SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 15,1997 BUSINESS DIRECTORY O N L Y $ 6 .0 0 PER W EEK Call the Gazette-Times: 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 , or F A X 676-9211 Auto Parts C A S H quick! A rc you receiving payment'. Irom real estate you've sold or Irom an insurance settlement, or annuity? Sell your remaining payments lor cash lligliest prices Choice Finance I X(X)-477-95bl. cxl 12. M O N T A N A lake lot closeout. Save up In 40%. Lakcfronl and lake access Twenty to 160 acres starting at $29,9(8) Juq 15 minutes to Helena Excellent financing A ll parcels must he sold C all for more details. (406) 227-5901. F A S T cash Real estate loans, trust deeds, ha I loon payineMs. structured settlements, lottery winnings, contracts, lorcclnsurcs, injury claims, inheritances, good or had credit (503) 452-1444. David Andcrlon. 1-800-977-95«). ID A H O land bargain 155+/-. ac/crcck, $59.9(8) Remote mountain property with over 1.5(8) fink creek Tonnage and tons o f trophy w ildlife Between Snake and Salmon Rivers Near m illions of acres of national forest and H ells Canyon recreation area Abulls public lands. Financing. C a ll owner. (208) 839-2501. B A N K turned you down? Private parlies w ill loan real estate equity. Rasy qualifying. credit imi problem Approval over the phone. Oregon Land Mortgage 1-800-922 4422. ihi G O V E R N M E N T foreclosed homes from pennies on $1 Delinquent tax, repo's. REO's. Your area Toll free 1-8(81-218-9(88), exl. H -l 998 for current listings. C A S H q u ic k ly 1 II you're receiving payments on real estate you've sold, w e ll huy lire remaining payments lor cash! "Nobody heats our prices." No Ices! Liccnscd/hoodcd' Huschur Mortgage 1-800- 776-8750. G O T A campground membership or ntncsharc? We ll lake it America's most successful resort resale clearinghouse C a ll resort sales information loll free hotline I -8(81-423-5967.W ill buy campground or timeshare owners' mailing list C all Barbara R E C E IV IN G payments? Lum p sums cash paid lor scller-linancerl notes A deeds o f trust, nines A itHirtgagcs, structured insurance settlements, lottery winnings Cascade Funding. Inc. 1-800- 476-9644 A M O B IL E home finance company has 2,3 A 4 BR single and multi-section bank repos Easy qualify and transfer of payments. Terms negotiable or make cash offer Free call I-8(S)-651 -4625. F R E E cash grants College scholarships, business, medical hills. Never repay. T o ll free I 8(81-218 9(88) ext. G - 1998. O R E G O N woods. 2.3 acres. Klamath Falls. Studded Pundcrosa Pines, natural clearings, secluded, giant gravel road, walk to National Fores! lands $8.(88) cash or $90.(8) down. $88.00 monthly O W C. !-5 4 1-858-4050. C A S H lor all or part o f die payments you arc receiving on real estate you've sold Fifteen years ol satisfied customers! Competitive quotes. 1-8(8)- 678-565? O lym pic Mortgage ID A H O city slicker blues. 20 acre ranch $29,9(8). Soar with the eagles, fish for slcclhead. discover live lourncy of Ne/ Perce Indians A dream becomes a realily 35 miles math o f M cC all. ID Lush incadows, mild climate, spectacular 50 mile views. Direct deeded access National Forest and L illie SaltiHHi River New roads, utilities Attractive owner financing. C a ll now 800-807-5263., ext. 1504 B X G property CASH immediate for structured settlements, lotteries and deferred insurance claims. J.G Wentworth. 1-888-231-5373. R E C E IV IN G payments on real estate sold? Meridian now buys direct from the public. Immediate quotes, no fees, prompt closings For the best bid. deal direct! I -8(81-901-9301. Brokers still welcome to call M ( ( M O N T Y , M oM oncy. Receiving payments Irom real estate sold, annuity, hatcry winnings? Nobody pays more for cash (lows W e ll prove it. F O SS Companies I -800-275-6197. A L L cadi Receiving payments ihi a mortgage? W hy w ail? Best prices paid locally and nationwide, plus we pay transfer costs. Sell all/parf PEI 1-8(8) 999-9892. Y O U R senior clients can wipe out debts and stop monthly payments with a US government hacked reverse mortgage from Seattle Mortgage C all I- 8(8) 643-6610. exl 9 D R IV E R O T R Covenant Transport We keep the road hot Fam ily security, full benefits, top pay and miles Experienced drivers and owner operator teams Covenant Transport 14-888-M O R E PAY or I -8(81-441 -4394. A satisfied driver is our #1 concern. D R IV E R S Flatbed 48 stale O T R Assigned new convcntionals. competitive pay. benefits. $1.(88) sign-on bonus Rider program Flexible lime off. C a ll Roadrunner Trucking 1-800-876-7784. WRIGHT’S CHEV. INC. OLDSMOBILE SALES ANDSERVICE Our Customer Is Always New Fail Hours: Closed Monday and Tuesday, Open Wednesday-Sunday io a.m.- 4 pm. only READY PICKED Golden Delicious Apples Red Delicious Apples Braeburn Apples Granny Smith Apples Criterion Apples _____ Aslan Pears_____ Brin? (ontaintri ntnt(sti)««ii)i Personal ADOPT Your child w ill he surrounded with love, laughter and all the opportunities life can offer. Expenses paid. Ron A Arlene I -800-613- 2394. A D O P T IO N , A B C ’s o f love A life o f opportunity for a child. Love, warmth, stability, home with a yard, neighbors, pets, cousins, aunts, uncles, education, travel, more love. Debra 1-800-259- 0965. P R E G N A N T ? Hoping lo find the best family lo adopt your child? We can help make this confusing time easier. Adoption consultant w ill offer you choices. C a ll for information 1-800- 675-3407. L O S E weight fast Amazing new 40-30-30 fat loss program. C a ll for free audio tape that explains all Reps needed. 1-800-438-6994 Services IN V E N T IO N product improvements? Patented inventor answers questions where (o start protection Send $20.00 A Questions lo R.S M , Box 6133. Brookings, O R 97415. call 1-541- 469-8818 for information Help Wanted: Yaw's Restaurant is now taking applications for: Breakfast cooks (short shift) or breakfast /lunch cook (full shift). Food servers (full shift, evenings). Apply in person. 176 N. Main, Heppner, OR 10-15-lc 19 W -19 9 7 L IC E N S E D life A health agent needed Quality products, high commissions with advance before issue and benefits. Must qualify for advances A benefits. C a ll 1-800-252-2581 D R IV E R S hiring experienced drivers. Excellent pay and benefits Slock purchase. 401K plan, more home time, tuition reimbursement, assigned equipment, job stability Swifi Transportation. I- 800-487-9438 (coc-m/f). CARS A N D TRUCKS 5 0 tli Anstiuesibaruf, A R E A Avon independent sales representative. Free gills. Others have enjoyed $500-$ I ,(88) extra Christmas money. Potential $7. -$I5. hour/comtnission. Bonuses. FiOy ways lo gel customers. I -800-735-5286. 1RS problems! U S tax solutions team offers free special report. C a ll toll free: 1-888-297-3750 for free recorded message. Theodore Kleinman. C P A HELP W A N T E D GeleJvicUi+Uf. OuA. A T T E N T I O N ! TypisIs/PC users. Steady work. Full lune/parl time. $45.(88) per year earnings potential C a ll lo ll free. 1-800-883-0819, exl. T- 4(8). H O N E S T dependable people needed for ranch resort staff Need restaurant cooking skills. Possible bartending, housekeeping, outside work Housing available Aspen Ridge Resort, Bly, O R 1-541- 884-8685 E L E C T R IC IA N S : Oregon journeyman license needed for industrial installation Approx 5 months Thomas Orchards, Inc. Kimberly, Oregon Job Opportunities Help Wanled R E C E IV IN G payments? Lum p sums cash paid lor scllcr-linanccd mites A deeds of trust, macs A mortgages, structured insurance settlements, lottery winnings Cascade Funding. Inc. 1-800- 476-9644 C A S H now We purchase mortgages, annuities and business macs. Since 1984 highest prices paid Free estimates. Prompt, professional service C olonial Financial I -800-969-12(8) exl. 64. Kit prices. Many mher sires. K its or built. Engineering Financing Free Brochure. 1-800- 547-1714 #1 Automobiles S E IZ E D cars from $175. Porsches. Cadillacs. Chcvys. B M W s. Corvettes. A lso Jeeps. 4WDs. Y ou r area. T o ll free 1-800-218-9000, ext. A- 1998 for current listings. Your advertisement can appear in 83 newspapers in Oregon. N O T IC E S Free counseling for victims of abuse and sexual assault. 24 hr. Crisis Line: 1-800-833-1161. Shelter available. 5-7-52c W ANTED Will pay cash: old blue jeans, jean jackets, denim shirts, west­ ern wear, coverall-overalls, Nike, shoes and sweatshirts from 70s except some newer Air Jordans, antiques, advertising items and ?? The older, the better. Almost any condition. Call for more informa­ tion, item descnpttons, prices, etc. Days 676-9643, evenings 676- 5259. 9-24-4c FLO Y D W IL S O N - O w ner No Hair L O R A IN E W IL S O N - O w ner A n d D eliver m W e P ick-U p 806(7 Wagon Wheel Lp. Imgon, OK 97844 Small Engine Repair (541) 922-3350 General Contracting COLUM BIA RIVER EXCAVATING General Contracting • Excavating • Septic • Pipeline Licensed • Bonded • DEQ approved Home - j a i o i 541-567-9065 30181 w i i. . Cellular King Lane, Hermiston, OR 54|.379.4806 _______________________________ CCB #123873________________________________ Insurance P loyhar I n sur an c e Life * Health * Auto Home * 127 North Main • Heppner, Ore. • 676-5818 Miscellaneous Crushed Rock For Sale 3/4‘ minus • 1" minus • 3' base rock Clean fill material Can be picked up at pit or we will deliver Contact Roger Britt, 676-5096 O il Products DEVIN OIL CO., M o n ito r C h e v ro n 7 6 -U n o C a l S to v e s P ro d u c ts M o to r O ils 676-9633 200 ton Fescue Straw Hay 8.5 percent Protein, RFV 107 Big Bales $40/ton FOB lone 422 -7 2 5 7 Contact: Bill Maclnnes Bill Maclnnes, Jr. or parts H.C. Wright Phone (541)763-4175 Fossil, Oregon Engine Repair MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS WE DELIVER * Diesel * Propane * Gasoline ’"Home Heating Oil 1 800 452-7396 Optometry Robert D. Rolen, O.D. 128 West Willow Heppner, OR 676-9465 L IV E S T O C K 989-8221 Eye Health & Vision Care Tuesdays 9 by a appointment m - to 5 P m PETS SC A N IM A L S For Sale: three year old Selar Bull. Gentle, throws good calves. Six border collie/lab puppies One year old heifer. 676-9056 af­ need a home. Ready 10/6/97. Call Restaurant ter 5 p.m. Barbers at 676-5037. 10-l-4c _____ 10-8-2c For Sale: Airedale-Carter-Border Y A R D SALE 180 North Chase Street, Heppner Phone 676-9935 Collie crosses. Call evenings, O pen 11 a .m .-9 p .m . daily Yard Sale Friday and Saturday. 676-9731. 10-15-lc 9a.m. to 5p.m. 2 miles North of • W eekly Daily Specials • H om em ade Soups • To Go Orders Heppner . Yellow house across the highway from the log yard. Free puppies, black lab mix, Septic Service Single bed, couch, bicyclers, Chnsty Virgil, 989-8449. exercise equipment and lots of 10-15-2c Roger Britt Septic Service misc. 10-15-1 Septic tanks pumped, residential and commercial W illo w L a n e s C a fe Mountain Glen Apartments Waiting List Newly Remodeled 2 & 3 Bdrm Apartments * Rent based on income * Brand-new modem appliances * Brand-new laundry facilities Located behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner For waiting list and application, call 676-9232. TDD # I -800-545-1833 for hearing impaired Equal Housing Opportunity Serving Morrow-Gilliam counties & surrounding areas 24 hour service • Licensed & Bonded • D EQ approved 676-5096 • Rt. 2, Box 2060 • Heppner # 37316 Speed rotor available • YOUR LOCAL SEPTIC SERVICE Adult Foster Care G IN G E R B R E A D H O U S E Adult Foster Care (541)676-5883 A d a m & G in g e r Perez, O w ners 235 Gale • P O Box 466 Heppner, OH 97836