birthday. Of the 160 visitors to the show, 17 won door prizes. Winners included: Pat Miller; Susan Purcell, Betty Gertler, Barb Hulse, Dorothy Krebs. Pat Smith. Nancy Pace, Keith Tail- man, Marie DeBord, Norm DeBord, Dora Vial, and Charlene Web. Boardman Quilters appreciates the support for the quilt show from ven­ dors, those who entered exhibits, and those who came to view. Both types are needed for a success­ ful show. Entries cam e from Condon, Pendleton, Stanfield, Hermiston, Ir- rigon, and Boardman, plus Kennewick and Plymouth, WA. Viewers came from the Columbia Basin, and as far away as Montana, Fair­ banks, AK, and Portland. V olunteers who helped organize, set up, display and later take down the exhibits included: Mi­ chele Loving, Kathy Hyder, Glenda and Tammy Bo- zarth, Pam Sandlin, Mildred Baker, Kathryn Sparks, Barb Hemness, Barb and Stan Henkle, Nancy Pace, Leona Douglas, Vema Neal, Marge Shankle, Carol Mi­ chael and Cheryl Tallman. Boardman Quilters are now at work evaluating the 2010 Show and planning for the 2011 Quilt Show, the last weekend of September 2011 . JV M ustang/Colt volleyball underway Top Photo: The Mustang.IV tvani competes during homecoming week. Bottom Photo: Michelle Stone instructs members of the Colt volleyball team. -Contributed Photos W e don ’ t fly ai rplanes W e can ’ t train elephants W e ’ re not good cooks W e don ’ t build computers W e can ’ t rai s e wheat W e don ’ t practice law W e can ’ t set a broken leg W e don ’ t put out forest f i r e s W e can ’ t measure s cut lumber W e don ’ t sell fat quarters W e don ’ t rent movies W e won ’ t charm snakes W e don ’ t rotate t i r e s W e ’ re not pai nters W e can ’ t resole shoes BUT W e don ’ t f i l l c a v i t i e s W e don ’ t sell antiques WE W e don ’ t know jewelry SURE W e can ’ t f i l l p r e s c r i pt i o n s W e don ’ t savvy hardware W e can ’ t f i l l propane tanks W e don ’ t sell or bag groceries CAN W e shouldn ’ t run with scissors PRINT (a n d set u p WEBSITES!) HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES 188 West Willow • 676-9228