FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 21,2010 Morrow County seeks planning commissioner Morrow County is looking for a volunteer to fill the seat current District Attor­ ney Justin Nelson has vacated on the planning commission. N e lso n v a c a te d his at-large seat after being appointed interim Morrow County District Attorney. Planning Director Carla McLane invites all Mor­ row County residents w ho are Dr. Dick Temple named 2010 Mor­ row County Fair and Rodeo grand marshal interested in taking a more ac­ tive part in land-use planning in the county to send a letter of interest to the Morrow County Court at Post Office Box 788, By Tiffanie Greenup Heppner, Oregon 97836. Have you have ever watched the Morrow Coun­ ty Rodeo and wondered, “Who is that calf roper with and two loan production a halter on his horse and no offices in nine eastern Or­ Well, it is the egon counties. Branches bridle”? 2010 Morrow County Fair are located in A rlington, and Rodeo Grand Marshal lone, H eppner, C ondon, Irrigon, Boardman, Bums, Dr. Dick Temple. D ick w as b o rn , John Day, Prairie City, Fos­ raised and attended school sil, Moro and Enterprise; in Wallowa County. After loan production offices are high school, he attended located in Hermiston and collage at Eastern Oregon Ontario. Bank of Eastern O regon also o p e ra tes a University, Oregon State mortgage division and of­ and Colorado State where fers b ro k erag e serv ices he earned a degree in ani­ through BEO Financial Ser­ mal science and veterinary vices. The bank’s website medicine. Dick practiced in Idaho, O regon, W yo­ is ww m ing and M ontana. He “ The sta te m e n ts also went to Canada where contained in this release he practiced in Alberta and that are not historical facts Saskatchewan. Dick came are forward-looking state­ to Morrow County in 1986 ments based upon manage­ and set up shop on Hinton ment’s current expectations Creek above Heppner be­ and beliefs concerning fu- fore moving to Lexington turedevelopments and their potential effect on BEO in 1988 where he practices B ancorp. T here can be veterinary medicine today. Dick met his wife no assurances that future o f 43 years, Karen Lovell, d e v e lo p m en ts a ffe c tin g at the Wallowa County Ju­ BEO Bancorp will be the nior Rodeo, the only rodeo same as those anticipated he ever got to go to as a by management,” said the kid. Dick and Karen were release. married August 6, 1967, so “ A c tu a l r e s u lts they will be spending their m ay d iffe r from th o se projected in the forward- anniversary this year at the looking statements. These O regon Trail Pro Rodeo forward-looking statements w ith their family. They involve risks and uncer­ have four children, Gordon, tainties. These risks and Brent, Laurel and Kristal, uncertainties include, but along with eight grandchil­ are not lim ited to: com ­ dren, whom they are both petitive pressures in the extremely proud of. Dick banking and financial in­ and Karen came to Morrow dustries; changes in interest County to work for their rate environment; general friends and raise their kids economic conditions, na­ in a good community. Dr. T em p le has tionally, regionally, and in done a variety o f things operating markets; changes during his lifetime. He was in regulatory environment; a federal meat inspector and changes in business concfi- , taught as an instructor at the tions and inflation; changes North Alberta Institute of in securities markets; future Technology. Fie was a talk credit loss experience.” show host on radio station BEO Bancorp reports second quarter earnings BEO B a n c o rp (O TC B B :B E O B ) and its subsidiary. Bank o f Eastern O regon, announced 2nd quarter 2010 consolidated net income o f $459,000 or $0.50 per share, compared to $564,000 or $0.63 per share for 2nJ quarter 2009. Year to date earnings are $903,000, up 21.4 percent year over year. Total as­ sets were $251.1 million, up 7.4 percent year over year. Net loans o f $187.67 million were up 0.3 percent .from the sam e period in 2009, while deposits were at $218.1 million, up 14.4 percent year over year. “Our second quar­ ter results track nicely with first quarter and year to date re su lts are stro n g . Steady perform ance and our grow th in assets are gratifying as we continue to see improvement in all of our markets,” said presi­ dent and CEO Jeff Bailey. “In May, we celebrated the grand opening of our new building in Enterprise. The reception we have received in W allow a C ounty has been p henom enal. T hat market continues to be very supportive to our style of banking and is, frankly, one o f our more profitable branches.” ChiefFinancial Of­ ficer Mark Lemmon said. Custom Banners Heppner • Gazette 676-9228 “ Year to date return on av­ erage assets is 0.74 percent and return on average equity is 12.08 percent, compared to 0.64 percent and 10.56 percent, respectively, year over year.” Lemmon went on to say, “O ur low cost source of funds is adding to the bottom line in a favor­ able manner.” C h ief O perations Officer Gary Propheter, said “Even with the ongoing low rate environment, we con­ tinue to see strong growth in deposits. An increase of 14.4 percent year over year is impressive. We are very happy with the faith that our customers place in our staff and our bank.” “Our past due loans at quarter end were minimal and we have seen progress in moving some of the non­ performing assets off o f our books,” said EVP and Chief Credit Officer E. George Koffler. “We have seen our typical seasonal increase in loans, but we are also seeing new opportunities in our trade area,” added Koffler. “Continued profit­ ability and working through the lasting effects o f the “great recession” are keys to our success during the second half o f 2010. I ap­ preciate the hard work o f our employees and the con­ tinued support o f our share­ holders and cu stom ers,” concluded Bailey. For further infor­ mation on the company or to access internet banking, please visit the website at BEO B ancorp is the holding com pany for Bank of Eastern Oregon, which operates 12 branches Dr. Dick Temple KLWJ for a year. He currently gives States five years before the speeches about the creation experts figured it out. He has also set up o f life and has a three- part mineral programs that have seminar on marriage rela­ been highly profitable for tions. He has given these the ranchers. One ranch’s speeches as far away as Portland and Molalla, Or­ springtim e m edicine ex­ egon. He also has been the pense dropped from $2,000 speaker at cowboy church. to $300 the year after adopt­ When he was in the fifth ing the program, he says. A lth o u g h D ic k grade he became interested doesn't get to rope a lot, he in creation/evolution and has placed at the Pendleton he is now on a first name Round-up 13 years in a row basis with several o f the in the wild cow milking. He top scientists in the United was also the 2009 Morrow States. He is still looking for the first bit o f evidence County Amateur calf rop­ for evolution that will stand ing saddle winner. He was very proud of himself when up to scientific scrutiny. One o f his proud­ he won third place at the est times came as a result Mud Lake Alberta Canada o f d isa g re ein g w ith the rodeo in the calf roping in conclusions o f published the 1970’s. He felt he had research on calf hood vac­ done well, considering it cinations. He convinced a was in the mud, the calves ranch on Butter Creek to were big and the only two keep records on an experi­ who beat him were profes­ ment for a year. As a result sional cowboys. The Temple family the ranches in South Mor­ .»is a,big supporter of this row County Wbfê'ûyfng the community and are always branding time vaccination willing to lend a hand to program p resen tly used anyone that may need it. across the Western United Four new pups appear in Imnaha wolf pack Imnaha wolf pups new pups this year. The pack may have more pups than these four. Wolf pups are bom in mid-April and litters average four to six pups. Pups generally be­ come active outside their p a c k ’s den in June. Six The Imnaha wolf pack has at least four new pups this year, images cap­ tured on a motion-triggered trail camera show. An im­ age taken July 3 marks the first visual observation o f adult wolves were also seen the Imnaha pack before the in the images captured by pups were bom this year. the trail camera, including The alpha male, whose GPS the alpha female. collar has not been detected Past evidence, in­ since May 31, was not seen cluding a video taken No­ in the im ages. For more vem ber 2009. indicate at images o f the Imnaha pack least 10 wolves made up taken by a trail camera set up by ODFW in an area M o r r o w C o u n t y R o a d C o m m it t e e M e e t in g J u l y 2 7 ,2 0 1 0 . 1 :OOP.M. in t h e a f t e r n o o n a t t h e P o r t o f MORROW, 2 MARINE DRIVE. BOARDMAN, OREGON i o f pack activity, visit the website below (see first five photos). Note the alpha fe­ male is not pictured in these im ages, http://w w w .dfw, s /im ages photo gallery/wolves in the news/index.html Former Heppner hand whis­ tling performer to appear on Today Show ing off her hand whistling It has been report­ ed to the Gazette-Times that hand whistling performer Sally Cohn will be on the Today Show Thursday, July 22, at 9a.m. A former Heppner resident, Cohn, 75, recently appeared on NBC’s “Amer­ ica’s Got Talent”, show ­ i skills. Cohn progressed to the last stage o f competition held recently in Hollywood, but did not win the $1 mil­ lion grand prize. C o h n w ro te “ A Handwhistler" in 2006. Her videos from “ A m erica’s Got Talent” may be viewed at Magnetic Door Signs Makes Great Advertising Heppner Gazette 676-9228