Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 13, 1998, Page SIXTEEN, Image 16

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    SIXTEEN - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 13,1998
M orrow County Justice
of the Peace
Rod Osgood
Rod Osgood, 40, a candidate
for Morrow County Justice of the
Peace, lives between Boardman
and Imgon. He and his wife,
Wendy, have two grown
children, 20 and 21, and one
Osgood was raised in Umatilla
County in the Hermiston area
and moved to Morrow County
nine years ago.
Osgood is the owner of Osgood
Feed and Supply which he
started in
operating his tore, he runs cows,
quarterhorses and running horses.
Osgood says he hopes to "bring
some sense to justice in Morrow
County." "I don't thin my job is
to raise funds for the county," he
said. "My job is to make it a
safer, more pleasant place for the
citizens of Morrow County."
Why did you decide to run
for Morrow County Justice of
the Peace? Morrow County’s
crime rate where victims are in­
volved has increased dramatically
over the past few years and this
trend needs to change. I want to
help make this change and keep
our county a desirable place to
live and raise our families.
How are your qualified to
undertake the duties of Justice
of the Peace? I have common
sense and good judgment, good
public relations skills and very
good listening and reasoning
skills. I am willing to attend
classes and seek out any training
that will help me do my job bet­
How will you accommodate
the increased load o f cases
handled by the Justice of the
Peace, especially in the north
end of the county? Between the
time you elect me May 19 and
January, when 1 will take office,
I plan to attend the National Ju­
dicial College and one o f the
classes 1 will be taking is Case
Flow Management. However, our
best approach is to reduce crime
with common sense and creative
punishment, which will effec­
tively reduce case flow.
Charlotte Gray
No information was received at
presstime for incumbent Morrow
County Justice of the Peace
Charlotte Gray.
Wranglers Riding Club hold last playday
The Wranglers Riding Club
held their last playday on May 10.
Results are as follows:
Stickhorse race-first Mary
Rietmann, second Taylor Parks,
third Chance Raver, fourth Justin
Leadline: barrels-first Taylor
Parks, second Colby Green, third
Justin Pranger, fourth Donald
Matthews; poles-Colby Green,
Garrett Gibbs, Colter Raver, Jus­
tin Pranger; scurry race-Colby
Green, Kade M ader, C olter
Raver, Taylor Parks.
Six and under: barrels-first
Jade Crossley, second Taighler
Dougherty, third Mary Hays,
fourth Brooke Davis; poles-Jade
Crossley, Mary Hays, Brooke
Davis, T aighler D ougherty;
scurry race-Mary Hays, Brent
Eckman. Taighler Dougherty,
Quinn Mader.
7-8 year olds: barrels-first
Paige Davis, second Lane Bailey,
third Emily Rietmann, fourth
Regi Seitz; poles-Paige Davis,
Emily Rietmann. Lane Bailey,
Regi Seitz; scurry race-Paige
D avis, Lane B ailey, D rion
Donner, Regi Seitz.
9-10 year olds: barrels and
poles-first Hailey Davis, second
Jordan Crossley, third Madison
Bailey, fourth Jennifer Griffith;
scurry race-M adison Bailey,
Hailey Davis, Jennifer Griffith,
Jordan Crossley.
11-12 year olds: barrels-first
Lacey Davis, second Nicole Wil­
son, third Jessica W estberg,
fourth Chantea Macaulay; poles-
N icole
W ilson,
C hantea
Macaulay, Jessica W estberg,
Lacey Davis; scurry race-Lacey
Davis, Donald Adams, Jessica
Westberg, Chantea Macaulay.
13 year olds: b arrels-first
Tracy Griffith, second Meghan
Bailey, third Tasha Hollis, fourth
Brett Barber; poles-T racy
Griffith, Ashley Ward, Kelsey
Greenup, Megan Healy; scurry
race-M eghan Bailey, Ashley
Ward, Tracy Griffith, Brett Bar­
14-17 year olds: barrels-first
Jill Barber, second Krista Adams,
Amy Papineau, Bobbie Rankin;
poles-Jill Barber, Krista Adams,
Amy Papineau, Tracy Rankin;
scurry race-Tracy Rankin, Jill
Barber, Amy Papineau, Krista
18 and over: b arrels-first
Janice Davis, second Joan Hays,
third Stormy Howard, fourth
Terri Gentry; poles-Janice Davis,
Terri Gentry, Anita Pranger,
Stormy Howard; scurry race-Joan
H ays, Janice D avis, Anita
Pranger, Shawna Wilson.
Kids'fishing tournament at Irrigon lone Legion
A kids' fishing tournament,
sponsored by the Irrigon Moose
Lodge, will be held on Sunday,
May 17, from 8 a.m.-noon.
Signup will be at the Irrigon
Moose Lodge #2486 across from
the new Post Office.
Fishermen will meet back at
the lodge for weigh-m and prizes.
Age groups are 0-six, seven-13,
and 14-17.
Adult supervision is required.
They request that no boats be
For more information call 922-
Lexington girl named to honor society
Tom Kemp of Lexington, a
freshman at the University of
Idaho (UI) at Moscow, ID, has
been initiated into the UI chapter
of Alpha Lambda Delta, a
general university honorary
society for freshmen who have
completed at least 12 credits and
have a grade point average of 3.5
or higher.
Kemp is a 1997 graduate of
Heppner High School and is an
ag/business major. She is the
daughter of Marcia and Gary
Kemp, Lexington.
Auxiliary meets
lone Legion Auxiliary met
May 5 at the home of June
Crowell. The morning was spent
making poppy corsages.
potluck lunch was served at
noon. At the business meeting
Helen Crawford was elected
president, Irene Holtz, vice
president and June Crowell,
secretary treasurer.
persons were appointed for all
May 19 the group will serve an
election day lunch to the public
at the Legion Hall.
projects discussed were the
Memorial Day service and
McElligott reunion dinner.
Pioneer Memorial Clinic
will be closed Monday,
May 25th
for Memorial Day.
Monday, May 18th
Beecher’s Cafe in lone
5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. seatings
Adults-$7 • 12 yrs &.under-$4 • preschool free
Reservations by advance ticket sales, please
Lasagna and Spaghetti • Garlic Bread, Salad
Spumoni Ice Cream • Coffee or Soft Drink
Complimentary glass o f wine for adults
Tickets available at Beecher’s Cafe, Wheatland Insurance,
Heppner Sc lone Bank of E.O. or any lone Lion.
M u sic b y S tro llin g A c c o rd ia n is t Jeff W allace
Morrow County Arts Council presents:
the Internationally Acclaimed
'M utely Nobody Quartet
Wednesday, May 27th at 730 p.m.
Heppner Middle School Gym
‘ o adm ission
(Donations ÇreatCy Appreciated
W hy am I
C ounty J udge ?
Because I want our grandchildren
to be raised in our county with a
strong economy and a good
quality of life.
Morrow Coootv Judge