\ -, < \e • • /♦ * « - • * ' * * • • • • .& * » • * + « *• * ■ . * * • • * -. . : * W ; f -----¿ ¿5 • . W ednesday, February 11, 1998 - SEVEN , , • i i \ 1 • ■ » * . •• BUSINESS DIRECTORY ONLY -V -'A;. *?• V /* #’• -r J* ' * * # *• " * • • - •*. « i - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon ^ ■ •*** • - . . "A . PER WEEK Call the Gazette-Times: 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 , or FAX 6 7 6 -9 2 1 1 Auto Parts Statewide Classifieds Your ad will reach most newspapers in Orefon for only $200!* A service o f Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Week o f February 9, 1998 FREE manufactured home buyer's kiL Save yourself time and money Call Oregon Manufactured Housing Association 1-800-458-6449 Ask for Carol CASH immediate $$ for structured settlements and deferred insurance claims. J G. Wentworth 1-888- 231-5375. HOMEOWNERS! Debt consolidation! Borrow $25.000-$ 100,000 Too many bills? Home improvements Apply by phone/24 hour approval No equity required Platinum Capital: 1-800-523- 5363/open 7 days CREDIT card problems’ Debt consolidation. Avoid bankruptcy Stop creditor calls. Cut interest. No credit check One low paym ent 1-800-270-9894. AVAILABLE, a bajillion dollars: Receiving payments from real estate sold? Annuity'1 Lottery w innings? Nobody pays more for cash flows. We’ll prove it. Foss Com panies. 1-800-275-6197. ALL cash. Receiving payments on a mortgage’’ Why waif’ Best prices paid locally and nationwide, plus we pay transfer costs. Sell all/part. PEI 1-800-999-9892. CASH quickly! If you're receiving payments on real estate you've sold, we'll buy the remaining payments for cash! "Nobody beats our prices." No fees! Licensed/bonded! Buschur Mortgage 1-800- 776-8750. BANK turned you down? Private party will loan on real estate equity Easy qualifying, credit no problem Approval over the phone Oregon Land M ortgage 1-800-922-4422. GOVERNMENT foreclosed homes, pennies on the $1 Repo's, VA. HUD, and sheriff sales. No money down government loans available now Local listings. Toll bee 1-800-669-2292 ext U-tOOO Cellular Phones for A CELLULAR PHONE • Convenience HARPER HOLSTERS • Business 6 7 6 -5 5 6 5 r i • Safety A dvertising D eadlines : CARD OF T h a n k s Card of Thanks* $5.00 •upto 100 words. .10 cents per word thereafter. Copy Paper Ream • Carton Gazette-Times 676-9228 SERVICES Linoleum, carpet and Pergo sales and installation. Free es­ timates. Call Tim Hedman, eve­ nings, 676-9054. Licensed and bonded #78201. ______________________ 1 -4-tfc G lo’s Housekeeping Service For more info and free estimate, call 676-9810. _____________________ 3-20-tfc *Blu Blakeley Construction* Commercial and Residential 1-541-989-8365 Lie #89458 Is your mobile home or flat roof failing you? Now a permanent and inexpensive way to fix it. Duralast! Call 989-8365. WOLFF tanning beds. Tan at home Buy direct and save! Com m ercial/hom e units from $199 00. Low monthly payments Free color catalog. Call today, 1-800-842-1310. SPECIAL ON VINYL SIDING & LIFETIME WARRANTY WINDOWS. 11-12-tfc PETS « ANIMALS Free to good home: 10 month old German Shepherd, Golden Retriever cross. All shots and spayed. Good disposition. Call 676-9407. 2-4-4c Free puppies. 676-5570. 2-11-lp RENTALS For Rent: one bedroom apart­ ments. W illow Street Apart­ ments, Heppner. 676-5131. 9-3-tfc S haron Lewis 6 7 6 -5 2 3 3 JoyceKay H ollo m o n 6 7 6 -5 5 4 2 B ob P loyhar 6 7 6 -9 6 4 9 3 bdrm. 2 bath home, view, fireplace with insert, on 9 acres. . * . **• < „ ’ * . . ‘ . ' 2 *• . P loyhar I n sura nce Life * Health * Auto * Home o ,.. y ° u a d v e rtise in O C A N s! C all th is p a p e r fo r m o re in fo rm atio n ! Contact: Bill Maclnnes Bill Maclnnes, Jr. or parts H.C. Wright Phone (541)763-4175 Fossil, Oregon____ ’93 Toyota Tercel. 2 door, ste­ reo, new snow tires. $3795 OBO. M iller fit Sens Rock Products 147 W est Willow P.O B ox 3 3 7 Phone: (541) 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 Fax: (541) 6 7 6 -9 2 1 1 E-mail: gt@ rapidserve.net Web Site: w w w .rapidserve net Call 676-9407. - 1990 Ford Ranger XLT ex­ tended cab. Low miles, see to appreciate. 676-5871, 676-5249, 676-5811. ______________________ 2-4-4c For Sale: '82 Dodge 4x4 SWB 360x4 Dual Exh., worn hubs, body lift, 35” tires; runs good. $1500 OBO. 422-7508. _____________________ 2- n - i p 1-28-6C LIVESTO CK Quality Bummer Lambs. Call Capons, 934-2500 or 934-2018. $10, $15 or $20 each. 2-4-2c T D D # l-8 0 0 -5 4 5 -1 8 3 3 for hearing impaired Equal Housing Opportunity * Propane •Daniet Van Scfwiacfa CPA 76-UnoCal Motor Oils -, V > _ • ' - .V i " -S a . • r *. V - 1 1 - ' s - - -- ^ V i •’ A ri v >’.V . . .*-?>• • , ‘V . y* - '■ ^1 .V - »•«* . • ..* - » - i 989-8221 ? Eye Health & Vision Care 128 West Willow Heppner, OR 676-9465 : Tuesdays 9 a m. to 5 p.m. by appointment Professional Tree Service (. . . , J I M ’S T R E E S E R V IC E C o m p e tit iv e Pricing ~ F re e E s t i m a t e s - R e fe r e n c e s P ro fe s s io n a l a n d S a f e R e s u lt s Pruning ~ Trimming ~ Fruit Trees ~ Shrubbery ~ Removal of Danger Trees Jim Roy, Owner ~ Hm. 541-676-9212 ~ Cell 5 4 1 - 9 6 0 - 6 6 3 4 :< m m i m ca n m Pump Service FOR ALL YOUR DOMESTIC WATER NEEDS.«. • Pressure Tanks • Irrigation Pumps • Sump Pump Rentals LEXINGTON PUMP 9S9-M4S Sam or Joe f S9-S567 \V s v . Septic Service • iV Îi ' B ritt Septic tanks pumped, residential and commercial Serving Morrow-Gilliam counties & surrounding areas 24 hour service • Licensed & Bonded • DEQ approved 676-5096 • Rt. 2, Box 2060 • Heppner # 37316 Speed rotor available • Y O U R LO C A L S E P T IC S E R V IC E V ' . \ » * . • > \ : . v ; ; ;• *. ' .'r f • V ; - STO R - 4 - U ro o m in v o u r g a ra g e fo r y o u r / - >. e a r ... RENT A MINI-STORAGE. Heppner Storage Units • Different Sizes Available Call 541-567-7317 to Rent '• O ffK Interested in your own Web Site? Call the Heppner Gazette, 070-9228 Ä • A - i .; ' V : . j - m V " - ■ T Storage ’ ■'v - . Robert D. Rolen, O.D, --r- > ■ - N ^ Optometry 676-9971 evenings or message * .. J 'J - r O '' © Available for Accounting Services ■ - ■ r.-. - t - M ak e Accounting Services ■ r ' ' . : : : :• '* •** ■ », 1 1 ' * , • - -V ? i “ . H • ”r* > ♦. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . • • *Gusoline * I Ionic Heating Oil I 1-800-452-7396 CATTLE FOR SALE For Sale: long yearling Angus Bulls A.I..D. to ambush, will hold to March 15. Sam Bellamy, 989- 8567. Chevron Products MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS WE DELIVER . For waiting list and application, call 676-9232 : a*. i • - • ' ' X . . **J-~ * Brand-new modem appliances * Brand-new laundry facilities Located behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner s . X : 6 7 6 -9 6 3 3 * Rent based on income . , , * -* V « ' - * 4”-0, 1-1/2-0, and 3/4-0 Call for Estimates 676-9613 Monitor Stoves Diesel Waiting List Newly Remodeled 2 & 3 Bdrm Apartments • • - ; t D E V IN O IL C O ., IN C 2-4-4C Mountain Glen Apartments 5' > , * • V ' STATE SPEC . C R U S H E D RO CK ccb #072395 ' . -J * w'- • **»*■ ■* O il Products T he H eppner G a z e tte -T im e s Tax Preparation - Budgeting - General Ledger - Financial Analysis - , . Clean fill material Can be picked up at pit or we will deliver Contact Roger Britt, 676-5096 J a n u a r y 1 ,1 9 9 8 [a-..iiLiiji ow 3* t \ hty V Insurance m ore th a n 800,000 people w hen #1 • 15,900 - 1 bdrm, 1 bath, single wide mobile on comer view lot. Price reduced. • 7 5 ,0 0 0 - com m ercial w a re ­ house in Umatilla on two city lots. Owner could help finance. • 45,000 - 1 1/2 acres of view lot In the city limits is divided into two tax lots. Water and sewer avail­ able. - Tuesdays 2-5 p.m. 5-7 p.m. by appointment 3/4* minus • 1' minus • 3’ base rock For Rent: two bdrm, two bath mobile home, $425/month; one bdrm, one bath house, $400/ month; both very nice, both lo­ CARS AND TRUCKS cated approximately 15 miles from lone on Highway 74. Available on W RIG H T’S CHEV. INC. Dec. 15. Call 422-7349. OLDSM OBILE ____________________ 12-10-tfc Blue Spruce Apartments SALES AND SERVICE 1- 1 bdrm, $250 plus deposit. Our Customer Is Always 1 - studio, $200 plus deposit. 1-888- 982-3456. 1- 14-tfc 6 7 6 -5 0 4 9 °^ % Crushed Rock For Sale hay bam, fenced and cross- fenced. 676-5896. _____________________ 2-11-lp «JU.ro« ' V Miscellaneous R etail D isplay R ates C lassified W ant A d R ates : 10 word minimum*................................... $4.00 Open rate per column inch........... $4.50 * 40 cents per word thereafter. C lassified D isplay R ates _ _ B usiness D irectory : Open rate per column inch........... $5.10 Standing display ads. in alphabetical arrangement ° f business and professions; each space is two E f f e c t iv e D a t e : column inches; per week, if unchanged over a 13- 180W. Baltimore #5. Heppner - • / LICENSED life & health agent needed / Quality products, high commissions with advance before issue and benefits (Must qualify for advances & benefits.) Call: 1-800-252-2581 H eritage Land Co. ; * •> 127 North M ain • Heppner, Ore. • 6 7 6 -5 8 1 8 Help Wanted REAL ESTATE • V j Richard "Rick" Drake • Phone (541) 6 7 6 -8 7 7 2 • CCB #61892 ADOPT: Twinkle, twinkle here we are, wishing and praying tor our little star Like a diamond in the sky. your child is a gift we would treasure for life How we wonder where you are. Let's find each other Expenses paid Call Judy & Russell 1-800-966-8046 Small but nice 2 bdrm house. WSG furnished. Small garage. $365 month. 676-9621. 2- 11-lc /? DRAKE CO NSTRUCTIO N PREGNANT? Hoping to find the best family to adopt your child0 We can help make this confusing tune easier Adoption consultant will offer you choices! Call for information, 1 -800-675-3407 For Rent: 2 bdrm duplex, 1 1/2 bath, excellent location w/view. $575 month. Accepting applica­ tions, call 676-9112. ______________________ 2-4-tfc » * ' Residential • Commercial • New Construction Remodel • Framing • Finish • Drywall • Windows • Roofing DIABETICS (using insulin) Medicare pays for your supplies We bill them, ship to you. Save money . Satisfaction guaranteed Liberty-Medical. 1-800-748- 1662. No HMO members Mention #AN-BA01 week period.................................... $6.00 per week (»* ,.. » “Rick's Back in Town!” The Heppner Gazette-Times ADVERTISING RATES Retail D isplay............ 12 noon. Tuesday Classified D isplay..... 12 noon, Tuesday Classified Want Ads ... 12 noon, Tuesday 1 «, Construction Y o u r a d v e rtise m e n t can reach A national m obile home finance company Has 2, 3. & 4 br single and multi-section bank repos Great rates, easy qualify and transfer o f payments. Terms negotiable or make cash offer Free call 1- 800-651-4625 Ext. 911 * # • i ' *4 # 128 W est W illow Heppner 676-5141 Miscellaneous Personals ' , . • Floyd A. Turnbull, D.C. STEEL buildings sale: 30x40x10, $4,7%; 40x60x14. $8,400; 50x75x14. $12.184; 50x100x16, $16.275; 60x100x16. $19,114 Mini-storage buildings. 30x160. 32umts, $13.944 Free brochures Sentinel buildings. 1-800-327-0790. Ext. 79. GOT a campground membership or timeshare’ We'll take it America's most successful resort resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales information toll tree hotline 1-800-423-5967 http/Avww resortsalesialntNet J . Chiropractor M&W Pole Buildings: 20'x30'xl0' $2,787. 24’x36'xl0' $3.558. 30'x48 'x l0 ' $4.966. stall mats 4x6x3/4” $33.00. Many other building sizes Kit, built, engineering, financing. Free brochure 1-800- 547-1714 LAND sale! 90 acres-$49.900 winter liquidation. Owner selling Idaho ranch land between Snake & Salmon Rivers - near Hells Canyon recreational area & millions o f acres o f nat'l forest Rolling terrain, spectacular views! Power, phone, excellent financing. Rare opportunity • don't miss out! Call now 1-208-839-2501. >1 t im e Building Materials MCCALL area "God's Country" or yours as soon as you've seen it. 20 usable acres surrounded by national forest. Offers post card perfect mountain views with new road access, utilities & owner financing This property for future happiness is available now on a first come basis for only $25,000 Call now 1-800-807-5263. Ext. 1737. Bluegreen/Idaho Real Estate I 425 West Main, lone • 422 7337 OCCUPATIONAL Therapist - Two full-time salaried positions on the Oregon Coast. Varied settings for treatm ents that require experienced O.T. R.'s. Phone 1-541 -756-3232 or Fax resume 1-541-756-0653, John Breuer Rehab Services INDIVIDUAL investor, Bob Young, wants to buy larger mobile home park or multi-tenant retail building Call 1- 360-853-0908.1661 K Street W ashougal. WA 98671 CASH for all or part o f the payments you are receiving on real estate you’ve sold. Fifteen years of satisfied customers! Competitive quotes 1-800-678-5653. Olympic Mortgage 148 East Center, Heppner 6 7 6 -9 1 2 3 CARQUEST DRIVER OTR Can't rest & relax with your family because of money worries? Call Covenant Transport $1.000 sign-on bonus for expenenced drivers Experienced drivers and owner operators call 1-800- 441-4394 Graduate students call 1-800-338-6428 •Contract rale discounts available upon request Oregon Classified Advertising Network. FAST loans Homeowners $20.000-$ 100,000 cash tor any reason Consolidate bills. Up to 125*/« o f home's value. No equity needed Simple phone application Nothing out o f pocket! No obligation! Don't delay! National Lending Group, Inc. 1-800-948-0514 ^NAPA^ SWIFT Transportation hiring experienced drivers & recent driving school graduates Excellent pay and benefits, assigned equipment, tuition reimbursement, job stability, and consistent miles. 1-800-487-9438 (eoe-m/f) Contact: Heppner Gazette-Times 676-9228 Equity /Loans/Financial HEPPNER AUTO PARTS DRIVERS - flatbed 48 state OTR Assigned new con vent tonais, compctirvc pay. benefits $1.000 Sign on bonus, rider program, flexible time off Call Roadrunncr Trucking 1-800-876-7784 ' . - -!