TW O - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 24,2010 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow ~ Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.PS. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical maner at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3 , 1879 Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211 E-mail: editor urapidserve net or david(a;rapidserve net. Web site: www heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Oazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow County; $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only, 62 years or older); $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions. David Sykes............................................................................................... Publisher Autumn Morgan................................................... „........................................Editor Letters to the Editor ~ The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following criteria met: letters submined to the newspaper will need to have the name of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The address and phone number will only be used for verification and will not be printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserves the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $ 10. The American people will overcome To the editor: Mr. President: You truly have accomplished something historic. All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Never in the history of this country have there been such For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p m. Cost lor a display ad is $5 per lying, manipulation, bribery, extortion, and legislative column inch. Cost lor classified ad is 5 0 * per word Cost lor Card of Thanks is $10 up to gimmicks used to pass a bill that the majority of Ameri 100 words Cost lor a classified display ad is $5 75 per column inch For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m Dates for pub cans are against. You were taught well in Chicago and lication must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of submission Affidavits you brought your “the end justifies the means” and “the require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be people be damned” philosophy to the White House. specified if required) For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner G T at no charge and are edited to The American people are not morons. The health m eet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines care bill will have the following results: 1) Billions of or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space dollars being taken out of the American economy that for the obituary is in a deep recession; 2) Rationing of health care, since For Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor M UST be signed by the author The Heppner G T will not publish unsigned letters All letters M UST include the author's address and phone we are already in short supply of doctors and nurses; number for use by the G T office The G T reserves the right to edit letters The G T is not 3) Bankrupt health insurance companies because of the responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will onerous federal regulations being imposed; 4) ultimately be placed in the classifieds under ‘ Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10. a total take over of health care by the federal government; 5) and finally, a bankrupt federal government that can’t sustain its debt. I know you are celebrating your victory, but make no mistake the American people will overcome. John Russell A Farmers’ Market in the planning stages. All Salem meeting for the 2010 season interested individuals are will be held on Thursday, w elcom e to attend this Kirkpatrick to be guest speaker April 1, at 5 p.m. at Hep- meeting, pner City Hall. For more informa- at Ecumenical Ladies’ Supper Due to an over- tion contact Margaret Fla- Jane K irkpatrick home in Moro. She has whelming response, the herty at 541-676-5972. will be speaking at the Ecu written 15 novels and three 2010 Farmers’ Market is menical Ladies’ Salad Sup non-fiction books. Her titles per on April 5 at 6:30 p.m. have been finalists for the at the St. Patrick’s Catholic Oregon Book Award, the parish hall. Spur Award from West t h e Ecum enical ern Writers, and Reader’s Ladies’ Supper has been Choice. Her award-winning an annual event for several essays, articles, and humor The Willow Creek Country Club Ladies will years. Ladies from different have appeared in more than hold their spring meeting and breakfast on April 6 at 9 churches take turns host 50 publications. Kirkpat a.m. A scramble format play will begin at 10 a.m. ing it at the St. Patrick’s rick’s latest novel, An Ab Catholic parish hall behind sence so Great is a sequel Boardman renews flag contract the church at 525 Gale to A Flickering Light. She Street. This year the ladies will have books available with local Boy Scouts from the United Methodist to sell and will be signing books. During Tuesday’s their members to Scout Church will be the hosts. All ladies are in For more informa Boardman City Council Camp. The contract is an meeting, councilors voted nual, and will expire at the vited to come and bring a tion contact Janet Greenup salad and a friend. at 541-676-5822 or Peggy to renew a contract with end of the year. Kirkpatrick is an Connor at 541-676-9408. Boy Scout Troop 602 for In other city news, flag placement along Main councilors scheduled a quar historical novelist, speaker, A freewill offering will be Street. terly review of the city’s and teacher who makes her available. The City will pay Strategic plan for Tuesday, the Boy Scout Troop $ 1,000 April 6, during their next for placement and removal regular council meeting. of approximately 100 flags Mayor Phillips announced along Main Street on Mar he will be heading up the The Oregon DEQ will be providing free hazard tin Luther King Day, Presi League of Oregon Cities ous waste training from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 22 at dent’s Day, Memorial Day, “If I Were Mayor” contest Blue Mountain Community College (Umatilla Hall, Room the 4,h of July, Labor Day, for Boardman. He plans to 100) in Pendleton. Election Day, and Veteran’s coordinate the contest with To register or for more information contact Brian Day. Councilors agreed that area schools. Allen at or 541-278-4606. the flag display on these The next regular holidays is important to ly scheduled city council Heppner First Christian Church show the community’s pa meeting will be Tuesday, triotism. Boy Scout Troop April 6, at 7 p.m. at Board- to host creation research speaker 602 uses the money to send man City Hall. Heppner First Christian Church will host speaker Death Notice Percy Cecil Percy Wilford Ce cil, 87, of La Grande went to be with the Lord on Fri day, March 19. A viewing will be held from 2-5 p.m. on Fri day, March 26, at Love land Funeral Chapel in La Grande. A casual dress western attire celebration of life will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 27, at Loveland Funeral Chapel in La Grande. A 3 p.m. graveside service will follow in Heppner where he w ill be buried next to his wife, Emma. A complete obitu ary will be published in next week's edition of the Heppner Gazette-Times. HEROES to hold appreciation dinner Farmers’ Market meeting to be held WCCC Ladies to hold spring meeting Free hazardous waste training to be held Pictured are top photo: Joan Basile (left) and Mark Adams: bottom photo: Melissa Martin (left) and Abbie Marick. Me lissa is a junior reader for the HEROES program. Heppner Elementary School 6lh graders are a huge part of keeping the program running smoothly. -Contributed Photo HEROES will be holding its first ever Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and Fundraiser April 8 from 5:30-7 p.m. with a special presentation for volunteers at 6 p.m. at Heppner Elementary School. The dinner will cost $5 for adults and $3 for children and will include spaghetti, dessert, bread, salad, and a drink. The Book Fair will also be open during this time. The spring fair is buy one, get one free. The Book Fair will be open to the public on April 7, 8, 12, & 13. Annual Elks Easter Egg Hunt to be held April 3 The annual Elks Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 3, at 10 a.m. Preschool and kindergarten students will be at City Park. First and second grade students will be on the back lawn of the courthouse. Third and fourth grade students will be at Hager Park. Free tax assistance day moved to Thursdays Frank Sherwin from the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) on Sunday, March 28, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Beginning April 1 free tax preparation help for Sherwin has degrees in biology and zoology with Christian Life Center members will be serving low to moderate income people has changed it meeting specialty work in parasitology. He has led back packing lunch on Wednesday, March 31. The menu will include day to every Thursday, says program manager LeAnn baked chicken, mashed sweet potatoes with maple, mixed tours in the Grand Canyon and lead scuba diving with Rea. creation lectures in the Caribbean for ICR. veggies, hot rolls, and apple crisp. Anyone who would like to use this service is asked to call the OSU extension office at 676-9642 to schedule an appointment. The service is open to any While the women are away the men will have age group, however, certain income and tax complexity the monthly Garden Club meeting on Monday, April 5, limits apply. And Murray's Drug has what you need all to themselves. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the St. Pat St. Patrick’s, St. William Parishes Order Your rick’s Senior Center Lounge with vice president Danny announce Holy Week schedule Picard presiding. Plans for the upcoming plant exchange St. Patrick’s Parish in Heppner and St. William will be discussed. Parish in lone announce their schedule for Holy Week. St. Patrick's Parish; April 1: Holy Thursday, 7 p.m., solemn com See us today and place your order memoration of the Lord’s Supper in time for Easter Judge Charlotte Gray, Heppner Justice Court, has April 2: Good Friday, 12:05 p.m. Stations of released the following report: the Cross, 7 p.m. solemn commemoration of the Lord’s -Cole Noah Crosthwaite, 21, Heppner, Violation death. of the Basic Rule by going 75 mph in a 55 mph zone. April 3: Easter vigil, 7:30 p.m., Service of Light, Driving While Suspended Violation, $709 fine. liturgy of the word, renewal of baptismal promises, vigil -Tayler D. Hodges, 19, Lexington, Minor in mass. Possession (Alcohol by Consumption), $215 fine. April 4: Easter Sunday, 11 a.m.. Mass o f the -Stephanie N. Smith, 20, Lexington, Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device, Driving Uninsured, $430 Resurrection St. William Parish fine. April 2: Good Friday, 5:30 p.m.. Stations of the -John Andrew Mahon, 45, Heppner, Failure to Cross. Use Seatbelt (child passenger), $144 fine. April 4: Easter Sunday, 8:45 a.m.. Mass of the Resurrection. Roof; beer Morrow County Clerk Bobbi Childers has re All Saints Episcopal, Hope Lutheran Ifteflicot S o d a leased the following report of marriage licenses issued: 24 oh large $2.25 -March 10: Donald Allen Richards, 49, Hermis- announce Holy Week schedule Holy Week Services for the shared ministry of ton and Charlene Verna Scott, 40, Hermiston. Our yogurt -March 17: Dean Warren Osborn, 47, Irrigon and All Saints Episcopal Church and Hope Lutheran Church C ocoiui« C re w e machine is back in have been announced. Rebecca Inez Parrish, 49, Irrigon. L erf; tie March 28 - Palm Sunday, 10 a.m. at Hope Lu operation! theran Church with Cannon Lee Keifer. Advertise with the Heppner Gazette-Times 2 0 o s $ 3 .0 0 Various Flavors April 1 - Maundy Thursday, 7 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church. April 2 - Good Friday, 7 p.m. at Hope Lutheran Church. - - Ô 2 1 7 North Mein • Heppner • Phone • Floral $ 7 $-$ 4 2 $ April 4 - Easter Sunday, 10 a.m. at All Saints Serving Heppner. Levmgton £ lorm Episcopal Church with Pastor Katy Anderson. Senior Center Menu Mens’ night at Garden Club Easter is April 4 Custom Made Easter Baskets Easter Candy & Cards Centerpieces Party Items Easter Lillies Justice Court Report & 1 Marriages 4 ^ MiMfi D m Call 541 676 922