Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 29, 1999, Page SIX, Image 6

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    S IX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 29, 1999
Letters to the Editor
Chamber Chatter
Lauritsen receives state distinguished service award
By Claudia Hug has, Exec. Dir.
Carl Lauritsen, coordinator of
emergency medical services for the
Morrow County Health District,
received the Oregon State
distinguished service award at a
presentation during the state
Emergency Services banquet
Saturday in Portland.
Lauritsen received a plaque and
a distinguished service medal from
the Oregon Health Division on
behalf of "Oregon's entire EMS
community." The presentation
each year recognizes an individual
for distinguished achievement in
emergency medical services.
Lauritsen, 49, an EMT III, is
responsible for
emergency medical services
throughout the county. His job
includes vehicle maintenance,
acting as training officer, teaching
EMT basic and intermediate
classes, assisting nursing as much
as possible, helping out in the
nursing home and going out on
emergency calls. Lauritsen said
that he would also like to establish
a preventative program in the
"1 enjoy the medical portion of it,
says Lauritsen. "I do like the
patient care. It's nice being able to
assist people."
Editor's note Letters to the Editor must be^signed The Gazette-Times w ill not
publish unsigned letters. Please include your address and phone number on all
letters h r use by the C-T office The C-T reserves the right to edit.
To the Editor
Perhaps it is true, that things
happen in a senes of three
One tries not to become super­
stitious. but some things are just
too well connected to ignore
Consider this: in the same pe­
riod o f time. ( l ) the governor de­
clared Sept 11-18 to be 911
Awareness Week. (2) Humcane
Flo>d developed into a notewor­
thy storm: and (3) the Heppner
Neighborhood Watch, which is
very big on using 911 and whose
coordinator is named Floyd, called
its annual business meeting
That is a lot of coincidence, but
that is not the end of it
It did begin much as a bright
sun-shining day.
The group that was seated at
the meeting table was very well
rounded May or Bob Jepsen. po­
lice officer Mike Sweek. Marilyn
Bader-Nesse from Behavioral
Health, representatives of ranch­
ing and of business, working and
retired folks, male and female.
Each one of those in atten­
dance acting from his or her own
mdiv idual perspective
Our little ty phoon on the table
began as a sharp breeze that
quickly increased to a gale force
when Floyd (not Floyd the hurri­
cane. but Floyd the coordinator)
began to read, for review and ac­
ceptance. a paper describing the
history of the Fleppner Neighbor­
hood Watch This history made
mention o f correspondence dis­
cussing crim inal background
checks as requested by the police
Dark, ominous clouds could be
seen gathering, as one person,
who is familiar with the United
States Constitution, stated that the
police have no right to demand
background checks based upon
watch membership
Lightning flickered w hen a per­
son wearing the blue uniform said
that the background checks are
necessary to prevent criminals m-
- j ( i S i m . f l i i J« . i V ‘r u u
filtrating the watch
Low thunder grow led because
one of those seated, who may yet
be in mourning of his loss of inno­
cence in the Korean War. claimed
that citizens are protected by law
against invasion of privacy
Rain falling, huge, cold drops
Someone asserted that we must
give up some privacy for mutual
Stomi intensify ing as faces red­
Voices babble, like roiling, con­
fusing floodwater. "You will not ."
"I will not ” "You cannot " “We
must “
Throats tightening with accu­
Eyes flashing warning
Terrible winds o f dissention
howling, forcing old friends apart
Debris from anger and frustra­
tion caught up in the rawness of
the gale, whipping perilously
around the table
Suddenly a hero, who proudly
display s both wrinkle and gray hair,
spoke the obvious. “Was this re­
quest for criminal check, from the
police, submitted in writing? If not.
then there was. technically , no re­
quest made “
Absolute quiet The ey e of the
storm Mouths slacked Words
abandoned half spoken
Ey es o f warning now sought
out old friends w ith looks of apol­
Crisis averted Calm
But. of course, as with any ey e
of the hurricane, the back side
arm ed. although w ith not quite as
much stir
Statements of police and a mis­
sion statement were vigorously
argued and settled upon
B y-law s were agreed to
These by-laws protect the inde­
pendent nature of the watch It
also assures confidentially of all
members o f the watch These
were accepted by unanim ous
Ray French was narrow ly
elected to the office o f Neighbor­
hood Watch coordinator, replac­
ing Floyd White
After adjournment, all o f those
who had arrived as friends and
neighbors went home as friends
and neighbors
Doppler radar and weather
charting seem to indicate that the
Neighborhood Watch program
It's always nice to have visitors
stop by the Chamber office, locals
remains very much alive and ex­
Sharon Burnside
tremely vibrant, offering an um­ dropped in to say that one need not
travel to New England to see
brella of shelter from the storms
of life to any and all who treat oth­ vibrant tall colors for they are as
close as the nearest field or
ers with respect
hillside. Everything has a beauty
But please take note If you are
of its own right here in Morrow
someone who vv ishes to party all
night, enjoy But if the light comes
"Fall is in the crispy air, and for
on in the house next door, then the
hunters we prepare." That’s the
time has come to turn y our music
motto of the merchants' committee
And especially if you are some­ as they get ready to welcome the
one who decides that instead of first of the hunters with free coffee
donated by Central Red Apple
working, earning and buying a
Market. They will be given a
chainsaw, that it might be easier
merchants' map, hunter and non­
to break into y our neighbor 's ga­
hunting partner checklist and a
rage to steal one. beware If y ou
cheerful welcome by ambassador
get caught up in that whirlwind,
Doris Brosnan.
y ou will get rained on
Anyone interested in
The Neighborhood Watch is
volunteering to help meet and
still watching
greet Friday, October I, at what
(s) Floy d White
was formerly Miller’s Mini Mart,
please give Doris a call.
Your Chamber of Commerce is
dedicated to helping create a
positive environment where
business, community and people
Lately we have been
To the Editor:
hearing o f mountain cabins being
Even though it has been many broken into and this is not a
years since I left Heppner, (1945)
positive. Well, sometimes it is.
it will always be "home" to me and
Last winter a call came in
I am still interested in what goes
apologizing to us for breaking in,
on there. My grandparents, John
but thanking us for the use o f the
and Mary Hughes, were some of woodstove, a bed, some hot soup,
the very earliest Irish immigrants,
and the opportunity for a lost hiker
coming to Heppner in 1880 from
to warm up for the night. He then
Tipperary. 1 have no immediate
offered to cut wood or help in
relatives now living there, but
some way. We were grateful that
anyone who has the name Hughes
he found warmth from the storm
or is a descendant of Rob and May and was an honest person who
Turner are relatives of mine.
lived by the golden rule. "Do unto
You might be interested to know others as you would have others do
that for 21 years I have taught a unto you." This rule is written in
class for Chemeketa Community
all languages and stated in similar
College here in Salem called
words by Aristotle, Muslim,
"Writing Your Life Story." People Roman, Plato, Hindu, Buddhist,
in the class write their auto­ Confucius, Matthew and Luke, to
biography. Now and then I have name a few. How our world, our
someone from Heppner in this country, our communities, our
class. 1 really enjoy having people families, would change if all were
who remember some of the same to abide by this. Envision that for
things I do. Margaret Ebert, the year 2000.
whose husband was Morrow
Next week all entities report
County Farm Agent in the middle during the noon Chamber
’40s, is a present class member, luncheon. Included will be the
and I have had Bill Wildman, who recap of the dairy tour in Bums.
once published the Gazette Times, October 12, Bruce Anderson,
Edna (Mrs: Beryl) Coxen, and superintendent of the Morrow
Dorothy Peck Tucker.
County School District will share
1 remember the years after I left school financial concerns with the
Heppner when my mother, Olive membership.
Hughes, always sent on her
Chamber welcomes the Morrow
Gazette. 1 enjoyed reading all the County Health District as a
personal items, such as who took a member and the new administrator
trip or had someone to dinner. I Victor Vander Does to our
wish you could have more of that Chamber meetings.
kind of "news" in the paper. I
Thought for the week: "When
especially enjoy reading Merlyn what we are is what we want to be,
Kirk Robinson's "Off the Wall." that's happiness."
Merlyn’s mother, Altha Kirk, was
the driver for the bus I rode when
we lived on the Hughes ranch four
miles north of Heppner on Willow
Kathryn Healy, Heppner, owns
Creek. Mrs. Kirk was a good bus one of the bulls listed in the 1999
driver who really cared about her Fall Sire Evaluation Report
charges. I was fortunate to grow published by the American Angus
up in an era when it still "took a Association headquartered in St.
village to raise a child," and the Joseph, Mo.
people of Heppner took this
Issued in both the spring and
responsibility seriously.
fall, the new report features the
I would be happy to hear from latest performance information
anyone who remembers me.
available on more than 5,784 sires.
"The American Angus Association
(s) Ellen (Hughes) Marshall has the most complete and
3625 Beverly Avenue NE #5 comprehensive
Salem, Oregon 97305 database in the world," says John
performance programs. "Of the
sires listed in the main report, 58
percent have expected progeny
differences (EPDS) for carcass
By Delpha Jones
traits, which should assist
Holly Rebekah Lodge met on
cattlemen in choosing genetics that
Thursday evening It was decided
will produce a more consistent,
to continue the potluck dinners in higher quality beef product."
the fall A Thanksgiving potluck
EPDs are generated from
will be held Nov 18
performance data submitted by
Plans were discussed for a breeders through the Angus Herd
stew supper and card party as a Improvement Records (AHIR)
money maker in January
The first card party for the fall
Traits in which EPDs are
will be the second Saturday in available include birth weight,
October Prizes will be awarded weaning weight, milk, yearling
and refreshments served
weight and height, mature
Heppner will
always be home
Carf Lauritsen with distinguished service medal and plaque
Cardinals fall to Dufur
Rangers in opener
In the fourth quarter. Scott
The lone Cardinals football scored on a five yard run and
team fell to the Dufur Rangers, Morgan scored on a spectacular
70-26. on Friday. Sept. 24. at 62 yard scramble
Dufur. in their Big Sky league
This game marked the Cardi­
nals' first loss of the season
Brad Bunight rushed for 136
Dufur led 22-0 at the end of
the first quarter In the second y ards on 24 carries Korey Mor­
quarter, the C ard in als' Brad gan was 8-16 with no intercep­
Bumght scored on a 10 yard run tions Burright also had three re­
and a 20 yard pass from Korey ceptions for 41 yards, and John
Ferguison had two receptions for
Dufur s balanced running and 13 yards
The Cardinals play the Echo
passing attack, along with their
relentless defense, put the Cardi­ Cougars in the Cardinals' home­
nals behind by a score of 50-12 at coming game on Friday . Oct 1. at
In the third quarter. Ione s Dan
Scott got a quarterback sack
There wasn't any scoring by ei­
ther team in the third quarter
By Cathy Gates
Penturf second
in state bull
You can eat any food you crave and still
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POINTS R value.
Jerid Penturf, a junior at Heppner
High School, placed third in bull
riding at two high school rodeos,
orie at Bums on September 18 and
one at LaGrande September 25.
Penturf, a member of the
Intermountain High School Rodeo
Team, is now second in the state in
high school bull riding.
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Heppner Gazette-Times
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WEIGHT WATCHERS trademark. All rights reserved.
New meeting opening: Thursday, Sept. 23
United Methodist Church • Thursday 6:30 p.m.
daughter weight and height, and
scrotal circumference, as well as
carcass traits including carcass
weight, marbling, rib eye area,
external fat thickness and percent
retail product.
The analysis for the sire
evaluation report is conducted at
Iowa State University, by Dr.
Doyle E. Wilson and Dr. Abebe
Other Meeting Locations:
Senior Center - 425 W. Orchard
Mondays 6:30 p.m.
United Methodist Church • 352 SE 2nd
Tuesdays 6:30 p.m.
Clip and Save
H a rd m a n O yste r F e e d
F B • W e sto n
M cEw an
. B flfih E a i
« L m
D r e s s u p - Hawaiian. Twm.
Occupaaon, B lu e iG o id
6th = B o n f ire
* Para d e . G a m e
8th = D a n c e
¿^G arden CluD
Etem S ite C ouncil
P arents Club
C irr Planning
H ad D ial Brd
O TPR Comm
Fa ir B rd
C ity Counc*
H o C o Sch Brd
Booh Fat
SW CDBtd /M esons
R e O n Staton
h eo c
C ounty C ourt
Sch A dvisory Brd
12 Cham ber
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C ounty C ourt
Book W orm s
Chld/Fam Comm. Brd
H H S S ite C ounol
V B h a ra
O ddfellow s
C ounty C ourt
M useum Brd
S t a n f ie ld
Cham ber
W orm s
7 W V S a rv
L ib ra ry S t o r y Tim e
C ham bar
Just stay within your
POINTS range.
Brett McDowell of Heppner
took second place in the second
go-around in team roping at the
Pullayup, Washington, PRCA
rodeo held September 20.
McDowell and his partner, Wade
Wheatley, from Hughson, CA, had
a time of 5.0.
Local Angus breeder recognized
Holly Rebekah
plans potluck
competes at
H aigh C an Brd
C o u n ty C o u rt
C h a m b e r B rd
S t a t e B a rre l Racing
F in a ls
F in a ls
Tchr State mserwee
L a d ie s N n e
h a ra
h a ra
1 4 w v S erv O u t 15
P i lo t R o c k
Sh a r. C o.
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C lub
7 th
h a ra
V B # W a sto n
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W V S e rv C lu b
School C ain iY il
Brd /BPO E
D nt Brd
R e crea e on
W a it . - M e .
h a ra
Jr. Hi. F B A V B
Sta te B a rre l R a c in g
C u lv a r
S t a n f ie ld
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