Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 23, 2003, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 23, 2003 - THREE
Local Elks Lodge members
F.xalter Ruler Marty Brannon (right) presents trustee, Ralph Walker
with Elk ofthe Year certificate.
Heppner Jr/Sr High School track
renovation update
By Wade A. Smith, Principal
As many parents and community m em bers are aware,
w e have been w orking hard over the last couple o f m onths
securing grant monies and in-kind support necessary to upgrade
our track facility at the high school. O ur plans include the
com plete renovation o f our existing facility to include a
professionally surfaced six-lane track, event approaches, site
upgrades and a spectator view ing area. Not only will this new
facility grant us the opportunity to host our own track meets, it
will be a worthwhile addition for comm unity and public use.
Over a month ago we mailed out an informational flyer
and donor sheet asking w illing individuals and businesses to
pledge in-kind support. At best, we were hoping to com e up
w ith $50,000 w orth o f in-kind assistance. M uch to our
excitem ent, we have received over $80,000 in support. From
500 gallons o f donated diesel from Lee Padberg, to a M exican
dinner prov ided for our laborers from Mary Anne Elguezabal,
I appreciate everyone’s generosity.
The grants w e are applying for are m atching grants
that will prov ide us with the liquid assets necessary to pay for
the asphalting and surfacing o f our new facility. Although we
will not learn o f our grant writing success until late June, we
are confident that at least one o f our attem pts will turn out
successful. Let’s keep our fingers crossed until then.
If you haven’t done so and would like to pledge your
support to this project, please contact the high school at 676-
O nce again, I w ould like to express my appreciation
to the over one hundred families, individuals, and businesses
that have helped bring us one step closer to our new facility. Jordan Shepherd holds chessboard cake his mother,
Joyce made for the party.
scholarship board. In 1997,
W alker w as recognized as
O fficer o f the Year.
Also recognized from
the local lodge, were Brannon
as O fficer o f the Year; and
R oger M ortim ore and Tony
Clement, for their Outstanding
E ach
m em ber
The lone Site Council
recognized has put in m any m eet A pril 9 to discuss the
years o f dedication and service completion ofthe SOS reading
to th e E lk s a n d a ll w e re program training, high school
instrumental with the elevator math benchmarks, along with
num erous other topics.
fin a l
R eading P rogram tra in in g
session was held Friday, April
4, with Jennifer Pambrun and
Colin Anderson, local Ruler- fourth; Burke O ’Brien, Ju d y C h e s n u t an d all the
Elks Lodge Esquire, brought L e a d in g K n ig h t- fo u rth ; m aterial covered is available
hom e the first place plaque L indsay K incaid, L ecturing online. The w ebsite, created
from the O regon Elks N.E. K night- fourth; and C raig by D a rle n e M a rq u a rd t is
a c c e s s ib l e
District annual Ritual Contest Canham , Inner Guard- fourth. c u r r e n t
held recently in Baker City.
“ There are 10 lodges held each spring, requires strict m orrow coteacher. T he site
in th e N .E . D is tr ic t a n d m em orization o f the various w as se le c te d by th e state
H eppner O fficers perform ed O ffic e r’s scrip ts. W inning S .O .S . T ra in e rs to be the
very' well,” a local spokesman team s continue on through official S.O .S. w ebpage and
N a tio n a l the files w ill eventually be
saitf. Local officers piacing S ta te
relo c ate d to fhe S o u th e rn
included to m Wolff’, Exalted competitions.
O regon ESD w eb server.
Council members also
discussed high school level
m ath b e n c h m a rk s. It w as
discussed that those students
w h o a re n o t m e e tin g th e
b en ch m ark s a fter the 10th
grade should be encouraged
to attend m ath classes in their
ju n io r and or se n io r year.
C urrently the school district
requires tw o years o f m ath,
how ever, council m em bers
would like to see math classes
encouraged to continue past
th is r e q u ir e m e n t f o r a ll
students. M em bers felt that
this should be discussed with
parents at school conferences.
It was also agreed upon by the
council that on all future letters
p a r e n ts
r e g a r d in g
conference scheduling a hand
Kathy Tellechea (left) and Pam Renfro (right) pictured with American w r itte n n o te to p a r e n ts
Rabbit Breeders Association judge Don Mathews (center) at Yakima. regarding their c h ild ’s m ath
benchm ark status should be
Washington on April 12.
Kathy Tellechea and Pam Renfro o f K T ’s Bunny Bam
M e m b e rs o f th e
in Lexington won Best o f Breed with a Broken Blue Mini Rex council received copies ofthe
doe and Best O pposite o f Breed with a Blue Mini Rex buck. M o rro w C o u n ty S c h o o l
These rabbits were bom and raised at K T ’S Bunny Bam .
District and lone report cards.
T here w ere 125 M ini R exes and over 800 rabbits at O n lo n e ’s card a box was
the Yakima Valley Rabbit Breeder Show. The next show they av ailable for adding “any local
will attend will be in M onroe, WA, M ay 10.
information would you like to
see on the b a c k ” . D ebbie
R a lp h W a lk e r o f
H eppner w as nam ed by the
G rand Lodge o f th e Elks as
Elk o f the Year. W alker, w ho
has been a trustee for 12 years
was nom inated for this award
by M arty Brannon.
W alker has put m any
hours into helping the Elks
a c c o m p lis h
n u m ero u s
projects; most notably, helping
bring about the installation o f
the new Elks elevator. Walker
has also been a part o f the
Site council discusses reading and
Heppner Elks perform well in district
Local bunny breeders win awards at
Yakima show
R a d ie s u g g e s te d th a t th e
O S A A C up and the D airy
F arm ers aw ards should be
mentioned in that box, as well
as, lone School being the home
o f W endy H eism an winners,
geography bee participants,
Elks scholarship recipients,
a th le te s o f the year, m ath
contest w inners, etc. M ost o f
the marks were explained and
d is c u s s e d a n d it w a s
recognized that attendance, as
w ell as m any o th er areas,
continues to be above the state
It was announced that
a retirem ent party is planned
for Marlene Pointer and Betty
Rietmann in conjunction with
the elementary program on the
A p r il
M e m b e rs
encouraged everyone to send
c a rd s
le tte r s o f
appreciation to both teachers.
Billy Ross and Missy
B aker w ere recognized for
ta k in g f ir s t a n d s e c o n d
respectively in the Am erican
Legion essay contest. Tiana
C a m a r illo a n d K a y le e n
Vosberg received first place in
the OLCC poster contest and
Ashley Roberts received third
place in the essay contest. The
C ardinal boys and girls took
first place in C herry Festival
at W ahtonka.
It w as also noted at
the m eeting that C hristina
Pow ell w as nam ed to the
D ean’s H onor List at Eastern
O regon U niversity. D uane
N eiffer w as nam ed as m ost
influential teacher in her high
school career and received a
letter from the President o f the
Parents and students enjoy cake after a year of hard work.
This y e a rs’ C hessm ates
group concluded w ith a pot-
luck party on A pril 14. The
group spent the year sharpen­
ing their Chess skills, becom ­
ing better sportsmen, com pet­
ing in regional com petitions,
learning from others, and mak­
ing new friends.
S tudies show that playing
chess sharpens critical-think­
ing skills and problem-solving
skills, said one o f the group’s
M any volunteers donated
their time and expertise to help
the group. Those volunteers
include: M ike A rm ato, Joy
K rein, W ayne Seitz, A dam
Doherty, Lindsay Harle, James
A Special 25-Month Certificate of Deposit
Stop by your nearest Bank o f Eastern Oregon Branch today!
Pappas, Larry Palm er, D ave
Kendrick and the Rollis fam ­
We also really appreciate the
donations from the local orga­
nizations and individuals so that
the ch ild ren could have a
healthy snack before they be­
gin using their brains, stated a
group leader. Chessmates had
a total o f 102 members. Jannie
A llen, Sherry M atteson and
Mary Ann Elguezabal, the ad­
visors, hope that the members
will learn som e new m oves
over the summer and look for­
w ard to starting up the club
again next year.
Chamber Chatter
By C la u d ia H u g h e s,
Executive Director
O pen your eyes and
pause a m inute. T hink about
people w ho put lights on the
trees, make the reminder calls,
lead 4-H c lu b s, w e lc o m e
people to tow n with baskets,
serve coffee after church, pull
o ff the St. Pat’s weekend, fair
and rodeo, parades, coach
Little League, keep the flowers
W e Print
looking good, clean up the
Business Cards
highways, maintain welcome
Heppner G a z e tte -T im e s signs, cook the dinners at the
Elks or churches or the Senior
6 7 6 -9 2 2 8
Center, sit on Boards, repair
graves at the cemetery, help out
at the hospital or nursing home,
w o rk at th e g o lf c o u rs e ,
Member FDIC
volunteer at the Chamber, put
in dirt bike parks for kids,
m ade the A ssisted Living a
reality, put on auctions and do
num erous fund raisers, help
Arlington, Board man, Condon, Heppner, Irrigon, lone
children learn to read, keep the
m u s e u m o p e n , m a in ta in
grounds... the list goes on and
on and on. It could easily fill
an e n tir e p a g e o f th is
W ho
a re
th e s e
limited time (May I, 2003 to July 15, 2003) fo r People who want Great Rates...
H e p p n e r ’s
m any
organizations; while others are
quietly w orking behind the
scenes, but they all have one
thing in common. They are the
Minimum deposit - $500.00 -
Penalty for early withdrawal
mighty volunteers who cause
p o sitive th in g s to happen,
m ake a difference, and keep
Bank of
Eastern Oregon
For a
Chessmates hold final
meeting of the year
H eppner from becom ing a
stagnant, selfish, boring place
to live. They are the engines,
the energy, the laughter, the
ca n -d o folks w ho h a v e n 't
learned to say “ N o” . They
care, they hope, they m ake a
difference. They is you.
N atio n al V olunteer
W eek is A pril 27 to M ay 3.
C ham ber m em bers are asked
to in v ite o n e c o m m u n ity
volunteer to lunch on Tuesday,
A pril 29. (Please call 676-
5536 to reserve a spot.) Many
will be m issed because there
is no facility in Heppner large
enough to hold one and all.
Therefore, we ask each o f you
readers to say thanks to a
volunteer that week. You too
can in v ite th e m to lu n ch
anytim e all w eek, or ju st a
verbal “thank you" can make
so m eo n e’s day. R em em ber,
the childhood game where you
w h is p e re d a m e s s a g e in
som eone’s ear and said “ Pass
It O n ” . S p e n d th e w e e k
passing it on... “Thank you for
v o lu n te e rin g , you m ake a
R em em ber to attend
the School Board Candidates
Forum on Tuesday, April 29,
at 6:30 p.m . at the H eppner
High School cafeteria. C om e
m eet the 15 candidates and
leam how they feel about the
is s u e s . S c h o o ls a re th e
backbone o f the community.