Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1998, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR • Heppner Gazette-Times. Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 24.1998
The Morrow County Court
Eleanor Aveline EUingson, 87,
will not be meeting on its regu­ of Irrigon, died Friday, June 19,
larly scheduled Court date o f 1998 at Good Samaritan Center
W ednesday, July 1, 1998 at in Hermiston.
Heppner, Oregon.
Private bunal was held Mon­
Published: June 24, 1998______ day, June 22,1998 at Desert Lawn
Memorial Cemetery in Imgon.
Eleanor Aveline Drehcr was
Morrow County invites bids
bom July 4,1910, at Long Prairie,
for the purchase and installation
of a heating and air conditioning Minnesota, to John and Victoria
Wilshalla Drehcr. She was raised
system in the basement, first and
Mizpah, Minnesota
second stories of the Courthouse
On Apnl 22,1931, she mamed
Building located at 100 Court St.,
EUingson at Mizpah. They
Heppner, Oregon. Contractor
to EUingson Mill, Oregon
shall furnish all of the materials
lived from 1936-1939,
and perform all of the labor nec­
to Bly, where they
essary to complete the project.
1984. After her
The project must be completed no
in 1985, she
later than November 23, 1998.
Job and contract specifications
Mrs. EUingson was a home­
may be obtained from Les Paus-
gardener, and grew many
tian. Morrow County Courthouse,
P.O. Box 788, H eppner OR
She was a member o f the
97836, (541) 676-5620. Sealed
Church and during
bids will be received by Les
II was a member of
Paustian, at the same address as
giving instructional
above, until 2:00 o’clock p.m.
She enjoyed
Pacific Daylight Time on July 22,
1998, and then publicly opened
Survivors include daughters,
and read aloud. No bid will be
Schulze of Ventura, Califor­
considered unless it contains a
Carole Steagall of Imgon;
statement by the bidder that ORS
Farmer of Colgate,
279.350 (prevailing wage law and
Pasket of St.
prevailing wage rates) will be
complied with, if applicable. Each
sealed bid must be plainly marked
on the outside of the envelope as
“Bid for Heating/Cooling, Court­ grandchildren. Her husband,
Walter, died in 1985; and she was
house Building”.
Each bid must contain a state­ also preceded in death by her par­
ment as to whether the bidder is a ents, John and Victoria Drehcr,
brother, Clint Drehcr, and sister
resident bidder as defined in ORS
279.029. Morrow County may Florence Hubbard.
Bums Mortuary of Hermiston
reject any bid not in compliance
in charge of arrangements.
with all prescribed public bidding
The Port of Morrow, Oregon
will meet in regular session on
July 8, 1998 beginning at 1:30
p.m. at the Boardman Senior Cen­
ter, 308 Olsen Road Boardman,
Oregon 97818 at which time the
Board of Port Commissioners
will consider a resolution autho­
rizing the issuance of not to ex­
ceed $11,000,000 o f revenue
Port of Morrow, Oregon
Published: June 17 and 24, 1998
The Bank of Eastern Oregon,
with main office in Heppner, Ore­
gon, has made application with
the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation to establish a branch
bank of the Bank of Eastern Ore­
gon at the comer of Highway 730
and West 1 st Street, Imgon, OR
97844. This branch bank will be
a full service branch of the Bank
of Eastern Oregon. Tentative
opening date for this branch is
November 1, 1998.
This notice is published in
compliance with section 303.6 (0
(1) of the FDIC rules and regula­
Respectfully submitted,
E. George Koffler
The Board of Directors
Bank of Eastern Oregon
Published: June 17 and 24, and
July IS, 1998_______________
The Bank of Eastern Oregon,
with main office in Heppner, Ore­
gon, has made application with
the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation to establish a branch
bank of the Bank of Eastern Ore­
gon at the comer of NW Front
Street and NW 1st Street,
Boardm an, OR 97818. This
branch bank will be a full service
branch of the Bank of Eastern
Oregon. Tentative opening date
for this branch is February 1,
This notice is published in
compliance with section 303.6 (f)
(1) of the FDIC rules and regula­
Respectfully submitted,
E. George Koffler
Tbe-Board of Directors
Bank of Eastern Oregon
Published: June 17 and 24, and
July 15, 1998_______________
procedures and requirements, and
may reject for good cause any or
all bids upon a finding that it is in
the public interest to do so.
No bid shall be received or
considered unless the bidder is
licensed and bonded in accor­
dance with the laws applicable to
the activity undertaken.
Morrow County does not dis­
criminate on the basic of race,
color, national origin, sex, reli­
gion, age or disability in contract­
ing, employment or the provision
of services. Morrow County re­
serves the right to reject any or
all bids.
For further information, con­
tact Les Paustian at (541) 676-
Published: June 24, 1998
The City of lone is requesting
bids for the purchase of a Case
Tractor. Buyer will purchase the
property as is, including latent
defects without any representa­
tions, implied warranty of mer­
chantability, fitness for a particu­
lar purpose or any other warranty
whether expressed or implied.
Respective bidders should know
the tractor comes without any
safety devices.
May obtain information or
make an appointment to see the
tractor by contacting Gene
Johnson at 541-422-7414, lone,
Oregon, please leave a message
and phone number.
Please address bids marked
“Case Tractor” on left hand cor­
ner of the envelope to: City of
lone, PO Box 361, lone, OR
Bids will be received until 5:00
p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, July
2, 1998. Bids will be opened at
6:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time,
July 7, 1998 at the regular City
Council meeting.
The City reserves the right to
reject any and all bids, and to
waive informalities, and to award
the bid that is in the best interest
of the City of lone.
Sharon L. Rietmann
City of lone
POBox 361
lone, OR 97843
Published: June 24, 1998
HHS Alumni Golf
Tourney, July 4-5
The Heppner High School
Alumni Golf Tournament will be
held this year on July 4 and 5 at
Willow Creek Country Club and
there is still time to sign up, the
tournament committee
The tournament is open to all
HHS alumni and their spouses as
well as past and present HHS
faculty. Non-alumni interested
in participating need to contact
David or Patti Allstott, 676-5216.
The tournament proceeds help
many local youth related causes
including sports programs, a
Campus Life Program, coach and
referee training and memorial
scholarships. A donation to the
band program is also presently in
the works.
Cost of the tournament is $40
per person and includes 18 holes
of golf on Saturday and Sunday
as well as dinner Saturday night.
Participants may golf with
whomever they choose and may
even put together their own five-
member teams if they like.
Playing format will be a
scramble so even first time
golfers will enjoy participating,
say the Allstotts. The winning
team members will have their
names and a photo placed on the
tournament trophy, which is
displayed in the trophy case at
the high school.
A steak dinner and auction will
be held Saturday evening at the
fairgrounds, winding up early
enough so everyone can attend
Ryan Halvorsen of lone has the fireworks display in lone.
Anyone interested in taking part
graduated from the University of
Oregon with a BA in journalism in the tournament who did not
with emphasis on public relations. receive an entry form should
Graduation exercises were held contact the Allstotts as soon as
Saturday, June 13 in Eugene.
Halvorsen has been accepted
into a pilot’s program in the U.S.
Navy and will enter the officer’s
training program.
Halvorsen, the son o f Frank
and Cathy Halvorsen o f lone,
graduated from lone High School
in 1993.
Halvorsen graduates
from U of O
W e P rin t
Business Cards
4-H News
The Tasty Quintet
By Krtstal Tempi*
On June 12, the Tasty Quintet
met at the McGuire house. Jes­
sica gave a demonstration on how
to plan a picnic. Her theme was
the Fourth of July. She had red,
white and blue decorations and
After she gave her demonstra­
tion, the members enjoyed sand­
wiches, vegetables, watermelon
slices, chips and punch.
The next meeting was June 21
at the First Christian Church.
Marshall Everett Teter-a
son Marshall Everett was bom to
Stacey and Robert Teter of Jo­
seph on June 2, 1998 at Grande
Rhonde Hospital in La Grande.
The baby weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. and
was 21” long.
Grandparents are Bruce and
Phyllis Thomson of Aloha, and
Dorothy Teter o f Baker City.
G reat-grandparents are Jim
Thomson of Heppner, and Reno
and Margaret Daoro of Puyallup,
Brian Lee Lynch-a son Bnan
Lee was bom to Terri (Piper) and
Greg Lynch of Heppner on June
18, 1998 at Walla Walla, Wash­
ington. The baby weighed 6 lbs.
and was 19” long.
M aternal grandparents are
Melvin and the late Betty Piper.
Paternal grandparents are Gary
and Judy Lynch of Tucson, Ari­
my co-workers at Pioneer Memo­
rial Hospital and Nursing Home
for the nice bouquet of flowers
and balloons. Thank you to my
co-workers at Home Health for
the nice basket of fruit and juices.
A very special thank you to
Molly Rhea for all the phone calls
and cards, along with the jokes
that she sent to me while I was in
the hospital and during my recov­
ery and treatment in Walla Walla.
I enjoyed all of them greatly. To
Veda Nave for picking up my
Home Health pt.’s during my ab­
I want to say thank you to
Rodger’s co-workers for the nice
act of kindness that they showed
during my recent illness and treat­
ment. To Gale and Fome, thank
you for letting Rodger have the
time off to be with me during my
recent surgery and first week of
If I have forgotten anyone, I
am sorry. Just remember I thank
each and everyone of you for your
acts of kindness towards me and
my husband.
Thank you!
Sandra K. Amtt
____________________ 6-24-1 c
W inn’s Strawberries
That flavor you have waited tor.
Now open for business.
Highway 11 near Weston.
____________________ 6-10-3c
Free counseling for victims of
abuse and sexual assault. 24 hr.
Crisis Line, 1-800-833-1161.
Shelter available.
6 17-529
Grains meeting
The Oregon Grains
Commission will hold a regular
commission meeting at the Albers
Mill Building conference room,
1200 Naito Parkway, Portland.
The OGC annual budget
hearing will also be held on that
date, beginning at 9 a.m. Any
producer of barley, triticale or rye
in Oregon is invited to attend and
give input on the commission
budget for 1998/99.
Dozer & Excavator
For Free Brochure
Eugene, Oregon
Blue Spruce Apartments
For rent. 1-888-982-3456.
____________________ 4-22-tfc
For Rent: nice three bedroom,
2 bath country house with large
deck and yard. 676-9910.
____________________ 5-20-tfc
One bedroom apt. for rent in
lone. $220/month plus deposit.
Available July 5th. Now taking
applications. Call 676-5034.
Home For Sale: custom-built
in 1949, 4114 sq. ft., Heppner,
655 Hager St. Contact Robert
Mahoney, 676-5876, or Mike
Mahoney, 676-5157.
_____________________ 4-8-tfc
House For Sale: 3 bedroom,
2'A bath, full basement, view lot,
Heppner two story, 4 bedroom
home, built 1900s. Outbuildings.
507 Gale, $39,000. Call 360-834-
____________________ 6-17-tfc
Land Co.
Daisy May McDaniel
Daisy May McDaniel, 81, of
John Day, known by her family
and friends as “Granny" died
Monday, June 22,1998 at the Blue
Mountain Hospital in John Day.
Graveside services will be held
on Saturday, June 27, at 2 p.m. at
the Hardman C em etery at
Hardman, with Mr. Allen Mullin
Pallbearers will be Jim Angell,
Pete McDai.iel, Sam McDaniel,
Sammer McDaniel, Bill Medlock,
Billy Medlock, Raymond Medlock
and Scott Medlock. Honorary pall­
bearers will be Bob Hunt, Jerry
McClellan, Cecil McDaniel, Del-
vin McDaniel, Melvin McDaniel,
Rick McDaniel, Scott McDaniel
and Gene Vaughn.
Mrs. McDaniel was bom on
May 24, 1917, to T.J. and OUie
Andrews at Lone Rock. She
spent most of her early life there.
On May 28,1935, she married
Oren McDaniel in Fossil. They
lived in Lone Rock and later moved
to Hardman, where they made
their home for many years.
Oren worked as a cowboy and
later worked in area saw mills.
Daisy loved to make quilts, em­
broidery, crochet, fish with her
grandchildren and dance to fiddle
music. She was a housewife and
mother who in later years worked
at various jobs in the Hermiston
area. After she retired, she was a
foster grandparent at West Park
School in Hermiston. She later
moved to John Day, where she
spent the remainder of her life.
Mrs. McDaniel is survived by
her children, son Ivan McDaniel
and his wife Punk of John Day,
daughters Rita M edlock o f
Hermiston. and Hazel Hunt and
husband Bob of Sumpter; four
grandsons, one granddaughter;
five great-grandchildren; and two
great-great grandsons. She was
preceded in death by her husband,
Oren; two grandsons; one grand­
daughter and one great-great
Those who wish may make a
contribution to the Valley View
Retirement Center in John Day
through Dnskill Memorial Chapel,
241 S. Canyon Blvd., John Day,
OR 97845.
Driskill Memorial Chapel, John
Day, in charge of arrangements.
LB. 676-5049
180 W Baltimore f * £ S
#5, Heppner
r r
Thanks to the Heppner Rural
Fire Department for their assis­
tance on the fire at our Hinton
Creek Ranch Sunday. Your ef­
forts were greatly appreciated.
Don and Merlyn Robinson
____________________ 6-24-lc
The family o f Lyle Kincaid
wishes to thank the Heppner
BPOE 358, Willows Grange and
all those who expressed their
sympathy for our recent loss.
A big Thank You to our vol­
unteer fire department for their
speedy response when my car
caught fire at the Red Apple last
Thursday. I’m thankful the situa­
tion wasn’t any worse than the
loss of my car. Thanks also to
Dale Adlard, VanMarter & Kahl,
Doug Rathbun and to my friend
Sam VanDoom for her kindness.
Pam Wunderlich
____________________ 6-24-lp
We would like to thank every­
one for your prayers, calls, cards,
flowers, food and donations dur­
ing this time of our loss.
A special thank you to Eddie
Gunderson and the Elk brothers
for their wonderful service. We
would like to extend our gratitude
to Judy Buschke and the Elk la­
dies and everyone who contrib­
uted to the lovely meal.
Also, we would like to give our
sincere appreciation to Pat
Sweeney and all the pallbearers.
Stan would be honored and
proud that he had touched so
many lives. He loved his family,
friends, neighbors and his com­
munity. We will all miss him
The Family of Stan Kemp
____________________ 6-24-lc
The Pioneer Memorial Nurs­
ing Home Auxiliary would like
to thank the community for all the
donations and support given dur­
ing our last yard sale. We made
$700 for our window project for
the nursing home. It’s your con­
tinuing support that make our
projects possible.
Thank you,
PMH Nursing Home Auxiliary
____________________ 6-24-lc
First, I would like to apologize
for being so late getting this thank
you note written and out to ev­
eryone. I have been procrastinat­
ing for way too long. I want to
say thank you to everyone for all
the well-wishes, cards, phone
calls and prayers that were said
for me during my recent surgery
and recovery.
I want to say thank you to Don
and Martha Peterson for the nice
plant and visit they paid to me
after my surgery. Thank you to
«A U O « *
We are looking for 1/2 time
office person. Pay DOE. Apply at
Morrow County Grain Grow­
ers, Lexington.
____________________ 6-17-2c
The Farm Service Agency is
seeking applications for Program
Assistant in the Morrow County
Farm Service Agency Office lo­
cated in Heppner, Oregon.
Applicants must be 18 years of
age and have a high school di­
ploma or equivalent. Computer
skill and farm experience is pre­
ferred but not a requirement. Sal­
ary dependent on experience.
Applications may be picked up
at any county FSA office. The
deadline for application delivered
or postmarked is COB Monday
June 29, 1998 to the Morrow
County FSA O ffice, 430
Heppner/Lexington Highway,
P.O. Box 786, Heppner, OR
97836. The FSA is an Equal Op­
portunity Employer.
____________________ 6-17-2c
Morrow County Sheriff is ac­
cepting applications for a Code
Enforcement and Patrol Deputy
Sheriff. The job will primarily be
to enforce county ordinances, and
when not working Code Enforce­
ment, to work as a Patrol Deputy.
DPSST certified or certifiable
with two week school will be
given preference. Wage scale is
based on level of certification;
minimum starting salary is
Apply at S heriff’s O ffice,
Heppner, (541)676-5317. Return
by closing date, 5 p.m., Friday,
July 3, 1998.
Morrow County does not dis­
criminate on the basis of race,
color, natural origin, sex, religion,
age and handicapped status in
employment or the provision of
____________________ 6-17-2c
S u m m er W ork: Morrow
County has some temporary work
opportunities this summer in a
variety of departments needing
clerical assistance. Periods of
work may be irregular and of
short duration. Pay is $6.00 per
Applications may be obtained
at the Courthouse and must be
returned to Andrea Denton, Mor­
row County Courthouse, P.O.
Box 788, Heppner, OR 97836 by
5 p.m. on July 1, 1998.
Morrow County is an Equal
Opportunity Employer and does
not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national ongin, sex,
religion, age or disability in em­
ployment or the provision of ser­
• 49,000 - commercial/office build­
ing on Main Street with good
rental history.
• 79,500 - large home on .26 acre
M/L in Blue Mts near Reeds Mill,
4 bdrm, 1 1/2 bath. Would be a
great home or recreational lodge.
Price reduced.
• 80,000 - 4 bdrm, 2 bath, two
story home with covered front
porch and view. Has attached 1
bdrm. 1 bath apt. for added in­
• 46,500 - 1 plus bedroom cabin
with deck, newer windows and
kitchen cabinets on .92 acres Ml
L - Blake Ranch
Sharon Lewis 676-5233
JoyceKay Hollomon 676-5542
Bob Ployhar 676-9649
Linoleum, carpet and Pergo
sale and installation Free esti­
mates. Call Tim Hedman. eve­
nings, 676-9054. Licensed and
bonded #78201.
_____________________ 1-4-tfc
*Blu Blakeley Construction*
Commercial and Residential
1-541-989-8365 Lie #89458
_____________________ 4-8-tfc
Glo’s Housekeeping Service
For more information and
free estimate, call 676-9810.
_____________________ 4-8-tfc
Would like to babysit. Have
completed Babysitter Training
Class. Call Lindsey Clough, 676-
____________________ 6-17-2c
Housekeeping Reasonable
weekly rates. 676-8736.
____________________ 6-17-2p
Fruit Tree Special at Green
Feed and Seed, Heppner. Buy
one fruit tree for $16.99, get sec­
ond fruit tree for 1/2 price-$8.49.
____________________ 6-17-2c
Nursery Specials: 20% off fol­
lowing trees: flowering pear,
flowering crabapples, flowering
w eeping
crabapples, staghorn sumac at
Green Feed and Seed, Heppner.
Open Sundays noon to 3.
Blaze Princess insert for sale.
Good condition. Call 676-9294.
____________________ 6-17-2p
Steel Buildings, never put up.
40x29 - $6,212, will sell for
$3,960. 50x90- $17,940. will sell
for $9,770. Must sell. Dave,