Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 09, 2008, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 9, 2008 - SEVEN
Heppner Rodeo team competes at Nevada
Lane Bailey calf roping in Fallon, NV.
Ladies Play Day results
Ladies Play Day was held on Tuesday, July 1, at the
Willow Creek Country Club. Results are as follows:
July 1
Low gross o f the field w as Pat Edmundson. Low
net o f the field was Joanne Barbee. Least putts o f the field
was Eva Kilkenny.
Flight A winners were: low gross was Virginia
Grant; Mary Schoonover and Karen Thompson tied for
low net; and least putts was Betty Christman.
Flight B winners were: low' gross was Lorrene
Montgomery; low net was Jackie Allstott; and least putts
was Luvilla Sonstegard.
KP: flight A was Karen Thompson on second shot
#2; flight C was Joanne Barbee.
Long Drive: flight A was Betty Christman; and
flight B was Luvilla Sonstegard.
Long Putt: all flights was Joanne Barbee on #5.
Chip-ins: Betty Christman on #5; Lorrene Mont­
gomery on #7; and Jackie Allstott on #3.
Qualls earns promotion at
Bank of Eastern Oregon
Jessica Hughes running poles in Fallon, NV.
Taighler Dougherty running the barrels in Fallon, NV.
Heppner Rodeo team competed at the High School
Rodeo SS1R finals, in Fallon, NV last week. Jessica
Hughes, Taighler Dougherty, Devin Robinson and Lane
Bailey attended the finals. Jessica and Taighler competed
in the barrels and poles and Lane and Devin competed in
the team roping and calf roping.
Jessica won 3rd in the first go in the pole bending,
to bring home a buckle, and made it back into the short
go setting 6th in the average. Saturday’s final performance
left Jessica sitting 10th overall. After running a 20.657,
a pole went down and she was bumped out o f the aver­
age. Teammate Taighler finished 19th in the barrels and
50th in the poles. Lane and Devin both performed well,
turning in some nice times, but did not make it back into
the short go finals.
Sheriff's Report
The Morrow County
Sheriff’s Office reports han­
dling the following busi­
May 1: -MCSO re­
ceived a report of a student
in Irrigon receiving threat­
ening text messages.
-MCSO issued a ci­
tation to Alma Rosa Ruiz,
20, for violation o f the basic
rule by going 75 mph in a
55 mph.
-MCSO received a
report from ODOT stating
that people were going into
an area that has a sign for no
-MCSO received a
request to find out informa­
tion on the owners o f two
boats that been abandoned
at the Irrigon M arina for
two years.
-MCSO received a
report o f teenagers throw­
ing water balloons at mov­
ing vehicles in Heppner. A
deputy responded and the
teenagers were advised to
not throw the balloons at
moving vehicles.
-MCSO received a
report from a male subject
stating that som eone had
come onto his property and
let his dog loose.
-MCSO received a
report of kids with baseball
bats hitting the sides o f a
building in Heppner.
-BPD received a re­
port o f a trespass in progress
in Boardman.
-BPD received a 911
call advising that water was
running into a residence
and could not be shut off.
Boardm an Public W orks
was advised.
-BPD issued a cita­
tion to a male subject for
violating of the speed limit
by going 39 mph in a 30
mph zone.
-BPD issued a cita­
tion to Alma Rosa Ruiz, 20,
for violating the speed limit
by going 51 mph in a 40
mph zone.
-H e p p n e r A m b u ­
lance received a call in­
volving a 79 year old subject
who had a possible com ­
pound fracture.
-H e p p n e r A m b u ­
lance received a call involv­
ing an 82 year old male who
had fallen and had unknown
May 2: -MCSO re­
ceived a theft complaint of
a cutting torch, hose and
gauges with an approximate
value of $200 missing from
an Irrigon home.
-MCSO received a
criminal mischief complaint
involving a hand sized hole
cut into the back door o f a
residence in Heppner.
-MCSO received a
report of a theft o f 10 span
cables and 20 motors miss­
ing from a field off o f Base­
line in Lexington.
-MCSO received a
report o f a fight in progress
in Irrigon.
-BPD issued a cita­
tion to a male subject for
unreasonable sound ampli­
-BDP arrested Frank
Edward Plumb, 47, on an
IJC warrant for failure to ap-
pear/criminal trespass II.
-BPD issued a ci­
tation to male subject for
violating the speed limit by
going 35 mph in a 25 mph
-H e p p n e r A m b u ­
lance transported a patient
to Pioneer Memorial Hos­
May 3: MCSO re­
ceived a report from a caller
in Heppner that a dog was
caught in a trap at his resi­
dence. A City o f Heppner
worker was contacted.
MCSO deputy cited
Gloria Jean Rassmussen, 58,
for Violation o f the Speed
Limit, 84 mph in a 55 mph
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Irri­
gon of a suspicious vehicle
- the vehicle went into the
driveway o f a vacant house
and turned o ff its lights.
When the c aller’s spouse
went out with a flashlight,
the vehicle left suddenly.
MCSO deputy cited
Adam Robert Miller, 22, for
Violation of the Basic Rule,
73 mph in a 55 mph zone.
MCSO deputy cited
M artin M orales C havez,
27, for Failure to Maintain
a Safe D istance from an
Emergency Vehicle, Driv­
ing Uninsured and Driving
while License Suspended
Violation. The vehicle was
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, officer cited Maria
C laudia A latorre, 41, for
Failure to Obey Traffic Con­
trol Device.
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, officer cited Charles
Elmer Hoffman, 69, for Vio­
lation o f the Speed Limit, 42
mph in a 30 mph zone.
B o ardm an P o lice
Dept, officer reported a sus­
picious vehicle at the north
end o f Paul Smith Road.
It was determined all was
okay; subjects were getting
plant starts.
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, received a request for
assistance from the Umatilla
Police Dept, for a $20 drive-
off from a gasoline station.
An officer made contact
with the driver and arrange­
ments were made to pay for
the fuel.
B o ardm an P olice
Dept, officer cited a male
juvenile for D riving Un­
insured, Failure to Obey
Traffic Control Device and
Failure to Carry and Present
License. The vehicle was
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, received a report from
a caller in B oardm an o f
subjects standing around a
pickup and drinking alcohol.
The subjects got into the
vehicle and left. An officer
was unable to locate the
B oardm an a m b u ­
lance received a relayed
report from UCSO o f a male
subject who was ill. The
patient was transported to
Good Shepherd Hospital in
B oardm an a m b u ­
lance received a request for
an ambulance from a caller
in B oardm an for a m ale
subject with chest pains.
Transport was refused.
Heppner ambulance
received a request for an
ambulance from a caller in
Heppner for a male subject
in severe pain.
Heppner ambulance
received a request for an
ambulance from a caller in
Heppner for a male subject
who had a high fever and
was ill.
May 4: MCSO dep­
uty cited Francisco Mendoza
Rodriguez, 21, for Violation
o f the Basic Rule, 73 mph in
a 55 mph safety zone.
MCSO deputy cited
Brandy M. Brandt, 24, for
Failure to Obey Traffic Con­
trol D evice and D riving
while License Suspended
M CSO deputy ar­
rested a male subject for
DUII (BAC .16), and a De­
tention Warrant, and cited
the subject for No Opera­
to r’s License. The subject
was lodged at the Umatilla
County Jail.
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Hepp­
ner that two lawn ornaments
were stolen from her yard.
(The ornaments were found
at the Heppner High School
baseball field.)
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Hepp­
ner of found lawn ornaments
at the Heppner High School
baseball field; it looked like
kids picked them up from
around town and left them
at the field.
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Ir­
rigon of a possible domestic
disturbance at a residence
in Irrigon. A male subject
was intoxicated and a verbal
situation was occurring.
B oardm an Police
Dept, officer cited Aaron
Robert Brown, 30, for Driv­
ing while License Suspend­
ed Violation.
B oardm an P olice
Dept, received a report that
a male subject was tre s­
passed from a business in
Boardman per the owner.
The same male subject was
trespassed from a private
residence in Boardman, and
another business in Irrigon.
The subject was advised
that if he returns he will be
B oardm an Police
Dept, officer cited Jesus
Fuentes Perez, 38, for Fail­
ure to Obey Traffic Control
May 5: MCSO re­
ceived a report from a caller
in Irrigon that items were
stolen including her wallet,
papers and cash.
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Hep­
pner that an ab andoned
vehicle had been wrecked,
w ith the windows, trunk and
doors missing. No one was
at the residence.
MCSO deputy cited
Elmer D. Anderson, 52, for
Truck Speeding, 65 mph in
a 55 zone.
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Hep­
pner that a vehicle drove
through the bus stop lights
headed to Heppner.
MCSO received a
report from a caller in Hep-
Jo h n Q u a lls, a s ­ sion Service, John joined
sistant vice president and Bank o f Eastern O regon
in April 2002. Qualls
tural loan officer
is also a captain in
was promoted to
the Oregon National
vice president of
G uard and served
the bank. Qualls
18 months on active
provides lending
duty in Iraq in 2004
services out o f the
and 2005. He and
H e p p n e r, C o n ­
his wife, Doashea,
don, and Fossil
and children, Syd­
branches o f Bank
ney, H ayden, and
o f Eastern Oregon
m ost recent ad d i­
and has a customer John Qualls
tion, Sophie Lynn,
base that stretches
reside in Heppner.
through Gilliam, Wheeler,
“John is a good com­
and Morrow Counties.
municator and does a great
Qualls is a graduate job handling a wide range of
o f H eppner High School relationships. We appreci­
and Eastern Oregon Uni­ ate the skill and dedication
versity in LaGrande, with a he brings to the job and the
degree in agricultural busi­ large portfolio he handles,”
ness management. After a said P resident and CEO
short stint with the Oregon George Koffler.
State U n iv ersity Exten-
pner that two gates have
been damaged.
MCSO received a re­
port from a caller in Board-
man that a stopped vehicle
was partially in the lane o f
travel on the opposite side
o f the road; another vehicle
was also traveling in that
lane. The caller moved over
as far as possible but the two
vehicles’ mirrors hit each
other and caused damage.
The caller also injured his
hand in the accident.
M CSO received a
report from a caller in Irrig­
on that a female subject was
driving her mother's electric
wheelchair around the area.
The call was unfounded.
M CSO received a
report from a juvenile caller
in Irrigon that he was alone
and trying to reach his Little
League coach. The ju v e ­
nile’s mother called and ad­
vised the juvenile hot home
early from p ractice; his
parents w eren't home but
arrived shortly after and all
was okay.
M CSO received a
report from a caller in Irri­
gon inquiring if anyone re­
ported lost or stolen money
M CSO received a
report from a caller in Ir­
rigon advising o f a m iss­
ing adult; the caller’s hus­
band went into the store
and when he came out their
daughter was missing. The
caller called and advised the
daughter was found and all
was okay.
M CSO received a
report from a caller in Ir­
rigon who had received a
text message from his friend
who advised a male subject
was acting weird.
B oardm an P olice
Dept, received a report from
a caller in Boardman that his
friend’s teenage daughter
was missing. It was deter­
m ined the d au g h ter was
home and all was okay.
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, o fficer cited Julio
Cardenas Risueno, 20, for
No Operator's License and
Failure to Obey Traffic Con­
trol Device. The vehicle was
B o ard m an P o lice
Dept, received a request for
an am bulance for a male
subject in Boardman who
had had a nose bleed for
two days.
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, officer cited Oleg P.
Sirosh, 23, for Violation o f
the Basic Rule, 45 mph in a
30 mph zone.
B oardm an P o lice
Dept, received a report from
a caller in Boardman that a
male subject was looking
inside her RV window and
also attempting to get inside
her pickup. An officer was
unable to locate anyone.
B o ard m an a m b u ­
lance received a request for
an ambulance from a caller
in B oardm an for a male
subject possibly having an
allergic reaction to medica­
B o ard m an a m b u ­
lance received a request for
assistance from Arlington
for a female subject in Ar­
lington who went to bed last
night and has not woken up
B o ard m an a m b u ­
lance received a request for
an ambulance from a male
caller in B oardm an who
was having chest pains. The
patient was transported to
Good Shepherd Hospital in
Irrigon am bulance
received a request from a
caller in Irrigon for transport
to Good Shepherd Hospital
in Hermiston.
May 6: MCSO dep­
uty cited Elizabeth Anne
G utierrez, 32, for Dog at
Large x2.
M CSO received a
report from a caller on 1-84
that a vehicle was going
westbound, made a U-turn
and then was going east-
bound in the w estbound
lane; he later pulled over.
Oregon State Police were
Continued on page 9