FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 2, 2009 ~ Letters to the Editor - The Heppner Gazette Times will print all letters to the Editor with the following criteria met: letters submitted to the newspaper will need to have the name of the sender along with a legible signature. We are also requesting that you provide your address and a phone number where you can be reached. The address and phone number w ill only be used for verification and w ill not be printed in the newspaper. Letters may not be libelous. The GT reserv es the right to edit. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks w ill be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks" at a cost of $10. Wright receives Wendy’s Heismnn Award Vote “No” on Measures 66 & 67 Please put our country first To the Editor: Five generations of our family have worked at our Tillamook dairy. It’s our life and our business. Milk prices are plunging and it’s harder than ever to keep our business afloat. We’re worried that the new, permanent tax increases legislators passed in June w ill hurt our farm and the families it supports. Please join me in voting “No” on Measures 66 and 67, which permanently raise business and personal income taxes in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Economists estimate these tax increases will cost 70,000 Oregonians their jobs. With entire families out of work, we can’t afford taxes that will cost more jobs. 1 can’t vote to send more pink slips to Oregonians. Legislators say their plan only taxes the rich. They’re wrong. We’ll all end up paying more for grocer ies, gas, and other serv ices, and that will impact all Or egonians, especially the poor. Facing higher taxes, small businesses like ours would be forced to lay off workers, reduce wages and benefits, or close their doors. Worse yet, the higher taxes would be retroactive to January 1, 2009. No money to cover this increase has been w ithheld from Oregonian’s paychecks in all of2009. Retroactive tax bills will hurt business too. Despite the bleak economy, Measure 67 would tax businesses up to $100,000 a year, even if they didn’t make a profit. This tax increase will make Oregon’s cor porate minimum (the tax on the sales of businesses that don’t make profits) 20 times higher than New York - the nation’s highest. The personal income tax increase also adds to business taxes - 66% of Oregonians w ho will be impacted by the Measure 66 tax increase are small busi ness owners that report their business income on their personal tax returns. State government has not tightened its belt like the rest of us. We should not send more money to Salem until the state can get its spending under control. It both ers me that the $733 million in new taxes will help fund the $258 million budgeted for state employee salary increases. Instead of pinching pennies like the rest of us, legislators increased overall state spending by $4.7 billion - 9% higher than the previous budget, and raised taxes and fees by almost $2 billion. Public employee unions say the sky will fall if the new taxes do not pass. I’m here to tell you that the sky is already falling on Oregon small businesses like mine. Even President Obama said in an NBC interview this August, “The last thing we want to do is raise taxes during the middle of a recession.” Help me send legislators a message that voters already have rejected job-killing income tax increases twice before. No means no. Please vote “No” on Mea sures 66 and 67. Carol Marie Leuthold Leuthold Dairy Farm Tillamook Red Hat luncheon to be held A Red Hat no-host luncheon will be held at Sweet Productions on Thursday, December 17, at noon. You do not have to be a member of Red Hats to attend. To the editor: This letter is for all senators and representatives in the US congress, regardless of party affiliation: 1 am adamantly opposed to the direction this ad ministration is taking our country, and 1 w ill work to see that the people responsible for these outrageous takings of our constitutional rights are voted out of office by any legal means possible. You have brought our God given country to the brink of bankruptcy that we may never recover from, and 1 believe this is a deliberate power grab by this president and his unelected and unconstitutional czars and appointees, w ith the consent of many in the congress, in most cases. We know who you are and we will not give up the fight to have you removed ASAP, our freedom depends on it. I believe that the so called "Health Care” reform bill is nothing more than a government smoke screen to mask the real agenda of this radical president and his cohorts, which is to destroy our constitutional form of government and replace it. Let’s be right up front and call it what it really is, communism, which has failed miserably in every country that is or has been under the totalitarian system. We must not let that happen here. Stand up and be heard, citizens. We have too much to lose not to. Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will thank us for our patriotic efforts. Please remember that you work for us. Please put our country first. These are the things I believe we are about to lose if we stay silent on these issues: -Constitutional rights -the right to bear arms -religious freedoms -freedom to assembly -the right to own property -freedom of the press We are already seeing this in: -environmental takings of all kinds of property and property rights -outrageously high taxes -taxation of anything and everything, including Medicare benefits -excessive tax on capital gains -taxation on small and large business to the point of breaking up business ownership and loss of jobs -government takeovers of the auto industry -high taxes causing manufacturing to go to other countries, leaving us w ithout jobs -excessive union labor demands causing loss of jobs -no accountability in government spending -huge fraudulent loss of tax payers’ money at all levels of government -outright lies and cover-ups on all fronts We need term limits and wholesale clean up of congress. William E. West Heppner Lane Wright of Heppner High School »as recently named the recipient of the 2001) Wendy’s High School Heisnian Award. Contributed Photo USDA urges voters to participate in county committee elections Darcy Vial, Execu tive Director of USDA’s Farm Service Agency in Morrow County urges Mor row County farmers, ranch ers and other agricultural producers to vote in FSA county committee elections by December 7 the deadline for casting ballots. “FSA county com mittees provide producers with the opportunity to help im plem ent federal farm programs in their communi ties,” said Vial. “It is vital that all farmers and ranch ers, especially women and minorities, participate in the elections process to ensure the opinions expressed in committee meetings reflect an area’s agricultural sec tor.” Producers must re turn ballots to their local FSA offices by the close of business on December 7. Newly elected committee members and alternates take office January 1.2010. FSA county com m ittees help adm inister federal farm programs at the local level. Committee members make decisions on conservation programs; commodity price support loans and payments; disas ter assistance payments; and other agricultural issues. County committees con sist of three to five elected members who serve three- year terms. Committees may also have one or more fe male or minority advisors to further represent the lo cal interests of women and minority farmers and ranch ers. Each year, one-third of all committee members are elected across the country. More than 8,000 county committee members serve in more than 2,300 local FSA offices nationw ide. For more informa tion about FSA county com mittee elections, visit http:// bapp?area=new sroom$subj ect=landing&topic=cce. Desert Rats Classic Car club shares the Christmas spirit Accepting toys through December 19th For the Les Schwab toy drive Toys will be donated to the Heppner Neighborhood Center! December 3rd Marinated Steaks elieesy Potatoes i Salad ft Cooks Tim & Beth HEPPNER ELKS 358 676-9181 "Whore Friends M eet" 142 North Main The Desert Rats Classic Car Club shared their Christmas spirit by donating to the Boardman community this holiday season. Club President, George Price presented $100 checks to Banner Bank for their Giving Tree, the Bank of Eastern Oregon for their Giving Tree, and the Columbia River Har vesters food bank. Club members voted unanimous ly to distribute the funds to these worthy causes as a way of supporting the com munity during the holiday season. The Desert Rats Classic Car Club is a Board- man non-profit organization whose purpose is to pro mote interest in the sport of Classic Cars, Street Rod- ding, and M uscle Cars, with an emphasis on family and community service. The Club membership is made up o f Classic Car enthusiasts who own pre- 1975, American made cars or trucks. They meet the second Thursday o f each month at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in membership can contact George Price at 481-3217. Top Left Photo: Bank of Eastern Oregon - Branch Manger Julie Gisi with CarCluh Pres. George Price: Top Right Photo: Banner Bank - Branch Manager Kate Close with Car Club Pres. George Price: Bottom Photo: Columbia River Harvestors - Center Manager Julia Cardenas with Car Club Pres. George Price Contributed Photos Hoops of Hope shoot to be held Real Estate Sealed Bid Auction ■ during lone Basketball Bonanza The Elks Scholarship Committee will auction the Clarence Buchanan Home by Silent Auction. D uring the lone this year’s events will go that date the team will be collecting donations. The proceeds from both the hoop shoot and the Janu ary event will go to Hoops of Hope 3-point shoot as The shoot w ill take place in of Hope. For any questions part of Brianna Peterson's, the lone School's gymnasi or information on donating Tyree Svetich’s, Sarah Still ums during the half-times to the cause, contact Bri anna Peterson at ( 541 ) 422- man's and Stefanie Archer’s of the basketball games. In Jan u ary , the 7304, or Sarah Stillman at senior projects. Hoops of Hope is team will be hosting a “Full (5 4 1>989-8406, or check a non-profit organization Court Press Event” where out the team 's donation that raises money for AIDS- they have pledged to shoot website at w w w.firstgiv ing. impoverished children in 6,000 free throws. Until com/ionebaskeballteam. Zambia. The proceeds from B asketball Bonanza on towards purchasing school 1 Bedroom, 1 bath house with a large shop Vt concrete floor enclosed and December 4th and 5th, the supplies for children in a Vi open bay gravel located at 270 East St. in Lexington, OR. Approx 800 sq ft with partial basement. Minimum reserve bid is $8,000 with option to accept I lone Girls Basketball team community where educa will be hosting a Hoops tion used to be non-existent. any bid. Property being sold “AS IS” All inquiries and bids can be mailed or dropped off to: Tim Dickenson Dickenson Chiropractic Clinic Heppner Elks Scholarship Chairman P.O. Box 1002 Heppner, OR 97836 Office: 541-676-8990 Cell: 541-980-8201 dickensonchiro@ I