TEN- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 24, 2010 the person named below has been appointed personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims a g a in st the esta te are required to present them to the personal representative at: P.O. Box 218, Pendleton, OR 97801 w ithin four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative or the attorney. Dated and first published: February 24,2010 Christina J. Bridston Pers. Rep. 8020 57th Street W. U n iv e rs ity P lace, WA 98467 Timothy P. O ’Rourke Corey, Byler, Rew, Lorenzen & Hojem, L.L.P. 222 SE Dorion Ave Pendleton, OR 97801 541-276-3331 Published: February 24, March 3 and 10, 2010 Affidavit NOTICES Attention We are now having bingo weekly- Thursdays at 2 o'clock at the Rebekah lodge It will be the same as the Senior Center's Bingo 11-25-tfc P U B L IC N O T IC E M ORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY CO URT w ill hold the following hearing of public interest on Wednesday, March 3, 2010, at 11:00 a.m., at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon. C om prehensive Plan A m en d m en t A C -0 1 8 - 09 and A C (M )-017-09: Madison Farms, applicant and Kent Madison, owner. Property is described as Tax Lot 1700 of Assessor’s Map 3N 27 and is located approximately 6.5 miles west the Echo Junction on H ighw ay 207 and approximately 4.5 miles south of Homestead Lane. The property is zoned EFU. Request is to amend the Com prehensive Plan to include a locally significant aggregate site to Morrow County’s list of significant aggregate sites and to amend the Comprehensive Plan map to include the aggregate site location. Criteria for approval are fo u n d in th e M orrow County C om prehensive Plan (MCCP) Review and Revision Process. O pportunity to voice support or opposition to the above proposals or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents w ill be availab le after February 19,2010. For more information, please contact the Planning Department at 541-922-4624 or 541-676- 9061 extension 5503. DATED this 18th day of February 2010 M ORROW COUNTY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT Published: February 24, 2010 Affidavit P U B L IC N O T IC E The Town of Lexington is r e q u e s t i n g b id s from lic e n se d bon d ed contractors. We are accepting bids on 2 projects. The first is a repair and remodel o f an existing structure. The second is a demolition project, The contractor w ill be responsible for all building permits and fo llo w in g all b u ild in g codes to com plete the project. The contractor must have a current and valid contractor's license and be able to follow all County, State and Federal construction, building and employment laws. The first project will be to an existing structure and will include the following: Replacement of roof, repair of fascia, soffit, and siding. Installation of new front and rear entrance doors. Interior remodel to include new window in office, new office space, installation of privacy door, and remodel o f restroom to be ADA approved. Exterior will need installation of a ramp and railing to meet ADA standards to allow access, This bid will need to be made by visual inspection. For appointment to do so please call 541-989-8515. The second project is the demolition of the existing Town H all/Fire Station to include the following: Tear down and load out P U B L IC N O T IC E o f building, haul out o f debris, pump and removal IN THE CIRCUIT o f existing septic tank, COURT OF THE STATE removal o f underground OF OREGON heating oil fuel tank, and FOR THE COUNTY OF haul in and re-grade with MORROW topsoil after clean-up.. This ESTATE OF: bid will need to be made KATHERINE G. by visual inspection, For LINDSTROM, Deceased appointment to do so please No. 10PR006 call 541-989-8515. NOTICE TO Bids must be received INTERESTED PERSONS no later than March 28, Notice is hereby given that 2010 @ 4:00 pm. Bids may be addressed to: Town of Lexington P.O. Box 416 Lexington, Oregon 97839 Award for the contracts w ill be made April 13 at the regularly scheduled Town of Lexington Town Council Meeting. Published: February 24, March 24, 2010 Affidavit Sheriffs Report The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office reports han dling the following busi ness: -Continuedfrom Page EIGHT -MCSO received report from an lrrigon sub ject that sometime between the 10,h and the 20th his gun was either stolen or misplaced. The caller said he would look around the house for it and call back the next day. -MCSO received report of a maroon pickup broken down on Hwy. 74. The female driver said her boyfriend was on his way from the Boardman area. -MCSO conducted a check on Penland Lake cabins. There was no ac tivity. • -MCSO received a call from a female subject who had attempted to pay her court fines with a stolen VISA card. -MCSO received request for contact con cerning code violations with respect to the caller’s property in Hardman. -MCSO received request for a citizen assist. MCSO received request to contact the family of a deceased person concerning funeral arrangements. -MCSO received request for a welfare check from a subject’s father in lrrigon who said his son had gone out for a pack of cigarettes two days earlier and had not come back. He also took his father’s pickup. The family said that they were worried about him and just wanted him to call home. -M C SO d ep u ty reported he was out at a Boardman location attempt ing to contact the owner of a car to remove it as it was partially in the roadway. -MCSO received report o f child neglect in Boardman. -MCSO received report from a lending fa cility that they had repos sessed two trailers from a Heppner subject. -MCSO received report from Umatilla Elec tric that a subject was steal ing power from the electric company. MCSO arrested Toby Dale Rodriguez, 38, for Criminal M ischief I. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $7,500 bail. -MCSO received report from an lrrigon sub ject that she found a cat that notice of supplemental budget hearing • U m tar »UP pi omental budget pmpoatag a change in a fund’» expenditure» of 10 percent or more. A pubic hawing on a propoaad aupptamantai budget tor j (P L ano rem üu £¿Z£ l . e ^ . / e of Oregon, tor the flaca! year Jtiy 1, 200# to June 30, M IO . w ii be hald at AJhrrGu) ICaaatf \K) .rrai/\ is a ■st (LOO*#* □ am . The Hearing will takt place on the jsm. (Teal The purpoaa of toe hearing la ro dfacuaa the aupplemental budget wfth mtereated pereona. A copy of the uaWementai budget document may Da Inapected or obtained on or after__ _ O am __ W ^ r T ______________between the hour» of--------- ^ •L a pm ------ (LooWcd □ am SUM M AR Y O f SUP P LEM EN TA L B U O Q E T Pt JBtrSH ONLY TVOSG FUNDS K IN O MOOfFlED R JN D : R aaource A m o un t c r’Erofii Gtrtuir ¿ W it fY v rk fi v tJ a k c : í i m ú g x d Û ü f" R aataed r o M A a a o u r c « 3 ». 4 7 .-7 5 2 6 û ô ID Q 7 7 5 / u w iw fiü ; Published: February 24, and March 3, 2010 \ffidavit I Am m an Requuorrwnt 3. 3. ù M û 1 t \ * > ,o o o û 2 7 S ^ 2 T f S A sea r H e f Y - W »------« D w —— M .¡remnnt« f O Tfitnl MRP n rw n irlT S I / h Q 7 7 £ 1 needed to be transported to Pet Rescue. The cat was transported. -MCSO deputy re ported he was dropping off a cat trap at an lrrigon residence. -MCSO deputy re ported he was out on a field interview. He reported he w arned the driers that they were parked on private property. -MCSO received report from an lrrigon sub ject that her father lost his wallet with no money in it, but his driver’s license and credit cards. -M CSO reserve deputy advised that a sub ject in lrrigon wanted to turn himself in on a warrant. MCSO arrested a male sub ject on a Umatilla County Circuit Court warrant for Interfering with a Peace Officer. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with no bail. -MCSO received report of a disabled vehicle with a broken air line. A MCSO sergeant helped the driver fix it and the truck went on its way. -M CSO , Board- man Police D epartm ent received report of a light- colored sedan that was not maintaining a single lane of travel and was crossing the center line and fog line for the last 10 miles or so on 1-84, Arlington. A MCSO deputy responded, stopped the vehicle and determined the driver was tired. The d riv e r’s passenger then took over driving. BPD assisted. -Boardman Police Department received report of “ 13” graffiti on a school speed zone. BPD took pho tos and was going to clean it up. -BPD received re port o f an open door o f a residence. The subject reported that a friend was going to pick her up for work. -BPD w arned a driver for a white light to the rear of his vehicle and potatoes falling off the back of the truck. -BPD received re port of a brown and white lab mix picked up. -BPD w arned a driver that if he was seen driving and didn’t have a license he would be cited. -BPD received re port from a Boardman sub ject that she was assaulted by some girls in the park. She said it was an ongoing problem. -B oardm an A m bulance received report of a female assaulted. The patient refused transport. Her mother will take her to the hospital. October 22: Mor row County Sheriff’s Office cited Robert Aurelio Ramir ez, 20, for Failure to Obey Traffic Control Device. -MCSO received report of a buck that had been hit by a car in lrrigon on Hwy 730 and was still in the road with a broken back. -MCSO reported they assisted Gilliam Coun ty Sheriff’s Office with an arrest. -MCSO received report o f a deer carcass dumped north of Baseline on Juniper Canyon Rd. -MCSO received report that a gray Chevy Impala was driving too fast through the construction area by the fairgrounds and bottomed out. Contact was made. -MCSO received report of a non-injury mo tor vehicle. The vehicle was towed. -MCSO arrested Roxanne Lee Burgess, 36, on a Hermiston Municipal Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/five counts of Forgery II. She was lodged at Umatilla County Jail. -M CSO assisted a subject in giving him a courtesy ride to lrrigon. -MCSO received report from a semi truck driver with a trailer that an older four-door passenger car had been follow ing him since Ontario. MCSO cited Jordan Richard Ash, Sr., 26, for Driving Without Headlamps and Following Too Close. -MCSO cited Ste ven Montie Crum, 28, for Throwing Away Burning Material. -MCSO completed an area check for Heppner High School. -MCSO received report that Kennewick Po lice Department arrested Darin Frank Williams, 42, on a Morrow County Cir cuit Court warrant for Fail ure to A ppear/C rim inal M ischief I and Theft II. He was lodged at Benton County, Washington Jail with $20,000 bail. -MCSO cited Ivan Ramirez Nolasco, 31, for Violation of the Basic Rule, 73 mph in a 55 mph zone, and Driving Uninsured. The vehicle was impounded. -Boardman Police Department officer advised he was sitting at the 1-84 overpass for a wrong-way driver reported to be com ing that way. -BPD arrested Ed- son Rafael Torres, 21, on a St. Helen municipal court warrant for two counts of Contem pt o f Court. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $10,000 bail. Fie also had an Irri- gon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine on Arson-Business. Bail was $191 in full. -BPD received re port of a gas drive-off of $31.95 in Boardman. The license plate and direction of travel were unknown, but the vehicle was described as a “little red car.” -BPD received a walk-in report o f unau thorized use o f a motor vehicle. -BPD officer re ported he was out “walk ing the fence” looking for stolen property. -BPD received re port from Boardman City Hall advising of vandalism at an apartment complex. -BPD officer ad vised that he made contact with a subject who was building a porch in his back yard. The officer advised he needed to stop building until he had a permit. -BPD officer ad vised of graffiti at a location that would be considered Criminal Mischief I. -BPD officer re ported he was on a follow up. -BPD received an inquiry from a subject re garding his sister being reported as a runaway. BPD was unable to locate any info. The runaw ay was reported. -B oardm an Fire Department received report of a natural gas line leak on Bombing Range Rd. Boardman Fire responded and advised the leak would be repaired. -Heppner Ambu lance reported the transport of a patient to St. Mary’s. October 23: Mor row County Sheriff's Of fice received report from a subject that she had been following a vehicle that failed to maintain a single lane of travel and driving at 50-80 mph on 1-84. A deputy located the vehicle and warned him for failure to maintain land. The driver said he was being followed by a vehicle that had its bright lights on; he slowed down to let the vehicle pass, but the vehicle also slowed down; he sped up and the other vehicle also sped up. -MCSO received report that a subject was parked behind a station. It was determined that a fe male had a verbal dispute with her boyfriend and was just parked there thinking. -MCSO received request for a deputy for cover concerning an in toxicated female refusing to leave in Umatilla. -MCSO received report from an lrrigon sub ject that five unwanted cats were hanging out in her carport and she wanted to have them picked up. The animals were transported to Pet Rescue. -MCSO received request for a deputy to do paperwork to get the caller’s vehicle out of im pound. -MCSO received report of a pickup pulling a horse trailer headed out of Heppner with the back door of the trailer open. -MCSO received report from a Heppner sub ject that his mother-in-law was on his property and he wanted her to leave. He said that when he asked her to leave, she didn’t cooper ate. A deputy made contact and advised that the subject left. -M C SO d e p u ty advised he made contact with a possibly disabled vehicle. The subject said he was letting the vehicle cool down. -MCSO received report of a vehicle driving “way too quickly” through the lrrigon area. A deputy made contact and advised the subject to slow down. -MCSO received report of four stolen AT Vs from the Morrow County Grain Growers in Lexing ton. A deputy responded and took report of the fol lowing stolen vehicles: a 2010 Polaris Razor, gold with black strips; a 2009 red Polaris Sportsman 550; a 2009 camouflage Polaris Sportsman 850; a red 2009 Polaris Sportsman 400. -MCSO deputy re ported he made contact with a citizen in lrrigon. -MCSO received report that an additional bike was stolen concerning the previous report. -MCSO received report from an lone subject that she had ordered a busi ness CD over the internet the previous day and some one called the next day to ask her to confirm the first 12 digits of her credit card as they said they already had the last four. -M CSO arrested Kyle Donald Hill, 33, for DUII with a BAC of. 15 and Open Container. He was released to appear and the vehicle was impounded. -MCSO received report from an lrrigon sub ject that he had seen three dogs chasing his cows. He said he shot at one of the dogs and injured it, but it ran off and he had not been able to locate it. -MCSO received report from an lrrigon woman that she had taken her son to his visitation with the father and the father wouldn’t let them leave. The reporter said he had taken the phone from her and would not give it back. Deputies responded. -MCSO received report from an lrrigon sub ject that for the last five days, several dogs had been trying to attack them. The subject said her husband was out in a vehicle trying to track them down. -M C S O d ep u ty advised he was out with a disabled vehicle in lrrigon. The subject was having engine trouble, but had help en route. -M CSO , lrrigon Ambulance received re quest for an ambulance for a 52-year-old male who was not able to get up due to a slipped disc. MCSO and lrrigon A m bulance responded. He was trans ported by am bulance to Good Shepherd Hospital. (