FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 25, 2009 Heppner Elks announce local scholarship winners Foreign Exchange Student Spotlights Emilie Blak Anderson By A m ber (¡ray volleyball and is excited to Emilie Blak Ander­ play other sports. son is from D en­ One way mark. She lives with th a t E m ilie sa y s Ginger O'Brian. D e n m a rk d iff e rs Emilie from America is that, came from the city in Denmark, people and has never seen do not have to pay or touched an ani­ to go to college, so mal until she came Km ¡lie Blak m ore p eo p le end to O r e g o n . S he Anderson going to co lleg e. loves it here and There is a lot more thinks there are so many land over here compared to cool people here. She has the city. a lot o f new friends and Emilie wants to ex­ everyone has been very perience ev ery thing she can nice to her. before she goes home. She enjoys playing • * David Berntsen By J a re d Hedman In S w ed e n , one David Berntsen is thing they do differently is one of the many new eat healthier. David foreign exchange says their bread is students at Heppner m uch ta s tie r and H igh S c h o o l. He better for you. comes from Lulea, I f Davi d Sw eden. His host had to p ick one parents are John and thing that he miss­ Ann Murray. es, he would have to S o m e o f David choose his friends the th in g s D avid Berntsen and family. When really likes about he has a little free Heppner are football and time he enjoys spending the all o f the nice people. Some night out on the town danc­ o f his hobbies are working ing the night away with all out, hanging with friends, of his buddies. knitting. Mustangs end season with loss to Kennedy Kric Jepsen Lane Wright Emily Thompson Keenan Jack The Heppner Elks Boys p la c e Lodge #358 announces the local w inners o f the Elks Jepsen (IHS), $700 2 nd p l a c e - L a n e National Foundation 2009- 2010 Most Valuable Student Wright (HHS), $350 3rd place- Keenan Scholarship Awards. The Ja ck (H H S ), $ 2 0 0 w inners are as follows: Willow Creek Women’s Ministry sends gift packs to Russia Women from Wil­ low Creek Baptist Church assembled and mailed 120 gift packs to two orphan­ ages in R ussia this past week. The p ack ag es contained tooth brushes, to o th p aste, dental floss, pencils, erasers, packages o f Kleenex, and Christmas candy. Earlier this fall at their Septem ber meeting, the church ladies and teen­ age girls held a silent auc­ tion and raised almost $200. They used that money to pay for the postage to mail the gift packs to Russia. The Willow Creek W omen’s project was in­ spired by Katy Malakova, a Russian university student who spent the summer in Heppner living with Tom and Pam N orton. K aty ’s parents died when she was very young. Tom Norton met her at an orphanage in Russian on one o f his visits there. He has been going to minister to the children in Russia since 2001. Before returning to R ussia this fall, Katy spoke at a Wil­ low Creek Baptist Church service and she shared that the gift she liked the most that the church had sent her was a toothbrush. Dr. Greg Jones o f Hermiston and Dr. Clifford Johnson of Portland donated the dental items for the gift packs. Willow Creek Bap­ tist hopes to send another package to R ussia soon. There is a continuing need for socks o f all sizes at the orphanages there. Pairs of new socks can be dropped off at the church, or con­ tact Tom or Pam Norton at 676-8987 for more infor­ mation. Ash lev Wolff Girls 1“ p la c e - E m ily Thompson (HHS), $700 2nd p lace-A sh ley WoltY(HHS), $350 3 rd p la c e - S a r a h Sarah Stillman Stillman (IHS), $200 Jepsen and Thomp­ son's applications will be forw arded on to the district com petition on Saturday, December 12. Annual Light Parade to be held next week The 13,h annual Light Parade, sponsored by Colum­ bia Basin, will light up Main Street in Heppner, starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Decem­ ber 3. Local merchants will hold open houses and special activities. At 5 p.m., there will be a special tree lighting cer­ emony at the tree outside the post office. Heppner Day­ care and Heppner F.lementary School students have their homemade ornaments hung on the tree. There will be carol­ ing and extended store hours throughout the evening. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. Through Thursday, December 17, rewards cards can be collected for the Cel­ ebrated Heppner Christmas Event to be held at 6 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. A list dona­ tion items will be available at a later dater. Morrow SWCD Board meeting to be held T h e M o r r o w sary. SWCD Board has a meet­ M e etin g s o f the ing scheduled for Tuesday, M orrow SWCD are open December 1, at noon at the to the public. The meeting Ag Service Center in Hep­ location is accessible to pner. persons with disabilities. Agenda items in­ A request for an interpreter clude: Oct., Nov. meeting for the hearing impaired or minutes; treasurer’s report; for other accommodations written staff report; Joint for persons w ith disabilities Annual M eeting; OACD should be made at least 48 Convention report; audit hours before the meeting to -E arm ark project review and m otion; and Janet Greenup at 541-676- status for House Bill 2001 agency reports. A confer­ 5452, extension 109. - Oregon Jobs and Trans­ ence call may be neces- portation Act. -Draft 2010-2013 Statew ide Transportation Improvement Plan (ST1P) The monthly Kin­ Joe and Patsy M cM inn, zua lunch was held at Ser­ John and Midge Geer, Pete update -ST1P Public Meet­ vice Creek on Novem ber and Jackie Hester, Bonnie 20 with 20 people in at­ Campbell, Rollene Allen, ing update Time has been set tendance. M ontell M cD onald, and aside for public comments In attendance were Marilyn Garcia. The next lunch will regarding project proposals M arge H oellier, OL and and other tran sp o rtatio n Jean Ann Adams, Bob and be December 11, at 11:30 related topics. To schedule Peggy N elson, Bob and a.m. at the Apple Peddler time on the agenda at future Mary Lee Britt, Ada Schell, in Prineville. NEACT m eetings, please Bill and Judy Potter, Billy co ntact G lenis H arrison (541)963-3179. An Area Commis­ sion on Transportation is an advisory body chartered The fourth annual Heppner FFA G reenhand by the Oregon Transporta­ initiation will be held on December 10 at 7 p.m. in the tion Com m ission to help HHS cafeteria. Refreshments will be served following the address all aspects o f trans­ ceremony. The community is invited to attend. portation. More inform a­ tion about ACTs is available at the ODOT Web Site at www. C O M M /actrnain.shtml . The OSU Morrow County Extension Service For more informa­ tion about any of the agenda announces the following holiday closures: Thanksgiving - Thursday and Friday, November item topics, please contact Tom Strandberg at (541) 26 and 27. Christmas - Thursday and Friday, December 24 9 6 3 -1 3 3 0 , or via em ail at thom as.m .strandberg@ and 25. New Years - Friday, January 1, 2010. . NE ACT to meet Dec. 3 Top Photo: Senior Mustang Chris Lien makes a tackle during the Kennedy versus Heppner game Saturday in Mt Angel. The Mustangs played hard in the mud but Inst to Kennedy 7-0. Bottom Photo: It was muddy final game for the Mustangs. -P ho to s hy Sandy Matthews Les Schwab to hold annual tov drive T he N o rth E ast A re a C o m m is s io n on Transportation (NEA CT) will hold its next meeting on December 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Oregon De­ partment o f Transportation (ODOT) Region 5 Head­ quarters, located at 3012 Island Avenue, La Grande. The NEACT, com­ p rised o f tra n sp o rta tio n stakeholders from Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Baker counties, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reser­ vation, helps identify and prioritize transportation- related projects in the five- county area. On the agenda are the following key topics: -G eneral updates on Oregon Transportation C om m ission and O D OT projects -B y w a y s C o m ­ m ittee review and transit update -League o f Oregon Cities / Assoc, o f Oregon Counties update -L o c a l p ro g ra m update -C onnect O regon III update and sub-commit- tee selection Monthly Kinzua lunch held FFA Greenhand initiation to be held Extension Service announces holiday closures On D ecem b er 2 donated to the H eppner Les Schwab Tire Center in Neighborhood Center. Heppner will begin their annual toy drive. Toys can be dropped o ff through M orrow C o u n ty Laurel Cannon will celebrate her 80th birthday December 19. District Attorney Elizabeth on Saturday, December 12, from 4-8 p.m. at Taylor’s The toys will be Restaurant in lone. All are welcome to attend. Ballard has released the fol­ lowing report: Cannon to celebrate 80,h birthday DA’s Report -Robert Gene Mor- ley, 41, was convicted o f Failure to Register Mis Sex Offender, a Class A misde­ meanor, and was sentenced to 90 days incarceration with 60 days suspended, two years bench probation, complete 32 hours o f com­ munity service, other condi­ tions, and pay $463 in fines, fees and assessments. A t t e n t i o n In an Emergency Every Second Counts. W in t e r S l e d d in g , c e l e b r a t e a h o l id a y , s n o w m o b il in g o r JUST TAKE A BREAK FROM YOUR WINTER BLUES AND SPEND IT IN THE BLUES AT ONE OF OUR HEATED C a b in s . W e Emergencies arise when you least expect them. Consider the gift o f an AirLink membership this holiday season. 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