Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 11, 1998, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon
Wednesday, March 11,1998
HHS students pitch in to clean up for St. Pat’s
BEO donates to fair multi-purpose building
Sam Bellamy and Kelwayne Hagucwood accept check for $2,500 from Bank ot Eastern Oregon
representative Darrel Raver. The bank donated the money to help with the construction of a
multipurpose building to be located behind the men at the fairgrounds. Excavation work for the
project has already begun.
Hope, Valby churches plan
Lenten and Easter services
Hope Lutheran Church in "The Seven Last Words": March
Heppner and Valby Lutheran 12-13, the third word, "Woman,
Church in lone have planned here is your son! Here is your
Lenten and Holy Week worship mother"; March 18-19, the fourth
word, "My God, My God, why
The Reverend Dick Metz, has thou forsaken me?"; March
pastor, says that each of the 25-26, the fifth word, "I thirst!";
midweek services includes a Apnl 1-2, the sixth word, "It is
reading from the "Passion finished!"; Maundy Thursday,
History" and a meditation on one April 9 (Hope), the seventh
o f "The Seven Last Words" of word, "Father, Into Your Hands I
Commend My Spirit.”
Jesus from the cross.
The Maundy Thursday
Lenten services begin with a
service at Hope will
soup and sandwich supper at 6
p.m. followed by worship at 7 close with the ceremonial
p.m. on Wednesdays at Hope and stripping of the altar of all its
Thursdays at Valby. The Valby adornments symbolizing the
supper and services will be held sacrifice of Christ in his final
at the home o f Don and Martha hours.
A combined service of word,
The remaining schedule of the music and meditation at Hope
Reading of the Passion History is Lutheran will be held on Good
Friday, April 10, from noon to 3
as follows:
(the time when Jesus was on
-March 11-12, "Jesus Before the
Sanhedrin: His Trial and Peter's the cross). Those attending may
Denial"; March 18-19, "Jesus want to plan on bringing a lunch.
On Easter Sunday, April 12, a
Before Pilate...and He suffered
of Holy
Under Pontius Pilate"; March 25-
26, "Jesus Condemned to Death Communion will be held at 8
and Crucified"; April 1-2, "Jesus' a.m. at Valby, followed by Easter
Death on the Cross:; Maundy breakfast. The service at Hope
Thursday, April 9, (at Hope only) will begin at 11 a.m., followed
by Easter brunch.
"Jesus' Burial";
The remaining schedule for the
Bria Kai Pacheco-a daughter
Bna Kai was bom to Bernadette
Reyes and David Pacheco o f
Boardman on February 4, 1998 at
Good Shepherd Community Hos­
pital in Hermiston. The baby
weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz.
B ailie Don B ro ad fo o t-a
daughter Bailie Don was bom to
Tina and Jason Broadfoot of Irri-
gon on February 6,1998 at Good
Shepherd Community Hospital in
Hermiston. The baby weighed 6
lbs. 10 oz.
Angel M arie S ta n g e r-a
daughter Angel Marie was bom
to Marlene and Joseph Justus
Stanger of Irrigon on February 18,
1998 at Good Shepherd Commu­
nity Hospital in Hermiston. The
baby weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz.
Brady Michael Linnell-a son
Brady Michael was bom to Brok
and Mane Linnell of Hermiston
on February 12, 1998 at St. An­
thony Hospital in Pendleton. The
baby weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Grandparents are Bob Van
Schoiack, Heppner, and Don and
Maxine Linnell of Hermiston. He
joins a brother, Patrick, 4, at
Heppner High School Student Body officers pitched in to clean up downtown Heppnerln prapanttoni for the
annual St. Patrick's Celebration. Students included student body, pn»*'dent Josh Roy, vice P™ *^ ® "1 ;
Dickenson, secretary Jill Barber, treasurer Jessica VanWinkle, publicity director jM e P i^ o r ^ d b i^ in e s s
Pointer, boy»'
« p Ropp;
r e M n senior
^ v . C h class
r l . I ^ president
i ^ a n , girt*’^
r « . n Hansen;
t ^ > r t A »ophomore
b b y l ^ W ; cla*
and * ^th m an cla * 8 ^ » secretarv
.c^ « ta ry
Cowboy, cowgirl
earn PRCA
Local cowboy Brett McDowell
has earned 17th place in the
Professional Rodeo Cowboys
Association world standings in
team roping (heeling) as of
March 3.
McDowell of Heppner earned
Katie McCoin, Condon, is 11 th
in the barrel racing standings
with $8,442 in earnings.
BRFD announces
new meeting times
The Boardman Rural Fire
announced new times for its
monthly meetings.
will now be held at 7p.m. on the
first and third Wednesday of
every month at the Boardman
Fire Station located on West
Wilson Road.
For more information call the
Boardman Fire Department at
on Schools:
73 Million
/including K-I2, stale
colleges and universities
and the education
endowment fund)
Boy charged in shooting released
Steve Crum, the lone teenager
Crum will also not be allowed
charged with assault III in to have access to firearms until
connection with the shooting of his 18th birthday.
Will McElligott, also of lone, has
McElligott, who received a
been released from custody, "tunnel" injury to the chest,
according to Morrow County remains a patient in good
District Attorney Earl R. Woods. condition at St. Charles Hospital
Woods said that Crum, 16, will in Bend. It was erroneously
remain on probation until his reported to the Gazette-Times
18th birthday. Woods said that that he had been discharged.
his release was on the condition
A friend of the family said that
that he pay assessments, McElligott still has an air pocket
apologize to the student body of in his lung and will not be
lone High School, write a letter discharged until this has healed.
of apology to be printed in the
Friends may write to
Heppner Gazette-Times, and McElligott at the following
write a paper of at least five address: c/o St. Charles Hospital,
pages, double-spaced, the topic 2500 N.E. Neff Road, Bend, OR
of which is to be "Collective 97701-6015, Rm. 533.
Happy 28 tb,
Heppnera True Leprechaun!
We Love You,
Momma Lockinaw,
Honaj, Tabunga,
and Monkey Butt '/V
W ho decides which specific
programs get Lottery fund-
ing? The Governor and the
Oregon Legislature allocate
profits based on where they're
needed the most.
Economic A Community
$55 Million
$10 Million
( including l ight Rail)
Natural Resources)
$5.4 Million
(.ambling Addiction
Treatment) $2 Million
In short, Oregon Lottery profits go where the need is greatest. This
year alone, the Lottery will provide nearly $350 million for Oregon schools
and economic development programs. And as needs change w ithin these
areas, the Legislature can allocate Lottery profits as it sees most beneficial.
Figure* based on (local yoor 7/97-6/90 logwiativo allocation
W ant to find o u t m ore? We in v ite you to visit o u r web site at
w w w .o reg o n lo ttery .o rg . If you have any questions, please e-m ail us at
lo tte ry .w e b c e n te r@ s ta te .o r.u s . O r drop us a line at P.O. Box 12649,
Salem , OR 97309. T he O regon L o ttery . It does good things for O regon.