Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 07, 2004, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TW O - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon
Wednesday, April 7 ,2 0 0 4
The Official Newspaper
o f the City o f Heppner and the County o f Morrow
le tte n to the Editor
Editor's note Letters to the Editor must be signed. The Gazette Times will not
publish unsigned letters. Please include your address and phone number on all
letters for use by the C-T office. The C-T reserves the right to edit. The G-T is not
responsible for accuracy of statement made in letters. (Any letters expressing
thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks’ at a cost of $7.)
U.S.P.S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner.
Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner. Ore­
gon. Office at 147 W Willow Street. Telephone (5 4 1 ) 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 . Fax (5 4 1 ) 6 7 6 -
92 1 1 . E-mail: gt@heppner net or gt@rapidserve.net. Web site: www heppner net.
Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337.
Heppner. Oregon 9 7836. Subscriptions: $ 2 4 in Morrow County; $ 1 8 senior rate
(in Morrow County only; 62 years or older); $ 3 0 elsewhere,
David Sykes ................................................................................................. Publisher
Katie W all...................................................................................................... Editor
N ew t and A dvertising Deadline la M o nd a y at 5 p.m.
For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $4.75 per
column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50c per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $7 up to 100
words. Cost tor a classified display ad is $5.35 per column inch.
For Public/legal Notices: pubtolega! notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for publi­
cation must be specified Affidavits must be required at the time of subm ission Affidavits
require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be
specified if required).
On the HEPPNER WEBSITE: www.heppner.net
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TV Shoot to be held third
Saturday in April
The annual 1000-yard
T V s h o o t w ill b e h e ld
Saturday, A pril 17 at Frank
and Joe H alvorsen’s Farm.
will be from 8:30-9:30
a.m. T he shoot will begin at
9 :3 0 a .m . s h a rp . A ll
participants should park in the
designated area and proceed
to the registration area with an
unloaded rifle w ith the bolt
open and several bullets.
T here is a $20 entry
fee for each shooter who will
receive one shot. Participants
w ho want to shoot again will
be allowed another shot for an
additional $20. There will be
no back-to-back shots.
A ll m o n e y ( a f te r
expenses) will go for the prizes
for kids at lo n e ’s 4lh o f July
The prize for the event
is $ 1 0 0 f o r h ittin g a n d
breaking the TV tube. If more
than one person breaks the TV
tube, then a sh o o t-o ff will
commence after everyone has
shot. Only one person will win
the $100 prize.
Each person will be
given a shooting num ber and
their rifle and bullets will be
placed on a carpeted trailer by
the safety officer for display.
N o one will handle the rifles
while they are one display. If a
p articip an t ch o o ses not to
display their rifle, it should be
left locked in their vehicle until
they are ready to shoot.
T h e re are no rifle
restric tio n s. H ow ever, the
whole purpose o f this shoot is
to have fun shooting your elk
o r deer rifle. Large caliber
r i f l e s (5 0 c a l) a re n o t
Support our local leaders
To the Editor:
W e are w ritin g in
s u p p o r t o f th e H e p p n e r
M ayor and City Council.
These elected official
are w orking hard to find the
w ay f o rw a r d f o r o u r
These people are our
friends and neighbors. They
are not distant state or federal
bureaucrats. They deserve our
respect and support.
They put forth m any
hours of time and lots o f effort
to do an im portant jo b for
which they receive virtually no
r e m u n e r a tio n ;
unfortunately, for which they
sometimes get severe criticism
and outright abuse.
Make your concerns known
encouraged, as they would not
normally be taken hunting.
To the Editor:
Spotters will notify
T he response to, and
participants if they have hit or support of, my letters to the
miss the TV tube.
Editor by people who have the
Food and drink will be same concerns as I do, through
furnished for $6 for all you can personal contact, or over the
eat. Children 10 and under eat t e le p h o n e ,
for $3.50. Food available will trem endous. I urge everyone
include hot dogs with chili or to m a k e y o u r c o n c e r n s
s a u e r k r a u t,
b a r b e c u e d know n in som e w ay to all
c h ic k e n , d o u g h n u ts a n d members of the city council. It
pastries and drinks.
could make a difference. The
Participants are asked em ail address for the City of
to not bring their dogs.
H eppner, as show n in the
They may also be clay Heppner, Oregon home page,
pigeon shooting away from the is h ep p n er@ centurytel.net.
rifle range so you can bring One lone voice is not enough.
your shotgun as well.
So long as the m ajority o f
If you w ould like to residents rem ain silent, one
help sponsor this event and get very small minority group will
your com pany’s nam e on the continue to decide what is best
reader board, a donation o f for the rest of the community.
$ 1 0 0 o r m o re w o u ld be This is not the American way.
Som e
H eppner
If you h av e aoy
> 'v 'T rji
qu estio n s you can contajct
Terry M ew h in n ey at 4 2 2 - 1
Winners of the
St. Pat’s raffle
If we pull together,
H e p p n e r can p ro sp e r and
m aintain its status as a nice
place to work, play and live.
We all need to m ake
positive efforts to improve and
advance our town. Support
and encouragem ent for our
Council and M ayor is a good
place to start.
Let the C ouncil and
M a y o r k n o w th a t y o u
appreciate their efforts. A sk
questions, be inform ed. But
above all, show due respect
and decency to these volunteer
le a d e r s o f th e C ity o f
(s) John and Pat Edm undson
residents have requested that
I view the eyesores in their
areas, and submit letters to the
editor. I don’t mind doing this,
but it would be more effective
if everyone subm itted their
own pictures, and or, letters to
the council. T he sooner the
better. M y first co m p la in t
about the City C orporation
Yard w as m ade to the city
council in 1995. So, I’ve made
my concerns about this area
know n to the city for nine
y e a rs. L a tely th in g s h av e
skirted to happen. The powers
that be at 188 NW W illow
Street have done one thing
right by selecting Bruce Nelson
as the Public W orks Director.
He understands that a working
yard does not have to be a city
(s) Gene Sonstegard
Vote for Dan Hill, a genuinely good
To the Editor:
I n te g r ity
T he w inners o f the
Dan Hill is homegrown
N e ig h b o rh o o d C e n te r St. and a genuinely good Judge. I
P atrick’s C elebration raffle rem em ber walking with Dan
w ere C ara O sm in, w ho won and his wife Jacque at the
the W al-M art shopping spree County Fair after he had been
and Bebe M unkers, who won s e r v in g as H e r m i s to n ’s
the Treasure Chest.
M unicipal Judge. A couple of
David Sykes drew the off-duty Police Officers saw as
lucky num bers during the St. and stopped to talk with Dan.
Patrick’s Celebration parade. T hey w ent on and on about
how badly they needed him
back on the municipal bench.
Order Magnetic
H e w a s e f f e c tiv e a n d
Door Signs
Heppner (¡azette-Tirnes
supportive o f law and order
and they adamantly wanted him
Unfortunately, due to
administrative changes, he was
not able to return to the bench
there but he has since gone on
to serve well as our current
C ircuit Judge Pro-Tern. We
can really use the kind o f
dedicated, genuine capacity
Judge Hill w ould bring to our
C ircuit Bench. Phyllis and I
willingly offer Dan our support
and urge the sam e o f others,
(s) Michael E. Duffy
Wrangler’s Club to hold play days
The Wrangler’s Riding
C lub announced they w ould
hold play days on the following
S undays-A pril 18, April 25,
M ay 2 and M ay 9.
Membership fees will
be $30 for a fam ily and $20
for a single person.
Sunday play days will
consist of barrels, poles, a third
and possibly a fourth event to
be chosen by the com m ittee
for that weekend. This is great
fun and learning for kids. You
can start as early as stick horse
and continue all the way up to
The play days will be
at th e R o d e o g ro u n d s in
H eppner. T h e re w ill be a
snack shack provided, but no
p o tlu c k . If you h av e any
questions please contact Amy
Kollman at 676-9407.
BMCC Winter Term Honor Roll
Paid for by Mel Piper
announced its W inter Term
2 0 0 4 H o n o r R o ll. T h e
f o llo w in g lo c a l s tu d e n ts
included were:
From Lexington- Beth
Jeffreys (3.00), Jesse Kempas
(3 .17) , Rebecca Ow en (3.00)
and Nicole W ilson (3.29);
From lone- BethAnne
Heagy (3.08), Dylan Pettyjohn
(3 .0 8 ) a n d A aron T w orek
(3.17) ;an d
From Irrigon- Daphne
Friend (3.08).
"H 'h cre hrirruli M e e t"
142 N orth M ain
Thursday, April 8th
LA D IE S NIG H T: Ginger O'Brien and
Nicki Clement will serve a Ham Dinner
with all the fixings. Dinner starts at 6
p.m. Lodge starts at 8 p.m.
Gerva Gladys
G erva G ladys Hays,
77, a resident o f Irrigon the
past 20 years, died Sunday,
M arch 28,2004, at her home.
A graveside service
was held April 1 at the Lostine
H ays was bom July
15,1926, at A rco to C harles
and Ora Schmalhurt Shuman.
em ployed as a bartender and
as a cook.
She was preceded in
death by her husband. Teddie
Hays Sr., in 2000.
S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e
so n s, T ed d ie H ay s Jr., o f
Irrigon and D avid H ays of
White Salmon, WA; brothers,
Joe Shum an of Pendleton and
A lden Shum an o f Lostine; a
sister, C harlotte B rooks o f
Hermiston; five grandchildren
and seven great-grandchildren.
B urns M o rtuary o f
H erm iston is in ch arg e o f
Gene L. Allen
Gene L. Allen, 75, of
Boardman, died Friday, April
2, at Boardm an. The funeral
will be at 1 p.m. Thursday,
A p ril 8 at the B o a rd m a n
Community' Church with burial
at R iv erv iew C em etery in
B urns M ortuary o f
H erm iston is in charge o f
Shelby Krebs
Shelby M arie Krebs,
a j u n i o r A g r ic u ltu r a l
E c o n o m ic s m ajo r at N ew
M exico State University and
resident of lone is the recipient
o f the N ational Panhellenic
C o n fe re n c e F o u n d a tio n ’s
2004Alpha Phi/Betty Mullins
Jones Scholarship.
K re b s
c u r r e n tly
s e r v e s as an N M S U
P re sid e n tia l A m b a ssa d o r,
A S N M S U S enator for the
C ollege o f A griculture and
H o m e E c o n o m ic s , th e
E xecutive Vice President of
R e c r u itm e n t
fo r
th e
Panhellenic C ouncil and a
m em ber of the College Bowl
E stablished in 2002,
the F o u n d a tio n ’s reg io n al
s c h o la r s h ip
p r o g ra m
re c o g n iz e s th e a c a d e m ic
a c h ie v e m e n ts
extracurricular contributions of
outstanding sorority w om en
across the country. The Alpha
P h i/B e tty M u llin s J o n e s
s c h o la r s h ip is a w a r d e d
annually to a wom an who has
w orked to further her G reek
community’s reputation on her
campus and who embodies the
G reek goals o f sisterhood,
philanthropy and scholarship.
Each spring, NPC Foundation
scholarships are available to
fiv e c o lle g e P a n h e lle n ic
wom en who have excelled in
their academ ic efforts and
service to their local sorority
c h a p te r s , c a m p u s e s a n d
c o m m u n itie s .
M o re
in f o r m a tio n a b o u t th e s e
scholarships can be found at
N a tio n a l
P a n h e lle n ic C o n f e r e n c e
Foundation was established in
1995 as a 501(c)(3) public
e d u c a tio n c h a r ity . T h e
Foundation provides funding
for educational and leadership
p ro g ra m s o f the N atio n al
Panhellenic C onference, an
um brella organization for 26
i n te r /n a ti o n a l w o m e n ’s
fraternities and sororities.
C a rto n
H eppner G aie tte -T im e
Merrie Jo
M e re d ith
M o r r is o n , 5 7 , o f L a k e
O sw e g o , d ie d M a rc h 20,
A celebration o f her
life will be held on Saturday,
April 10,2004, from 2-5 p.m.
at The R accoon L odge and
B re w P u b , 7 4 2 7 SW
B eaverton-H illsdale H w y.,
Portland, OR 97225.
M orrison w as bom
Sept. 2, 1946, in The D alles
a n d w as ra ise d n e a r lo n e
w here she attended school.
She graduated from lone High
School in 1964. She attended
O regon State U niversity for
two years and graduated from
Portland State University. She
w orked as an advocate in the
Victim ’s Assistance Program
for the M ultnom ah C ounty
D istrict A ttorney’s office for
over 20 years, retiring in 2003.
Survivors include her
sons, Mark and Justin Vertner;
daughter in law, Patty Vertner;
grandchildren, Gabriela, M aya
and S k y ler V ertner, all o f
Portland; sisters, M ichaele
D eB isschop o f T igard and
Tass M orrison o f Sublim ity.
H er parents, Jodie K. and
Irm a L. M o rriso n , a n d a
daughter, M egan, preceded
h e r in d e a th . C r e m a tio n
services have been held.
In lieu o f flo w ers,
rem em brances m ay be m ade r
to th e O re g o n H u m a n e
Society, the O regon F ood
B an k , o r G ra n d c h ild re n ’s ‘
E d u c a tio n F u n d a t a n y
W ashington M utual B ank,
account num ber 180689322-
DA’s Report
M a rtin R a y m o n d
Smith pled guilty to Possession
o f a C ontrolled Substance-
Methamphetamine, a Class-C
felony. He w as sentenced to
18 m onths form al probation,
8 0 h o u r s o f c o m m u n ity
service, com pletion o f a drug
tr e a tm e n t p a c k a g e a n d
paym ent o f $921 in fines and
T e r ra n c e
A lc o tt
Wilson admitted to violation of
p ro b a tio n a lle g a tio n s fo r
Possession o f a C ontrolled
Substance and Sexual A buse
in th e S e c o n d D e g r e e .
W ilson’s original probation
w as re v o k e d a n d he w as
sentenced to 180 days in jail
and 36 m onths probation.
K arina C havez pled
no contest to M enacing, a
C la s s - A
m is d e m e a n o r.
Chavez was sentenced to 365
suspended days in ja il, 40
hours com m unity service, 24
m onths bench probation, a
psychological assessm ent in
w hich she will follow and
complete all recommendations
o f Morrow County Behavioral
Health and paym ent o f $626
in fines and fees.
St. Patrick’s
Senior Center
Willow Creek Baptist
Church members are volunteer
hosts for the A pril 14 noon
m eal at St. P atrick’s Senior
Center. Last w eek the new
kitchen staff consulted w ith
som e regulars in preparation
for next m onth’s m enus. The
dining room is alive with new
Easter decorations.
B uschke,
volunteer coordinator is back
at her d esk , W ed n esd ay
m o rn in g s , a fte r s h o u ld e r
Folks are rem inded
that bingo takes place Tuesday
evenings at 7 p.m. The Center
library has a variety o f books
donated; its use is free and its
hours are 9 a.m .-12 p.m. and
1-4 p.m ., M onday through
Friday. There is no charge to
borrow the books.
The regular Board of
Directors meeting is April 21,
12 noon, in the C enter office.