Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 07, 2004, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Easter Messages and Services
Heppner Christian to hold special
Easter service
H e p p n e r C h ristia n
C hurch w ould like to invite
everyone w ho does not have
a p lace to w o rsh ip E a ste r
Sunday to H eppner Christian
Church for a brunch/breakfast
at 9:30 a.m. follow ed by a
worship service at 10:30 a.m.
w hich will include a M ini-
Cantata and a Easter egg hunt
for the kids. W e w ould love
to have you com e w orship
with us. We are located at the
co m e r o f G ale and C enter in
the big w hite church and we
w ould love to see you Easter
St. William’s Catholic to hold Good
Friday and Easter services
St. W illiams Catholic
Church in lone will be holding
their Stations o f the C ross
service on Good Friday, April
9, at 5 p.m.
T h e M a s s o f th e
R esurrection w ill be held at
8:45 a.m . on E aster Sunday,
April 11.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church to hold
Holy Week events service and at 7 p.m. there will
St. Patrick’s Catholic
Church, in Heppner, will hold
a Solemn Com m em oration of
th e L a st S u p p e r on H o ly
Thursday, April 8 at 7 p.m.
O n G o o d F r id a y ,
A pril 9, at 12:05 p.m ., there
will be a Stations o f the Cross
be a Solemn Commemoration
o f the L ord’s Death.
An Easter Vigil will be
held on Holy Saturday, April
10, at 5 p.m .
T h e M a s s o f th e
R esurrection will be held on
Easter Sunday at 11 a.m.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
‘The Holy Week’
W hat a w eek this is.
We call it H oly W eek as we
com m em orate the first Holy
W e e k . It b e g a n w ith a
procession that w as strew n
w ith p a lm s . T h e c ro w d
clam ored: “H osanna to the
Son o f D avid.” It w as a day
o f re jo ic in g , a d ay o f
happiness. It is difficult for us
to understand that by Friday
th e c ro w d w o u ld s h o u t:
“Crucify him.”
T hat Holy W eek was
the tim e w hen Jesus gathered
w ith h is a p o s tl e s , a n d
celebrated the L ast Supper.
He w ashed their feet, spoke
a t le n g th w ith th e m , and
instituted the Holy Eucharist.
It w as in that W eek that he
suffered intensely in the Garden
o f Gethsemane, was kissed by
Judas, and healed the ear o f
M alchus. That was the w eek
in which he was brought before
the H igh Priests, brought to
Pilate, and even to H erod.
T hat w as the w eek in w hich
he w as scourged, crow ned
w ith th o rn s, a n d b ru ta lly
crucified. That w as the week
in w hich he prayed for the
fo rg iv e n e ss o f th o se w ho
c r u c if ie d h im , p ro m is e d
paradise to the penitent thief,
and com m itted his M other to
the care o f St. John. W hen his
w o rk w a s f in i s h e d , h e
exclaimed: “Into Your Hands
I comm end my spirit.”
H ow ever, the B ible
does not end on the note o f
death. It continues and tells of
the resurrection. It tells o f
sev eral a p p a ritio n s to the
apostles; to M ary M agdalene,
to the tw o disciples on the
road to Em m aus. Those very
apostles w ho had abandoned
him w ere so convinced that
they sacrificed their lives for
him . It is not likely that they
w ould have done that, if they
were not convinced that he was
risen from the dead.
A ll o f u s w ill
experience from tim e to time
severe pain, pain that is like
the shadow o f death hovering
over us. It m ay be in tim es o f
b i tt e r n e s s ,
p re ju d ic e ,
loneliness, fear, sadness and
despair. Fortunately, we also
experience resurrection from
those tim es. Such tim es m ay
be times o f true love, genuine
acceptance, forgiveness and
M ay the celebration
o f the resurrection o f Jesus
shatter the shadow o f death
fro m o u r liv e s . M a y h is
resurrection be a light in our
w o rld . M ay th e p o w e rfu l
e v e n ts o f H o ly W e e k
strengthen our hope, inflam e
our faith and inspire us to a
deeper know ledge of, a m ore
perfect love o f and a m ore
dedicated service to Jesus.
-Father Gerry Condon
Heppner Christian Church
‘Only Part of the Story’
The film ‘T h e Passion
o f the C h rist” has been in
theaters around the country
telling the story o f Jesus’ last
twelve hours of life before his
crucifixion and death on the
cross. The m ovie ends with a
hint o f m ore to com e after
Je su s’ resurrection but does
not share with the moviegoer,
as Paul Harvey would say, the
rest o f the story...
B u t th a t is w h a t I
w ould like to share with you.
SMCMA to host
“SonRise” service
T he S outh M orrow
County Ministerial Association
w ould like to invite everyone
to a “SonRise” service Easter
m orning at 7 a.m . R everend
K eith Price o f the W illow
Creek Baptist Church will be
delivering the message.
Please com e jo in us
rain o r shine at the M orrow
C o u n ty F a ir g r o u n d s in
The rest o f the story is simply
that life overcam e death even
death on the cross and eternal
life b e c am e a v a ila b le for
everyone in the victory o f
Jesus’ death on the cross, his
burial in the tom b, and his
resu rre c tio n to life. S om e
w ould say this is a faerie tale
and that Jesus did not rise from
the dead but we have am ple
evidence to counter that claim
in both eye witness testimony,
an em p ty tom b, and m o st
impressive of all changed lives
from that tim e to this in the
nam e and p o w e r o f Je su s
C hrist
This E aster for those
who believe I will rejoice with
you at the pow er o f our risen
Lord. F or those o f you w ho
do not believe I would ask you
to c o n s id e r th e c la im s o f
C hristianity and the life that
Jesus Christ can give you. The
choice is yours, no one can
make it for you, and remember
to sm ile because G od truly
loves you too.
-Pastor Andrew Johnson
Sheriffs Report
The M orrow C ounty
S h eriffs Office (MCSO) re­
ports handling the following
Jan. 21: Boardm an
P o lice D ept, o ffic e r cited
Patricia Vargas-Felipe, 32, for
Violation of the Basic Rule, 30
rnph in a 20 mph school zone.
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
report from a caller in Heppner
o f a pickup parked on the
sidewalk on Gale Street at the
USFS building.
-M C S O deputy re ­
ported an abandoned vehicle
off the road; the deputy would
check the area when he cam e
back through.
-M C SO deputies ar­
rested D ean C urtis Polston,
34, after a foot pursuit behind
a business in Irrigon, for State
Parole and Probation warrant
for Parole Violation. He was
lodged at the Umatilla County
-B o a rd m a n P o lic e
Dept, officer cited Jesus An-
tonio-D rodrides, 24, for No
O perator’s License and Driv­
ing Uninsured. The vehicle was
- M C S O , O re g o n
State Police received a report
o f a vehicle on 1-84 eastbound
m ilepost 173 going 90+ mph.
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
request for an extra patrol in
Irrigon; the caller said two ve­
hicles were speeding, possibly
-M C SO , B oardm an
Police Dept, officers arrested
Travis Justin Copenhaver, 27,
for Felony Elude, cited for No
O p erato r’s L icense and ar­
rested on an Irrigon Justice
Court warrant. He was lodged
at the Umatilla County Jail.
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
request for deputy assistance
from a caller in H eppner for a
follow up in Heppner.
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
report o f a very loud 4-wheel-
e r ty p e v e h ic le th a t w as
speeding up and dow n a road.
T he caller called back and
advised she asked them to
Jan. 22: B oardm an
Police Dept, officer arrested
Shaw na Faye H ahn, 33, on a
M orrow County Circuit Court
warrant for Failure to Appear/
Possession o f a C ontrolled
Substance II. She was lodged
at the Umatilla County Jail.
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
request for assistance from the
M o rro w C o u n ty J u v e n ile
Dept, for a juvenile transport
to Norcor.
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
request for a deputy contact
from a caller at the Irrigon El­
em entary School regarding a
juvenile incident.
-M C S O receiv ed a
request for a deputy telephone
contact from a caller in Irrigon
regarding questions involving
dogs killing his animals.
-M C S O receiv ed a
report from a caller in Irrigon
o f a fam ily dispute regarding
the caller being kicked out of
his m other’s residence. A dep­
uty contact was requested.
-M C S O receiv ed a
report o f a dog and puppies
possibly abandoned at a va­
cant residence by the last res­
idents. The owners came back
to the residence. It w as ad­
vised a deputy w ould check
back on the anim als in one
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
request for a deputy contact
from a caller in Irrigon regard­
ing som eone tam pering with
her mail.
-M C S O receiv ed a
request for a deputy contact
from a caller in H eppner for
her daughter who w as out of
-M C S O , C B E C ,
C ity o f H eppner, H eppner
am bulance received a report
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon
-M C S O , O re g o n
from a caller in H eppner that
received a relayed
she severely burned her hand
with boiling water earlier in the 911 call from a caller that his
day and the pain is unbearable sister-in-law w on’t return his
now. She also advised there daughter to him and that there
was water dripping down elec­ are women starting to fight. The
tric w ires and arcing earlier. parties separated.
-M C S O , H e p p n e r
There is no water to run on the
bum . T he patient w as trans­ ambulance received a request
ported to Pioneer M em orial for an am bulance from a call­
er in H eppner for a 74-year-
Hospital in Heppner.
-M C SO deputy ad­ old male who had come home
vised a subject in Boardm an from the hospital and then had
requested deputies check his a drop in blood pressure. The
property for vehicles for pos­ patient was transported to Pi­
sible trespass. T he subject oneer M em orial H ospital in
wanted to press charges if the Heppner.
-M C SO , B oardm an
vehicles were there.
-M C SO , U C SO re­ Police Dept, received a report
ceived a report from a caller from a caller in Boardman that
in H erm iston regarding a ve­ she heard footsteps near her
hicle that slid o ff the road in house; someone was possibly
bad w eather on his property hiding in the carport. An offic­
er was unable to locate any­
that was still there.
-M C S O receiv ed a one.
Jan. 24: M C SO re­
report from a caller that a cell
phone was lost at the stop sign ceived a report from Lane
at the Sandhollow and H igh­ County that a male subject was
w ay 207 junction. It had a arrested Lane C ounty charg­
es w ith a h o ld p laced for
name on it if it is turned in.
-M CSO , Irrigon Fire M C SO for an Irrigon Justice
Dept, received a report from C ourt w arrant for Failure to
a caller in Irrigon o f a kitchen Appear/Driving while License
fire, with a female subject yell­ Suspended.
-M C S O receiv ed a
ing for help. The fire was out
prior to the fire dept, response; request for a deputy contact
a deputy confirm ed that no regarding suspicious activity he
medical or fire dept, response witnessed during the morning,
possibly connected to burglar­
w as needed.
-M C S O receiv ed a ies in the area.
-M C S O receiv ed a
report from a caller in Irrigon
o f a pickup and suspicious report from a caller in Irrigon
activity at a vacant doublewide that her husband’s pickup was
across from him. A deputy was broken into with tools and oth­
requested to check the resi­ er item s taken. It occurred
dence to be sure it w as still during the night.
-M C SO deputy cited
Herminio Villarreal Gutierrez,
Jan. 23: M CSO dep­ 32, for Violation o f the Basic
uty arrested Jerome Raymond Rule, 43 mph in a 30 mph zone
Shoberg, 24, on an Irrigon and Endangering a Child/Fail-
Justice Court warrant for Fail­ ure to W ear Seatbelt (x2).
ure to A p p e a r/D U II-C o n -
-M C S O , H e p p n e r
trolled Substance. The subject Fire Dept, received a report
was cited.
from a caller in Hardman o f a
-M C S O rec e iv e d a structure on fire. Red C ross
report from a culler that her was notified.
neighbors w ere fighting and
-M C SO received an
thought a nlale was assaulting abandoned 911 call from a
a fem ale. She heard fighting, payphone at a business in
scream ing and crying. D epu­ Irrigon. An employee was con­
ties were unable to locate any­ tacted w ho confirm ed there
was no em ergency but there
-M C SO deputy cited were several children playing
M aria Chavez Herrera, 27, for outside.
Violation of the Basic Rule, 70
-M C S O receiv ed a
m ph in a 55 m ph zone.
report from a caller in Heppner
-M C S O receiv ed a o f a hit and run to a vehicle
relayed request from a male with dam age caused that oc­
subject for a deputy contact curred at the high school some-
regarding som eone breaking tim e during the basketball
into his vehicle. The subject game the previous night.
wouldn’t confirm information,
-M C SO deputy cited
became upset and left at a high Faw n C ate, 33, for D riving
rate of speed when advised the while License Suspended vi­
deputy was on another call. olation, Violation o f the Basic
The subject returned and con­ Rule, 46 m ph in a 33 mph
tact was made.
zone. No Insurance. Posses­
-M C SO deputy ad ­ sion o f a C o n tro lled S ub­
vised a vehicle tagged for tow stance, Less than O ne Oz.
was still at a location. The ve­ M arijuana. The vehicle was
hicle was towed.
-M C S O receiv ed a
-M C S O receiv ed a
request for deputy assistance report that a juvenile had left
from Dept, o f Hum an Servic­ Good Shepherd Medical Cen­
es for an evaluation at a loca­ ter without authorization. The
tion in Irrigon.
H erm iston Police Dept, was
-M C S O receiv ed a attempting to locate her.
report from a caller in Irrigon
- M C S O , C ity o f
o f the theft o f a 4 -wheeler.
Boardman received a relayed
-M C SO deputy cited report o f a stop sign dow n at
a female subject for Violation W ilson and M ain streets in
o f the Basic Rule, 42 mph in a Boardman.
30 m ph zone and N o Insur­
-M C SO deputies ar­
ance. T he vehicle w as im ­ rested Lew is W ood W ilson,
28, for DUII (B A C .20). The
-M C S O receiv ed a vehicle was impounded.
report from a caller that his
-M C SO , Boardm an
neighbor's dogs are harassing Police Dept, received a report
his horses.
from Dept, o f Human Servic­
-M C S O receiv ed a es that a juvenile had jum ped
report from O S P that a m ale out o f her vehicle and ran to­
su b je c t w as a rre ste d on a w ards Boardm an from the I-
H eppner Justice C ourt w ar­ 84 on-ramp. The juvenile was
rant for Failure to Pay Fine/ found and taken to a foster
Harassment. He was cited and home.
released to appear.
-M C SO , Boardm an
-M C S O receiv ed a Police Dept, received a re­
r e p o r t fro m a c a ll e r in quest for an officer contact
B oardm an that her 14-year- from a caller regarding occu­
old son had been assaulted.
pants o f the grange hall play­
-M C S O receiv ed a ing loud music.
request from Dept, o f Human
Jan. 26: M C SO re­
Services to look for a missing
ceived a report from Lane
ju v en ile w ho m ay be at her
County Sheriff s Office that Jill
m other’s residence in Irrigon.
Rene C hristian. 35, was ar­
It was determined the juvenile
rested on an Irrigon Justice
was in Umatilla.
Wednesday, April 7, 2004 - FIVE
C ourt w arrant for Failure to
Pay Fine/N egotiating a Bau
Check. She was lodged at the
Lane County Jail.
-M C SO , B oardm an
Police Dept, received a report
from a caller in Boardman that
she heard shots fired near her
residence. Units were unable
to locate anyone.
-M C SO . Boardm an
Police Dept, received a report
o f a silent hold-up alarm at
Banner Bank in Boardman. It
was determ ined all was okay
upon contact.
-M C SO receiv ed a
report from O SP o f a possi­
bly abandoned vehicle; it was
requested a deputy check the
area later in the day.
-M CSO deputy cited
Chester Phillips. 54, for Vio­
lation o f the Basic Rule. 42
mph in a 25 mph zone.
-M C SO receiv ed a
relayed report from a caller
that o f an ATV that was loaned
and not returned.
-M C SO receiv ed a
request from the Bums Police
Dept, to locate subjects re­
garding a pending investiga­
tion. The property ow ner ad­
vised the subjects m oved to
-M C S O receiv ed a
report from a caller in Irrigon
o f several dogs chasing his
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
report from a caller in Irrigon
o f a juvenile on a m otorized
scooter on her property.
-M C S O dep u ty re ­
ceived a report o f a juvenile
-M C S O rec e iv e d a
request for a deputy contact
regarding a suspicious vehicle
using an easement.
-M C S O received a
report from a caller in Irrigon
o f a burglary that occurred
over the weekend; items tak­
en included a gun.
-M C S O receiv ed a
request for a records check
from Federal Investigations on
a female subject. She was not
in the locals; the results were
-M CSO deputy cited
Warren Bradley, 75, for Fail­
ure to Maintain Lane.
-M C SO receiv ed a
r e p o r t fro m a c a ll e r in
Boardm an o f having severe
chest pains. The patient was
transported to G ood Shep­
h e rd M e d ic a l C e n te r in
-M C SO , O D O T re­
ceived a report from a caller
at the Boardm an w estbound
rest area that there w ere no
lights on in the building at the
rest area.
-M C SO , B oardm an
Police Dept, received a report
o f a one vehicle accident on I-
84 w estbound near m ilepost
164. The vehicle was towed.
-M C S O receiv ed a
request for an am bulance for
a male subject suffering severe
chest pain at 1-84 eastbound/
Port o f M orrow exit. He was
transported to G ood S hep­
h e rd M e d ic a l C e n te r in
-M C S O ,
Umatilla Police Dept, received
a report from a caller in Irrigon
that a male subject just choked
him. While on the line the call­
er was chased, then the c a ll­
e r’s mother was hit in the face
by the m ale subject. An A t­
tem pt to Locate was sent out.
Jan. 27: M C SO re­
ceive a report from the Eugene
Police Dept, that R obert J.
Brehm . 32, w as arrested on
local charges, on an U C SO
w arrant, and on a H eppner
Ju stic e C o u rt w a rra n t fo r
Forgery II. He was lodged at
the Lane County Jail w ith a
h o ld p la c e d fo r M o rro w
-M C S O receiv ed a
request for a deputy contact
at H eppner High School re­
garding a harassm ent issue
betw een tw o students w hile
off school grounds.