- • ‘ i* * . \ t ’ ’A •( ( ; , », w.\ '• " " i»-. . V ' - • * * * » ■ r * Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 5 ,1 9 9 7 - FIVE * I : • «] J j* *i • '.V T -.j 1 w , • r •* It's carnival time at Heppner Elementary ■• * V ' », Teacher Jannie Allen (left), Shelly Britt and Shari Stahl help out at the Heppner Elementary School Parents Club carnival. v o* - - - A *V V . " - : . : v .- '4 -. ■ v . . . L Fairy Teri Straley (left), mermaid Sarah Kendrick and Superman Jason Kendrick, along with mom Deborah Kendrick, all Heppner, enjoy the Heppner Elementary School Parents Club annual carnival and haunted house held Oct. 30 at the Morrow County Fairgrounds. " 1 6 businesses sign up for BEO Christmas Cash 4 -H News The Tasty Quintet by Kristal Temple On Oct. 24, the Tasty Quintet, a 4-H cooking club, had its sec­ ond meeting at Karen Temple’s house. During the meeting, club mem­ bers learned how to keep fruits from going brown, how to store fruits and to never put bananas in a refrigerator. Members also made fruit kabobs and PBJ muf­ fins. The next meeting is at Robin Jones' house on Friday, Nov. 7. The Barnyarders by Dan Jepsen The Barnyarders 4-H swine club held their first meeting of the new 4-H year on Oct. 28. They discussed goals for the year ahead and signed up the fol­ lowing new members: Robert Worden. Heather Rill and Roy Proctor. K risti W orden was elected president for this year. Julie Proctor was chosen as vice president. Emily Unruh was re­ elected secretary/treasurer, and Daniel Jepsen is the new club re­ Sixteen businesses in Heppner, and four in lone, have signed up to participate in the Bank of Eastern Oregon's no interest, no fee "Christmas Cash" loan program. The program will begin in the middle of November, an will offer up to $1,000 per family in no interest loans. Borrowers will have up to 10 months to repay the loan, and the only stipulation is that the money be spent at participating merchants. Heppner business participating are: Coast to Coast, Green Feed, Kate's Pizza, Hair I Am, Shoe Box, Peterson's Jewelers. Pettyjohn's, Yaw's, Murray's, Country Rose, MCGG, Gardner's Men's Wear, Les Schwab, Central Market, R&W and Lott's Electric. In lone the businesses are: lone Auto Parts, lone Market, Beecher's and The Office Cafe. Applications are available at the bank for anyone wishing to apply for the $1,000 loans. Pick up report card at HHS, HJH Parents of Heppner High School and Junior High School students may pick up their child's report cards and visit with teachers on Thursday, Nov. 6, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. or Friday, Nov. 7, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Conferences and time to pick up report cards has been changed to accommodate those who plan porter. At the meeting, the B arn­ yarders agreed to donate $80 to the new livestock building at the fairgrounds. to go to the Mustang volleyball state playoff game on Friday in Portland at 5 p.m. Appointments are not necessary for conferences with teachers. Report cards that are not picked up during those times will be mailed on Monday, Nov. 10. Schools will be closed Tuesday, Nov. 11, for Veterans Day. Garden Club slated meeting The monthly meeting of the Heppner Garden Club will be held Monday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. at the St. Patrick’s Senior Center. Pam Wunderlich will present a program on growing herbs. The agenda also includes “two-minute We Print Business Cards Gazette-Times 676-9228 conservation tips” by Jeannette Padberg and finalizing plans for the annual Christmas greens and wreath workshop on Saturday, Dec. 6. The public is invited to attend. L E X N G T O N H H E A P R P D N M E A R N M o rro w C o u n ty Tuesday, November 4, 1997 1 R R 1 G O N O N E B O A R D M A N T O T A L S Measure 51 - Repeals Assisted Suicide Law YES 475 118 0 337 240 1 ,1 7 0 NO 400 108 0 392 288 1.188 Measure 52 - Lottery Bonds for Schools YES 545 148 200 381 380 1,654 NO 316 73 77 239 141 846 M orrow County results only Large Selection o f ^ Thanksgiving Party Supplies j r “ ■ H & Jim Holtz Wedding: November 15th You gathered your scavenger items, you wrote your story, now don't forget to turn the story in before Friday Nov. 7. The Heppner Spooky Story Contest deadline is Friday, and all stories should be turned in by 6 p.m. that day to the Heppner Marriage Licenses The Morrow County Clerk’s office at the courthouse in Hepp­ ner reports issuing the following marriage licenses during the past week: Oct. 27: Germ an Lopez Sandoval, 25, Boardman; and Gabnela C. Rivera, 26, Board- man. Oct. 31: James Elmer Holtz, 25, lone; and Candace Marie Weinke, 28, lone. The Morrow County District Attorney’s office in Heppner re­ ports handling the following busi­ ness: Aneisa Renee Watson, 26, of St. Helens, was convicted of Pos­ session of a Controlled Substance 2 - C/Felony on October 9, 1997, and was sentenced by Judge Rudy M. Murgo to undergo three years probation and ordered to undergo alcohol and drug counseling, drug package, violate no laws, pay a $50 tine, be subject to a structured sanctions program as outlined by community corrections, upon successful completion of proba­ tion. shall receive immediate mis­ demeanor treatment. November 6th-Thursday LADIES’ NIGHT. Roast beef, green beans, augratin potatoes, fruit salad, rolls and dessert by chef Marlene Currin and crew, starting at 6 p.m. November 8th-Saturday Betts-Davis wedding reception and potluck at 8 p.m. Music! November 9th-Sunday It’s 30 years of wedded bliss (?!) for Tom and Frankie Kraft! Congratulations! COMING ATTRACTIONS-December 13th 1997 World Champion Blue Grass Band Concert (two hours), and dinner. Nolan Murray and String-Em-Up Band. i f t i c M a l t o w t r n d o s t u m i USanee & 2 ^ I n n t x ! m 6 7 6 -9 1 S 8 f Gazette-Times, Shoe Box, Gardner's. Coast to Coast, NW Motel or Murray Drugs. Gift certificates of $25 each will be awarded to the best story in each of five age categories. The grand prize story will be published in the Gazette. W EB PA G E , ‘ ^ Heppner Elks 142 358 '676-9181 N. Main * v * *■ • Heppner Gazette _ -v - 676-9228 - ; _**. x - X * i '* , 1 v \\ bar R Ranch E sta te S ale 10 to 4, Sat. & Sun., \o v . 11th & 16th 1 6 1 7 4 Ip p e r Rhea C reek Road • • # V '-'- ? 7 j . T m ile » e a s t o f K ii # # k o n t p p e r K h e a C re e k R o ad 1 - 32' Hitachi Color TV 2 - complete sets early American Furniture 2 - teak Entertainment Centers □ qjjjP 1 - 6 ’6 ”.\36” solid oak Gun Cabinet 1 - complete Bedroom Set, Bookshelves 1 - Electric Lounge Chair, assorted Dressers Lots of other miscellaneous furniture. Tables, Chairs, Couches, Lamps, Coffee Tables, Microwaves, TV trays, TV stands, " Telephone stand, assorted Kitchenware ,▼ assorted China & glassware, lots of Books (hardcover & paperbacks). Gliding Bench, Tri-Pod Movie Screen, Spotting Scope. Table Linens, Western knick-knacks, Pictures, 13” Color TV. several Rifles & Shotguns, - - ' .V V " • \ - - - ' -■ ' ■ 3 Jr «.* & MUCH MORE! ^ x ' It’S Time To Winterize Your Home & Auto » . ^ Bingo every Wednesday, starting at 7 p.m. I l i m w i 'i D 117 N°»th M a in H e p p n e r Have yo u r own Story contest deadline Sat. c / t fiia x ty thanks. to a l l t A o n vofio ttlfse e l 0 7 d k Candi W einke Ì à -. One little carnival goer is brave enough to stick her hand in the skeleton's mouth for a treat at the carnival. D A 7s Report SPECIAL ELECTION RESULTS ^ Kylie Doherty, eight years old, Heppner, looks bewitchingly at the book selection at the Heppner Elementary Parents Club book fair, held along with the annual carnival and haunted house. Coast to Coast f(ljW n ,- WE CAN HELP YOU CH f M I "Where Fnrndt Mrrl . -, ■ •• - . - . if • • -, • - V , • x , • •• * V . , * 1 ;