Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 15,1998 - FIVE PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY PLANNING COM M ISSION will hold the following heanngs of public interest on Monday, July 27,1998, at 7:30 p.m. at the Mor­ row County Public Works Build­ ing on State Highway 74 in Lex­ ington, Oregon: Land Partition Application, LP-N-217: Gerardo and Maria Martinez, applicants and owners. Property is described as Tax Lot 3101 (2.61 acres) of Assessor’s Map 5N 26 23C, located on the south side of Columbia Lane ap­ proximately one mile west of the City of Imgon. The proposal is to partition the 2.61 acre parcel into two parcels each exceeding the minimum lot size of the Ru­ ral Residential One Acre (RR-1) Zone. Criteria for approval in­ cludes Subdivision Ordinance ARTICLE 5, Sections 5.020 and 5.030. Subdivision Application No. SD-N-202: Ronald and Nancy Huddleston, applicants and own­ ers. Property is described as Tax Lot 303 of Assessor’s Map 5N 26 26, located on the east side of West Eighth Road approximately three miles west of the City of Imgon in a Rural Residential One Acre (RR-1) Zone. The proposal is to subdivide the existing 4.89 acre parcel into five parcels. Cri­ teria for approval includes Sub­ division Ordinance ARTICLE 3, Sections 3.020 and 3.100. Conditional Use Permit Appli­ cation, CUP-S-119: Raymond and Angelyn Wynn, applicants and owners. Property is described as Tax Lot 305 of Assessor’s Map 4S 28 27, located 20 miles south­ east of the City of Heppner di­ rectly above Cutsforth Park. The proposal is to site a dwelling on a 2.80 acre parcel in a Forest Use Zone. Criteria for approval in­ cludes Zoning Ordinance 3.020 and 6.060 and Oregon Adminis­ trative Rules. Conditional Use Permit Appli­ cation, CUP-S-120: Paul and Karen Jolly, applicants and own­ ers. Property is described as Tax Lot 2300 of Assessor’s Map 4S 28 11AB, located approximately 15 miles southeast of the City of Heppner on Coyote Trail Lane in the Blake Ranch area. The pro­ posal is to site a dwelling on a 2.02 acre parcel in the Forest Use Zone. Criteria for approval in­ cludes Zoning Ordinance 3.020 and 6.060 and Oregon Adminis­ trative Rules. Land Partition Application, LP-N-218: Samuel and Chris Davault, applicants and owners. Property is described as Tax Lot 1200 of Assessor’s Map 5N 26 23C, located on the northeast cor­ ner o f West Eighth Road and Washington Lane approximately two miles west of the City of Imgon. The proposal is to parti­ tion the 10.60 acre parcel into three parcels each exceeding the minimum lot size of the Rural Residential One Acre (RR-1) Zone. Criteria for approval in­ cludes Subdivision Ordinance ARTICLE 5, Sections 5.020 and 5.030. Land Partition Application, LP-N-219: Harry and Carolyn Ashcraft, applicants and owners on contract. Property is described as Tax Lot 2405 of Assessor’s Map 5N 27 20, located on the northeast comer of West Oregon Lane and Eighteenth Road, ap­ proximately 1.5 miles east of the City of Imgon. The proposal is to partition the 3.21 acre parcel into two parcels each exceeding the minimum lot size of the Ru­ ral Residential One Acre (RR-1) Zone. Criteria for approval in­ cludes Subdivision Ordinance ARTICLE 5, Sections 5.020 and 5.030. Land Partition Application, LP-N-220: Willard and Evelyn Miller, applicants and owners. Property is described as Tax Lot 1300 of Assessor’s Map 5N 26 23B, located on the east side of West Seventh Road, approxi­ mately 2 miles west of the City of Imgon. The proposal is to par­ tition the 3.91 acre parcel into two parcels each exceeding the mini­ mum lot size of the Rural Resi­ dential One Acre (RR-1) Zone. Criteria for approval includes Subdivision O rdinance AR­ TICLE 5, Sections 5.020 and 5.030. F irst o f three hearings to amend Zoning Text of the Gen­ eral Commercial Zone (CG) Sec­ tion 3.060 of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance to allow a single-family dwelling in con­ junction with a business. Criteria for approval includes ARTICLE 8 of the Morrow County Zoning Ordinance. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above propos­ als or to ask questions will be pro­ vided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an op­ portunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after July 17, 1998. For more information, please contact Tamra Mabbott at the Morrow County Planning Department at 922-4624 or 676-5650. DATED this 15th day of July 1998. MORROW COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Published: July 15, 1998 AfTid______________________ PUBLIC NOTICE The Bureau of Land Manage­ ment has completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed Northeast Oregon Assembled Land Ex­ change. This exchange would re­ sult in the disposal of scattered and isolated tracts of public land in exchange for large blocks of private land, included lands along the North Fork of the John Day River and in Baker County. The comment period runs for 30 days, from July 10 to August 10, 1998. All comments must be received by Monday, August 10, to be considered. Addresses: Bureau of Land Management, Prineville District, c/o Ron Lane, P.O. Box 550, Prineville, Oregon, 97754; Bu­ reau of Land Management, Baker Resource Area, c/o Steve Davidson, 3165 10th St., Baker City, Oregon 97814. For questions or to obtain cop­ ies of the FEIS, you may contact Ron Lane at 541-416-6752 in Prineville, or Steve Davidson at 541-523-1256 in Baker City. Published: July 15, 1998 Affid______________________ PUBLIC NOTICE DRY SWALE CREEK STREAM REHABILITATION USDA-Forest Service Umatilla National Forest Heppner Ranger District Morrow County, Oregon On July 10, 1998, Heppner District Ranger, Delanne Fer­ guson, made a decision to imple­ ment the Dry Swale Creek Stream Rehabilitation project on the Heppner Ranger District. This project will place large wood and wood complexes within deficient portions of Swale and Dry Swale creeks to improve fish habitat. An excavator will be used to place material, but no actual excavation will occur. The excavator will mostly work from an existing closed road. Work will only oc­ cur during low flows (July 15- Sept. 15). The Decision Memo and asso­ ciated project file are available upon request from the Heppner Ranger D istrict, P.O. Box 7, Heppner, OR 97836. This decision is not subject to appeal pursuant to Forest Service regulations at 36 CFR 215.8(a)(4). Published: July 15, 1998______ W il l o w C r e e k W a t e r p a r k 6 7 6 -5 7 5 2 O p e n S w im s : W e e k d a y s 1 - 5 , 7 - 9 N e w W e e k e n d H o u r s : S a t .-S u n . 1 - 5 I 998 H a l f S e a s o n P a s s e s S t a r t in g J uly 20 th F am ily $ 8 0 ------I n d iv id u a l $37.50 C all f o r L e s s o n A v a il a b il it y . in c l u d in g and A d u lt S w im L e s s o n s W ater A e r o b ic s ^ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Free counseling for victims of THE STATE OF OREGON abuse and sexual assault. 24 hr. FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW Thanks to the Heppner Fire C risis Line, 1-800-833-1161. In the matter of the Estate of Dept, for their help in putting out Shelter available. STANLEY M. KEMP. our fire over the weekend. Also, _________________ 6-17-52c Deceased. thanks to John Boyer. No. 98-PR-014 Steve and Mary Anderson NOTICE TO INTERESTED Must be honest, reliable, trust­ ____________________ 7-15-lc PERSONS worthy, with dependable trans­ I would like to take this oppor­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tunity to thank the board mem­ portation. Able to clean private that the undersigned have been bers of the Willow Creek Little homes with little or no supervi­ appointed and have qualified as League Association, the parents sion. Send for application to: P.O. co-personal representatives of the of the players, Shawn Kempas for Box 887, Heppner, OR 97836. estate. All persons having claims volunteering me, my assistant _____________________ 7-l-3c against the estate are required to coach Darrel Raver and especially ADDRESS LISTERS present them, with vouchers at­ my T-ball team members. I had a U.S. CENSUS BUREAU - tached, to the undersigned co-per- great time and I hope the team had CENSUS 2000 sonal representatives at: P. O. Box a good time as well. Address Listers needed to lo­ 218, Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Thank you, cate, list, map spot housing units within four months after the date Steve Lankford and update Census maps. Jobs: of first publication of this notice, ____________________ 7-1H9 July-Oct. ’98. Salary: $7.25/hr. or the claims may be barred. We want to say a big thank you U.S. citizenship, automobile re­ All persons whose rights may to our friends and family for all quired. Contact: Bend Census be affected by the proceedings the prayers, cards and thoughts Field Office @(541) 389-3935 or may obtain additional informa­ since Jack was airlifted to OHSU 389-3965 to schedule a test. tion from the records of the court, in June. U.S. Dept. ofCommerce/Cen- the co-personal representatives, Thanks to the ambulance crew, sus Bureau is an Equal Opportu- or the attorneys for the co-per- PM Clinic and PM Hospital for nity/A ffirm ative Action Em­ sonal representatives. the special care given. Thanks to ployer. Dated and first published July our family for the many trips they _____________________ 7-8-2c 1, 1998. have made from La G rande, Now accepting applications, 8 Steven W. Kemp Heppner and Oregon City to be a.m .-3 p.m ., M onday-Friday. Co-Personal Representative with us during and after surgery. Bucknum's. P. O. Box 201 We are now at Crestview Care ____________________ 7-15-lc Paterson, WA 99345 Center, 6530 SW 30th Ave., Port­ Applications being accepted Gary L. Kemp land, OR 97201, room 56. for Manager of Willow Creek Co-Personal Representative Special thanks to Tom and W aterpark. This is a temporary P. O. Box 556 Jered and all the people that have summer position. Knowledge of Lexington, OR 97839 helped at the store while we are swimming pool operations help­ TIMOTHY P. O ’ROURKE in P ortland. Thanks to the ful. WSI preferred, lifeguard OSB #87313 grandkids for keeping the water­ training acceptable. Hourly pay Of Attorneys for Personal Rep­ ing and lawn mowing done and DOE. Send resume with a letter resentative all the many things that they have of introduction to: Willow Creek Corey, Byler, Rew, Lorenzen & done. Park District, P.O. Box 476, Lex­ Hojem, L.L.P. It’s hard to put in words how ington, OR 97839. EOE. 222 S.E. Dorion Avenue much all the acts o f kindness _________ 7-15-2c P.O. Box 218 mean to us. City Clerk Pendleton, Oregon 97801 Much love, The City of lone is now accept­ 541-276-3331 Jack and Ruth Maben ing letters of application with re­ Published: July 1,8 and 15, 1998 ____________________ 7-15-lc sume for the position o f City Affid (2)___________________ Clerk. 24-hours a week. Annual Thank you to the following salary: $11,232.00. Please submit people for their help with the men’s championship golf tourna­ applications by August 3, 1998 to: ADVERTISEMENT ment: Earl Norris for getting the City of lone, P.O. Box 361, lone, FOR BIDS doughnuts and fruit for breakfast; OR. 97843. The City of lone is Morrow County Health District Howard Gilliam for the ice water an Equal Opportunity Employer. is now taking bids on Roofing Pio­ on the 6th tee; a special thank you Position will begin September 1, neer Memorial Hospital Shop to John Edmundson and Luvilla Building and House. All bids will Sonstegard for all of your help to include the purchase and installa­ make my job easier, and to my tion of all materials to complete M eter reading position for wife, Anne, for helping with the the job. All bidders are encour­ the communities o f Heppner, lunch. And last, but not least, to aged and responsible to visit the Lexington, F ossil, lone and Gene Sonstegard for having the sites to view the conditions and Condon. Employee will work ap­ greens in great shape. make all measurements. Specifi­ proximately 17 days per month Chairman Tom Bedortha cations for the project are avail­ reading electric meters. Fax re­ ____________________ 7-15-lc able by calling Gary Nolan at 676- sume to Accu-Read, Inc., (509) 2922 or may be obtained by at the 468-4097, or contact Bill Kesgard District’s Administrative Office at (509) 466-7592 for more infor­ located at Pioneer Memorial Hos­ The Bank of Eastern Oregon, mation by 7/22/98. pital, 564 E. Pioneer Dr., Heppner, with main office in Heppner, Ore­ ____________________ 7-15-lc Oregon. Sealed bids will not be gon, has made application with Morrow County Public Works received after 4:00 p.m., on July the Federal Deposit Insurance is now accepting applications for 22,1998. Bids should be addressed Corporation to establish a branch a Light Equipment O perator in to Susan Brock, Administrator, bank of the Bank of Eastern Ore­ the Road Department. General Morrow County Health District, gon at the comer of Highway 730 knowledge of road maintenance 564 E. Pioneer Dr., Heppner, Or. and West 1st Street, Irrigon, OR and construction is preferred. 97836. Bids will be publicly 97844. This branch bank will be Applicants with two or more Opened and Awarded on Thurs­ a full service branch of the Bank years of maintenance or construc­ day, July 23,1998, at 10:00 a.m., o f Eastern Oregon. Tentative tion experience will receive pref­ at the Morrow County Health Dis­ opening date for this branch is erence. A CDL is required or the trict Administrative Office. ability to obtain one within 6 November 1, 1998. Each bid must state whether This notice is published in months. Salary starts at $1,759 the bidder is a “resident bidder” compliance with section 303.6 (f) per month with excellent benefits. as defined in ORS 279.029. Bids (1) of the FDIC rules and regula­ Applications may be obtained will not be received or considered tions. at the Morrow County Public by the District unless they con­ Works Office in Lexington, Or­ Respectfully submitted, tain a statement by the bidder as egon or at the Courthouse in E. George Koffler part of it’s bid that the provisions Heppner, Oregon or phone (541) The Board of Directors o f ORS 279.350 (p revailing 989-9500. Completed applica­ Bank of Eastern Oregon wages) are to be complied with. Published: June 17 and 24, and tions must be returned to Morrow The District reserves the right to July 15, 1998________________ County Public Works, P.O. Box reject any bid not in compliance 428, Lexington, OR. 97839 by with all prescribed public bidding July 24, 1998 at 5 p.m. procedures and requirements, and Morrow County is an equal The Bank of Eastern Oregon, may reject for good cause any or with main office in Heppner, Ore­ opportunity employer and does all bids upon a finding of the Dis­ gon, has made application with not discriminate on the basis of trict that it is the public interest. the Federal Deposit Insurance color, race, sex, religion, national No bid will be received or consid­ Corporation to establish a branch origin, age or disability in em­ ered unless the bidder is registered bank of the Bank of Eastern Ore­ ployment or the provision of ser­ with the Construction Contractors gon at the comer of NW Front vices. Board or licensed by the State Street and NW 1st S treet, ____________________ 7-15-2c Landscape Contractors Board as Boardm an, OR 97818. This Trial C ourt Administrator 3 required by ORS 671.530. branch bank will be a full service Oregon Judicial Department, Published: July 8 and 15,1998 branch o f the Bank of Eastern State Courts for Umatilla and Oregon. Tentative opening date M orrow counties, located in Chat room added for this branch is February 1, Pendleton, a rural Eastern Oregon to Heppner web site 1999. setting. Seeking community-ori­ This notice is published in ented person with strong organi­ A chat room where people can compliance with section 303.6 (0 zational, technological and inter­ log on and talk to friends or (1) of the FDIC rules and regula­ personal skills to manage all ad­ relatives around town or across tions. ministrative operations at 3 court the country has been added to the Respectfully submitted, sites, requiring significant travel. new Heppner web site. E. George Koffler Includes strategic planning, It's free and always open and The Board of Directors policy implementation, case pro­ can be reached by first going to Bank of Eastern Oregon cessing, administrating a budget www.heppner.net and then Published: June 17 and 24, and in excess of $3.1 million bienni­ clicking on chat. July 15, 1998________________ ally, financial accounting, court operations automation, space and facilities and managing a staff of 25 through subordinate supervi­ sors. Reports to the Presiding The July meeting o f the Judge and serves as court’s liai­ Morrow County Fair Board will son to other governmental agen­ be held on July 20 at 7:30 p.m. cies, the public, the bar and the in the meeting room at the media. Must have ability to work Morrow County Fairgrounds. CARD OF THANKS HELP WANTED with diverse cultural groups as well as a large number of public sector agencies. Qualifications: bachelor's de­ gree injudicial, business or pub­ lic administration or a closely re­ lated field and three years of re­ cent, increasingly responsible management level experience. Master’s degree in court or pub­ lic administration or Juris doctor­ ate preferred. Prior court or com­ parable public sector manage­ ment experience highly desirable. Salary range: $4,129.00- $5,271.00 monthly. Competitive benefits package. Closing date : August 21,1998 at 5 p.m. PDT. Contact (503) 986- 5930 for required application materials. EOE. _____________ 7-15-lc REAL ESTATE Home For Sale: custom-built in 1949, 4114 sq. ft., Heppner, 655 Hager St. Contact Robert Mahoney, 676-5876, or Mike Mahoney, 676-5157. _____________________ 4-8-tfc Heppner two story, 4 bedroom home, built 1900s. Outbuildings. 507 Gale, $39,000. Call 360-834- 0524. ____________________ 6-17-tfc Income property: 44 apart­ ments on four acres, Hermiston. Approx. 10% cap rate. $1,115,000. Investment Realty, (541)752-4749. _____________________7-l-4c PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Morrow Co. Fair Board to meet We Print Business Cards Gazette-Times Blue Spruce A partm ents For rent. 1-888-982-3456. ____________________ 4-22-tfc RV space for rent, very reason­ able. 989-8404. ___________________ 6-24-tfc PRIVATE INSTRUCTION, SCHOOLS sc TRAINING HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS SCHOOL Backhoe/Loader Dozer & Excavator For Free Brochure 1-800-265-7535 Eugene, Oregon ________________6-24-4p SERVICES Linoleum, carpet and Pergo sale and installation. Free esti­ mates. Call Tim Hedman, eve­ nings, 676-9054. Licensed and bonded #78201. ________________________ 1-4-tfc *Blu Blakeley Construction* Commercial and Residential 1-541-989-8365 Lie #89458 GUARANTEED TO B E A T ANY ESTIMATE B Y 5% ON ROOFING, PAINTING. VINYL WINDOWS & VINYL SIDING. _____________________ 4-8-tfc Glo’s Housekeeping Service For more information and free estimate, call 676-9810. _____________________ 4-8-tfc DON’T READ THIS... Unless you haven’t had your wood heating system cleaned and serviced this year. Call now! I’m currently tak­ ing appointm ents fo r th e month of August. I appreciate your past pa­ tronage and look forward to seeing you and serving your wood heating needs again, this, my 12th year in the Heppner- Lexington area. Roger Lawrence D&R Unlimited Chimney Sweeps 1 - 800 - 325-3869 OR #104434 CONSTRUCTION Two steel buildings, public liq­ uidation. 40x54-59,218, now $5,980; 40x25-55,560, now $3,081. Must sell, can deliver. 1- 800-292-0111. _____________ 7-lS-2p