Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 26, 1997, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 26, 1997
Sheriff's Report
The Morrow County Sheriffs
office reports handling or
business during the past several
MCSO received a report of the
door to the post office open at
Irrigon P.O. Employee of P.O.
wanted an officer to respond.
Nov. 1-Wheeler County
Sheriffs Office received a report
of a naked man running around
chasing his oldest daughter.
MCSO received a report of a
hole shot in the side of a shed
near a house in Imgon.
MCSO received a report of
kids at Seventh Street in Imgon
with spray cans.
MCSO received a report of
underage kids without licenses
driving vehicles while their
mother was out of town.
Oregon State Police arrested
Cindy Irene Marshall, 23, on four
Morrow County warrants for two
counts of possession of a
controlled substance, and failure
suspended and failure to pay fine
driving while suspended.
MCSO received a report of
harassing phone calls from her
son's girlfriend's mother because
her son and his friend are elk
hunting and will not be back until
MCSO received a report of a
cow out on Wilson Road.
Boardman Police Department
received a report of a pot party at
a residence in Boardman.
Boardman EMT received a
report of a person having severe
stomach pain after eating
Halloween candy. Person was
transported to Good Shepherd
Hospital in Hermiston.
MCSO received a report of a
911 hangup call traced to an
Imgon residence. Everything
was okay.
Oregon State Police received a
report of a deer hit on 1-84 mile
post 160. The deer needed to be
put down.
MCSO received a report of a
silent sensor alarm at MCGG at
Paterson Ferry, Irrigon.
Nov. 2-Heppner Police
Department received a report of
an alarm at Heppner Elementary
MCSO received a report from a
woman of a dead donkey's head
on the roof of the building next
to a residence in Irrigon. It
ended up being a cow elk head.
Boardman police Department
received a report of a man
threatening and yelling.
Boardman Police Department
received a report of marijuana
found in rooms at Dodge City
Inn, Boardman.
Boardman Police Department
received a report of a possible
domestic dispute at Outback
Apartments in Boardman.
Heppner Police Department
received a report of an
abandoned bicycle found in a
yard in Heppner.
MCSO received a report of
property broken into and tools
stolen near Boardman.
MCSO received a report of two
people arrested in Baker City
who may have stolen things in
Morrow County.
Boardman Police Department
received a report of a person who
had vandalized and urinated on a
building at Outback Apartments
in Boardman.
MCSO received a report of a
violation. Man had been pulling
all the way in his ex-wife's
driveway in Irrigon to drop off
the kids. It was determined that
the Umatilla County Sheriffs
Office had not served the
restraining order yet.
Oregon State Police received a
report of a lost 35 mm camera off
Forest Service Road off Pole
Creek above Heppner.
Boardman Police Department
and the Oregon State Police
received a report of a car
traveling at a high rate of speed
on 1-84.
Heppner Police Department
received a request from UCSO to
contact a Heppner residence
concerning a burglary that
occurred out of Helix.
MCSO received a report of a
car leaving BP in Boardman with
the driver appearing to be
Nov. 3- MCSO received a
report of a bashed mail box in
MCSO dispatched to the Union
Pacific Railroad a report of a car
coming unhitched and travelling
by itself.
MCSO received a report of a
fire set to CRP land.
MCSO received a request for
an officer for a truck driver
slumped over the steering wheel
and the person couldn’t rouse
him. All was okay.
Nov. 4: MCSO and the Oregon
State Police received a report of
an interior m otion alarm at
Kegler’s Sentry Market, Imgon.
Nothing was missing and the door
was secure.
MCSO received a report form
a woman in Imgon who said that
a person had been harassing her
daughter and threatened to kill her
daughter’s boyfriend. Woman
also discovered her dog dead.
MCSO received a report of a
cow and calf out on Highway 74
milepost 40.
MCSO received a report of a
car running school bus lights in
MCSO received a report of a
trespasser on property in Irrigon.
Person took off in a hurry in a van.
MCSO received a report of a
trespasser. The woman at the resi­
dence told the man to leave.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a pit
bull loose and in the front yard
of a residence in Heppner.
MCSO received a report of a
dump truck with a broken win­
dow possibly caused by a pellet
MCSO and the Oregon State
Police responded to a report of a
car traveling at 100 mph plus and
zig-zagging in traffic.
MCSO and the Oregon State
Police responded to a 911 call of
shots fired and then a hang up.
Call was traced to a pay phone
booth at Gregg’s Tavern in Im ­
MCSO received a report of a
man coming into a house threat­
ening another man and the man’s
guests. The man left.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a big
black dog running loose and drag­
ging a chain in Heppner. The dog
was scaring children.
MCSO received a report of an
unwanted subject at a home. The
owner said the man also killed his
MCSO dispatched to the State
Highway Div. a report of a dead
deer in the road between Lexing­
ton and lone.
MCSO received a report of a
man previously arrested showing
up a Outback Apts, in Boardman.
Nov. 5: MCSO deputy arrested
an 18 year old on a Driving While
License Suspended felony.
MCSO arrested a 51 year old
man on a Driving While License
Suspended infraction.
MCSO received a report of a
pistol stolen from a residence in
MCSO received a report of a
car hitting a deer on Highway 730
near milepost 177. It was an non-
mjury, non-blocking accident.
The deputy was unable to locate.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of bad
checks being passed at Central
Red Apple Market in Heppner.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of bad
checks at a tavern and the woman
who wrote them was leaving
MCSO received a report of
several black cows on Highway
74 between 1-84 and lone. The
owner was contacted.
MCSO received a report of a
woman at the motel in Biggs who
said she had five lbs. of wire in
her head. The call was patched
into the Sherman County Mental
Health, but the woman discon­
nected the call. Officer was un­
able to locate.
MCSO received a call of cows
on Highway 74 between lone and
the freeway. The deputy was un­
able to locate.
MCSO and the Oregon State
Police responded to a report of
speakers stolen out of a van be­
hind the Irrigon junior high
MCSO deputy cited a 43 year
old man for Driving Under the
Influence of Intoxicants and Fail­
ure to Obey Traffic Control De­
Nov. 6: MCSO deputy checked
a truck parked at a potato shed on
the Bombing Range Road. The
driver was fine, just tired.
MCSO received a report of a
bicycle found near a boat the pre­
vious evening.
MCSO received a report of a
child with a broken arm at the
Heppner Elementary School. The
child’s mother was in Portland
and the father was in Boardman.
MCSO received a report of a
grass fire out of control in Irri­
gon. The phone went dead while
the call was being made.
MCSO deputy cited a man for
Driving While License Sus­
pended infraction.
MCSO received a report of a
woman who had locked her keys
out of her car at Wilson Road
Trailer Court, Boardman. The
caller was given the name of a
MCSO received a report of a
malfunction of the flood com­
MCSO assisted the Oregon
State Police with traffic control
at Highway 730, county line, Ir­
MCSO deputy checked a ve­
hicle at the Boardman rest area
that may have been a drive-off
from the Buff and Brew in Her­
miston. Turned out to be the
wrong vehicle.
MCSO received a report of a
group of teenagers running the
streets and acting suspicious in
Nov. 7: MCSO responded to a
report o f a structure fire at
Riverview Trailer Park. Also may
have been a break-in and theft. A
neighbor had called in a fire/ex-
plosion to the Hermiston Fire
W h ere o th ers sa w a sm all tow n ,
w e see the big p icture.
MCSO received a report of a
black goat out in bar ditch off
Highway 730. The owner has an
airplane in his yard.
Dept. Die fire dept, was on the
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of some­
one writing harassing things on a
window in Heppner.
MCSO received a report of a
car driving fast and passing semis
in the no-passing land north of
Lexington. The driver had been
stopped earlier at Boardman by a
MCSO deputy and warned to
slow down. Person said she was
late for divorce court in Heppner.
MCSO received a report of
flood computer problems.
MCSO received a report from
a person who said his employee
stole an electric drill.
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of a suspicious person at a trailer
at the Wilson Road Trailer Court.
MCSO received a report of
bullet holes in a trailer at Cargill.
MCSO received a report of a
speeder at Irrigon Trailer Court.
MCSO received a report of an
audible entry alarm at A.C.
Houghton in Irrigon.
MCSO received a report of rot­
tweilers let loose from their pen.
MCSO received a report of a
man driving back and forth in a
small red truck with a canopy in
front of a house on Highway 74,
lone, until the lights went out. The
man then pulled in the driveway
and when the owner told him he
was trespassing, the man pulled
a gun and pointed it at him.
MCSO dispatched to the Uma­
tilla County Sheriffs office a re­
port of a black and white collie
discovered at an info/visitor sta­
tion on Forest Road 53 about five
miles from Ukiah, west.
Nov. 8: MCSO received a re­
port of a subject walking up and
down the street with a cigarette.
The person who reported had ear­
lier heard scraping all the way
around her house.
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police a report of a
man who accidently shot a cow
elk, thinking it was a bull. The
person dressed the elk and left it
on the road.
MCSO received a report from
juveniles in Irrigon reporting a
“freak" running out in traffic at
the Irrigon BP station.
MCSO received a report of
hunters shooting from the road at
MCSO received a report of a
house constantly having loud
MCSO received a report from
an adult ed. teacher at Heppner
High School of juveniles possi­
bly still in the building. Deputy
was unable to locate.
MCSO received a report of a
lost black poodle at the golf
course in Heppner. The dog was
MCSO received a report of an
open gate at the bus shed at lone.
The principal arrived and closed
the gate.
Nov. 9: MCSO dispatched to
the Heppner Police Dept, a report
of a small white car coming into
Heppner driving erratically.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a
woman who had locked her keys
in her car.
MCSO deputy cited a 39 year
old Heppner man for Driving
While Under the Influence of In­
MCSO received a report of an
owl bothering chickens at Board-
man. The caller was referred to
Oregon Dept, of Fish and Wild­
life or the High Desert Museum
in Bend.
MCSO deputy arrested a 35
year old Irrigon man for Furnish­
ing Alcohol to Minors.
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of loud music at a residence in
Nov. 10: MCSO received a re­
port from a woman that she and
her son were menaced by an adult
the previous night.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner ambulance a request for an
ambulance for a 73 year old fe­
male who was unconscious and
not breathing. CPR was in
progress. The patient was trans­
ported to Pioneer Memorial Hos­
pital in Heppner.
MCSO deputy arrested a 13
year old girl and a 17 year old boy
for Unauthorized Use of a Motor
Vehicle on 1-84 milepost 144,
eastbound. The girl was lodged at
Umatilla County Juvenile Deten­
tion Center and the boy at
Klickitat County Jail.
MCSO deputy arrested a 49
year old man at the Irrigon An­
nex. He was transported to Uma­
tilla County Sheriffs office by
MCSO deputy.
MCSO received a report that a
neighbor threw water on a one
year old baby’s head while he was
out playing at Riverview Trailer
MCSO received a report of a
car damaged in a driveway over
the weekend.
MCSO received a report of an
elk hunter dropped at a deputy’s
home. Deputy assisted him with
a ride to his camp at Martin Prai­
MCSO received a report of a
child with bums to upper body at
an Irrigon residence. No abuse
had occurred.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a 16
year old shoplifter at Central Red
Apple Market in Heppner.
MCSO received a report of an
audible motion detector at Co­
lumbia Middle School in Irrigon.
There had been no entry.
MCSO received a report of a
prank phone call. Caller laughed
then hung up.
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman ambulance a report of
a woman having chest pains. Pa­
tient was transported to ambu­
lance hall to meet with the ambu­
lance, then transported to Good
Shepherd Community Hospital in
MCSO received a report of a
bull walking down Highway 74.
Owner responded and several
others helped round up cattle.
MCSO received a report of
man who drove into a driveway
and shot the dog in the yard twice
in the head. Later determined that
the incident happened in Gilliam
Nov. 11: MCSO received a re­
port of a theft of a set of keys and
pair of shoes from an apartment.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a request for an
officer at a residence. A woman
and her son were having a dis­
MCSO dispatched to the state
highway division a report of a
dead deer on the highway.
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police Regional Dis­
patch Center (RDC) in Bend a
report of a log truck almost forc­
ing a woman off the road between
Heppner and Ruggs.
MCSO received a request for
information about how a trailer
got inside a fence at K & K Stor­
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police RDC a report
of a three point elk on top of a
truck in a spike area.
MCSO deputy, Irrigon ambu­
lance responded to a report of a
4-wheeler wreck with a male with
a back injury, conscious and
breathing at Kunze Road in
Boardman. The patient was trans­
ported to St. Anthony’s Hospital
in Pendleton.
MCSO received a report of a
lost calf on Kippee Road in
Boardman and a cow from an Ir­
rigon pasture.
MCSO received a report of a
pickup which had been stolen
believed to have been found on
Highway 730, one mile east of
Irrigon. Turned out to be the
wrong pickup.
MCSO deputy, Boardman Po­
lice Dept, responded to a distur­
bance at the Outback Apts, in
Boardman. Three-four males
were reported to be yelling and
hitting each other in the backyard.
Officers were unable to locate
anyone on arrival. One man was
believed to have fled on foot.
MCSO received a report of an
audible burglar alarm at Dewey’s
Chevron in Boardman. Turned
out to be a false alarm.
Nov. 12: MCSO dispatched to
the Heppner ambulance a request
for an ambulance for a woman at
St. Patrick’s Senior Center in
Heppner. The patient was trans­
ported to Pioneer Memorial Hos­
pital in Heppner.
MCSO dispatched to Morrow
County Behavioral Health a re­
quest to talk to someone.
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a
Chevy Blazer illegally parked at
Lott’s Electric in Heppner.
MCSO received a report of a
reckless driver spinning around in
another person’s driveway, al­
most taking out the sprinklers.
MCSO received a report from
a man in Douglas County that the
S m a ll to w n s have th e ir o w n
w e ’ve h e lp e d peo p le in o u r hom e
d ra s tic a lly re ducing and e lim in a tin g
special values. L ik e th e
to w n re a liz e th e ir d re a m s fo r
services — w e 've opened 33 offices
im p o rta n c e o f close frie n d s .
m o re th a n 6 0 y e a rs.
in small tow ns across the state.
A n d p u ttin g service before p rofits.
A n d n o w , w h ile o th e r
So com e get a c q u a in te d w ith
B eing fro m a sm all to w n ourselves,
in s titu tio n s are
w e at K la m a th F irs t u n d e rs ta n d
tr e a tin g s m a ll to w n s
these va lu e s v e ry w e ll. In fa c t,
lik e s m a ll p o ta to e s —
K la m a th F irs t F ederal.
T o g e th e r, w e can m ake
SI rBOBifll
b ig th in g s h a p p e n .
W e ’d be h o n o re d .
Member FDIC - fcqual Housing larmier