Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 13, 1998, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 13,1998
searching out businesses looking
to relocate and for accessing state
and federal agencies' resources
such as job retraining, economic
studies and job feasibility
studies. Assist communities in
securing loans and grants to
upgrade services and facilities.
What is the major problem
created by the plan to
incinerate chemicals at the
Army Depot? How would you
address this problem?: The
major problem = lack of planning
and proper
resources from the state and
federal levels. The major
stumbling block = Oregon Office
o f Emergency Management. We
must involve management of
OEM’s parent agency, the
Oregon State Police and the
governor's office in demanding
cooperation and accountability
from OEM.
Outline a brief plan to
allocate Morrow County's
tippage fees, or, if you are
satisfied with the present plan,
explain that: I support the
present plan of using the SCERT
process to prioritize projects to
bring to the county court for
The county court
should then be responsible and
accountable for making sure that
all regions - urban and rural - get
a fair share of the fees.
Briefly outline a plan to
allocate county services, such
as road construction and
communities: I favor forming a
citizens' committee to develop a
county-wide transportation plan,
a long-range plan that takes into
consideration expected growth,
as well as the present condition
of the county-wide transportation
system. Long-range planning is
critical for wise allocation of
Are you in favor of
establishing a road between
lone and Boardman? Why or
why not?: I favor a direct link
between the Willow Creek
Valley and the north end's.
industrial base and transportation
system, for it will foster growth
and economic development in the
south end of the county.
Do you agree with the current
system of two commissioners
and a judge elected at large?
Why or why not? If not, what
system would you propose?: I
favor the current system, which
is working and is responsive to
the needs and desires of the
county residents. Under a home
rule system, administrators
would be hired and not be
directly answerable to voters. I
favor staying with out present
Do you think the present
Morrow County juvenile court
system should be retained or
transferred to circuit court?:
The present juvenile court
system should be retained.
Transferring jurisdiction to the
circuit court would mean
relinquishing local control over
our troubled youth. Circuit court
judges are not members of our
communities and are less
familiar with our problems.
Patty Wohrtl
Patty Wehrli, 33, Republican
candidate for Morrow County
Commissioner, lives in lone,
with her husband, David
McNary. She has two children,
William, 9, and Whitney, 7.
Wehrli came to Morrow County
in 1996. She graduated from
Wheeler High School in Fossil in
1982. She attended Eastern
Oregon State College, Oregon
State University and Board on
Police Standards and Training at
Western Oregon State College.
She received a BS in history with
minors in philosophy and law in
June 1987. She became a
certified sheriff’s deputy in
August 1988.
Wehrli is employed with Capps
Broadcasting as a news director
and "Odds and Ends" host for
Wehrli is a St. William's
parishioner and member o f the
altar society, ICABO member.
Morrow County Fair Committee planned between lone and
member, Morrow County advisor Boardman. It would be an asset
for Mental Health Services, a to our south Morrow County
board member o f the Willow communities. I can not justify,
Creek Park District (appointed) however, allocating general
and a member of the Willow funds to building the road and 1
Creek Park Budget Committee.
caution a bond levy. I will be
Wehrli was appointed by committed to helping achieve
Senator Gordon Smith to the outside assistance for funding
as and easements.
administrator for Senate Health
Do you agree with the current
and Human Services and Senate county
Water and Land Use Committee commissioners and a judge
(1993-95 legislative sessions). elected at large? Why or why
She was appointed by Speaker not. If not, what system would
Bev Clamo as administrator for you propose?: Like the old
the House Joint Ways and Means saying goes... "If it ain't broke,
Committee, the House General don't fix it." I think the current
Government Committee and system is just fine.
House Sub-Committee on Water
Policy (1995) and was appointed
by Governor John Kitzhaber as a
administrative assistant for the
House of Representatives (1995-
As committee administrator for
the House Ways and Means
Committee, she worked on the
state's nearly seven billion dollar
budget. "I know our current
budget thoroughly. I also know
the issues we face in detail and I
know the key players and have
working Leann A. Rea
relationship with most," she said.
Leann A. Rea, 57, Democratic
Why would a voter select you candidate for Morrow County
over your opponent?: I am Commissioner,
more experienced and more Boardman. She and her husband,
dedicated. 1 know the issues Jerald, have four grown children,
better and those involved better. Rick, 38, Darla, 36, Terrell, 32,
I am more willing to spend the and Robert, 28.
time necessary to be effective
Her parents resided in Morrow
than my opponent is.
County when she was bom. She
If elected, what is the biggest graduated from lone High School
challenge facing you?: Ensuring and attended Blue Mountain
the safety of our community Community College.
members who live in the IRZ
Rea is currently employed at
around the Depot and ensuring the Schroeder Law Offices in
compensation for storing our Boardman as a paralegal.
She served as a 4-H leader, a
Protecting our agriculturally member of the Fair Committee,
based economy by forcing the the director of the Oregon Water
governor to accept local input to Resources
his 3 sovereigns' plan.
Extension Advisory Board mem­
What major project would ber from 1994-current, director
you like to see accomplished? of the Umatilla/Morrow Counties
What is your first priority?: Oregon Farm Bureau, 1997-
My first priority is to help Imgon current, and Umatilla/Morrow
and Boardman receive the Counties
necessary equipment they need Water/Wetlands
before the systemization phase of Committee from 1997-current.
the incinerator process begins.
Rea served as commissioner on
Please outline a brief plan to the Morrow County Planning
help North Morrow County Commission from 1995-current,
accommodate growth: As served as co-chair for the Rural
county commissioner 1 will stand Residential Subcommittee for the
firmly* behind our planning Lower Umatilla Basin Ground-
director Tamra Mabbott who has water Management Area and was
already established good criteria appointed to the Umatilla Basin
for future growth county-wide. I Watershed Council this year.
will also support retaining our
Other qualifications include
economic growth coordinator being familiar with rules per­
who has worked diligently with taining to public meetings, being
all Morrow County communities responsible for the development
on a long and short-term plans.
and implementation of a public
How can you assist South budget and experience dealing
Morrow County in retaining with federal and state agencies.
and creating jobs?: South
Why would a voter select you
Morrow County's number one over your opponent?: A voter
asset is its livability. I sincerely would select me because I am a
doubt that it will ever become a fair and honest individual,
Silicon Valley, however I do see willing to listen to all sides and
it as a potential bedroom made decisions based on the best
community to outlining areas. I available information. I will take
will work diligently with each this job seriously and will devote
community to help them retain as much time and energy as is
the quality of life necessary for needed to give residents of
positive growth.
What is the major problem Morrow County what they
created by the plan to deserve.
If elected, what is the biggest
incinerate chemicals at the
facing you?: The
Army Depot? How would you
facing our
address this problem?: The
is going to
problem at the depot is that
FEMA yet to provide the people
around the Immediate Response
with the necessary
emergency equipment. I will
hold director Witt to his
commitment that OEM/CSEPP Additional revenues will need to
offices and the outlining be generated through new
communities will have what they development within the county.
What major project would
need before the systemization
like to see accomplished?
phase of incineration begins.
is your first priority?:I
Outline a brief plan to
like to see all issues
allocate Morrow County's
tippage fees, or if you are regarding incineration of the
satisfied with the present plan, chemicals at the Army Depot
explain that?: I appreciate the resolved, including mitigating
SCERT process for allocating costs. My first priorities are to
tippage fees.
It is fair and promote a safe environment for
honest. My only suggestion is all residents, and economic
that more is needed to show to stability.
Please outline a brief plan to
Morrow County taxpayers that
North Morrow County
tippage fees are not a slush fund
growth: City and
for the court's discretion.
Briefly outline a plan to
their efforts to
allocate county services, such
growth in
as road construction and
the rural
needs to
communities: Morrow County
that all
has recently completed a long­
term road plan, which is very
thoroueh. and I am dedicated to drinking water. Cities may need
to extend services and com­
follow. I would not allocate
munity wells need to be con­
diverting from this unless
sidered in some subdivisions.
How can you assist South
demand so. I believe future road
County in retaining
construction has to be prioritized
jobs?: We need to
with availability of funds and
any possibilities
maintenance o f our existing
of new industries expressing an
roads as our number-one priority.
interest in a rural area.
Are you in favor of
Management of our forest lands
establishing a road between
needs to be encouraged to
lone and Boardman? Why or
maintain the operation of the mill
why not?: I favor the direct route
as long as the natural resources
are available This needs to be
done without jeopardizing future
What is the major .problem
created by the plan to
incinerate chemicals at the
Army Depot? How would you
address this problem?: The
major problem is going to be the
large influx of people for a short
period of time. This will place a
strain on our school systems,
road systems and local services.
We need to continue to pursue
efforts for mitigation from the
Army to assist in resolving this
Outline a brief plan to
allocate Morrow County's
tippage fees, or, if you are
satisfied with the present plan,
explain that: I believe the
current plan of allocating the
"tippage fees" is well managed.
However, I would like to see a
committee formed, consisting of
residents from all communities to
review requests and make
recommendations to the county
court. The final decision would
remain with the court.
Briefly outline a plan to
allocate county services, such
as road construction and
communities: All residents of
the county deserve to have a
decent road. However, cost vs.
use needs to be considered. A
review plan needs to be
developed whereby roads are
considered not only on use but
also on their general condition.
Safety factors must always have
a priority in making these
Candidate for Morrow County
District Attorney, David Allen,
32, lives in Portland. He and is
fiance, Deirdre Imeson, have an
He graduated from Hays High
School, Hays, Kansas, in 1983,
from the University of Kansas
with a BA in history in 1987, and
from the University of Oregon
with a J.D. degree in 1991. He is
a self-employed attorney with
Gary Carlson & Associates,
Portland, for the past three years.
He is a member of the American
Bar Association, Multnomah Bar
Association and the University of
Oregon Duck Club.
He was deputy district attorney
and assistant county counsel for
Jefferson County in 1990 and
from 1992 to 94, and was
assistant city attorney for the city
of Madras from 1994 to 95.
Why would a voter select you
over your opponent?: I am
committed to improving the
office of district attorney. I will
be a full-time DA, readily
accessible to the public. Phone
calls will be returned and my
office will always know where I
am. Crimes will be prosecuted
and the sentences imposed will
match the crime.
If elected, what is the biggest
challenge facing you?: Earning
the trust of the public I will be
serving. I accept this challenge
because I believe the citizens of
Morrow County will welcome
my hard work ethic and
commitment to solving their law
enforcem ent
problem s.
Reduction of the spiraling crime
rate will be my toughest goal.
What major project would
you like to see accomplished?
What is your first priority?:
My major project is to reduce the
spiraling crime rate by increasing
greater the number of jail beds available
and securing more circuit court
Should the present county
judge time in Morrow County.
juvenile court system be My first priority will be to
retained or should juvenile
establish the office as a leader in
cases be delegated to circuit
deterring crime by establishing
court? Why?: The current
consistent policies for plea offers
system should be retained. The
and charging decisions.
circuit court system is currently
Do you believe that the
overloaded and could not
district attorney and county
respond to the increased demands
council positions should be
of taking over the juvenile
combined or should they
The juvenile judge
remain separate? Why?: I
needs training and needs to
would like to see the office
prioritize the system, with a
remain separate in the short term.
greater commitment time-wise.
Eventually, I would like to serve
I view this as at he greatest
as county counsel and fill the
challenge facing our new county
current position with a new
deputy district attomey/assistant
What particular emphasis
county counsel. I believe the
should the district attorney's
rapid development in Morrow
office take in prosecuting
County justifies this type of
your approach.
Should the present county
priorities, etc.: The district juvenile court system be
attorney needs to be responsive retained or should juvenile
to law enforcement. Police are cases be delegated to circuit
the investigative arm of the law court? Why?: Keeping local
enforcement system and the DA control and input from the county
is a part of that team. Through a judge is important, however, 1
combined effort, crimes are also believe the economics of a
detected and prosecuted. People transfer should also be studied.
who commit crimes against Transfer could save the county
people and especially children thousands of dollars and increase
need special emphasis as do chances of getting a circuit judge
career criminals. My philosophy in the county more than one day
is to the extent possible limit plea per week.
bargaining to sentencing and
What particular emphasis
manage the system such that should the district attorney's
people get what they deserve.
office take in prosecuting
Morrow County has been crimes?
listed as having the highest prosecutorial
percentage of sexual abuse priorities, etc.: Prosecution of
the state, please juvenile offenders and protection
comment.: I dispute this of juvenile victims will be a high
accusation. I think we do a better priority.
Plea offers will
job of identifying sexual abusers accomplish something more than
from other counties but 1 doubt just closing the file. Elements of
that the incidence rate is higher deterrence and punishment will
than elsewhere. We in Morrow be use to reduce the crime rate. I
County are fortuate that our will use the new tools passed by
school people, social service voters, particularly new victim's
agencies and police work rights.
together as a team to identify,
Morrow County has been
investigate and prosecute people listed as having the highest
committing abuse.
percentage of sexual abuse
Additional comments: We cases in the state, please
have a great law enforcement comment:
team in Morrow County and I
Despite my opponent's
would like to remain part of it.
disagreement with statistics,
Morrow County will continue to
lead the state until the district
attorney aggressively prosecutes
these types of crimes.
offenders are predators who will
continue to offend until they are
Rapists need
professions of love. All victims'
complaints deserve attention.
Are you in favor of
establishing a road between
lone and Boardman? Why or
why not?: Yes. This road would
greatly benefit the producers
from the lone area. It would also
create an opportunity to increase
the population in the lone area,
by making a shorter and more
direct route to job opportunities
in the north end of the county.
This would be a definite benefit
to the school system.
Do you agree with the current
system of two commissioners
and a judge elected at large?
Why or why not? If not, what
system would you propose?:
Yes. With the small population
base in our county, I feel the "at
large" system is appropriate. At
some time in the future, if the
considerably, then it may be
appropriate to divide the county
into three divisions (as equal in
population as possible) and have
an individual elected from each
of the divisions.
Do you think the present
Morrow County juvenile court
system should be retained or
transferred to circuit court?: I
am not ready to state jurisdiction
should be transferred to circuit
court. However, I do feel this
option should be thoroughly
reviewed. With the increasing
responsibilities our new judge
will need to address. 1 feel the
county may be better served by
having the judge spend more
time on county-wide issues and
less on juvenile issues.
Morrow County
District Attorney
Earl Woods, Jr.
Earl Woods, Jr., 55, candidate
for Morrow County District
Attorney, lives in lone. Woods
first came to Morrow County in
1992. He has two grown
Woods graduated from West
Linn High School, WWSU with
a degree in economics and the
University of Oregon with his
law degree.
He served with the US Army
National Guard from 1963-98 as
a lieutenant, and has served in
both Vietnam and Bosnia.
Woods has been Morrow
County DA since 1992.
He has been a member of the
Elks since 1974 and served with
the Coquille and lone fire
departments for 11 years.
Woods was assistant DA for
Lane County and Coos County
and DA for Coos County. He was
also a Lane County sheriff.
Why would a voter select you
Experience and maturity.
If elected, w hat is the biggest
challenge facing you?: An
increasing population and a
corresponding increase in crime
has strained the county's ability
to adequately punish those
people convicted of crime.
conventional programs and jail
will be a challenge.
What major project would
you like to see accomplished?
What is your first priority? The
juvenile system has failed
because of the lack of resources
and direction. The system needs
an overhaul.
Do you believe that the
district attorney and county
counsel positions should be
combined or should they
remain separate? Why?: The
positions should be combined.
The district attorney's office
should be staffed by two lawyers
who could share responsibility
prosecutor responsibilities. The
state of Oregon will pay a
percentage of a deputy district
attorney's salary which would
offset he cost of the combination
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