TEN- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 12,2010 said he was in the hospi in the residence and they tal and was worried that knew no one should be in the person in charge of the house. -MCSO received The Morrow County feeding his animals may Sheriff’s Office reports han not be taking care of them report that Hermiston Po dling the following business: and requested the MCSO lice Department arrested -Continued from Page to make contact. MCSO Jimmy Lorin Campbell, 42, NINE advised him that the dogs on an Irrigon Justice Court a Umatilla County Circuit were checked on and have warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Failure to Appear/ Court warrant for Failure food and water. -MCSO received Driving While Suspended. to Appear/DUII and Less Than One Ounce of Mari request for deputy contact He was cited and released juana. He was lodged at concerning a possible ID to appear with $683 bail Umatilla County Jail with theft. MCSO made contact in full. -MCSO received and explained the best way no bail.. report from a subject on -MCSO received to handle it. -MCSO received the county line road that report that two subjects tried to serve paperwork re request for a notorized letter her residence was on fire. garding a male who lived at of good conduct from the Everyone was outside the residence, but a subject the residence. The male at sheriff’s office. -MCSO received was on the roof trying to the residence said he didn’t take them because he didn't report of a male black lab fight the fire. Boardman know who the males were found at Cutsforth’s Cor Fire, Boardman Ambu lance, Depot Fire, Irrigon or what the papers were. ner. Fire and MCSO responded. -MCSO received a -MCSO received Irrigon Fire and Boardman report from an Irrigon sub hang-up 911 call. On call Ambulance were cancelled back, the phone went to ject that his neighbor’s dogs before they arrived on the kept knocking over his trash voice mail. -MCSO, Irrigon scene. and burning barrel and at -MCSO deputy ad tacking his dog. The caller Ambulance, Irrigon Fire Department received report vised he was out on a field wanted deputy contact. -Boardman Police of a motor vehicle acci interview with someone in Department received a re dent east of Irrigon with an all black car. The subject port from a Portland tow a possible drunk subject was waiting to meet some company that they were with a broken leg. MCSO, one for a new job. -M CSO deputy going to be doing a repos EMS and fire responded. MCSO arrested Tony Gar conducted numerous checks session at a location. -Irrigon Ambu cia Ramirez, 49, for DUII. in the lone area. -MCSO received a lance received report from a He was cited and released. -MCSO received request for a deputy to stop subject that her 93-year-old mother fell from a stand report from a Heppner by her residence regarding ing position while getting subject who said he went her driver’s license. -MCSO received out of bed. An ambulance through the accident scene responded to confirm there and one of the fire fighters report from a Heppner was no stroke, but the sub using a traffic wand hit the subject that he loaned his ject refused transport. front of his and another pickup to a female the pre -Irrigon Am bu hit the mirror. He said he vious night and she had not lance received report from a didn’t want to report this, returned it. -MCSO received subject that her mother who but wanted to make sure the had problems the previous deputy on the scene know request for contact from a Heppner subject regard day was having a hard time he wasn’t driving fast. -MCSO conducted ing a suspicious male who walking. area checks. showed up at his property January 5: Mor numerous -MCSO deputy, in night. row County Sheriff’s Of assisting another agency, late the previous -MCSO received fice received a Department advised that he saw a sus report from Boardman City of Human Services cross picious vehicle come out Works that there were burn report. a farm shed area on ing a large pile of Christmas -MCSO received a of Hwy. 207, Echo. The dep trees. 911 hang-up call. The caller uty found -MCSO arrested a syringe on the said he dialed 991 by mis driver which Toby Dale Rodriguez, 38, would be sent take when he was trying to to the crime lab for testing. for Driving While Suspend enter a password. Umatilla County Sheriff’s ed-misdemeanor. -MCSO received Office and Umatilla Police released to appear. He was report of a bike, tool box Department were also on -MCSO received and other miscellaneous the scene. an inquiry regarding an stuff taken from an lone -Boardman Police appointment to get a con ranch over the weekend. Department received report cealed handgun license. -MCSO cited Je of a suspicious vehicle in -MCSO sus Flores Almanza, 28, a parking lot. An officer report from an received Irrigon for Violation of the Speed responded and checked woman that he boyfriend Limit, 39 mph in a 20 mph the area, but was unable to left for work the previous zone. vehicle. day and advised he would -MCSO received locate the -BPD officer was be home by 5 p.m. and it request from an Irrigon sub flagged down by a sub was 2 p.m. the next ject who wanted to make an ject who reported that the day. almost She advised he went appointment at a Hermiston Christmas trees at the fire to work with a construction health clinic for his baby. hall were smoking. An of company from out of town, -MCSO received checked on the trees but would be working at a request for a welfare check ficer and determined they were Boardman gas station. She on a man with medical not on fire, but a heat also advised they had been issues who usually called in the area might have pump put having some problems and the reporter every morn out steam. had left for a week once be ing. The caller said the fore. She requested deputy -BPD cited Kellan neighbors had already gone Star Kraft, 51, for Viola contact. She was advised to work. that he was the tion of the Speed Limit in -M C SO c ite d a school zone, 36 mph in a night before on arrested a DUII. Duane Darold Meidinger, 20 mph zone. -MCSO reported 51, for Violation of the -BPD received re that Artemio Mendoza Gar Basic Rule, 81 mph in a 55 port of a brown min-pin cia, 20, turned himself in mph zone. found. at Umatilla County Jail on -MCSO cited Me -BPD received re a commitment order for gan Ruth Cotton, 28, for Vi port of criminal mischief. It DUII. olation of the Speed Limit, was property damage from -MCSO received 85 mph in a 65 mph zone. the wind, not criminal. report of cows out near -MCSO chief civil -BPD received re Columbia and Hwy. 730, deputy advised of serving port of a violation of a Irrigon. MCSO responded a civil paper at a Heppner stalking order. and the cows were in the location. -BPD received re pasture. -MCSO arrested from a subject who -MCSO received Kari Lynn Rytting, 28, on port said she was getting phone report that Daniel Marvin a Benton County warrant messages from someone Mize, 24, turned himself in for non-compliance/Posses- who was not supposed to be at Umatilla County Jail for sion of Methamphetamine. calling. BPD responded. Possession of a Controlled He was lodged at Umatilla received re Substance-Marijuana and County Jail with $5,000 port from -BPD a subject that the Driving While Suspended- bail. neighbor’s music was too misdemeanor. Bail was set -MCSO received loud. The music was turned at $50,000. report of an illegal dwell down. -MCSO received ing. January 6: Mor report of a bike found in the -MCSO received row County Sheriffs Office creek in Heppner. report of fencing and a cited Matthew Jones, 26, -MCSO arrested refrigerator stolen from the for Driving While Sus a male subject on a parole caller’s property in Irrigon. pended-violation, Driving and probation warrant for The parties involved were Uninsured. Parole Violation. He was advised it was a civil matter received lodged at Umatilla County and they should seek legal report of -MCSO a vehicle sitting Jail with no bail. advice. at the pits in Heppner pos -MCSO received -MCSO received sibly stealing fuel. MCSO report of an audible alarm in report from a subject that responded and the call was Irrigon. MCSO responded he was going to an lone unfounded. but it was a false alarm. residence to collect a cane, -MCSO received -MCSO received a leg and arm brace and report from an Irrigon sub report from an Irrigon sub medication for a subject and ject that as he was driving in ject that her granddaughter his doctor. driveway his neighbor saw a male subject in a -MCSO received his stated that someone was black shirt outside their report from a subject who Sheriff's Report » FORM LB-1 A spond. -MCSO received report from an lone subject that he had checked his in laws’ residence and discov ered the back of the garage had been damaged. -MCSO received report that Steven Michael Zacharias, 44, was served and Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Failure to Appear. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail on other charg es with $2,302 bail. he had known the subject for only a few months and had never seen him act that way before. MCSO arrested Logan Mitch Wilson, 33, on charges of Menacing, Re sisting Arrest and Assault of a Public Safety Officer. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $19,500 bail. -MCSO received report of a vehicle parked all the way out in the street in Heppner. The caller re quested tliat a deputy re window and he had left their gate open. She report ed that they had problems with a prowler the previous night and requested deputy contact. -MCSO received report from an lone sub ject that there was more suspicious activity at their ranch. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon sub ject that there was a male at their residence screaming and yellow. The caller said NOTICE OF BU D pET HEARING m eeting of the B oardm an Park & Recreation District will be held on M ay 25, 2010 at 7:30 pm at #1 W e st M anne Drive. Boardm an, O regon The p urpose of this m eeting will be to d iscu ss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010, a s approved by the B oardm an Pa rk & Recreation District Budget Com m ittee A sum m ary of the budget is presented below A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at the Park Office #1 W e st M arine Drive, Boardm an, O regon betw een the hours of 9 00 am and 5:00 pm. This budget w as prepared on a ba sis of accounting that is X co n s iste n t_____ not consistent with the b a sis of accounting used during the preceding year M ajor changes, if any, and their effect on the budget, are explained below This budget is for __ X Chairperson of Governing Body Òounty Civ 2 -Y ea r Penod Telephone Number 541/481-7217 Karen Pettigrew, President Boardm an Morrow An nu al Period FINANCIAL SUM MARY 1 1 Check this box if your b u d g e t o n ly has o n r f u n d Anticipated Requirements A pp roved Budget U pcom ing Y e a r - 2010-11 Adopted Budget Current Y e a r 2009 -10 T O T A L O F A LL FU N D S 1. Total Personal Services 235.460 240 936 2. Total Matenals and Supplies 226.600 226.500 3. Total Capital Outlay 286,257 224.988 ..................................................... 4 Total Debt Service 25,060 24.560 5. Total Transfers 72,570 175,739 2,000 2.000 6 Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated and Reserved for Future Expenditure Anticipated Resources 9 Total Requirements - add Lines 1 through 8 8 4 7 ,9 4 7 8 9 4 ,7 2 3 y 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes 11. Total Property Taxes Estimated to be Received 702,259 7 65.695 145.688 129.028|l 12 Total Resources-add Lines 10 and 11 8 4 7 ,9 4 7 8 9 4 ,7 2 3 13 Total Property Taxes Estimated to be Received (line 11) 145 688 129 028 14. Plus Estimated Property Taxes Not To Be Received Estimated Ad Valorem A Loss Due to Constitutional Limits Property Taxes B Discounts Allowed. Other Uncollected Amounts 10 000 15 Total Tax Levied 16400 8900 1 6 2 ,0 8 8 1 4 7 ,9 2 8 FU ND S NOT REQUIRING A P R O P E R T Y TAX TO B E LEVIED FO RM LB-2 N am * of Fun d P u m p & Irrig atio n R a a a rv a F u n d Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Y ear 2010-11 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 6.975 0 0 ............................. 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 6.975 9. Total Requirements (add lines 1 • •)............................... «.•75 «.»75 10. Total Resources Except Property Taxes 6,975 6,975 Nam a o f Fund S a w a r R a a a rv a F u n d 0 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Y ear 2010-11 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 4,218 3. Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers .................................. 4,218 ...................................................... 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated 1 Reserved for Future Expenditure 4,218 9. Total ftequkemento (add Mnee 1 • 81.............................. 4.211 4.218 10. Total Resources Except Property Taxes Nam a o f Fund E la c trie A L ig h tin g R a a a rv a F u n d 4.21« « lì« 4,218 4.218 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services 2. Total Matenals and Services......................................... * 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers ............................. 8 Total Contingencies 8,000 6,675 «,000 8.000 6,875 .......................................... 7 Total Special Payments 8 000 «,000 8,000 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9. Total Requirements (add linea 1 • 8).............................. 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes Nam « o f F u n d , E q u ip m e n t R a a a r v a F u n d «.«75 Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Current Year 2009-10 Next Y ear 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services 2. Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capitel Outlay 4. Total Debt Service 30,000 10,000 19.000 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 10,000 1 • 8).......................... 29.000 8. Total Raqulramants (add linas . 29,000 10 Total Rssources Except Property Taxes 1 *n Kr\A rvr* *» t o*.* iomo\ 10,000 30,000 10,000 30,000 FU N D S NOT REQUIRING A P R O P E R T Y T A X TO B E LEVIED FO RM LB-2 Pubiiati ONLY COfnpWx] portion of the pap» Total Raquiremfit» (lirf 9) muat «qua! Total R«»ourc— (line 10) Actual Data Prior Y ear 2008-09 Nam e o f Fund B o a t D o c k R a a arv a F u n d Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Approved Budget Next Y ear 2010-11 1. Total Personal Sarvicas 5,000 2. Total Materials and Services 31,976 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 5 000 ...................... 6 Total Contingencies ...... 7 Total Spacial Paymants ......... 5,000 52.276 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 28.554 9. Total Raqulramanta (add llnaa 1 • 8)................... ........... 33,554 41,978 52,275 33,554 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 41,976 52.276 Approved Budget Next Y ear 2010-11 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes............... Nam e o f Fund P e rk E x p a n e io n F u n d Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Matenals and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5, Total Transfers 42,570 57,570 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 37,570 9. Total Raqulramanta (add llnaa 1-8).......................... 37,570 42,570 57.570 10 Total Resourcee Except Property Taxes 37,570 42,570 57,570 150-504-073-3 (Rev 12/0») FUNDS REQUIRING A PR O PER TY TAX TO BE LEVIED FORM LB-3 Name o f F u n d P erk A R e c re a tio n F u n d Actual Data Adopted Budget Approved Budget Prior Year 2008-09 Currant Year 2009-10 Next Year 2010-11 1. Total Personal Services 210,757 235 460 240.936 2. Total Matenals and Services 107.802 221 600 228 500 3 Total Capital Outlay 44,687 ' 235 088 224 988 4 Total Debt Service 15569 25.060 24 560 5 Total Transfers 20,000 15.000 25 000 2.000 2000 8 Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments 8 Total Unapproprtated/Resarved for Future Expenditure 44 139 9. Total Raqulramanta (add Hnaa 1 • 8)........... .— 442,954 734,20« 743,984 10 Total Resources Except Property Texet 339 241 588 520 614 956 11 Property Taxes Estimated to Be Received 103.713 145 688 129 028 12. Total Reeourcee (add Nnee 18 and 11)......... ....... 442,954 734,208 743,984 0 129 028 13 Property Texas Estimated to be Racaivad (Hoe 11) 14 Estimated Property Taxee Not to be Received ....... 10 000 A. Loet Due to Constitutional Limit 8900 B Discounts. Other Uncollected Amounts 147,928 15 Total Tax Levied Rate or Amount Rate or Amount 0 2989 18 Permanent Rate Limit Levy (rate limit $0 2989) 17 Local Option Taxes • 18 Levy for Bonded Debt or Obligations ^vumáJ\r^u ip «» Published: May 12, 2010 Affidavit » / il