Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 05, 1997, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 5,1997
Wheat League meets
The Official Newspaper of the
City of Heppner and the
County of Morrow
Fair Committee plans shopping raffle
To help raise funds for a new
multi-purpose building at the
Morrow County Fairgrounds, the
Fair Committee is raffling off a
Holiday Shopping Spree, valued
up to $500, to be held at Central
Red Apple Market in Heppner.
Tickets are one for $5, three for
$ 10, or eight for $20, and may be
purchased from a Fair Commit­
tee member by calling 989-8253
or the fair office at 676-9474. The
drawing will be held Tuesday,
Dec. 9, and the shopping spree on
Saturday, Dec. 13 at 9 a.m.
The winner of the raffle can fill
as many shopping carts as pos­
sible in two minutes within the
$500 limit. No alcohol, tobacco
U S P S. 240-420
Morrow County's Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner.
Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner.
Oregon. Office at 147 West Willow Street Telephone (541)676-9228. Postmaster
send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P O. Bo* 337, Heppner,
Oregon 97836. Subscriptions 118 in Morrow, Wheeler. Gilliam and Grant Coun­
ties, $25 elsewhere.
April Hilton-Svkes. ..................... ................................................. News Editor
Stephanie Jensen ................................................................................... Typesetting
Monique Devin
Advertising Layout 4 Graphics
Bonnie Bennett ......................................................................................Distribution
Penni Keersemaker .........................
David Sykes, Publisher
Ken Grieb and Suzi Frederickson
Letters to the Editor
Editor's note: Letters to the editor must be signed The Gazette-Times i oill not publish
unsigned letters Please include your address and phone number on all letters for use
by the G-T office. The G-T reserves the right to edit.
Fans should act appropriately
To the Editor:
I have always been proud to
live in Heppner. We have a good
community and it is exciting that
our sports teams are doing so well
this fall. But what I have seen and
heard for several years is horrible
sportsmanship from the Heppner
I know that there will be a large
attendance at the playoff games,
and hope that we will show good
sportsmanship and attitudes. Our
public display puts off a negative
image that is not what our com­
munity is about.
We learn what we live, and we
need to start acting like leaders
for the next generation. All of us
can say what is right, but it takes
a very big person to stand up for
what they know is right and act
(s) Macy Rhea
Relay Challenge seeks volunteers
“Bringing youth and adults to­
gether for one day of work, fun
and turning strangers into friends
without violence, tobacco, alco­
hol or drugs” is what the spon­
sors of Morrow County 24-Hour
Relay Challenge hope to offer.
Youth and adults from varied
backgrounds and abilities form 10
m em ber team s. Each person
walks or runs a mile, then passes
off a baton to a teammate in a
cycle that repeats continuously
io r 24 hours. “By the end of the
relay, everyone involved has a
strong sense of personal accom­
plishm ent and has made new
friends,” said a spokesperson.
W hile teams are circling the
track, a community picnic will
take place with continuous enter­
tainm ent, food and camping.
Justice Court
The Justice Court office at the
courthouse annex building in
Heppner reports handling the fol­
lowing business dunng the past
Roger Merritt Meacham, 45,
Weiser-No Oregon Operator’s
License, $67 fine;
Jenny Tyler, 29, Heppner-No
Angling License, $57 fine;
Kyle Alan Tyler, 28, Heppner-
No Angling License (illegal pos­
session of fish), $164 fine, As­
sault IV, $1,620 court appointed
attorney fees, 180 days in jail, 154
suspended with credit for 26 days
served, $500 suspended, two
years probation with no further
violation of the law, undergo al­
cohol education and anger man­
agement classes, report to Hepp­
ner each month until completed;
Michael A. Ephrem, 22, Port-
land-No Valid Deer Tag, $57
Jimmy J. Ephrem, 24, Port-
land-No Deer Tag, $57 fine;
Anthony J. Ephrem, 34, Port-
land-No Deer Tag, $77 fine;
Debbie Ephrem, 36, Portland-
Illegal Possession of Deer, $172
Robin Lee Gallo, 36, Walla
W alla-Violation o f the Basic
Speed Rule, 85 mph in a 55 mph
zone, $148 fine;
Chuck Ephrem, 24, Portland-
Illegal Possession of Deer, $172
Johnny B. Ephrem, 34, Port­
land-Illegal Possession of Deer,
$172 fine;
Linsey Marie Ropp, 18, Lex-
mgton-Failure to Yield Right-of-
Way, $122 fine.
Emergency medical technician
personnel will be on-site, as well
as other health care professionals.
All proceeds will fund youth pro­
grams that promote drug and al­
cohol prevention, eliminate juve­
nile crime and other related youth
The relay is seeking individu­
als who want to be involved in
planning, volunteering and other
aspects of this event. A planning
team meeting is scheduled for
Sunday, Nov. 23, from 3-5 p.m.
at Morrow Estates Community
Center, 220 Anderson Circle, in
Boardman. All interested persons
are mvited to attend, or call 676-
9161 or 676-9675.
Bulldogs feast
By A dam Neiffer
and A dam M cC abe
The Culver Bulldogs improved
their season record to 9-0, after
beating the lone Cardinals, 70-34,
on Saturday, Oct. 25.
Culver came out strong, ex­
cited about their homecoming,
and established an early lead over
the Cardinals from which lone
never recovered. Culver had sev­
eral fast players, for which lone
had no answer.
lone’s Kyle Johnson kicked off
for the first time in a game, a 40
yard line drive that was received
by Culver’s number 20. A reverse
on the play temporarily faked out
lone, but the Cards made the
tackle about 30 yards down the
field. Culver’s first play was a
triple reverse that resulted in a
touchdown run by number 26.
The Bulldogs also kicked an ex­
tra point.
The remainder of the half con­
tinued to go in Culver’s favor,
which could be seen on the
scoreboard, 41-6. Despite the
score, lone did have some good
drives, but came up short o f the
end zone more than once.
At halftime, Culver announced
their homecoming court, while
lone regrouped and prepared for
the second half.
lone came out stronger in the
second half, scoring 12 points,
while keeping Culver to 14 in the
lone finally gained momentum
in the fourth quarter when they
outscored Culver 16-15, but it
was not enough and Culver won
the game, 70-34.
Culver 70, lone 34
lone-0-6-12-16 34
C u lver-21-20-14-15 70
Y y .
Forty-five Wheat League
members and guests were in
attendance at the fall meeting and
prime rib dinner October 13 at
Beecher’s Cafe in lone.
The afternoon session brought
growers up to date on the new
cleaning facility at terminal five
in Portland, what's in store for
the local FSA office, and field
trial updates. Speakers were
Randy Cartmill, Columbia Grain;
Skip Mathews, Farm Service
Agency; Kathryn Kettel; and
Mike Stoltz, OSU Extension
Morrow County Grain Growers
hosted a social hour between
The evening meeting included a
pnme rib dinner and guest
speakers Gary Neal, Port of
Morrow, and Glenn Vanselow,
Pacific Northwest Waterways
Association, on the Columbia
River navigation system.
Officers elected for the coming
year are Suzi Frederickson,
Irrigon, president, and Ken
Greib, Lexington, vice president.
The door prize, a weekend for
two on the Oregon Coast, was
sponsored by The Bank of
Eastern Oregon.
Jam session scheduled
Since May, individuals from
the Heppner/Ione/Condon area
have been taking violin instruc­
tion from Peg Willis on Fridays
in Heppner. To celebrate the past
six months of practice, a “jam
session” will be held for the pub­
lic at the Morrow County Mu­
seum, Friday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m.
“The public jam session is not
only for others to hear the stu­
dents play, but for the students to
hear themselves play with other
musicians,” said Willis. “Every­
one is invited to attend. If you
play an instrument, you can even
join in on the fun.” This session
is also an opportunity for those
thinking about stringed instru­
ment instruction for themselves,
or their children to hear the re-
suits of her instruction.
Willis has been teaching mu­
sic in the Pendleton area for 25
years; her instruction also in­
cludes guitar, bass and mandolin.
Students range in age from 5-75
years old. She teaches beginning
students by the “Suzuki” method,
which emphasizes musicianship,
holding instruments properly, in­
tonation and sound quality. Stu­
dents are then taught to read mu­
sic when they are ready to do so.
Willis’s Friday instruction in
Heppner includes both private
and group lessons. For more in­
formation about the session or
lessons, contact Willis at 276-
M C G G reports good year
The Morrow County Grain
Growers co-op reported a good
year, turning in record profits,
co-op members were told
Monday night.
Co-op manager Larry Mills,
who is retiring early next year
and was attending his last annual
meeting, said the co-op's
prospects also look good for the
coming year.
Mills cited the new
convenience store and the recent
expansion at the Wasco operation
as positive signs for the long
term health of the co-op.
Gross sales for the co-op were
up from $40.4 million last year to
$48.1 million in 1997. Net
income showed a 14 percent
worth of tickets for the
committee's holiday shopping
spree raffle and two free passes
to the fair.
Entries should be sent to CJ
Johnson, P.O. Box 158, Heppner
Winner of the shopping spree
raffle wins a two-minute
shopping spree at Central Market
for up to $500.
■ ..................................... ........................................................... ..............................■ ■ ■ ■ ■ > ■ f i l
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increase from $892,144 to
$ 1,018,113 prompting co-op
accountant and auditor Steve
Green to say that the co-op's
financial strength is "very strong
and improving."
Mills earlier announced he
would be retiring as manager of
the co-op. A search for his
successor is now underway and
the board of directors expects to
name a new manager in the
Fair committee seeks 1998 theme
The Morrow County Fair
Committee is seeking a theme for
the 1998 fair.
Everyone is invited to think of
a theme for this year's fair that
encourages cooperation around
the county to raise funds for a
new multipurpose building at the
Winner of the contest win $20
or pharmacy products will be al­
lowed. If the winner is unable to
run, a substitute approved by the
committee may be selected.
The M orrow County Fair
Board has been working the past
year with plans to erect a multi­
purpose building on the south side
of the pavilion. During fair week,
the building will hold all of the
4-H and FFA livestock, as well
as the show rings. Other times of
the year, it would be available for
rent to the general public for a
variety o f uses, such as
m otorcross racing, auctions,
sales, equestrian events, roping/
rodeo practice, off-season ball
practice and barrel racing.
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