FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 27, 2001 County Court hears proposed salary scale that the court consider a countywide burning ban if conditions worsen. Rogelstad suggested consultation w ith the other fire districts for a concurrent decision. A representative o f Wheatland Insurance presented the workers com pensation insurance renewal for 2001 -2002 and explained rate changes for certain class codes. The court will discuss payment options and select a method. The representative also discussed with the court legislative measures that affect workers compensation and future losses. C om m issioner John W enholz addressed the county's policy on property developm ent and road maintenance, focusing on Morter and Tower roads. Com missioner Brosnan agreed with him that while getting dairy product to market is important, the need to regulate weight limits during freezes to limit dam age to the county roads is important as well. Planning ahead for feed will be necessary during restricted periods. Public W orks director Burke O'Brien reported to the court that chip sealing is complete on Willow Creek Road and the day park at the dam. Dee Cox Road intersection, and the high school hill. One section o f Bom bing Range Road is seal coated, and some blading has been completed on the North Fork Road and Upper Butter Creek. The crusher was scheduled to start on the 25. Weeds at the fairgrounds have been sprayed and other spraying needs were discussed. O'Brien reported that four employees have completed the Mine Safety and Health Training and he intends for the rest o f the crew to receive it also. He has drafted an agreem ent with Gilliam County dealing with the blading o f certain gravel roads, for which the two counties have previously had a verbal agreement. He also reported the need for a formal agreement with the National Marine Fisheries related to streams and road maintenance. O'Bnen explained that the Public W orks Departm ent presented on June 19 an "Employee o f the Year Award" to Randy Henrichs. Other Court actions included the following: - approval o f some purchases: a desk for the Accounting Department, 11 com puters for Behavioral Health (paid for by the Mid-Columbia Center for Living contract); - approval o f a fund-exchange agreement with the Association of Oregon Counties, to be used for Baseline Road; - approval of two quitclaim deeds with property owners adjacent to Act o f Congress land; - decision to send a letter to the North Gilliam Health District to terminate an ambulance intergovernm ental agreem ent; - signing o f the contract with Noland Doors for the W ilkinson Arena doors; - decision not to join the Willow Creek Econom ic Development Group because, as a budget constraint, the court no longer pays membership dues to chambers and sim ilar organizations; - decision to send a letter to the lone City Council to explain the recent agreement pertinent to, among other issues, an "Ione-Boardm an Road." On June 21, the Morrow County Commissioners met with Emergency Management director Casey Beard, Oregon State Police Departm ent liaison Bev Venell, Oregon E m erg en cy M anagem ent representative Chris Brown and Education Service District B y D o r is B r o s n a n BATTERIES RV DEEP CYCLE SPORT 4X4 • REDUCED EVAPORATION • REDUCED GASSING • REDUCED CORROSION • 60 MONTH WARRANTY 67 V 75 » AM {5 H No '«hong* 6 YEAR WARRANTY AM $S It No E»bongo 30 MONTH WARRANTY Add $S If No E»Kongo Plus Installation Plus Installation Plus Installation 60 MONTH 40 MONTH 49 > 9 5 m JM t 40 mo. warranty 60 mo. warranty Add SS II No [ K h o n , . 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H e re 's w h a t w e do: COMPLETE FRONT DISC BRAKE SERVICE 1. Replace with remanulactured or rebuild front calipers 2. High Quality disc pads 3. Resurface rotors 4. Repack wheel bearings (except FWDi 5. New Irani seals lexcept FWDI 1. Bleed ft adjust entire system O uter/Inner Pad A Plates REAR D R U M BRAKE A SSE M B L Y Backing Plate Prim ary Shoe Spring W heel Cylinder Assembly Adjuster Lever Spring Adjuster Assem bly COMPLETE FRONT DISC AND REAR DRUM 2 9 9 (MOST CMS) 95 (MOST CARS) FREE COMPLETE REAR DRUM BRAKE SERVICE 1. High quality brake shoes 2. Resurface drums 3. All new hold-down return springs 4. All new wheel cylinders 5 Adjust parking brake 6. Bleed ft Adjust entire system 1 4 9 ® (MOST CMS) A U G M EN T 4 WHEEL THRUST ALIGNMENT ALIGNMENT STANDARD ALIGNMENT Every car should a t least have a thrust alignment. It relates a ll 4 wheels to a common center line to insure maximum tire life and a centered steering wheel. Over 90% o f a ll cars b u ilt today should have a 4 w heel alignm ent. M ost front wheel drives and some rear wheel drives have rear w heel adjustm ents. We invite you to ask us about It. THRUST ALIGNMENT 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT 2195 4195 69 95 Correction C able 6uide P arkin g B rake S trut Parking B rake Lever A dju sting Cable Secondary Shoe A dju ster Lever 2 5 ,0 0 0 M ILE REPLACEM ENT W ARRANTY 1 5 9 ® Sleeve A Bushings At the June 20 m eeting o f the Morrow County Com missioners, personnel director Andrea Denton and Public Health director Laura McElligott presented a m odified salary scale extending the number o f steps in advancem ent for longevity for part-time employees. Denton explained how the proposal would affect current employees and what implementation o f the proposal would cost. McElligott explained problems with retention o f part-time nurses in her department because the scale is limited to two steps. She also reported difficulty in recruitment, which is an expense, because the salary is comparatively lower. She observed the need to be fair and competitive. The com m issioners asked for clarification o f some aspects o f the proposed scale and everyone discussed aspects o f the county's salary scale and classification system and o f nursing part-time and full­ time. The court considered budget impact and the choice o f employees to work part-time rather than full­ time. They also requested o f McElligott that less-than-half-time employees be held to no more than 19 hours weekly. The court approved establishing a new part-tim e employee salary scale, extending the number o f steps, with employees advancing only one step at a time Tamra Mabbott, Lila Killingbeck. and Brett Cook o f the Planning Department approached the court about software for the building perm it program, voicing interest in increased efficiency and availability o f important data. Also helpful in code enforcement, such a program was suggested by the auditors recently. Some financial assistance from the state was not as much as expected and a bill before the legislature, if passed, would disallow counties under a certain population from having their own building inspection programs, affecting all o f Eastern Oregon except for Deschutes County. The Court approved the software purchase from the building fund. Regarding the chemical depot project, Mabbott reported having a signed agreement for funding for the environmental com pliance position. Boardman Fire C h ief Marc Rogelstad discussed w ith the court a county wide fire ban and suggested 95 Lacey Matteson The photograph o f Lacey Matteson in the June 20 Gazette- Times was incorrectly identified as her sister Lexi M atteson. L acey M a tte s o n , Heppner, qualified in barrel racing for the Silver State Invitational Rodeo at Fallon Nevada. We Print BUSINESS CARDS H ep p n er (im e tte -T im e s ““B ig T im e M u sic, S m a tt T ou m O dospitaC ity’ TVEiVAY, .f U I. V s t s r w C B H E ID A Y , ,| V ■ - V « „ojrttfS Tuesday, July 3rd Annual4th°fJu|y C O L F Tournament Wednesday, Jufy 4th ft 95 P A R A D E with Grand Marshal) WWII Veterans B L V E 8 C R U I S E Classic(arShow MUSI C IV T H E PARK: T o o L o o se 676-9481 Commissioner Brosnan observed that the 450 project involves the Federal Emergency Management Agency, OEM, Umatilla County, and Morrow County. He questioned why it has devolved to the lowest common denominator, why Morrow County is tasked with being in charge. Venell and Lasher agreed that OSP and the two counties could be signatories to the contract on a joint project. Brown noted that the contract would have to specify whom ESD would contact if a problem arose. The issue o f co-equal management will be address at the OEM Board meeting. Funding for the project will come from FEMA and Brown reported that OEM will commit the funding after the agreement is signed. He also read a request from ESD for a letter o f com m itm ent to pay a vendor if ESD places an order for equipment, to take advantage o f a cost-saving incentive by June 30, before final agreement and funding. All three parties will have to sign the commitment. Other topics to be determined include ownership o f the radio system equipment, the counties' maintenance expenses after CSEPP, ESD as the correct location o f the equipment and as system manager, and tower location. Everyone agreed that for maintenance, after the first- year agreement with Motorola, ESD would contract for that. When asked by Beard who the counties would turn to if the installed equipment does not work. Lasher said that ESD would be responsible for m aking sure that the system does work. Everyone agreed to the importance o f assurance o f functionality. He also said that he would meet with the state to discuss use o f the additional bandwidth on the microwave. Via a conference call, the group discussed the radio project with Umatilla County Com missioner Dennis Doherty, who agreed to having an agreem ent drafted. He said that the 911 centers in Hermiston and Pendleton remain an unresolved issue, but he thought he could sign the letter o f com m itm ent to ESD next week. IONE'S 4-TM O f JULY fT BLUES FESTIVAL (Shims tncluMd) 124 N. Main Heppner representative Michael Lasher. The focus o f the m eeting was the proposed 450 MHz Radio Project. Lasher explained that the ESD charter is sufficiently broad to allow a project not connected to education. He further explained that the project m anagem ent would consist o f a team, with him as the lead. For management o f the system, Lasher said ESD would cost less than Motorola, which usually charges 15 percent. Beard and Venell discussed some costs currently known, including the savings from elim inating the 911 dispatch centers in Hermiston and Pendleton. The Umatilla County commissioners have not resolved the issue o f this consolidation/ elim ination, however. Venell reported that the OSP microwave system is not obsolete, and that OSP w ould com m it to maintaining the microwave system for the life o f the 450 system. Beard said that that agreement would be signed by the OSP but probably not by the Governor. Brown added that the OEM's digital system is state-of- the-art and if one leg o f the system fails, a new loop assures service. When questioned about continued future binding, dependent upon the legislature, for OSP's maintenance o f the system, Venell responded that it would be a priority as a public safety com m unication issue. ELU S MUCH, M U C H M O R E ! D O W " T IS S IT! SR * ■ with loo Loose • Robbie laws | Too Slim & The Taildraggeri and featuring Sonny Rhode) Wm If R ob h ie L a w s and E I R E W O R K I a t d u s k S o n n y 'R hodes Ulues music sponsored by the M orrow C ounty U n ified Recreation •District