4-H news County Court Births Alexa Janita Julian-a daugh­ ter, Alexa Janita, was bom to John and Jana Julian of Kennewick, Washington, on October 15,1999. The baby weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. and was 18” long. Alexa joins two brothers, Nicholas, 4, and Tyler, 3, at home. Her maternal grandmother is Betty Marquardt of Lexington; maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger of Lexington. Paternal grandpar­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. John Julian of Clovis, California and paternal great-grandmother is Phyllys Bennett of Prescott, Arizona. Jessica Lee Atkins-a daugh­ ter, Jessica Lee was bom to Shan­ non and Robert Atkins of Molalla on November 11,1999. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. Jessica joins a brother, Russell, 6, at home. Grandparents are John and Brenda Ratcliff of Molalla. Great-grandparents are George and AnnaMae Steagall of Hepp- ner. The Morrow County Court, at its November 10 meeting, discussed fiscal year 1999 procurement mpney, discussed the status of some efforts related to the chemical depot, approved an agreement with SSI Services, Inc., for some additional technical consulting services and discussed the building inspector plan. The court and County Planner, Tamra Mabbott, discussed the Ione-Boardman Road issue, and $1.00 lb. Heppner Gazette-Times Nov. 25. Everyone is welcome to attend. Anyone who needs a ride to the church or a dinner brought to them may contact Bob or Aloha DeSpain, 676-5376, or George Naims, 676-9970. Members of All Saints Episco­ pal Church are again extending an invitation to the community to share Thanksgiving dinner at the parish hall. Dinner will begin at 1 p.m., Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, GOOD LUCK MUSTANGS! In the Service G O BEAVERS! (Dead Ducks) Tread Design May Vary from Photo P I 49/754-14 P I4 5 / 7 5 * U P205/754-14 P215/7S4-14 P705/754-15 P21S/754-15 P725/754-15 P235/7 54-15 PI 75/704-13 P I 45/704-13 P185/704-14 P1»5/704-14 P705/704-14 P215/704-15 P225/704-1S P245/704-15 P215/654-15 COAST TO COAST Heppner 4 *< r . 4M .1 51.31 57.79 54 39 M JI 54.75 41.04 45.43 4733 44.47 50.45 43.14 44.12 71 47 75 00 71.47 SNOW FLEX® Rubber compound with microbit technology *. / V F O " \ ___ » t u m GETS, THE BETTER IT G RIPS 1---------------- □ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ¿ i l 11 1 s in P175/70R -13 P1I5/70R -13 P175/70R-14 PI 6 5 /7 0 « -14 P U 5 /7 0 R -1 4 K205/70R-14 «215/70R -1« P205/70R-15 « 2 1 5 /7 0 6 -1 5 f 34.46 35.67 37.45 38.77 42.19 53.60 54.49 50.94 54 99 P195/60R -14 P195/60R-14 P20S/60R-15 P195/60R -15 «205/65R -15 P215/6SR-15 P195/65R-14 « 1 85/65R -15 P195/65R-15 50.07 53.99 59.24 58 IS 5618 53.56 54.20 51.62 55.09 NOVEMBER 18-19-20 10 turkeys per day will be given away COLD STARTING P0WEI A STUDDED TIRE ALTERNATIVE Recommended on all 4 wheel positions this latest in technology tire otters a new rubber compound with microbtt technology designed lor excellent traction without tire studs sumoAiarrr sin PRKf 50 14 53.75 44.74 4X 77 7X54 7435 •4.14 •US 4 7 35 14514 9757 9452 41 42 41J1 4554 4X41 7440 44 34 145.13 •4.74 44.44 14X11 12242 15152 12744 ! 4 24 7 5/ 7 5 70 / 7 -1 0 1 4 4 < 175/40-14 ! , 145/40-14 145/40-14 145/40-15 145/40-15 245/4511-15 2 1 5 / 4 0 IS 215/4511-11 . 145/40-14 , 145/4014 145/4015 2 4 5 / 4 0 IS 215/4015 229/4014 239/404-14 145/90-19 20 /9 94 -1 9 249/50-19 229/594-19 245/9019 229/944-19 9 1 / 1 4 0 4 -1 9 froté O éstçr W ill Vtry ma LES WE CAN HELP YOU 676-9961 Thursday Friday Saturday B A T T E R Y E F F IC IE N C Y » jT t'. ^ A-w K ■» - • V . • 'ir l vu -« rrqtm m 2 . nw - m i a WINTER RADIAL RETREADS] 1444-13 1444-13 1794-14 1444-14 P I 44/744-1« P I 49/714-14 P2V4/744-19 P714/794-11 PÎ29/794-19 P H t/794-14 179/744-13 145/744-11 179/70-14 149/70-14 149/744-14 P I4 9 / 7 0 1 4 249/7019 214/7019 219/7014 229/7015 P234/794-1S P23S/701S 245/704-14 rm / 7 o i4 244/7011 June U p fo r W inter! Pep assembly set at HHS S-B | sot The Barnyarders 4-H Club met on Nov. 2 to fill out 4-H membership enrollment forms. The following members were nominated for the club elections to be held next month: president- Damel Jepsen, Leland Rill and Emily Unruh; vice-president- Leland Rill, Emily Unruh and Meaghan Unruh; secretary/treasurer-Amy Jepsen and Meaghan Unruh; reporter- Heather Rill, Amy Jepsen and Meaghan Unruh. The club also planned a trip to Brian Haguewood's home to see a new litter of pigs. On Nov. 6, the Barnyarders Club met at the Haguewood farm. They learned about the care of new baby pigs, clipped the pigs' needle teeth and castrated a new litter. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Christian M. Cannon, whose wife, Gloria, is the daughter of Gene Peterson of Imgon, recently Everyone is invited to attend reported for duty aboard the air­ the pep assembly. craft carrier USS Carl Vinson, The football team will play in homeported in Bremerton, WA. the quarter finals this Saturday, The 1990 graduate of East November 20, against the Amity Newton High School of Granby, Warriors at Amity beginning at 1 Missouri, joined the Navy in June p.m. 1991. This Is a Great Buy On Excellent Winter Radials. Pinned f o r Stm s fo r Extra Traction on Snow and Ice, or Choose Studless Traction. They're Both B uilt Tough fo r the Winter Driving You Do. Economically priced and pinned lor studs. Comes with the lull Les Schwab Warranty. By Emily Unruh Public invited to All Saints Thanksgiving dinner A community pep assembly for the Heppner High School Mustang Football Team will be held this Thursday, Nov. 18, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the HHS gym. SCRATCH PADS Barnyarders Mabbott reported on the need for a survey and on the squirrel habitat. The court noted one bid received on the Wilkinson Arena doors and agreed to give it to the Fair Board for comparison to the advertised bid. Representatives of the Corps of Engineers, Bob Ford and Russell Davidson, explained to the court the operation of the Willow Creek Dam. Lisa Breckenndge, of GEODC. discussed with the court the contract and its scope of work. By Doris Brosnan Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 17, 1999 - THREE r - - ! SCHWAB • & I A d d S5 0 0 if no a xc han g# N O A P P O IN T M E N T N E C E SSA R Y LA TEST IN TESTING EQUIPM ENT T R A IN E D P R O F E S S IO N A L S F R EE INSTALLATION m o st v e h ic le s ) SNO W I WHEEL! SN O W B IT IN G T R E A D D E S IG N 14X32 19037 7X44 7X74 4 0 32 7X43 7437 4433 41.72 12X44 7X0 770 1133 4X17 47 35 1070 14737 11X32 114.04 1170 12X44 14X0 11X42 l i e 94 \ TH E QUICK FIT CHAIN T H EY T A K E TH E W O R K A N D F R U S T R A T IO N OUT OF U SIN G T IR E C H A IN S . T H EY GO ON A N D O F F Q U IC KLY A N D F IT RIGH T TO P R O V ID E E X C E L L E N T T R A C T IO N D U R IN G TOUGH W IN T E R D R IV IN G C O N D IT IO N S. * ckc #« a w y -g c to m * tn* M P ' r a o pt* »OOÖ »LTt i.ph '•»•»!>«* »O'c t „ » EXCELLEN T TRACTOS i J SNOW A N D IC E 55R-13 WHEN YOU BU Y A SET OF SNOW W H EELS YOU SA V E T IM E A N D MONEY -U P TO $45 EACH TIME YOU HAVE YOUR SNOW TIRES INSTALLED OR REMOVED. PASSEN G ER C H A IN RETURN PRO G RAM IF YOU D O N ’T USE YOUR PASSENGER CAR CHAINS, RETURN THEM FOR A FULL REFUND AFTER THE LAST LEGAL DATE FOR STUDDED TIRES. 90 DAYS same as (usti Light Truck Traction Tires EXCELLENT VALLE RETREADS Les Schwab Retreads art an •icelltnl value With state of the an manufacturing techniques we can provide a super* retread that is highway safe environmentally sound and comes complete with the i I Les Schwab Warranty IT 1JV 7I4-1S 3 M 544 15 iT ?ive sa ’» im vts* H IT71V 4S4 il 11744/754 I I •4 45 M n T IM 71 H r« M 74.41 it siSÈI 124 N. Main Heppner 6 7 6 -9 4 8 1