n .. hi " university of O regon Bessie Wetzell Newspaper Library Eugene. OR 97403 lone School Board approves capital improvement project expenditures # • By April Sykes The lone School Board approved $318,431 in capital im provem ent projects for lone Commu­ nity School at its January 19 board meeting following a presentation from project manager Randy Hinrichsen VOL. 129 NO. 4 8 Pages Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon Health district CEO earns good marks from board By April Sykes morial Clinic’s restroom The Morrow Coun­ remodeling project to low bidder. Power Pro, ty Health D istrict B oard gave new Inc., of Hermiston for $10,934. Power administrator Mike Blauer a very posi­ Pro, Inc, which is tive review at their primarily an electri­ cal contractor, has re g u la r m eetin g held in lone Mon­ p re v io u sly done satisfactory work day night. Follow­ on th e P io n e e r ing an executive session to review Mike Blauer Memorial H ospi­ B la u e r’s p e rfo r­ tal long-term care mance, board Chair Larry remodeling project. The Mills told the Gazette Tues­ restrooms will be remod­ day, “ The board un an i­ eled to conform to Ameri­ mously agreed that Mike cans with Disabilities Act is doing a great job. We’re regulations. extremely pleased with his Local contractors, progress and the way that he Allstott Construction, LLC, and his wife are fitting into bid $18,638 on the project the com m unity.” Blauer and David Piper Contract­ was hired by the district last ing bid $31,389. summer. In other business, In other business the board: at the meeting, Blauer told -learned from Chief the board that he had met Financial Officer Nicole with one vendor concern­ Mahoney that the district’s ing electronic records sys­ current CT scanner, which tems and plans to speak is ailing and will have to with another vendor this be replaced, has no liens week. The district plans to against it and may be dis­ eventually move toward an posed of when a new scan­ electronic record systems ner can be purchased. for the hospital, the clinics, -opted to stay with Home Health and Hospice, current auditor Michael R. but is proceeding cautiously Bell & Company, PLLC, to have time to select the Spokane, WA, because of right one for the district’s the confidence the district needs. has in the company, al­ Also at the meet­ though Bell did not present ing, the board awarded the the low bid. The board said bid for the Pioneer Me­ that Bell & C om pany’s specialty in health district auditing was big factor in awarding the bid and they were satisfied with the firm’s performance. Bell & Company bid $17,250 for the first year. Low bid was Oster Professional Group, CPA, PC, of John Day with $11,590. LeMaster Daniels bid $21,000. The board directed Blauer to ask Bell & Company if the auditing firm would stick with the $17,250 figure for three years, rather than raise the fee incrementally for each of the subsequent years. -approved a reso­ lution updating employee investment plans to meet current regulations. -discussed sched­ uling a long-term goal plan­ ning session in the near future. -learned that the district is seeking an ad­ ditional provider following the departure o f a nurse practitioner who served the Irrigon Clinic. -learned from Ma­ honey that the district ended December with a $73,413 gain for the month. The district had $569,041 in total operating revenue for the month, $580,100 in total operating expenses, and an $84,472 non-operating -See HEALTH DISTRICT/ Page FOUR Secure Residential Treatment Facility to hold open house Lakeview Heights Secure Residential Treatment Facility will hold an open house on Tuesday, February 16, from 3-8 p.m. and on Wednesday, February 17, from 5-8 p.m. Hors d’ oeuvres and beverages will be served. The facility is located at 68982 Willow Creek Road. For more information call 541-676-9161. Annual St. Patrick’s Celebration to be held March 12-14 Heppner will cel­ ebrate their 28,h annual Wee Bit O ’ Ireland- St. Patrick’s Celebration March 12-14. The Amateur Box­ ing Smoker, sponsored by the Heppner Chamber of Commerce will start off the official weekend on Friday, March 12th at 7:30 p.m. at Heppner High School. Sat­ urday will be full of events, including the motorcross, cruz-in and great green parade, sponsored runs, walks, KUM A Coffee Hour and Ceili, Sheep Dog Trials, live entertainment from Til­ ler's Folly and Old Time Fiddlers, Vendor’s Square, children’s activities, lots of food and Friends of the Li­ brary will be selling books to benefit the Heppner Li­ brary. New this year will be St. Patrick’s O' Flock and Fiber Show. To v o lu n teer in some capacity at this year’s events, contact the chamber office at 541-676-5536. Morrow County election results will be published in the next edition of the Heppner Gazette-Times. j .. ^ with the Willamette Service District. Projects include: $ 5 6 ,7 3 0 for ex ten d ed bleachers in the high school gym; $165,777 for land­ scaping and sidew alks, $2,183 for kitchen breaker panel replacement; $16,500 for a lighting retrofit in the high school; $11,815 for carpet in two rooms in the high school; $12,000 for carpet in the library; $266 for library blinds; and $24,945 for a five-year ro o f on the wood shop building. The board also approved an elementary school acoustics upgrade for sailcloth acoustic baffles for $23,739 and approved an option for additional hor­ izontal sailcloth baffles for The Promethean Boards utilized at lone Community School are $4,476, both from Western interactive with the computer screen being projected onto the Partitions, Inc. Lisa Riet- hoard. Using a sty lus pen, eighth grader Nicole Lutz corrects a written essay on a Promethean Board. The school currently has mann was the sole nay voter 13 boards in various classrooms Photo bv Erin Heideman on the two options, saying that there was no guarantee ing, ventilating and air con­ held on Tuesday, February that the additional acoustics ditioning upgrade (complet­ 16 because o f the Presi­ would produce the desired ed except for closeout); dent’s Day holiday. effect of cutting the rever­ •high school shop -received the fol­ beration in the gym. ro o f rep lacem en t-h ig h lowing financial update In addition, the school roof, gym barrel roof from Chief Fiscal Officer board approved $25,000 and trim completed Sep­ Beth O’Hanlon: the district for “out-of-scope” expenses tember 18 (completing final received $121,609 in basic and additional fees for ser­ punch list items and close­ school support and col­ out; water damage claim lected $3,761 in property vices. The board did not refilled and high school taxes; received the $40.000 opt for a redo on the “kiddy gym ceiling repair done Renewable Energy grant; pool” since costs for proj­ over Christmas break; shop the bond debt service fund ect manager’s fees on the roof possibly for Phase 11); received $38,818; the pri­ •asphalt repair and mary, intermediate and Tal­ project would be more than ented and Gifted programs the actual construction. seal coat-2010 project; •high school gym remained over budget due Consensus of the board was to use volunteers for that modernization: new gym to the reallocation of salary floor completed and proj­ and benefits note din Sep­ project. The board opted ect closed; scoreboards tember; individual special to wait until they receive a installed December 1; new revenue funds continue to more complete accounting bleachers extension rebid carry deficit fund balances before they move on with again and ready for re­ with $5,021 transferred to the Pool Fund and $10,000 additional capital improve­ view; •replacem ent o f to the Food Service Fund. ment projects. Also at the meeting high school wood trim com­ The district should antici­ the board viewed and par­ pleted with roofing project pate receiving the grant money in January. ticipated in a presentation using metal trim; •repair cafeteria -received the fol­ by teacher Jim Raible and students on the Promethean tables: five units installed lowing report from O s­ Board, which could be de­ November 11 (two more theller: •January’s student scribed as an interactive on reorder with a February chalk board. The “smart target date for installation; enrollment dropped to 177 • r e p l a c e h i g h with 82 students in grades boards” have been installed in all the classrooms, how­ school boys’ restroom sink kindergarten-five, 32 in ever several speakers were done November 20, girls’ grades six-eight and 63 not shipped. Ostheller said restrooms done December in grades nine-12. This is a decrease of one student that teachers were provided 18; •interior and exte­ in grades K-five from the an initial overview of how previous month. the basic systems will work rior paint-2010 project; •lone Community •classroom auto­ and will receive more in­ tensive training throughout mation installed over Mar­ School is in compliance the year. Additional training tin Luther King holiday with the Oregon Adminis­ sessions were planned for break, missing some room trative Rules. •middle and high January 22 and February speakers and training; •elementary school school teachers are w orking 5. The bo ard also acoustic upgrade rebid Jan­ with' the Umatilla-Morrow ESD on a Positive Behavior heard a capital project con­ uary 19; •replacem ent o f System which will be put in struction update from Hin­ richsen with the following elementary school carpet; place this year. Three lone •repairs to princi­ teachers traveled to the Pi­ projects completed, unless lot Rock school, which is pal’s house-2010 project. otherwise indicated: In other business, in its fourth year of using •classroom addi­ PBS, to see how the system tion project has received the board: -received a letter works. a tem porary occupation * ICS received $500 permit with exterior items of congratulations from the state indicating that lone from Inland Chemicals in remaining. •high school win­ was one of the state's “out­ Condon to show support dows were installed Sep­ standing” schools, lone has for local schools. The funds tember 18 and 25 with the been deemed outstanding, w ere used as a grant for the stucco delayed because of the state's highest rank­ science department •the elementary ing, for three years in a weather; school continues to refine •high school lab row. “We are at the top,” the Response to Interven­ said Superintendent Karl tables; tion program, which was •high school entry Ostheller. designed to catch strug­ -learned that a part doors; gling readers and provide is on order to fix the school's •pool and deck re­ intervention to help them reader board. surfacing; -approved a request succeed. •electrical and me­ •the site council is for an honorary diploma for chanical refurbishment; •kiddy pool demo­ deceased student Stormy working its way through the Kendricks, w ho would have student handbook. lition; •cold weather •pool covers were graduated with this year’s caused cracked and broken senior class. received September 17; -briefly reviewed pipes in the pool pit and the •lighting upgrade chlorinator room; they can (Phase II may wish to do the 2009-10 goals. -learned that the be repaired, which won’t be further upgrades); •high school heat- next board meeting will be needed until spring. usfomer Appreciation ßayj ! ^ Friday \January 29th • factory Reps • Door Pm Lunch Seeding & Tillage Clinic 10 am -12 noon @12:00 Morrow County Grain Growers Lexington 989-8221 * 1-800-452-7396 r» r fami « m lp m .n t rtitt our web tit« at WWW mrgg m i