Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1999, Image 1

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    Ribbon cut on new Port of Morrow facility
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Betty Carlson of Heppner (center) visits with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coppock of Adams during the Port of
Morrow open house.
VOL. 118______NO. 49____ 8 Pages
Wednesday, December 8,1999
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon
Lexington FD takes first in Parade of Lights
A sumptuous foyer and kitchen, by Morrow Development and
office and conference space and leased in its entirety to the port.
a panoramic view of the Morrow Development, a re­
Columbia River awed visitors at lending organization, includes
the ribbon cutting and open the five Port of Morrow
house of the new Port of Morrow Commissioners on its board,
facilities in Boardman on Dec. 1. along with bankers Harley Sager
The $1.5 million, 20,000 and John Moffitt. Morrow
square foot building was funded Development borrows money
and re-lends it in conjunction
with a bank for start-up costs for
small business development,
finance inventory and working
capital, among others.
In addition to Port of Morrow
offices, around 4,5000 square
feet are available for lease with
several serious inquiries.
Morrow County declared disaster area
On November 15 Secretary
of Agriculture, Dan Glickman,
approved a drought disaster
County as well as five other
Columbia Basin counties for the
devastating weather conditions
experienced in 1999, according
to the local Farm Service
"The Farm Service Agency
County Committee has been
monitoring the effects of the
drought since August," said Skip
Matthews, county executive
director for the FSA.
realized early on that weather
was having a devastating effect
on agriculture in our area."
Morrow County dryland crop
sales are estimated to be $8.2
million short of average during to
the drought and grazing and
forage production losses are
estimated at $ 1.6 million.
"The drought determination is
the result of local, state, and
other federal agencies working
together." said Matthews. "The
Morrow County Court was very
instrumental in requesting this
determination through Governor
Kitzhaber's office."
Other counties involved with
this determination are Wasco,
Sherman, Gilliam, Umatilla
Baker counties.
This determination will allow
eligible producers to apply for
low interest emergency operating
loans. The USDA is also making
crop disaster payments available
to qualifying producers. The
1999 Crop Disaster Program will
provide benefits to any producer
having more than a 35 percent
loss on any crop.
County has also applied for two
programs to help livestock
growers that have grazing losses
due to the drought.
A public meeting to discuss
these programs will be held
December 16 at 10 a.m. at the St.
Patrick's Parish Hall in Heppner.
Tillamook celebrates
satellite cheese plant
The Tillamook County
Creamery Association held the
groundbreaking ceremony of its
satellite cheese plant, Columbia
River Processing, Inc., on
Tuesday, December 7 at the Port
of Morrow in Boardman.
A short program was held on
the future site of Columbia River
Processing, Inc. located at the
Boardman site.
"This is an exciting time for us
in Tillamook and brings us one
step closer to answering the
demands of our customers in
bringing them more Tillamook
The Lexington Fire Dept. Auxiliary took First place in the
Heppner Parade o f Lights last Thursday night. The auxiliary
decorated one o f the town's fire trucks in bright Christmas lights
to claim the prize.
There were more entries in the parade this year. "I thought the
turnout o f both spectators and participants was outstanding." said
Parade o f Lights Chairman Darrell Raver. "We had an excellent
parade with great floats. Hopefully next year it will be even
Raver, who is employed at the Bank o f Eastern Oregon and has
been chairman o f the Parade o f Lights since its inception three
years ago, said he got the idea for the parade from a similar event
IUCC ground breaking
ceremony set Dec. 12
Members of the lone United
Church o f Christ will hold a
ground-breaking ceremony on
Sunday, Dec. 12, to begin the
building of their new church. As
part of the 11 a.m. worship ser­
vice at St. William’s Catholic
Church, members will form a pro­
cession to the site of the former
church which burned last spring.
From there they will go to the new
site on Mam Street for a celebra­
tion service at 11:30 a.m.
Festivities will include ground­
breaking with a special golden
shovel that was raffled off, a bon
fire, hot dog luncheon, singing and
The public is invited to attend
“this important event in the life of
the church,” said Betty Rietmann
of lone.
Contractors Allstott and Gen­
try will begin construction on the
new church building in the near
Christmas program planned
The Heppner Junior and Senior
High School music program will
be held Monday, Dec. 20 at 7 p m.
at the high school cafeteria.
Musical favorites will include
“Rudolph the Red Nose Rein-
deer,” by the junior high band and
“Sleigh Ride," by LeRoy Ander­
son performed by the senior high
band The combined choir will sing
familiar Christmas carols.
Everyone is invited to attend.
held at Harlem, Montana, where he lived prior to moving to
Following is a complete list o f participants in the parade: City
o f lone, Heppner Fire Dept., Morrow County Farm Museum,
Klamath First Federal, Heppner Elks (second place), Richard
Paris, Heppner Chamber o f Commerce, Bob DeSpain/ Drew
Brannon, Tom & Karen Wolff, Heppner FFA Chapter, Morrow
County Fair Committee, Church o f The Nazarene, Columbia
Basin Electric (third place), Greg Smith, National guard Family
Wellness, Heppner Ambulance/ MC Health Dist., Archie Ball
(Kris Kringle Award), Heppner Ranger District.
“Best of Oregon” on display at museum
“The Best of Oregon,” a trav­
eling juried fiber show, is on dis­
play at the Morrow County Mu­
seum in Heppner, Dec. 4-24.
WeGo, the Weaving Guilds of
Oregon, sponsored the show to
demonstrate the range and diver­
sity of Oregon's fiber artists.
Fifty-two pieces by 43 artists
range from felt hats to hand-
pamted silk shawls to rugs and
wall hangings. Of particular inter­
est locally is the handspun,
handknitted sweater by Sandra
Van Liew of Heppner.
Many of the items in the show
are for sale, though all must re­
main with the traveling show until
its final venue is complete in No­
vember 2000.
An open house to celebrate the
show will be held Saturday, Dec.
18, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the
museum. Admission is free and
the public is welcome to attend.
The show’s tour began at the
Association of Northwest Weav­
ers’ Conference in Montana, then
began its Oregon tour in La
Grande, Roseburg and Coos Bay
before coming to Heppner. In
January, the show will move on to
Eugene, Klamath Falls, Salem,
Corvallis, The Dalles, Oregon
City, New port, Tillam ook,
Brookings and Jacksonville.
Cheese," said Harold Schild,
president and CEO of TCCA. "It
will also signal the re-birth of the
dairy industry in Morrow
The Tillamook County
Creamery Association, formed as
a cooperative in 1909, is a
national marketer of naturally
aged cheddar and a variety of
other cheeses, butter, and line of
premium ice cream, sour cream
and yogurt. TCCA is most
internationally award-winning
Tillamook Cheddar Cheese.
Record game animals tour
to come to Heppner
The Tour of the Northwest's
Big Game Animals is coming to
the Morrow County Fairgrounds
in Heppner this Friday through
Sunday, Dec. 10-12.
Featured in this year's display
are: the widest mule deer ever
taken in Oregon, a "whopping 46
inches": the largest Rocky
Mountain Elk ever taken in
Oregon; "Taft," the bull from
Wallowa Lake, measuring 411
0/8 B.C.; the Montana state
record non-typical mule deer;
both the Oregon and Washington
state record non-typical whitetail
deer; the Oregon state record
typical whitetail deer; the world
record Columbia whitetail deer;
and five of Oregon's largest non-
typical mule deer.
Hours for the display are 3-8
p.m. Friday, Dec. 10; 10 a.m.-8
p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11; and 10
a.m. 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12.
Admission is $3 each, with
children through 12 years old
admitted free.
Also available at the show will
be the newly-released second
edition of the Record Book for
Oregon's Big Game Animals.
The illustrated book features
over 3300 listings and over 400
photographs of Oregon's largest
trophies. The book also includes
a 64-page full-color section and
many stories as told by the
Everyone is invited to bring in
homs, heads and antlers to be
measured free of charge by
official Boone and Crdckett and
Pop and Young measurers. The
minimum score requirements for
Oregon's record book are 80-90
percent lower than the national
requirements. A new youth
division has been added for
hunters 12-17 years old.
Director is David M Moms,
Long Creek, 541-421-3126,
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