EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 10, 2000 Obituaries W .C.C.C. Golf Leota Lucille Lindblad Leota Lucille Lindblad, 86, of College Place, Washington, died Sunday, May 7, 2000, at her home. Recitation of the Rosary will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 7 p.m. at the Chapel of Herring Funeral Home with Deacon Dale Shaeffer of Assumption Catholic Church officiating. Funeral Mass will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2000, at 9 a.m. at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Walla Walla, Washington, with Father Fernando Maldonado officiating. Burial will follow at the Heppner Masonic Cemetery in Heppner. Mrs. Lindblad was bom on September 5, 1913, in Pendleton, to Walter and Ella Sperry Farrens. She lived in Hardman where she spent most of her childhood and graduated from high school there. She lived with her parents after high school and worked with them on various ranches in the Heppner area. She also worked in the shipyards during WWI1. In 1947, she started a career in professional cooking. She worked in various restaurants in Northeastern Oregon and spent several years cooking at St. Anthony's Hospital in Pendleton. She had one son by a previous marriage to Bud Ayers. He preceded her in death. She married Ernie Parrish and he preceded her in death in 1955. She married Kenneth Lindblad on August 20, 1983, in Burien, Washington. They lived in Seattle until 1995 when they moved to College Place, Washington, where they have resided there for five years. She was an outreach minister for St. Elizabeth Church in Burien, Washington, and was in charge of the Highpoint Low Income Housing Project in west Seattle for 12 years. She was a member of Helping Hand’s Society to help the Millionaire's Club Charity. She received the Women Helping Women Award for Soroptomist International For Outstanding Service. She was also a member of the Rebekah Lodge and Degree o f Honor Lodge in Heppner. Survivors include her husband Kenneth Lindblad; daughter Katheryn Craig of Carter, Montana; son and daughter-in- law Alvin and Helga Jean Ayers o f Grass Valley; a brother, Verl Farrens o f Oregon City; and cousins Nancy Ward and Penny Smith, both of Walla Walla, Washington. She was preceded in death by two husbands, one brother and one sister. Memorial contributions may be made to the Christian Aid Center or Millionaire's Club of Seattle or a charity of choice through the Herring Funeral Home. Herring Groseclose Funeral Home of Walla Walla, Washington, is in charge of arrangements. Lona Louise Wehling (White) Lona Louise (White) Wehling, 56, o f Linwood, Washington, died Saturday, April 29, 2000, at her home. Funeral service was held at the First Lutheran Church in Bothell, Washington on Saturday, May 6, 2000 . She was bom October 20, 1943 in Yakima, Washington, to Gordon and Maravene White. She attended school in lone. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Jonna and Michael Pollard of Eugene; siblings, Charles White of Anacortes. Washington, Thomas White of Hermiston and Gerrald White of Omaha, Nebraska; three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Evergreen Washelli Funeral Home o f Bothell, Washington, was in charge o f arrangements. Farm Residential Commercial Flatwork Foundations S ervino A ll O r U matilla At M orrow C ounties WCCC Ladies’ Play Tuesday, May 2 Low gross of the field: Dana Reid Low net o f the field: Betty Christman. Least putts of the field: Pat Edmundson. Flight A: low gross Jan Paustian; low net Lynnea Sargent; least putts Carol Norris. Flight B: low gross Suzanne Jepsen; low net Shari Stahl and Bernice Lott; least putts Joyce Dinkins. Flight C: low gross Barbara Gilbert; low net Jackie Allstott; least putts Lorrene Montgomery. Chip in: #14 Carol Norris, #18 Bernice Lott. Birdie: #13 Pat Edmundson. Team best score: Lorrene Montgomery, Kim Houweling, Dana Reid. M C G C News By Sandi Day The weekly shoot of the Mor­ row County Gun Club was held at the TKO sporting clay range at Ruggs on Sunday, May 7. A large turnout made for a great day of shooting in the sun and a delicious barbecue was held following the shoot. Bob Krein was the overall win­ ner for the day, followed by Harvey Childers, Curt Day and Dick Allen. Deona Hodges led the way for the ladies, with Lorn (Day) Branstetter taking second. Sandi Day was third and Chrissy Wall was fourth. The MCGC will be back at the club house in Lexington next Sun­ day for their regular shoot. A meat shoot will be held on Sunday, May 21, beginning at 9 a.m. Ballots due May 16 Morrow County voters are reminded that mail-in ballots are due at the Morrow County Clerk's office by May 16. PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION will hold the following hearings of public interest on Monday, May 22, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. at the Morrow County School Distnct Building at the comer of State Highways 207 and 74 in Lexing­ ton, Oregon: Conditional Use Permit Appli­ cation, CUP-S-149: Ed and Nina Baker, applicants and owners. Property is described as tax lot 206 of Assessor’s Map 4S 28 27, located off a private easement from Park Lane in the Cutsforth Park area, approximately 14 miles southeast of the City of Heppner. The proposal is to site a recreational dwelling on a 4.19 acre parcel in a Forest Use (FU) Zone. Criterial for approval includes Morrow County Zoning Ordinance Section 3.020(B)(27), 3.020(D)(3) and 3.030(E) and (F). Land Partition Request, LP-N- 262: Ron and Delma Heiple, applicants and owners. Property is described as tax lot 201 of Assessor’s Map 4N 24 14, in an Exclusive Farm Use/Small Farm Forty Zone (EFU/SF-40) located on the north side of Kunze Lane, approximately five miles south­ west of the City of Boardman. Proposal is to partition an approximate 4.5 acre parcel as a “nonfarm” dwelling parcel and combine remaining 72 acres with adjoining property (tax lot 205). Criteria for approval include Morrow County Subdivision Ordi­ nance ARTICLE 5, Section 5.020 and 5.030 and Section 3.010(F) and (G) and Oregon Administra­ tive Rules. Appeal of Morrow County Planning Director’s decision not to allow the temporary use of a travel trailer as a residence during A l p in e C oncrete C o n s t r u c t io n t v túO H (541) 676-8024 CCB# 110121 i 1 the construction of a permanent residence: C. D. Grittman, appel­ lant, represented by Janet L. Stauffer, Attorney At Law. Subject property is described as tax lot 1400 of Assessor’s Map 4N 25 14C, located on the southwest comer of Wilson Lane and Eastregaard Vey Road in the Eastregaard Subdivision approxi­ mately three miles southeast of the City of Boardman. Critena for denial of the permit includes Morrow County Zoning Ordi­ nance Section 4.150. First of three hearings to amend the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance: Deane Seeger for Concerned Citizens oflrrigon, applicant. Proposal is to delete Section 3.040(2)(G) regarding aggregate operations in the Rural Residential One Acre Zone: The proposal would affect all Rural Residential Zoned property in Morrow County. Criteria for approval includes ARTICLE 8 of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance. First of three hearings to amend the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance: Richard and Sylvia Sandford, III, applicants and owners. Request is to change the zone designation of an approximate 2 to 4 acre portion of tax lot 901 of Assessor’s Map IN 24 04, a 20 acre parcel located on the north side of State Highway 74 within the Urban Growth Bound­ ary of the City of lone. Proposal is to change this portion of tax lot 901 from R-3 to C-l Zoning in order for the applicant to site storage units. Criteria for approval in­ cludes ARTICLE 8 of the Morrow County Zoning Ordi­ nance and the Urban Growth Management Agreement with the City of lone. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above proposals or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issues precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies o f the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after May 12,2000. For more information, please contact Tamra Mabbott at the Morrow County Planning Department at 922-4624 or 676-5650. DATED this 10th day of May 2000 . MORROW COUNTY PLAN­ NING DEPARTMENT Published: May 10,2000 Affid PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of MABEL I. O ’HARA, Deceased Probate No. 00 PR 007 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Personal Representative o f this estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice as stated below, to the Personal Represen­ tative c/o Robert E. O ’Rourke, Kottkamp & O ’Rourke, LLP, 331 S. E. 2nd, P. O. Box 490, Pendle­ ton, Oregon 97801, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Represen­ tative or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. Dated and first published this 26th day o f April, 2000. Jen McElligott Personal Representative 60760 Zinter Road P.O. Box 4 lone, Oregon 97843 Robert E. O ’Rourke Kottkamp & O ’Rourke, LLP Attorneys for Personal Repre­ sentative 331 S. E. 2nd P. O. Box 490 Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Published: Apnl 26, May 3 and 10, 2000 Affid ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS The Morrow County Clerk’s Office is now accepting applica­ tions for a full-time Chief Deputy Clerk position. Office experi­ ence, including computer word processing skills, is required. Re­ ception and filing skills preferred. Salary is $1,741 per month plus excellent benefits. Contact An­ drea Denton, Morrow County C ourthouse, P.O. Box 788, Heppner OR 97836; phone (541) 676-5620. Applications due same address by 5 p.m., June 1, 2000. Morrow County is an equal op­ PUBLIC NOTICE portunity employer. The Morrow County Museum _____________________ 5-10-2c Commision will meet Tuesday, M & A Auto Parts in Condon May 16, 2000, at 7:30 PM at the is accepting applications for a full­ Morrow County Museum. time counter/sales position. Published: May 10,2000_______ 40+ hours per week. Wages $10- $12 per hour. Benefits include M edical Insurance, LTD and HELP W A N T E D Groundman - Columbia Ba­ 4 0 IK Retirement. Applications sin Electric Cooperative is due May 19. For more informa­ seeking a highly motivated indi­ tion or to receive an application vidual to fill a new position of call (541) 384-6000 or 1-800-574- 3424. Groundm an based out o f the 5-10-2C Heppner headquarters facility. This position will assist the line SERVICES crews in all aspects of line con­ struction and maintenance. Linoleum, carpet and Pergo For application materials, con­ sale and installation. Free esti­ tact: Columbia Basin Electric Co- mates. Call Tim Hedman, eve­ Op at 171 Linden Way in Heppner nings, 676-9054. Licensed and or call (541) 676-9146 or request bonded #78201. m aterials at cbectom w @ ______________________ 1-S-tfc oregonvos.net. Applications will *Blu Blakeley Construction* be received at the Heppner office Commercial and Residential until 5 p.m. on May 12, 2000. New Phone Number EOE. 1-541-989-8501 Lie #89458 _____________________ 4-26-3C See Business Directory Ad Morrow County is now ac­ ______________________3-8-tfc cepting applications for a full­ G oing on vacation? Need time janitor. Salary is $ 1,364 per someone to take care of your month plus excellent benefits. pet? My house or yours? Please Some commercial cleaning expe­ call 676-5733, ask for Tammy. rience preferred, but not required. ________ 5-10-2c Applications may be obtained from Andrea Denton, Morrow RENTALS County Courthouse, P.O. Box 788, RV space for rent. $125/month, Heppner OR 97836; phone (54 1 ) 676-5620. Applications returned plus utilities. Quiet by the creek. to the same address. M orrow 989-8404. Lots o f shade trees, County is an equal opportunity yard and garden spot. 4-5-tfc employer. _____________________ 5-10-lc Lanham Apartments: 1 bed­ room, 1 bath, $270/month. Water, Farm Job Opening sewer, heat and garbage paid. 676- I mmediato Employment < ri;>nuH nrlslel I Excellent pay. Located in Mor­ 5233. .... 11-17-tfc row and Gilliam County. Diversi­ fied farming: dry land wheat and For rent: nice 2 bedroom, 2 bath irrigated crops plus a retail/whole- doublewide on large shady lot in sale wheat seed operation. Lexington. Garden spot, fruit Must have experience on 300+ trees, storage sheds, carport. $425 HP tractors and large field equip­ month, garbage included. 676- ment, servicing same. Experience 9759. performing light field service in­ 3-29-tfc cluding welding. Oregon Private Lexington-For Rent: small Pesticide license required. house with 3 bdrms and one bath. We reward hard work and pro­ Range, refrigerator, washer and ductivity. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. days, six dryer. Garden area plus small stor­ days a week, $22.00/hr starting age shed. No smoking. Pets on pay. approval plus deposit required. We are a drug and alcohol free Rent $475 (w ater-cable inc.), work place. $395 deposit. R eferences re ­ Please send resume to P.O. quired. Call (541)989-8320. Box 48, lone, OR 97843. _____________________ 4-19-4c _____________________ 5-10-2c For Rent: 2 bedroom house, Own a computer? Put it to Heppner, $350 per month. $125 work! $25-$75/hr. PT/FT. 1-888- security deposit. No pets. Call 567-7846. 685-4325. www.b-hapi.com. 5-10-lc 5-10-4c Reminder notices due May 15, 2000 will not be mailed out for the third tax trimester. Payments are still due May 15, 2000. If you have any questions, call toll free in the Irrigon area 922-4103, or Boardman area, 481-2112, Heppner-Lexington-lone area, call 676-5628. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting of the Bud­ get Committee o f the Ione-Lex- ington Cemetery Distnct, Morrow State o f Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2000 to June 30,2001 will beheld at lone City Hall lone, Oregon. The meeting will take place on the 18th day of May, 2000 at 7:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the pub­ lic on the budget. A copy of the budget docum ent may be in­ spected or obtained on or after 5- 18-00 at lone City Hall, between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Com­ mittee will take place. Any per­ son may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed pro­ grams with the Budget Commit­ tee. Published: May 3 and 10,2000 Affid CLASSIFIED ADS .40 per word Card of Thanks: up to 100 words - $5 Deadline: Tuesday at noon C A R D OF T H A N K S The Heppner Little League would like to thank Marcia and Gary Kemp for tfieir generous donation of “Play Ball” for our fields. The people o f Heppner have worked really hard to make the fields playable for the kids and kids in the future. It is with dona­ tions like yours that keeps Heppner Little League going. Thanks again. Heppner Little League Board _____________________ 5-10-lc The Heppner Little League would like to thank The Shoe Box for donating the hats for the two wiffle ball teams. Without dona­ tions like yours, Heppner Little League would have a hard time supporting all of our teams. Thank you also for getting all the T-shirts done on time. We know it was short notice but thanks for going the extra mile. Heppner Little League 5-10-lc FORM LB-1 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING . , , Boar d o f D ire cto rs A meeting of the ________ __ ___________________________________ p j a| 0 p ™ 7:30 □ ftepuMicaeon M*Y 25,2000 .w ilt be held o n . (G tM fw n g Body) a, R iverside High School, B oardm an, O regon . The purpose ol this meeting is lo discuss the budget for , „ . _ . . .. M orrow C ounty U nified R ecreation D istrict _ r the I'scal year beginning July 1 . 2000 as approved by th e -------------------------------- — ----------------------------- Budget Committee M orrow C ounty C ourthouse A summary of the budget is presented below A copy of the budget may be Inspected or obtained a t. 100 C o u rt S treet. H eppner, O regon am . between the hours of 8:00 _and gm 5:00 This budget was prepared on a basis ol accounting that Is B conslstent; O not consistent with the basis of accounting used during the preceding year Major changes, H any, and their effect on the budget, are explained below. Co u r t i C«, M orrow N/A Q o vw iw ig Body Cyde Estes______ TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS (541 ) 676-5808 Approved Budget Next Year — 2000-2001 Adopted Budget This Year — 1999-2000 481.387 _________________S Q L 5 5 L Anticipated Requirements Anticipated Resources 17.000 __________________ 15,000 522.5551 498.387 197,955. 81,800 414.600 416.56 7_ 498 387 ________________ £22J>55j 416.587 _________________ 414.600. 12 Total R e so u rc e s — add Unes 10 and 1 1 ..................... 13 Total Property Taxes Estim ated to be Received (line 1 1 ).. Estimated Ad Valorem Property Taxes 2,700 2,800 31.206 31.356 450.743 ________________ 4 4 8 ,5 0 6 ___________ * Tax Levies By Type 1 Rale or Amount Rata or Amount 4560 m . 0 _______________________ SL ------------------------------------ Debt AuthorUsd. Not Incurred Debt Outstanding M Published: May 10, 2000 Affid Q A s Sum m arirad Below nSL M D As Sum m arised Below