EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 15,2010 Umatilla National Forest implements fall prescribed burning plans “C ooler tem pera­ tu res and scattered rain show ers have im proved conditions enough to begin implementing the Umatilla National Forest’s fall pre­ scribed burning program,” announces Chris Johnson, Fuels M anagem ent P ro­ gram Lead. Forest visitors can expect to encounter prescribed burning activi­ ties this fall and need to be cautious when hunting or camping near a treatment area. Prescribed burning is h ig h ly d e p e n d an t on weather conditions. “Con­ ditions have to be within a narrow window in order to im plem ent prescribed fire,” said Johnson. Fall and spring w eather pro­ vide the best conditions for prescribed burning: moist soil, dry material and cooler temperatures. P rescribed burns are used to achieve several goals. Most often the goal is to reduce the risk of intense wildfire by reducing dead fuel accumulation. “In areas where prescribed burning has taken place, wildfires are more likely to stay in the surface fuels, close to the ground, and out o f the tree crowns,” said Johnson. “A wildfire in surface fuels is much easier to control than a crown fire.” Prescribed burning is also used to sig­ nificantly lower the risks that wildfires represent to local comm unities. Other objectives include big game and other wildlife habitat improvement and activity slash reduction. A ctivity fuel, such as slash, is the non-merchantable material that remains after harvest and other mechanical treat­ m ent a ctiv ities. N atural fuel burns, or “ landscape burns,” are low intensity burns over larger areas that can sometimes take weeks to complete. All prescribed burning will comply with federal, state, and local air quality and smoke dispersal guidelines to reduce the impacts o f smoke on forest visitors and local commu­ nities. Prescribed burning should be completed by the end of November. “Now that weather conditions have changed, the public can expect to see several public land management agencies tak­ ing advantage o f suitable burn days,” said Johnson. In addition to the U m a­ tilla National Forest, other National Forests will also implement a fall prescribed bum program. For informa­ tion on burning on privately owned land, contact your local Oregon Department o f Forestry office. Maps o f the pro­ posed prescribed bums are available on the Umatilla National Forest website at w w w .fs.fed.us/r6/um a or at any forest office. It is important to note that not all proposed burns listed are likely to be completed this Fall as typical weather conditions provide for lim­ ited burn w indow s. For more information concern­ ing the Umatilla National Forest Prescribed Burning p ro g ra m , c o n ta c t C h ris Johnson in Pendleton at (541) 278-3704 or one of the following Ranger Dis­ trict contacts: Scott Wryn, Heppner Ranger District, (541)676-2138; Scott Mc­ Donald, North Fork John Day Ranger District, (541) 427-5332; Tyson Albrecht, Walla Walla Ranger Dis­ trict, (509) 522-6283; Steve Carlson, Pomeroy Ranger District, (509) 843-4633. CHECK OUT THESE Fall Real Estate Buys This spacious home comes with its own view of the lake. Sit in the living room or the deck and enjoy the view. Entertain guests in the large living room downstairs and even prepare the meal with the complete bonus kitchen located downstairs, off the patio and backyard. Plenty of room in this high-quality, stick-built Stratford modular home located at Lakeview Heights. Call for a showing today. HUD owned home fo r sale in H epp­ ner Take a look at this 2609 sq ft 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home in Heppner. This home needs h o w e ve r a property report is on line or stop by Sykes Real Estate office and to David. This property is eligible for HUDs 203K loan, which may allow you to finance up to in repairs or improvements! To find out more David Sykes. Tnis is a HUD-owned property, view all HUD Properties available for sale in Oregon visit www.tenm anagm ent.com /listings. David is a HUD-registered agent and can sell and show any home you find of interest on the site.__________ 660 ran ge la nd acre s near R uggs. Create your own place on this 660 m/l acres of range land near Ruggs. Fenced and has spring on property. Pick out your building spot or pick up some range land. Priced right at $ 2 6 0 0 0 0 body shop and a 1 bad room apartmant nawty ra- modafad ranting for 1350. Upstairs is a 2 badroom apartmant that haa baan compfakafy radon« ranting for $375 BuNding has a good roof and own«r says tha shop has baan completefy rawtrad A c re a g e fo r S a le D in e r a n d B a k e ry L o c a te d in H e p p n e r, O regon. Operating diner and bakery business with attached 3 bedroom home in the back. Includes all equipment to operate and run the business. Real property included. Including separate lot w/ large shop $ 2 2 5 ,0 0 0 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner 6 acre parcel (1/2 in city lim ­ its) If you are looking for some el­ bow room to build your home, here it is. 6 acres, m/l, half of it located within the city limits. Power and wa­ ter nearby $39,000 Just blocks from school and downtown shopping, this 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath charmer has a fenced yard for children and a separate small yard in the back. Enjoy your reading room, living room and kitchen with window looking out on the street. 32 Acres inside Heppner c ity lim its Has a good building spot and room for animal. Water and electricity located nearby.$ 4 9,0 00 iBricelBeclucecI Beautiful horn« overlooking W illow Creak Lake Impressive 3 bedroom 2 bath home set on h i Spick ft Span In Happnar. C uti 2 bedroom 1 bath Top o f the w o rld vie w Or at least top of the town Great view of Heppner from the exciting 4 bedroom 2.1 bath home on the hill overlooking the fairgrounds. Visit with friends and family while preparing meals in your beautiful open kitchen. Enjoy the expansive carpeted living room in this one of a kind home Must see to fully appreciate, call for an appointment today. home in Heppner. See pride of o w w ih ip in this newly remooeteo nonio. now ca rp in g , wnowum, ngntiog ano much more. Doni ipend your time fixing (hinge up. «pend your time enjoying your home. Efficient to heal and easy to care tor. Stop renting and start owning Cal today and have a look Inside Price Reduce ■ ii <*.. ’ J»- Highw ay frontage C om m ercial P roperty w ith rental incom e in Power City, Oregon 4.52 acres of commercial highway frontage property in Power City between Hermiston and Umatilla, Oregon. Several busi­ nesses providing rental income. Includes bare land and .62 acres of residential zoned property Owner will carry contract. Call me for financial details and potential for this property Make an offer, price reduced m o ti­ vated seller. •- — 1 Two homes for the pries of ons. These two fixers are reedy tor the handy men to turn into iota of fixing spec, The big house in front has 4 bedroom 2 bath and the oacx nome nea i bedroom l bam oom needs kxs or wont but the price to right. Have your own home and a rental, two rentals, or a place tor the mothar In law to live out back. Tha poesibiMies are there. Owner w * carry contract overtooiung W *ow Creek Lake Entertain guests in front of the fireplace in the Great Room just off oflhe dining room and kitchen. Lots of extras including diamond premier cabinets, lazy susan turntables, tile look laminatod flooring and under cabinet lighting. Enjoy the recessed can light throughout the home with 9 foot ceilings. There a a two- car garage, underground sprinklers and an immaculate kept yard. Washer, Dryer 4 Refrigerator Included. 1 L . § jjj 4 3 bedroom 1 bath on 1.6 acre« in Lexington You'll enjoy this cozy 3 bedroom home snuggled beneath pine trees on 1.6 acres inside the city lim its Has a bam for horses and a large shop with cement floor. Comes with 2 tons hay and 2 cord of firewood. New sidtog and windows. 1.6 acres fenced for animals. Sefler says w ill pump septic before moving. Refrigera­ tor, washer & Dryer, freezer included. Three bedroom one bath home in Lexington. 1520 square foot home built in 1946. Good roof and foundation. Wood stove and propane heat. Aluminum siding. $ 72,500 r Major Price Reduction! 3 Badroom 2 bath near downtown This two story home is do se to grade school and has fenced back yard. Central A/C and Electric F /A Carpet, laundry room and large fam ily room downstairs. Dishwasher refrigerator and stove induded _________$ 120,000 11 — $96 000 rReduTcecJ'RTice! 3» $ 130,000 2 bedroom 2 bain m Heppner \Price Reduced City building lot 2 adjoining city lots make up 10.250 sq ft. O verlooks tow n on Chase Street. City water, sew er and pow er all there O w ner will carry contract. _ _ _ _ $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 T h re e B e d ro o m 2 b a th in F o s s il This fixer upper is priced right. 1220 square foot home with a small shop building. Do some work and have a nice little place to live or rent out. 1 BO acres with horns tits - Heppner 160 acres of roiling native grasses -deer, chukars. quail. 4 LOP tags. 3 miles to town, level home site with power and DEQ approved, fully fenced and separate pasture with small horse corral and year round spring raise 1-10 animals year round and dnve your golf cart to Willow Creek County Club Good view of the valley School bus runs on county road through the Property Owner will consider carrying contract Call for details FREE C M A M O R E C O VER A G EI M ORE BUYERS! BECAUSE WE ARE RM LS M EM BERS Comparative Market Analysts When you list your property For Sale with Sykes Real Estate List your properly with me and 1 will do a Free Market Analysis o f like properties that have sold or are currently listed. C ontact D avid Sykes today to lis t your property and receive your free C M A . Know what the current Real Estate Market is. This nice 2007 M arlatt hom e is in excellent condition Everything w as done right when this hom e was put in It has a deck, cyclone fenced yard and a 18 X 31 garage Ceiling fans, along with the energy package will keep you w arm in the w inter and cool in the sum m er. There is a den/office, living room and lots of extras M ust see inside this one. Call and schedule an appointm ent today. 3 Badroom 2 bath home in Lexington This homo has metal roof, cement foun­ dation & propane F / A . 128 X 121.66 lot. 2465 sq ft home has full basement and large fenced yard with apple, nectarine and cherry trees. Garage. _________ $ 116,000 4 badroom Victorian horn« has a now furnace and a new deck. Large living room and lots of quaint features like old style hand railings, dormers and indoor transoms. Call me for an appointment to look at this unique home.__________________________ List your property with Sykes Real Estate and receive wide exposure to selling agents In Oregon and Washington. This means more potential buyers see yonr listed property. In addition yonr listing will be shown on the www.realtor.com website. Call me today to list your property. ______________ David Sykes ______________ 188 W W illow • P O. Box 337, Heppner, OR 97836 Phone (541) 676-9228 Cell (541) 980-6674 • Fax (541) 676-9211 E-mail: david@sykesrealestate.net w w w .sykes realestate.n et information deemed correct not guaranteed I Owner/Broker David Sykes If you are looking for a particular property please contact me T o have yo u r p ro p e rty listed here call m e I