Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 06, 1998, Page NINE, Image 9

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Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 6,1998 - NINE
tetters to the Editor
Editor's note: Letters to the Editor must be signed. The Gazette-Times w ill not
publish unsigned letters Please include your address and phone number on all
letters for use by the G -T office. The C -T reserves the right to edit.
Marshall can meet all demands of job
To the Editor:
Republican voters in Morrow
County have an important deci­
sion to make this May 19 when
they cast their vote for Morrow
County Judge. There seems to be
so many choices that it can seem
very confusing. Some of you, for
whatever reason, have already
made your choice, but I know
many o f you are still thinking
about who you should vote for.
l et me give you some good rea­
sons to cast your vote in support
o f Rollie Marshall.
Rollie has shown his commit­
ment to this county and its citi­
zens through many hours of com­
munity service. From his work
with the youth through Heppner
Christian Church, Little League
and his chairmanship of the Mor­
row County Home Rule Commit­
tee, he has always stepped for­
ward when there was a job that
needed to be done.
He has the experience in work­
ing with finances to efficiently
run a $14,000,000 county budget
in a sound, responsible way.
He has shown over the years
his involvement with and com­
mitment to the youth o f our
We need a judge that under­
stands youth and can work with
them to help produce more re­
sponsible, caring young adults for
our future.
If you look at all things we
need in a county judge, 1 think
you will see that Rollie is the only
candidate that can meet all the
demands of the job.
So, on May 19, please think
over your responsibility as a vot­
ing citizen of Morrow County and
cast your vote for a man that will
do us all proud as our judge-
Rollie Marshall.
(s) Steve and Luanne
Those who oppose have the least to lose
To the Editor:
Hats off to Meg Murray-your
letter to the editor in last week’s
Gazette-Times hit the nail on the
I have lived in Heppner for 46
years, my husband has been here
for 14. My parents, who are re­
tired, still live here, as do my
brother and his family, my two
children, and my grandchild. In
today’s society, many families are
unable to live and work in the
same communities.
For the last 19 years, I have
been employed at Pioneer Memo­
rial Hospital and, like many, de­
pend on Heppner’s businesses for
Send or Receive
my job. If we don’t do something
to bring growth to Heppner, our
business district will not survive.
We need people who live and
work in this community. I believe
the Youth Accountability Camp
is a good thing for Heppner. It
will provide jobs and new fami­
lies moving to Heppner. We will
still have a wonderful town and a
good place to raise children.
I hope someday to be a part of
Heppner’s retirement population,
but I have at least 15 more years
to work. I would like to do that
here and still have a community
to retire in.
I am not a politically motivated
person, nor am I a public speaker,
but think about what’s good for
Heppner 10 or 15 years down the
road and decide your own future.
It appears those who oppose
the most have the least to lose.
(s) Chris Lewis
'Dr. 'Donald J. Carlson
‘foot Specialist £ * 3 j P
will be at the Pioneer Memorial Clinic
on May 13 th for the diagnosis and
treatment of all foot problems
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Come and visit Heppner, but don't stay
To the Editor:
Cheers and congratulations to
Mike Armato for his information
on the plans to locate a youth
accountability camp in Heppner.
Even though a siting committee
suggested a 50-bed facility, what
assurance does Heppner have of
that? Is there any security set in
stone that it won't become like
the East Oregon Correctional
Facility in Pendleton, which
opened with about 350 prisoners
and now houses about 1,500?
Since the state requires 30 acres
for such an establishment, why
did they ask for two and a half to
three acres?
Armato was also concerned
about the cost to the county of
constructing the camp, including
site preparation, in letters of
support, "...the county and port
have committed more than
$172,000 to the project." Judge
Louis Carlson pledged "$50,000
in tippage fees for purchase of
the land and infrastructure." "The
county also has pledged money
for road construction, pipe and
sewer work.” "...port of Morrow
has promised to lay the sewer
and water pipe at a cost of
$33,000." My point is that
taxpayers should most certainly
be allowed to vote on this whole
project. In the April 25 EO, it
was stated that no tax revenue
would be generated. The whole
deal could detract from the
desirability of our area.
A much more desirable project
to promote would be the assisted
living facility that has been
recently talked about. A home
for the elderly who cannot
maintain a home of their own but
who are not in need of hospital
care for the elderly.
promote a peaceful home in
Heppner for people who are
retiring from work and wish to
get away from the hubbub, crime
and violence of the city. We are
at a dead end, with no train or
bus in or out, but we have peace,
quiet, and safety to offer. Very
little crime and violence. The
lake for fishing and water sports,
the mountains nearby. We have
rodeo in the fall and the big St.
Patrick’s Celebration in the
spring for all ages to enjoy.
It was mentioned that the
youths could do free work for the
community. To take work from
our local young people does not
make sense to me. Our kids need
the summer jobs and need to
leam to work and to leam how to
earn money. Both of my kids
worked and helped to get
themselves through college.
I'm wondering how many of
you people read in the EO April
6 of three juveniles who had fled
from the Idaho youth detention
facility. They stole a 1987 Ford
FI 50 pickup truck that had been
stolen during an armed robbery
in Baker County. Just before 6
p.m., an Oregon State Police
Trooper spotted the wanted
vehicle about 20 miles east of
Bums. The owner of Ranch
Meats assisted the police by
detaining the juveniles at gun
point. The three juveniles, ages
17, 16 and 14, were identified as
correctional ranch in Rupert,
In 1920,1 was 11 years old, and
it was customary to have girl
slumber parties in the back yards.
I had many at my home on Main
Street. We didn't have a worry
or a care about fear of anything.
In the wee hours o f the morning,
when the notion struck us, we
would ride up Main Street and
around town on our bicycles in
pajamas. If we wanted to go
swimming in the night, we
headed for the first old
swimming tank at the upper end
of town, where Willow Creek
comes in, climbed the high board
fence and had a swim party. I
feel as safe to travel alone any
time of day or night now as I did
then. Please, let's keep it that
(s) Lois Winchester
P.S.: We should tip our hats in
honor of the wise old far-seeing
Governor Tom McCall when he
said, "Come to visit and enjoy
our great state, but don't stay."
We should promote tourism, too.
Public officials not upfront about camp
To the Editor:
Whether you are in favor or
oppose the youth accountability
"boot camp" in Heppner - one
thing is certain - our county and
city elected public officials failed
to be honest, up front and
communicate openly with the
citizens they represent.
For instance - the city of
Heppner's application to the state
corrections department was
submitted in December with an
amendment in January, however
a public hearing was not held
until Feb. 12. Consequently a
video promo tape was already
completed by the city. Both the
application and tape were
presented to the state without
knowledge or general approval
of local citizens. When asked
why the public was not informed,
the elected officials said there
was no time.
I can assure you the town of
lone knew about the possible
camp idea in August of last year.
A public meeting was held
similar to the one the town of
Lexington held a year earlier on
a similar prison site.
Both lone and Lexington
leaders felt an obligation to their
community to inform them about
such an important proposal right
from the beginning.
support was important and vital
in making their decision whether
or not to pursue the application
After attending the public
meetings in February and March
application and viewing the
promo video, I have come to
these conclusions.
- Public input was not welcome
or wanted.
- Elected officials would not tell
the public what was in the actual
- Public questions were not
answered correctly either on
purpose or by mistake.
- The proposed application
promises an open check book
from city and county taxpaying
These public officials have an
obligation to keep their citizens
informed and to be truthful and
accountable for their decisions.
We deserve better than what we
received in Heppner's handling
for the "proposed boot camp"
because we are the taxpaying
community these elected officials
Isn't a wonder, why we lose
respect and trust from our
(s) Marcia Kemp
Speak up about youth camp
To the Editor:
Many Letters to the editor have
been written, pro and con,
concerning the possibility of the
proposed Youth Accountability
Camp being located in Heppner,
but several of the more recent
Morrow County Judge
“Committed to
Quality Government Services
fo r All o f Morrow County ”
• Morrow County Resident and Businessman for 31 years •
• Morrow County Public Works Director for 3 years •
• Familiar with the Morrow County Budget •
VO TER! Through an error, G uy's inform ation tran o m itted fr o m the Voter»' Pam phlet.
P leate consider this in form ation a n d vote fo r G U Y VANARSDALE.
Pout for by ih* Commutet to Elect Guy VanAndaLf Morrow County Judgr, Lexington, 97839
ones spelled out in detail why the
public truly needs to express
their negative concerns before
any final decision is made.
It is up to each of us to become
as fully informed as possible
about the long-term effects this
will have on the community.
Once the camp becomes a reality
there is no turning back; it will
be here for a long time to come.
Now is the time to speak up.
I fully recognize the need for
such facilities, but there are also
other needs in our community
that should be addressed first.
Where are all the offers of help
for the assisted living facility that
is so badly needed in this area?
Chanty begins at home.
(s) Virginia Wilkinson
W e P r in t
Business Cards
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Be glad for opportunity
To the Editor:
I'm not a speaker or a letter
writer, but I feel what I have to
say needs to be heard,
We, as a community, need to
look at the big picture. The
Youth Accountability Camp, not
a prison, is a great opportunity
for all of us as human-beings .
The youth of today needs
everyone's support and nurturing.
Some are not receiving it . All
children need to be nurtured. If
they don't get it they are lost.
My husband and I have lived
and worked in Heppner for
nearly 20 years . We plan to
retire here. We have raised three
wonderful young men, whom we
are very proud of. Unfortunately
not all children are raised with
values and great expectations to
work for and strive for a great
life . These children are the ones
who fall by the wayside and are
lost to all of us through crime .
The youth camp will give some
a chance to turn their lives
around, to become the good and
accountable citizens w'e all
should be. Let’s not put our
heads in the sand because we feel
they are not our responsibility.
They are. We all are or should be
responsible nurturing adults.
Life doesn't stop when we've
raised our family. It's a
continuation of life. Let's open
our hearts, help the youth, all
youth of today grow into our
hopes of tomorrow.
The economic potential is
there, also. Our businesses are
not all that secure. Some are
struggling just to make ends
meet. Some businesses are
downsizing or cutting back on
hours just to stay running.
Maybe they won’t be buying
locally, maybe they will. There
are no guarantees. It could be
jobs for some locally. They could
bring in all of their own people.
But, with these people come their
spouses and their children. We
need to grow. We may never
know unless it comes to be
Few of us know if our jobs will
be there for us tomorrow, much
less five or 10 years down the
road. Let's not let this window of
opportunity pass us by. Another
chance may never come around
again. We don’t want Heppner to
dry up and blow away. We do
have and will have a community
we can be proud of. We can't live
on what lfs and maybes, or I wish
we would have. Instead let's be
glad of this opportunity .
A Community Member
Like Everyone Else,
(s) Cheme K. Clark
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Lundquist taking lessons from Clinton
To the Editor:
"If you don't like the message,
kill the messenger." Bill Clinton
and his damage control squad has
this down to a science. Every
individual who has criticized
President Clinton has been the
target of Herculean efforts to
discredit him/her.
Lynn Lundquist has been
taking lessons from Clinton and
his "spear-catchers".
Hermens, a challenger for the
House District 59 seat presently
held by Rep. Lundquist has had
the audacity to question his
truthfulness and the protection
squad has descended on her like
a cloud of locusts. Letters to
editors and speeches at candidate
forums by some of the prominent
Republican spokesmen from
Baker City in defense of Lynn or
attacking Tan, or both, are
coming thick and fast.
The Oregonian pretty much
started it all with an article
suggesting Lynn may have a
"forked tongue".
I seem to
remember that a congressman
was accused by the Oregonian of
lying about events 45 or 50 years
ago, and I don’t remember any of
the current crop of "Republican
Leaders" coming to his defense.
Is there, perhaps, a bit of
hypocrisy here?
(s) Jim Pellissier
Baker City
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more, I believe that these funds
should positively touch every
strata of our county, from youth
programs to senior centers and
social events.
I support the youth o f the
county and believe we should be
looking at projects which are
more focused on deterring our
juvenile problems. 4-H projects,
swimming complexes, summer
sports programs for our youth and
mentors for our at-nsk youth and
families would be my primary
method of choice for curbing ju ­
venile crime.
(s) Keith Lewis
Can-t support youth camp
To the Editor:
As a candidate for Morrow
County Judge, I am unable to sup­
port the proposed Youth Ac­
countability Camp in its present
I support positive economic
development for Heppner and all
of the communities of Morrow
County. H ow ever, even the
state’s own siting committee has
stated that “this project is not eco­
nomic development.”
As a matter of principle, I am
not in favor of committing large
sums of county money without a
consensus of the people. Further­
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ordinated and rescued a difficult
We could not find a better per­
son with the conviction and
people skills that Lynn has. East­
ern Oregon and the entire state
need him in Salem. He deserves
your vote.
(s) Ken Turner
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Charlotte S. Gray
’ •* \
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Justice of the Peace
0 22 years judicial experience
and knowledge
0 Most efficient use of tax dollars
0 Proven honesty and integrity
0 Fair and impartial justice
'.¿V. -
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Paid by Charlotte S Gray. PO Box 1022. Heppner. OR 97836
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Lundquist exactly what we need
To the Editor:
Lynn Lundquist is exactly
what we need at the legislature.
Elected speaker of the house by
his peers, he got things done in a
tough partisan world.
He played a critical role in
forging an education package,
other key legislation and along
with a balanced budget, Lynn co­
. -