Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 14, 2010, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 14,2010
The Official Newspaper
of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow
Baker, Gutierrez announce
upcoming wedding
Shirley J. (Smouse) Ferguson
Shirley J.( Smouse)
Ferguson was bom Sept. 30,
1928 in The Dalles, Oregon
U.S.P.S 240-420
to Henry Vincent Smouse
M orrow C ounty’s H om e-O w ned W eekly Newspaper
and A nne C h ris tin e
Published weekly by Sykes Publishing. LLC and entered as periodical matter at the
Smouse. She attended lone
Post Office at Heppner. Oregon under the Act of March 3,1879. Periodical postage
paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-
Grade and High School and
9228 lax (541) 676-9211 I'-mail editor u rapidserve net or davidur rapidserxe
graduated with a bachelor
net Web site: www heppner.net. Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner
of science degree from the
Gazette-Times, PO. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in
Morrow County; $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 62 years or older); $33
U niversity o f O regon in
elsewhere, $27 student subscriptions.
David Sykes................................................................................................ Publisher
S h irle y w o rk e d
Autumn Morgan.......................................................................................... Editor
as a reg iste red m edical
All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.
For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5 per
technician at the Letter-
column inch Cost for classified ad is 504 per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to
m an A rm y H o sp ita l in
100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5.75 per column inch.
San Francisco, CA and The
For Public/legal Notices public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p m. Dates for pub­
lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits
Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be
specified if required)
She served as a rush
For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to
chairm an/advisory board
meet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines
or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space
chairman at the Sigma Kap­
for the obituary
pa Sorority on the U o f O
For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Heppner
and OSU campuses. Shirley
GT will not publish unsigned letters All letters MUST include the author's address and phone
number for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not
m arried R ichard Baker,
responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will
had four children and
be placed in the classifieds under ‘Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10
she lived in Corvallis, OR
until 1992.
A fter raising her
family, she attended Linn
Benton Com m unity C ol­
A rm y N a tio n a l tions, and core values.
lege. Shirley w orked as
D uring A IT, the a unit secretary at Good
Guard Pvt. Cody Hollis has
graduated from One Station soldier completed the armor Samaritan Hospital and as a
Unit Training (OSUT) at crewman course to receive secretary in the Oceanogra­
Fort Knox, Ky., which in­ skill training in conduct­ phy department at OSU. In
cluded basic combat train­ ing tan k unit d efen siv e 1992, Shirley married Don
ing and advanced individual and offensive combat op­
erations. The soldier was
training (AIT).
D uring the first trained to operate, service
ODOT is extend­
nine weeks o f initial en­ and maintain armor tracked
ing the studded tire season
try tra in in g (IE T ), the and wheeled vehicles, load
through Saturday, April 17.
trainee com pleted basic and fire tank weapon sys­
Weather forecasts call for
combat training which in­ tems, perform ammunition
continued difficult driving
cluded instruction in drill handling and supply duties,
conditions in some snow
and cerem ony, w eapons, and assist in target detection
zones until early next week.
marksmanship and bayonet and identification.
Motorists should have their
He is the son o f
training, chemical warfare,
studded tires removed from
field training and tactical Scott and Carol Hollis of
their vehicles by 12:01 am
exercises, marches, military Bunker H ill Road, H ep­
Sunday, April 18. ODOT
courtesy, military justice, pner.
encourages drivers to not
physical fitness, first aid,
The p riv a te is a
wait until the deadline if
and Army history, tradi- 2006 graduate.
they aren’t driving in snowy
ODOT is working
closely with the Washing­
ton State D epartm ent o f
T ransportation, w hich is
Army Pvt. Chris­ rifle marksmanship, armed
announcing the same deci­
topher E. H endricks has and unarmed combat, map
graduated from basic com­ reading, field tactics, mili­
ODOT encourages
bat training at Fort Jackson, tary courtesy, military jus­
drivers to consider other
tice system, basic first aid,
Columbia, S.C.
types o f traction tires or
D uring the nine foot m arches, and field
chains because studded
w e e k s o f tra in in g , th e training exercises.
tires cause at least $11 mil­
soldier studied the Army
Hendricks earned
lion damage each year on
mission, history, tradition d istin c tio n as an honor
city streets, county roads
and core v alu es, p h y si­ graduate.
and state highways. Other
cal fitness, and received
He is the son o f
types o f traction tires are
instruction and practice in Diana Sharp o f Heppner
available. These traction
basic combat skills, military and Philip Hendricks o f Ir-
tires meet Rubber Manufac­
weapons, chemical warfare rigon. The private is a 2009
turers Association standards
and bayonet training, drill graduate o f Heppner High
for use in severe snow con­
and ceremony, marching, School.
ditions and carry a special
Hollis graduates from basic combat
and advanced individual training
Ferguson and they lived in
Keizer until her death on
April 11,2010.
Shirley is survived
by: her husband, Don; four
children, Debbie, Marty,
Elizabeth and Dick; Don’s
two children, Bob and Ja­
net; the children’s spouses;
seven grandchildren; and
one great-grandchild.
Shirley’s beloved
older sister, Helen Martin,
of The Dalles, is Shirley’s
remaining sibling and her
sons Robert and Dean Mar­
tin. Shirley’s brother Ken’s
family, Frances, Kenneth,
Cherilyn and Karl Smouse,
still live on the fam ily
Some o f Shirley’s
fo n d est m em ories w ere
grow ing up and driving
wheat truck on their lone
ranch. She also loved hunt­
ing, fishing, and trap shoot­
ing. More recently, she and
Don enjoyed cruises, espe­
cially to Alaska, M exico,
Australia and the Scandi­
navian countries.
A memorial service
will be held Sunday, April
18, at 1 p.m. at Valby Lu­
theran Church.
Dannielle Baker and Joshua Gutierrez
The parents o f Dannielle Rene Baker and Joshua
George Gutierrez, both o f Pueblo, CO, are announcing
their engagement.
Dannielle is the daughter of Dale and Charlene
Baker o f Boardman.
Joshua is the son o f Kim and Gayle Gutierrez
of Heppner.
Dannielle is a 2006 graduate of Riverside High
School. She attended Linn-Benton Com m unity Col­
lege and is presently working as a pre-school teacher in
Joshua is a 2005 graduate o f Heppner High
School. He is currently attending Colorado State Uni­
versity in Pueblo.
The couple will be married August 7, 2010, at
symbol on the tire sidewall the Port of Morrow in Boardman.
show ing a three-p eak ed
mountain and snowflake.
Research shows these tires
The Morrow County Circuit Court Office has
provide better traction than
studded tires when used on released the following report:
-Richard J. Fisher, 50, was convicted of Failure to
bare pavement.
Drivers with stud­ Register as a Felony Sex Offender, a Class C felony, and
ded tires on their vehicles was sentenced to eight months incarceration, two years
in Oregon after the deadline post-prison supervision, and pay $513 in fines, fees and
can be charged with a Class assessments
C traffic violation, which
currently carries a m ini­
mum $190 fine.
Know Before You
A m en’s prayer breakfast will be held on Sunday,
Go: visit www.TripCheck.
at the United Methodist Church in Heppner from
com or call 511 for the latest
members are invited to attend.
road conditions.
Studded tire season extended
Hendricks graduates from
basic combat training
Vote for Justin W. Nelson
Morrow County District Attorney
Circuit Court Report
Community m en’s prayer
breakfast to be held
M.C. Health District celebrates National
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
To recognize the
people in our organization
whose expertise is neces­
sary for the performance of
laboratory testing, Morrow
County Health District is
celebrating National Medi­
cal Laboratory Profession­
als Week, April 18-24.
M e d ic a l L a b o ­
ratory S cien tists (M LS)
and M edical Laboratory
Technicians (MLT) are the
healthcare professionals
who perform laboratory
tests on patient samples to
provide information needed
to d iagnose d ise a se s or
monitor treatment. Exam­
ples o f com m on labora­
tory tests include tests to
detect anem ia, diagnose
diabetes or strep throat, or
doing blood typing tests to
provide a transfusion to an
accident victim.
Pioneer Memorial
Laboratory is staffed and
available throughout the
day and night by three indi­
viduals: medical laboratory
scientist and departm ent
m anager, B etty H ic k e r­
son; m edical laboratory
technician, Diana Sharp;
and laboratory assistant,
Sensational '*0'
S t
“A Lifelong Commitment to Morrow County”
Endorsed bv local law enforcement:
Ken Matlack, Morrow County Sheriff; City of Boardman Police Department employees, Or­
egon ASCME Local 4742; Umatilla County Deputy DA AFSCME Local 3742-4; Dean Gushwa,
Umatilla County District Attorney; Roy L. Drago, Retired Morrow County Sheriff (1983-1998);
Earl R. Woods, Jr., Morrow County District Attorney (1991-1998); and many current local po­
lice officers and deputies.
1. Swift and serious consequences for violent crimes
2. Will work closely with law enforcement to aggressively and fairly prosecute cases
3. Prosecute property and drug crimes to the full extent of the law to protect our community.
4. Fully utilize both the Morrow County Courthouse and Justice Court
5. Open door policy for citizen concerns
Experienced prosecutor;
1. Current Umatilla County Deputy District Attorney
2. Successfully tried numerous felony and misdemeanor criminal matters in the Umatilla County 4
Circuit Court
3. Represented the state in front of all current judges in the Umatilla/Morrow County Circuit Court
4. Up to date on criminal law legislative changes, court rulings, and procedures.
Paid by Committee to Elect Justin Nelson
Pictured L-R are Tareena Healy, Diana Sharp, and Betty
Hickerson. -Photo by April Sykes
Tareena Healy.
The tests performed
at Pioneer Memorial often
have an im m ed iate im ­
pact on the medical treat­
ment o f our patients. The
professional duties o f the
lab staff include operating
computerized instruments,
identifying abnormal cells,
assuring safe transfusion of
blood products, culturing
and identifying bacteria and
viruses, and correlating test
results with the patients’
The service these
p rofessionals provide is
invaluable to the provision
o f the care m any people
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