SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Tests in d icate L exin gton 's drinking w ater safe Residents of the town of Lexington received their water quality report for 1998 with their water billing for the end of September, according to a town of Lexington news release. Last year the Environmental Protection Agency required any entity serving more than 25 water customers to inform their customers of the quality of water that was being provided so that customers with particular health needs could determine if the water they were drinking could contribute to their health problems or other concerns. The town reports that of the many contaminants tested for, none are over the acceptable limits determined by the EPA and most are well below the acceptable limits, said the release. The tests do show that the town has a small amount of natural fluonde in the water. The town also has an "unusually high amount of magnesium" which, according to the release, is more of a problem with sediment in the pipes and perhaps contributes to the bad taste in the airport well water. Sodium is also "unusually high", at 39 milligrams per liter at the airport well and 23 milligrams per liter at the cemetery well. There is a trace amount of barium, lead and COPY PAPER copper Lead and copper test results are from 1997 and the major contamination comes from corrosion of household plumbing, they said. There were no volatile organic or synthetic organic contaminants detected. Each month a col i form test is taken and in July 1998 the total coliform test was above the desired level, but there was no fecal coliform found. Chlorination of the water solved the problem as none was found with further testing, they said. According to the release, the first samples could have been contaminated by the method of taking the sample, not chlorinating the water sufficiently or by repairs being made to the system and a small amount of dirt entering the pipe. At the time of the problem, two samples were clean and three samples tested above for total coliform, said the release. According to the release, the town council hopes that with the water system upgrade many of the town's water problems will improve. For copies of the report, contact Jean Brazell at the Lexington Town Hall. For further information about water contaminants, call the EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. F orm er lo n e resident Copies 104 ■ Heppner Qazette-Tmes By the C ity o f H eppner For the month High 9/1 66 70 9/2 9/3 72 9/4 75 9/5 82 9/6 87 9/7 69 9/8 73 9/9 81 9/10 83 9/11 78 9/12 72 9/13 78 9/14 83 9/15 88 9/16 88 9/17 84 9/18 82 9/19 84 9/20 80 9/21 85 9/22 89 9/23 91 9/24 87 9/25 70 9/26 64 9/27 62 9/28 62 9/29 69 9/30 82 of September Low Precip 39 00 41 00 43 00 48 00 49 .00 48 .00 42 .00 42 .00 46 .00 46 .00 42 .00 42 .00 45 .00 51 00 52 .00 50 00 47 .00 50 .00 50 .00 51 .00 52 .00 55 .00 52 .00 39 .01 46 .00 37 .00 32 .00 33 .00 38 00 45 .00 Foundation/US Bank Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards ceremony at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Portland. Maxine Rietmann, a part-time faculty member and former lone resident, will be honored at the presentation. In addition to recognition, Rietmann. who now lives m Newberg, will also receive a $500 award. She teaches GED classes at the open campus. The winners consist of seven full-time faculty members, three part-time faculty members, one classified employee and one education technical specialist. MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION will hold the following hearings of pub­ lic interest on Monday, October 25,1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the North Morrow Annex Building on Third and North Main Street in Irrigon, Oregon: Second of three hearings on a request for an Amendment to the Zoning and Comprehensive Plan Maps: David Gray, Century 21, applicant; Paul and Susan Hisler, owners. Request is to change the zone designation of a portion of tax lot 1300 of Assessor’s Map Heppner Booster Club Steak Feed and Auction Saturday - October 16th Dinner 6:00 to 8:00 - Auction at 8:00 Heppner Elks Club - Come and Join the Fun Advanced tickets on sale at Coast to Coast and the Shoe Box 2 k Weather Report PUBLIC NOTICE receives PCC aw ard Twelve employees of Portland Community College (PCC) will be honored Tuesday. Oct. 19. for their "dedication and commitment to PCC and its students" at the 11 th annual PCC Ream • Carton Gazette-Times 676-9228 Main Auction Items Raffle Items Whitewater Raft Trip for 6 on the Dechutes Savage-243-Rifle with Scope 25" Color TV Mark McGuire Rookie Card (mint condition) Wild Horse Gaming Package 100 Gallons of Fuel Resort at the Mountain Golf Duffle Bag Snapper Lawn Mower - Six Speed Handmade Craft Item Tiger Woods Autographed Hat Coffee Maker Fleece Pull-over (Pepsi) Limited Edition Napa Model Train Set Polar Fleece Vest Bird Hunt for four - Munkers Ranch Set of Passenger Tires Picnic Blanket & Wine Sporting Items Painting by Betty Mills Italian Dinner for Six & Fine Wine Football WSU vs OSU Tickets (4) One Pet Wellness Exam $20.00 at El Cazador Sporting Clay Course for Four - TKO Lands End Duffle Bag Two Seattle Seahawks Tickets Lube, Oil & Filter Fishing Trip - One day for Two $ 50.00 of Mysteries Bird Hunt, 2 Days for 2 - Dougherty Ranch Pendleton Blanket Black Hills Gold Ring Mustang Banner Mizuno Sports Bag Nike Golf Shorts Ladies Car Coat - Weekenders Nike Sports Watchs Portland Rose Garden Package 2-Blazer Tickets Animal Supplies Lube, Oil & Filter Six Holiday Bouquets & Treats New Holland Toy Tractor $250.00 Toward a Tool Box $25.00 Gift Certificate Tri-Cities Golf and Lodging Package Contractor's Pouch Two Blazer Tickets Canine or Cat spade or neutar 2 Nights at Gleneden on the Oregon Coast Dog Beds Two Round Trip Airline Tickets 25 pounds of Hamburger Stay at the Columbia Gorge Hotel Case of Toilet Paper 2 Nights-Inn of the Seventh Mountain Millenium Bear & Baby Bear Beanie Mustangs Polar Fleece Vest Craftsman Cordless Screwdriver Titanium Driver Fleece Pull-over Quilt Wall Hanging Kitten Apron Mexican Dinner for Eight Hair & Nail Basket One Pheasant Mount Gift Basket Hunting Coat - Large Sports Clothing & Hats Handmade-20" Pillow Lube, Oil & Filter Willow Cr C.C Family Membership Two Wooden Tulips Metal Rocking Horse Pepsi Products Q One Hour Flight Silent Auction Items Sporting Tickets, Theater Tickets for the Ballet - Symphony - Philharmonic and more. Sports Pictures, Nike shoes, Five Wood. Blazer's Autograph Basketball, History Basket Over 40 items available for Silent Bid - I i 4S 29, located on Hisler Road ap­ proximately 15 miles southeast of the City of Heppner. The proposal is to change the zoning of 27.66 acres of the tax lot from Forest Use (FU) Zoning to Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Zoning. Crite­ ria for approval includes AR­ TICLE 8 and Oregon Administra­ tive Rules 660-033-0030 and 660- 006-0010. Conditional Use Permit Appli­ cation, CUP-S-139: Donald L. Gay, applicant and owner. Prop­ erty is described as tax lot 2300 of Assessor’s Map 4S 28 11AA, located approximately 15 miles southeast of the City of Heppner on Coyote Trail Lane in the Blake Ranch area. The proposal is to site a dwelling on a .92 acre parcel in a Forest Use (FU) Zone. Criteria for approval includes Zoning Or­ dinance 3.020(B )(27), 3.020(D)(3), 3.020(E) and (F). Land Partition Application, LP- N-247: Kelly Nobles, applicant and owner. Property is described as tax lot 5500 of Assessor’s Map 5N 27 21 A, a 8.39 acre parcel lo­ cated on the east side of Rand Road north of the West Extension Irrigation District canal, approxi­ mately two miles east of the City of Irrigon. Proposal is a replat of Parcel #1 of Partition Plat 1999- 3. Applicant intends to partition the parcel into two parcels larger than the one acre minimum lot size of the Rural Residenlial One Acre (RR-1) Zone. Criteria for ap­ proval include Morrow County Subdivision Ordinance ARTICLE 5, Sections 5.020 and 5.030. Land Partition Application, LP- N-248: W. C. Hendrix, applicant and owner. Property is described as tax lot 700 of Assessor’s Map 4N 25 17, a 8.95 acre parcel lo­ cated on the southwest comer of Wilson Lane and Paul Smith Road, adjacent to the City of Boardman, but outside the Urban Growth Boundary. Proposal is to partition the parcel into two parcels larger than the two acre minimum of the Farm Residential Two Acre (FR- 2) Zone. Criteria for approval in­ clude Morrow County Subdivision Ordinance ARTICLE 5, Sections 5.020 and 5.030. Conditional Use Permit Appli­ cation, CUP-N-140; Wayne Downey, applicant, R. D. Offutt, lessee from State of Oregon, Boeing Agri-Industrial. Property is described as tax lot 106 of Assessor’s Map 4N 23 36, a 1,896 acre parcel located east of Three Mile Canyon Road in the Simplot Feedlot area, approximately ten m iles west o f the City o f Boardman. Proposal is to site three manufactured dwellings for farm help (accessory farm dwell­ ings) on parcel in an Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Zone. Criteria for approval include Morrow County Zoning ordinance Section 3.020(D)(3) and Oregon Admin­ istrative Rule 660-33-130(9). Land Partition Application, LP- S-249 and Conditional Use Per­ mit Application, CUP-S-141: Clint and Sarah Carlson, Treo Ranches, applicants; 4C Ranches, owners. Property is described as tax lot 1401 and 1402 of Assessor’s Map 3S 24 8 and 17, a 583.65 acre and 160 acre parcel respectively, lo­ cated approximately 20 miles southwest of the City of Hepp­ ner. Proposal is to partition an ap­ proximate 10 acre parcel of land out of the two parent parcels, cre­ ating a “non-farm dwelling" par­ cel and to site a dwelling on this parcel in an Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Zone. Criteria for approval include Morrow County Subdivi­ sion Ordinance Sections 5.020 and 5.030 and Morrow County Zon­ ing Ordinance 3.010(F) and (G) and Oregon Administrative Rules. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above proposals or to ask questions will be pro­ vided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an op­ portunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after October 14. 1999. For more information, please con­ tact Tamra Mabbott at the Mor­ row County Planning Department at 922-4624 or 676-5650 DATED this 13 th day of October 1999 MORROW COUNTY PLAN­ NING DEPARTMENT Published: October 13,1999 Affid ________ PUBLIC NOTICE The Morrow County Museum Commission will meet Tuesday, October 19, 1999, at 7:30 PM, at the Morrow County Museum. Published: October 13, 1999 C L A S S IF IE D ADS .4 0 per word Deadline: Tuesday at noon PLEASE check your ad on the first date o f publication. W hile we are happy to make any necessary corrections, we cannot be responsible fo r er­ rors appearing on multiple days. When cancelling an ad, PLEASE check to be sure your ad was not inadvertently published. THANK YO U! CARD OF TH A N KS Thank you everyone for your prayers, cards and phone calls for me after the accident on 1-84, Sept. 2 5 .1 am so thankful to live in this small community of Hepp­ ner with so much love and care. God wasn’t ready for me yet. Faye Seitz ___________________ 10-13-lc Dear Friends, It’s been a wonderful life experience, to have lived in Heppner and made so many dear friends these last seven years. Mike and I will miss the community, and the home you made for us here. To my Chamber of Commerce and Heppner Coordinating Council buddies: you all do so much for the community, it’s been an honor to know you. Heppner is a special place because of your efforts. Claudia, the Chamber would be lost without you. So many communities are critical of, and even hostile toward, the Forest Service these days. Working in that sort of difficult environment would be very draining and has to make things less productive. Heppner’s resolve to work together, build things up, rather than tear things (or people) down, is one of its strongest attributes and makes it such a successful community. It’s been a blessing to have your support, your interest, your constructive criticisms offered in a healthy way. The employees at the Heppner Ranger District are the most dedicated land stewards I’ve ever worked with, and I hope that you continue to show them your support as you’ve supported me. A1 Scott will be Acting District Ranger for several months, until a permanent re­ placement for me is selected. I’m leaving to take on new challenges, and broader respon­ sibilities in some ways. I know what I’ve learned here will serve me well in my new position. I’m happy that I’ll still be working for the Umatilla National Forest and staying in the beautiful Blue Mountains, which I’ve truly come to love. The nice part of moving only as far as Pendleton is that I’ll be able to come back and visit for St. Pat’s and Fair and Rodeo. I hope you don’t run out of green beer before then! Again, it’s been a true honor to be your District Ranger. Thank you all for everything. Delanne Ferguson ___________________ 10-13-lp I would like to thank our won­ derful Neighborhood Center, with its wonderful staff, especially Janice Skaggs, and all the volun­ teers who keep it going. I don’t know what I would have done without their help. We are so lucky to have our Neigh­ borhood Center. God bless you all, Faith Healy ___________________ 10-13-lc To the person who left the com on my back porch-thank you! It was delicious. Monica 10-13-lp NOTICES Want to get on the Internet, but not sure how? Take the first step and pick up your Internet Sign-up Pack. The pack has phone numbers, prices and other information on how to sign up- and best of all, it’s free. Pick one up today at the Hepp­ ner Gazette-Times or Heppner City Hall. 7-28-tfx MALHEUR LUMBER COMPANY BUYING LOGS & STANDING TIM BER Give us a call today! 1-800-238-5469 or Steve Courtney 541-575-0420. eves. HELP W ANTED OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Highway Maintenance Specialist - Heppner Your maintenance, equipment operation, team skills and ability to work independently are needed for a seasonal vacancy in Heppner. As a member of a main­ tenance crew, you will perform manual labor and equipment operation to repair and maintain remote roadway/highway sec­ tions safe for travelling motorists. Requires general familiarity with common hand tools and laboring techniques, routine maintenance of equipment, operation of motor­ ized equipment, or an equivalent combination of training and expe­ rience. Requires a Class A CDL. Final candidate will be subjected to drug screening. Salary $1,494 - $2,691/month + excellent benefits: health insur­ ance; paid vacation: sick and personal leaves: 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY (503) 986- 3854 for the hearing impaired), visit www.Oregon, or your local employment depart­ ment office for a State Employ­ ment Application (PD100). Send completed application to: ODOT Maintenance, Attn: Jim King, 273 W. Linden Way, Heppner, OR 97836-5204. ODOT is an AAJ EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is October 21, 1999 _____________________ 10-13-lc Help W anted: apply at Bucknum’s Tavern. We are a full lottery service. ___________________ 10-13-2c Desperately need help to mow lawn and do general yard work before winter. $10/hr. Call 676- 9070 after 6 p.m. 10-13-lp REAL ESTA TE SIGN UP NOW NEW SERVICE Heritage Land Co. Property Alert! As soon as new properties come on the market, be notified by e-mail. Whether you are look­ ing for a new home, or just want to keep up on what properties are for sale in Heppner, Lexington and lone, you need Heritage Land Co.’s new service: “Property Alert!”. Each new property list­ ing will be sent direct to your e- mail box; and best of all, the ser­ vice is free. Sign up now at To list your property for sale, call David Sykes, Licensed Agent, at: (541) 676-9228 busi­ ness; (541) 676-9939 home; 1- 800-326-2152 toll free. Q 10-13-tfx « m tm ' w ri Heritage Land Co. 180 W Baltimore #5, Heppner Heritage Land Co. EB. 180 W Baltimore #5, Heppner EO 1 M lH O 1J U fM 676-5049 OWCHTVMTY • 79,000 - 3 bdrm, 2 bath newer mobile with snow package up­ grades, on 3 acres M/L. Fur­ nished and ready to move in. Blake Ranch, near hunting and fishing • 157,500 - split-level on over­ sized lot, 4 or 5 bdrm, 3 bath, fam­ ily room, 2 fireplaces, double car garage, on Willow Creek. • 49,000 -1 bedroom, 1 bath, lots of storage, metal roof, new car­ pet in bedroom and living room. Large finished basement, de­ tached single car garage. • 99,900 - 2-story home on a cor­ ner lot with 4 bedroom s, 1’/a baths, fireplace; conveniently lo­ cated to downtown. Tastefuly re­ modeled and updated. Sharon Lewis 676-5233 JoyceKay Hollomon 676-5542 Boh Ployhar 676-9649 A. Kim Cutsforth 676-9625 David Sykes 676-9228 Jerry Hollomon 676-5542