« k •* .a . . . »4 t Ü h * Two meetings, hearing scheduled for youth camp & 7 moH /C f HEPPNER Loct youth r camp pr°— /itowan St 50 < ¡En HEPRWf f l MORROW c o u n t y FAIPQROUNOS C h u fd i GmKr I PIONEER MEM HOSPITAL Q ------Î O A Cfc£- Widow HEPPNER PACGÉL M O R R O W C O U N TY ■ 5 i - ___ 3 . J U * St su e •V * * * ■ » mo oc \HAQER MASONIC CEMETERY imes VOL. 117 NO. 12 8 Pages Wednesday, March 25, 1998 Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon W heat G row ers offer 1 9 9 8 cake sam ples minutes. Remove from pans. Frosting Finish cooling on racks before 1 cup milk frosting. 2 tablespoons cornstarch In celebration o f National Lemony Cake Filling 1 cup granulated sugar Agriculture Week, the Morrow 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 cup shortening County Wheat Growers League 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup butter gave out samples o f this year's 3/4 cup mild flavored honey 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Oregon Wheat Growers League 2 egg yolks 1/2 teaspoon almond extract contest cake, "Honey o f a White 1 tablespoon butter 1/4 teaspoon salt Cake", on March 19 at Central 3 tablespoons lemon juice Combine milk and cornstarch Market. 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon in a saucepan and cook over Shannon Rust, Morrow County peel medium heat until thickened. Wheat Growers League public In a saucepan, mix cornstarch Remove mixture from heat and relations chairman and Suzi and water until smooth. Add cool. Combine sugar, shortening, Frederickson, Irrigon, MCWGL honey, egg yolks, butter and butter, vanilla, almond extract president were on hand to serve lemon juice. Cook over medium and salt to the cornstarch mixture the samples. Cakes were heat, stimng constantly until and cream until smooth. contributed by Carla Morter, mixture comes to a boil and is When assembling cake, spread Patty Matheny, Debbie Peck, smoothly thickened (about five cake filling on top of bottom Carley Drake, Lavonne Mader, minutes). Remove from heat and layer, add top layer and frost Nancy Jepsen, Rust and add lemon peel. Cool. with frosting. Frederickson. • Following is the this year's recipe: Shannon Rust and Suzi Frederickson give a sample of this year's wheat cake to Dr. Kenneth Wenberg. Honey of a White Cake 1/2 cup shortening 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup mild flavored honey 1-1/4 cups sifted cake flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 cup milk 1/2 teaspoon almond flavoring 4 egg whites 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar Cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Continue creaming while adding honey in a fine stream. Sift together flour, salt and baking powder. Add alternately with milk to creamed mixture, beating after each addition until smooth. Add flavorings. In a bowl, beat egg whites with cream o f tartar until they hold their shape when beater is lifted out of bowl. Fold carefully into cake mixture. Spoon batter into two 9-inch greased, lightly floured layer cake pans. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Bake 30-35 minutes or until cake tests done in center. Cool on wire racks 5 St. Jude's Bike-a-thon, April 26 The St. Jude Children’s Re­ the largest childhood cancer re­ search Hospital has announced search center in America in terms plans for the “Wheels o f Life” o f the number o f patients treated Bike-a-thon to be held Sunday, and treatment success, said a April 26 in lone. This year's co­ news release. Treatment is pro­ ordinator, Anne Morter, encour­ vided at no cost to the family and ages all residents and businesses all findings are shared with doc­ to support this community event. tors and hospitals all over the St. Jude’s Children’s Research world, continued the release. Routes and other details will be Hospital, founded in 1962 by the released soon. Call Morter at 422- late entertainer Danny Thomas, is 7429 for more information. School drug/alcohol policy meeting set A public meeting to seek comments regarding the proposed changes to the school athletic drug/alcohol policy will be held in conjunction with the normal school advisory committee meetings in April. Dates and times for the meetings are as follows: Wednesday, April I-Heppner High School, 6 p.m.; Thursday, April 2, at lone High School, 7 p.m. The new recommendations regarding the athletic drug/alcohol policy are a result o f a committee that was initiated last October consisting of athletic directors, student body presidents, principals, advisory committee members and school board members. If anyone has questions regarding these proposed changes, call Russ Morgan at 676-5729. Public information meetings concerning the youth accountability camp are scheduled for this Thursday, March 26, at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the St.Patrick's Senior Center. A public hearing for the Ore­ gon Youth Accountability Camp will be held on Monday, March 30, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Heppner High School Cafe- tori um. The purpose o f the meeting is to discuss the proposed siting of the camp in the Heppner commu­ nity. The Youth Accountability Camp Siting Committee will be in attendance. All interested individuals are encouraged to attend and partici­ pate in the hearing. Morrow County Judge Louis Carlson, who is the county's juvenile judge, says that the kids who participate in such programs are not usually bad kids," but too often have grown up as a low priority in the family structure." "They often just need a real awakening-some time away from their peer group. I've been talking boot camp for five years now," said Carlson. Beside the benefit to youth, Carlson says that the proposed camp would also be an economic boost to the area, since the facility would employ 32 full­ time employees and officials have said that the youth camp will use local supplies as much as possible. "As a timber- depressed community we should be on the lookout for new businesses. I think we need to take a good hard look at these opportunities when they come our way," added Carlson. "Opportunities like this don't come our way very often." Carlson said that a good turnout at the public information meetings and the public hearing will help Heppner's chances of getting the youth camp sited here. Carlson said that the county has agreed to dedicate $50,000 in tippage fees for the acquisition of land and construction of a road to the site, which would be located out o f sight o f homes past the Morrow County Fairgrounds on the hillside on right side o f the road as one is leaving town. He said that the Port o f Morrow has agreed to dig a trench and lay pipe for sewer and water if the Heppner site is selected. Carlson said that the road which would be built to the site could eventually go to the urban growth area above Rock Street. Two sites near LaGrande are also being considered for construction o f the camp, at Hilgard Junction State Park and the town o f Union. The Hilgard site may have an advantage because another youth facility is there which has a kitchen that spoke to, he didn't receive any negative comments concerning the camp and the youth there. "I didn't find one person who had a bad thing to say about it," Carlson added. School board sets 1998-99 school calendar girls' basketball coach. -approved a request for maternity leave for Dawn Johnston, SBE teaching position. -approved transfer for Darlene Fulmer from SBE part-time food service assistant to full-time education assistant at the Boardman Learning Center. -approved extra duty contracts for: Tony Pupo, HHS assistant baseball coach and RHS assistant football coach for 1998-99; Gary Olsen, RHS assistant golf coach; Alissa Lindeman, RHS assistant tennis coach; Adam Eldndge. RHS assistant track coach; Keelie Keown, Heppner Junior High School assistant track coach; Marchell Downey, RHS assistant volleyball coach. -approved a request for a High School, Sunday, May 30, at student to attend school at 2 p.m. Heppner High School while In other business, the board: -heard that the Heppner school living in Hermiston. -learned that SBE principal building projects are on target for completion this spring. The Susan Tolar was the recipient of architect and engineers are a principals' association award for leadership in education for moving forward on the lone the 21st century. project and expect to go out for -accepted donations o f a $1,440 bids in early April. -learned that the district's wrestling mat from Hans Magden and $789 worth of mirrors for the dropout rate decreased from 6.7 percent in 1995-96 to 4.8 in weight room, both for RHS. -heard announcements that the 1996-97. The state-wide rate is budget committee meeting will 6.7 percent. be held on April 6 at the district -discussed the proposed youth office beginning at 7:30 p.m.; the accountability camp and its district math contest will be held impact on the school district. April 9 at A.C. Houghton -approved a lease agreement Elementary in Irrigon at 6:30 for the use o f the Heppner Little p.m.; and the next board meeting League Field for the Heppner will be held April 13 at the lone High School softball program. -approved the following * High School cafeteria, beginning at 7:30 p.m. resignations and retirements: Pat Hentges, from Heppner Elementary School teaching position; Alice Ellis, Riverside High School education assistant position; Ruth Sullivan, Columbia Middle School assistant cook position; Bill Karwacki, HES principal position as o f June 30, 1999; The Morrow County Unified Brooke Qunell, Sam Boardman Recreation District's monthly Elementary special education meeting will be. held this teaching position; Mary Lue Thursday, March 26, at 7 p.m. at Hart, Riverside High School the Morrow county Courthouse. English as a second language Business includes: review of teaching position; Rosalind, contracts, policies and Miller, SBE teaching position; procedures for the new local Dawn Bradley, SBE teaching position; Ron Dean, district budget law; request for funding, maintenance I position; Linda appointment o f the budget Lappen, Boardman Learning committee and budget committee Center educational assistant training. An executive session is position; Sally McCready, CMS part-time custodial position; John scheduled concerning litigation Thomas. RHS extra duty head against the district. The Morrow County School Board, at its March 9 meeting at the district office in Lexington, approved the calendar for the 1998-99 school year. The calendar selected calls for a pre-Labor Day start, with beginning inservice set for Wednesday-Fnday, August 26- 28, and students beginning school on Monday, August 31. Christmas break will be one and a half weeks, from Thursday, December 24 to Monday, January 4. The ‘last day for students in 1999 will be June 4. The 1999 graduation dates are as follows: lone High School, Friday, May 28, at 7 p.m.; Heppner High School, Saturday, May 29, at 7 p.m.; and Riverside ; — . ’ » V - • ' - - - ; : ' V • ^ • T. » . * \ ' 3 ' V >* « - «„.r* V ' ; v > \ . •> >* .*• \ M CURD plans March 26 meeting . i- . * *’ * * V •' V . *. V • • * tv*« # y* V.• * ' V‘- í * *• .* ‘ M l ' ■'V .•v , > i Y •* ■ *• * ' ' V-' • *• • . ' — fl ■ ij 1 1 1 ; ■ 'tfj, i I I • I i . IT'S SPRING TIME/ . MB' — - . „ «r - •' 1 . - \ a AT A ‘ . i .V . . t if.' for farm equipment vwt our web site at www mcgg.net - V- ■ T ------------------------------- T V J . M orrow C o u n t y G r a in G rowers Lexington 989-8221 • 1 - 800 - 452-7396 I • ■ ♦ . * Backpack and Hand Sprayers • Lawn and Garden Fertilizers Large Selection of Seeds ~ - .* could be shared. Carlson said that he recently visited a camp in Tillamook which would be identical to the one proposed for Heppner. He said that o f all the people he V • ‘ •.