Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 22, 1998, Page SIX, Image 6

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    S IX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 22,1998
meeting place of the Board, at the
offices of the Port, located at One
Marine Drive, Boardman, Oregon
The purpose of the hearing is
to provide a reasonable opportu­
nity for interested individuals to
express their views, both orally
and in writing, on the proposed
issuance by the Port o f up to
$23,600,000 Pollution Control
Revenue Refunding Bonds, in
one or more series, for the pur­
$23,600,000 currently outstand­
ing Port of Morrow, Oregon Vari­
able Rate Demand Refunding
Revenue Bonds, Series 1988A
(Portland General Electric Com­
pany Boardman Project). The
bonds to be refunded were issued
by the Port on behalf of Portland
General Electric Company (the
“Company”), an Oregon corpora­
tion, to finance or refinance a por­
tion of the costs of acquiring and
constructing certain solid waste
disposal and pollution control fa­
cilities at the Boardman coal-fired
steam electric generating plant,
located in Morrow County, Or­
egon. The Company owns a 65%
undivided ownership interest in
the Boardman generating plant,
which is located thirteen miles
southwest o f Boardman, Oregon
on the south end of Tower Road.
Section 147(f) o f the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 requires
that, before the refunding bonds
may be issued, the Port must ap­
prove the issuance of the bonds
after conducting a public hearing.
At the time and place fixed for the
public hearing, all interested per­
sons will be given an opportunity
to express their views, both orally
and in writing, on the proposed
issue of refunding bonds.
that following the hearing and
during the meeting, the Board will
take action on the requested ap­
proval and authorization of the
issuance of the refunding bonds
by the Port, as required by fed­
eral and state law, including ac­
tion on the adoption o f a final
bond resolution authorizing the
issuance and sale of the refund­
ing bonds.
W ritten com ments may be
submitted to the office o f the
Board of Commissioners until the
time of the hearing on May 13,
1998. Additional information
may be obtained from the Board
of Commissioners at their office
at the Port, or from Gary Neal,
General Manager, Port o f Mor­
row, P.O. Box 200, One Marine
Drive, Boardman, Oregon 97818,
telephone: (541)481-7678.
Dated: April 22, 1998.
/s/ Dan Creamer
Board o f Commissioners
Port o f Morrow, Oregon
Published: April 22 and 29,1998
Mustangs gain split with W eston-McEwen TigerScots
The Heppner Mustangs traveled
to Athena on Saturday, April 18,
and split a double-header with the
Weston McEwen TigerScots.
The TigerScots won the first
game, 15-6, and the Mustangs
came back and held on to take
game two 7-6.
In game one the TigerScots
used a nine-run second inning to
take a 10-0 lead. The Mustangs
scored their first run without the
benefit of a hit as Cory Bennetto
walked, Shane Matheny was hit
by a pitch and Derek Gunderson
walked to load the bases with no
outs. But all the Mustangs could
get was a sacrifice fly from Alan
Gnbskov to score Bennetto.
The TigerScots scored three
more runs in the bottom of the
fourth to take a 13-1 lead.
In the top of the fifth
Gunderson walked and stole
second. Tim Dickenson then got
the Mustangs' first hit of the game
to score Gunderson and went to
second on the throw to the plate.
Gribskov got a base hit to score
Dickenson and went to second on
a throwing error. Chris Anthony
then got a hit to put runners on
first and third. Bias Elguezaba) *
got a hit to score Gribskov and
cut the lead to 13-4. After a balk
moved the runners to second and
third, Zach Fabian got a hit to
score Anthony and Elguezabal
and pull the Mustangs to 13-6.
That was all the scoring for the
Mustangs, however, as Weston-
McEwen tacked on two more
runs in the bottom of the fifth and
held on to win, 15-6.
Game two saw the Mustangs
take a 1-0 lead on top of the first
inning as Matheny singled, stole
second and third and came home
on Gnbskov’s double.
The TigerScots scored single
runs in the first and second inning
to take a 2-1 lead after two. In
the bottom of the second inning,
Matheny made a diving stop o f a
ball hit hard down the line at third
and threw over to first to just get
the runner out.
In the top of the third inning
Cody Bellamy walked, went to
second on Gunderson's fielder's
choice and scored on Matheny's
hit down the line. Dickenson then
got a hit to score Matheny. After
Dickenson stole second and
moved to third on Gribskov’s
fielder's choice, Anthony got a
two out single to score the run
and make it 4-2 Heppner after
three innings.
In the top of the fourth, Tim
Sumner walked, stole second and
went to third on Fabian's hit.
Gunderson laid down a squeeze
bunt to score Sumner. Matheny
then doubled to score Bellamy,
then scored as Dickenson got on
base on a error.
In the bottom of the fourth,
Gunderson fielded a hard hit ball
and tagged the runner from first,
then threw to first for the double
The TigerScots scored four runs
in the bottom of the fifth to pull to
7-6. But after a shaky start, Dylan
Pettyjohn mowed down the
TigerScots in the sixth and
seventh innings to pick up the
save. Chris Anthony pitched
strong for four innings to pick up
the win and move to 4-1 on the
Matheny led the way at the
plate, going three for three with a
double, two RBI's and scoring
three runs. Gribskov was one for
three with a double and an RBI
and Gunderson was one for three
with an RBI.
The Mustangs moved to 5-2 in
Columbia Basin Conference East
Division play and 8-4 overall.
The Mustangs travel to Condon
on Saturday, April 25, in their
next league game.
Game one
Heppner 001 050 0-6 5 6
190 320 x-15 12 1
Tim Dickenson, Tim Sumner (2)
and Alan Gnbskov. Jaun and
Peters. Home Runs- None.
Game two
103 300 0-7 5 1
110 040 0-6 3 4
Chris Anthony, Dylan Pettyjohn
(5) and Gnbskov, Giger and Juan.
HR- none
High school rodeo results listed
Following are high school ro­
deo results for the past two weeks:
Mid-Valley at Eugene on April
10-11: Emmet Evans earned third
for calf roping and second for
team roping; Annie Hisler, fifth-
barrel racing, fourth-pole bend­
ing; Blake Knowles, seventh-calf
roping; Ryan Matteson, fifth-
steer wrestling, third-team roping
with Lexi M atteson; Lexi
Matteson, first-barrel racing,
eighth-breakaway roping, third-
team roping with Ryan Matteson.
North Santiam at Eugene on
April 11-12: Brian K nowles
earned sixth for calf roping and
fifth for saddle bronc; Annie
Hisler, fifth-barrels and poles;
Emmet Evans, seventh-steer
wrestling; Ryan Matteson, 10th-
calf roping; Lexi Matteson, sev­
enth-barrels, fourth-goat tying.
Roseburg on A pril 18-19:
Annie Hisler earned third for pole
bending and fourth for barrel rac­
ing; Ky Rosenburg, fifth-saddle
bronc; Emmet Evans, all around,
third-team roping with Vic Th­
ompson, third-saddle bronc, fifth­
cutting; Lexi M atteson, all
around, first-barrels and pole
bending, fifth-breakaway roping,
sixth-goat tying, ninth-team rop­
ing with Ryan Matteson.
22 students to go to writing festival
The Morrow County School
District will send 22 students to
the 14th annual Oregon Writing
Festival on Saturday, May 2, at
Portland State University in Port­
The Morrow County School
District provides the funding re­
quired for students and staff to
attend this event. The festival is
sponsored by the Oregon Coun­
cil of Teachers of English, who
anticipate that more than 1000
students from all over the state
will attend and share in the day’s
St. Patrick's Senior Center
Bulletin Board
BY GIVEN, that on Wednesday,
May 13,1998, the Board o f Com­
missioners (the “Board”) of the
Port of Morrow, Oregon (the
“Port”) will hold and conduct a
public hearing commencing at
approximately 1:30 p.m. during
its regularly scheduled public
meeting which is to begin at 1:30
p.m. on May 13, 1998. The pub­
lic meeting and the public hear­
ing will be held at the regular
There were 85 present for the senior meal April 15, 19 meals
were home delivered and 10 freezer meals also home delivered.
Members of the Nazarene and Seventh-day Adventist churches
served. An inspection and evaluation team from CAPECO and the
AAA were present, our meal site passed with flying colors. Blood
pressures were taken before the meal.
The menu for the birthday dinner April 29 is lasagna, tossed
salad, green beans, fruit, french bread and cookies. Members of the
St. Patrick Catholic Church will serve.
Thursday afternoon five new volunteer receptionists. Nona
Grace, Donna McCurdy, Betty Carlson, Lil Boyce and Judy
Buschke met at the Senior Center office for and orientation on what
is done there. Welcome all of you. The rest of the office staff is
very happy to have you.
There were 24 present for the Friday breakfast and breakfast was
home delivered.
Pinochle was played Tuesday and Friday afternoons at the center.
The senior bus still has a few seats left for the trip to Pendleton
meal site Friday April 24. There will be a trip to Arlington and a
county tour in May.
Notice o f Budget
Committee Hearing
The first budget committee
meeting of the lone Rural Fire
B M C C to hold
regional job fair
The Blue Mountain Community
College Regional Jobs Fair will
take place on Thursday, May 7,
from 4-7 p.m., at the Hermiston
Community Center.
This is the second year that
BMCC has held the jobs fair in
approximately 1,000 prospective
employees visited the fair. The
event is co-sponsored by regional
Chambers of Commerce and the
Morrow Umatilla Workforce
Committee, as well as Hermiston
Community members and
students of all ages are invited to
this free event. It is suggested
if you
interested in employment, and it
might be a good idea to bring a
resume. However, the setup will
be informal, with employer
representatives at tables in the
community center, available to
answer questions or hand out
information. It will not be a
formal interview type situation.
For more information about the
jobs fair, or if you are an
participating, call Leslie Beard at
A public hearing on a proposed supplem ental budget fo r __ C
Stata ot Oregon, for the fiscal year July 1.19
The hearing will take place on the
i t y
° f
— Heppner
(Dteteci Hama)
to June 3 0,19 — ^
will be held at
— Heppner City
H a ll
, 1 9 _ ä ß ____ at __7 îflO
1 1 r h day o f.
□ a.m.
. J ïp .m .
The purpose of the hearin g it to d iscu ss the supplem ental budget with interested persons.
A copy ot the supplem ental budget document m ay be inspected or obtained on or after
April 22, 1998
City Hall. 1 8 8 W . Willow Street
between the hours of
and 1:00 p.m. and !>:00 p.m. on regular business days.
__________________________________________ m auSH
^ ^
ow ly
tw o «
fu n o s
aewo yoorwao_________________
Consolidated Reserve Fund/Fire Equipment Account.
Am ount
1. Donations___________ S 6,000.00
1 . Fire Equipment----
Protection District $6-604 to dis­
cuss the budget for the fiscal year
July 1,1998 to June 30,1999 will
be held Monday, May 11, 1998,
at 7:30 p.m. at the lone Fire Hall,
160 W. Main, lone. The purpose
is to receive the budget message
and document for the district.
Don McElligott, budget officer
Published: April 22 and 29,1998
A public meeting o f the Bud­
get Committee o f the City of
Heppner, Morrow County, State
of Oregon, to discuss the budget
for the fiscal year July 1, 1998 to
June 30, 1999 will be held at
Heppner City Hall, 188 West
Willow Street, Heppner, Oregon.
The meeting will take place on the
28th day of April, 1998 at 7:00
P.M. The purpose of the meeting
is to receive the budget message
and to receive comment from the
public on the budget. A copy of
the budget document may be in­
spected or obtained on or after
April 29, 1998 at Heppner City
Hall, on weekdays between the
hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
Copies of the budget document
will be available at the Budget
Committee meeting.
This is a public meeting where
deliberation of the Budget Com­
mittee will take place. Any per­
son may appear at the meeting
and discuss the proposed pro­
grams with the Budget Commit­
Gary B. Marks
Budget Officer
Published: April 15 and 22, 1998
A public meeting of the Board
o f D irectors, o f the Morrow
County Unified Recreation Dis­
trict, will be held April 30, 1998,
at Riverside High School in
Boardman, beginning at 7pm.
T q W Resource«
S 6.000.00
T otal Requirements
Unanticipated donations will be used to offset cost of a new
"Jaws-of-Llfe” rescue tool.
Gary B. Marks, City Budget Officer.
Published: April 22, 1998
Published: April 22, 1998.
Community Action Program
of East Central Oregon (CAPE-
CO) is currently planning the Pro­
gram Year 1998 Job Training
Partnership Act (JTPA) program.
CAPECO expects to receive ap­
proximately $428,000 in JTPA
funds for the Program Year be­
ginning July 1, 1998 and ending
June 30, 1999 and plans to serve
in excess o f 200 participants.
CAPECO received $555,614 and
served over 250 participants dur­
ing the 1997 program. Programs
will focus on classroom training,
on-the-job training, work experi­
ence, and job search training lead­
ing to unsubsidized employment.
These program activities will be
provided by CAPECO and also in
collaboration with area partners.
Written comments are due by
April 24, 1998 to the address be­
low. For more information or to
review the draft plan, please con­
tact Deborah Hayward, Manager,
at (541)276-1926, ext. 110 or
write CAPECO, 721 SE Third,
Suite D, Pendleton, OR 97801.
CAPECO is an equal opportunity
employer/program, and auxiliary
aids and services are available
upon request to individuals with
Published: March 11 and April
The aliens landed - and they
loved it! Many thanks to every­
one who helped make the Sci-Fi
Invasion such a success: the Main
Street businesses who welcomed
our guests; our Secret Downtown
Judge(s); Lori, Jay, Teri and Kelly
Straley; Tai, Ian, Amanda, Genny
and Jeff who were invaluable;
collectors and exhibitors. And, as
always, Tami.
Morrow County Museum
____________________ 4-22-lc
We wish to publicly thank the
Morrow County Grain Growers
for the use of their new Hi-Qual
livestock panels at our recent
horse sale. Their generous loan of
these excellent panels made it
possible to handle 90 head of
horses with ease and without in­
We highly recom mend the
panels and we think this gesture
is a classic example of reasons to
buy locally and keep local busi­
nesses healthy.
The West Family
____________________ 4-22-lc
We very much appreciated our
friends and relatives helping us
celebrate our 50 years together,
our children for hosting the party,
my bridge club for salads, the
unknown others who brought
food and for the lovely cards and
good wishes. Thank you seems
madequate-but thank you.
Emie and MaryJean McCabe
____________________ 4-22-lc
The family of Ron Anthony
would like to thank all those who
sent cards, flowers and gifts dur­
ing his recent surgery. Your kind­
ness and caring were greatly ap­
The Anthonys:
Nick, Chris, Logan,
Ron and Maryanne
Com m enta
This meeting is open to the
public. Any person may appear at
the meeting and participate. All
meetings are handicapped acces­
sible according to ORS
192.630(5) and American Dis­
abilities Act.
Topics on the agenda for this
meeting are, Morrow County Art
Council - Music in the Park
project, Chairman’s report, and a
Special Presentation. An Execu­
tive Session will be held to dis­
cuss Litigation.
Budget Committee will hold
their m eeting beginning at
Secretary George Naims
Published: April 22, 1998
Free counseling for victims of
abuse and sexual assault. 24 hr.
Crisis Line: 1-800-833-1161.
Shelter available.
Help Wanted: Thursday, Fri­
day, Saturday, 4 to 6 hours a day.
High school graduate Must en-
Deadline: Tuesday al
hr. G ardner’s M en’s W ear.
____________________ 4-15-2c
•Help Wanted*
C arpenter Helper
Experience preferred, but
mostly just willing to work.
____________________ 4-15-4c
Position 1: Com puter Tech­
nician. Location: District Office,
Lexington, Oregon. Application:
Contact Personnel at (541) 989-
8202. Successful candidate may
be subject to fingerprinting. EOE
____________________ 4-15-2c
Part-tim e receptionist need­
ed. Send application/resume to:
P.O. Box 572, Heppner, OR.
____________________ 4-22-tfc
M orrow County School Dis­
trict has the following positions
open for the 1998-99 school year:
Positions: high school head
girls basketball coach; high
school assistant girls basketball
coach; lone Middle School head
volleyball coach. Location: lone
Schools, lone, Oregon. Applica­
tion: Contact lone School at (541)
422-7131 for information and
Positions: head girls basketball
coach, head boys basketball
coach. Location: Heppner High
School, Heppner, Oregon. Appli­
cation: Contact Heppner High
School, (541) 676-9138 for infor­
mation and applications.
Position: assistant soccer
coach. Location: Riverside High
School, Boardman, Oregon. Ap­
plication: Contact Riverside High
School at (541) 481-2525 for in­
formation and applications.
Successful candidates may be
subject to fingerprinting. EOE.
For Rent: one bedroom apart­
ments. Willow S treet A p a rt­
ments, Heppner. 676-5131.
_____________________ 9-3-tfc
Blue Spruce Apartments
For rent. 1-888-982-3456.
_____________ ■
Home For Sale: custom-built
in 1949, 4114 sq. ft., Heppner,
655 Hager St. Contact Robert
Mahoney, 676-5876, or Mike
Mahoney, 676-5157.
_____________________ 4-8-tfc