• . . , - ' iv*; '■* .' - * mm ' *' «J ,'V > r 1 V ? 0 $ y ;* .* :* > * • -J • » > . *1 ; '* ‘ - i *. + • ■ i V : Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 1,1997 - SEVEN -J V -y - - - > BUSINESS DIRECTORY ONLY $6.00 PER WEEK Call the Gazette-Times: 6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 , or FAX 6 7 6 -9 2 1 1 Statewide Classifieds Y o u r ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon for only $200!* *Coniracl rale discounts available upon request O regon C lassified A d v e rtis in g N etw ork. A service o f O regon Newspaper Publishers Association. W eek o f September 29. 1997 nationwide, plus we pay transfer costs Sell all/part PEI 1-800-999-9892 A V A IL A B L E , a b a jillion dollars: Receiving payments from real estate sold? Annuity? Lottery winnings? Nobody pays more for cash Rows W e'll prove it. Foss Companies, 1-800-275-6197. C A SH quick! A rc you receiving payments from real estate you've sold or from an insurance settlement, or annuity? Sell your remaining payments for cash. Highest prices. Choice Finance I -800-477-9561, ext. 12. FAST cash Real estate loans, trust deals, balloon payments, structured settlements, lottery winnings, contracts, foreclosures, injury claims, inheritances, good or bad credit. (503) 452-4444, David Andcrton, 1-800-977-9560. B A N K turned you down? Private panics w ill loan on real estate equity. Easy qualifying, credit no problem Approval over the phone Oregon Land Mortgage. 1-800-922-4422. C ASH q u ic k ly ! I f you're receiving payments on real estate you've sold, we'll buy the remaining payments for cash! "Nobody beats our prices." No fees! Licenscd/bondcd! Buschur Mortgage. 1-800- 776-8750. t C ASH for all or part o f the payments you arc receiving on real ¿stale you've sold Fiflccn years of satisfied customers! Competitive quotes I -800- 678-5653. O lym pic Mortgage. C A SH immediate for structured settlements and deferred insurance claims J O W entworth. 1-888-231-5375. R E C E IV IN G payments on real estate sold? M eridian now buys direct from the public Immediate quotes, no fees, prompt closings. For the best hid. deal direct! I -800-901-9301. Brokers still welcome to call. KM G O V E R N M E N T foreclosed homes. Pennies on the $ I . Repo's, V A . H UD, sheriff sales No money down government loans available now l.ocaI listings/directory. T o ll free 1-800-669-2292 ext., H- 4000. M O N T A N A lake lot closeout. Save up to 40*4 Lakcfront and lake access Twenty to 160 acres starting at $29,900. Just 15 minutes to Helena Excellent financing A ll parcels must he sold. Call for more details. (406) 227-5901 ID A H O land bargain. 155+/-, ac/crcck. $59,900. Remote mountain property with o v a 1.5(8) foot creek friKitagc and tons o f trophy w ildlife. Between Snake and Salmon rivers. Near m illions o f acres o f national forest and Hells Canyon recreation area Abuts public lands. Financing Call owner, (208) 839-2501. ID A H O city slicker blues? Twenty acre ranch $29,900. Soar w ith the eagles. Fish for slcclhcad. Discover the journey o f N cr Perce Indians A dream becomes a reality, 35 miles north o f M cCall, Idaho Lush meadows, m ild climate, spectacular 50 mile views. Direct dealed access national forest amt Little Salmon River, new roads, utilities. Attractive owner financing. Call now 1-800-807-5263, ext. 1504. B XG property. G O V E R N M E N T foreclosed homes from pennies on $1. Delinquent tax. repo's. REO's. Your area. T o ll free 1-800-218-9000, ext. H - l998 for current listings. Help Wanted D R IVER OTR Covenant Transport. It's not what you make CPM It's what you bring home. Family security, fu ll benefits, lop pay and miles. Experienced drivers and owner operator teams call today. I-888-M O R E -P AY or 1-800-441-4394. R E C E IV IN G payments? Lump sums cash paid ft» seller-financed notes A deeds of trust, notes A mortgages, structured insurance settlements, lottery winnings Cascade Funding. Inc. 1-800- 476-9644. DRIVERS Swift Transportation. H iring experienced drivers. Excellent pay and benefits, dock purchase. 401K plan, tuition reimbursement, assigned equipment, more home lime, job stability. I 800-487-9438 (EOE, M /F) B A D credit? Over-due bills? You can consolidate your bills! Have one low monthly payment. Same day approval available. Call now. 1-800-366-9698, extension 64. OW NER operator teams need to run from Northwest to Ohio Valley and back G uaranlcal steady year-round business. Great pay. Call RW I 1-800-669-3003. C A SH now. We purchase mortgages, annuities and business notes. Since 1984 highest prices paid. Free estimates. Prompt, professional service Colonial Financial I -800-969-1200 ext. 64. Building Materials STEEL buildings sale. 30x40x10, $4,527; 40x60x14, $8,257; 50x75x14, $11,866; 50x100x16, $15.949; 60x100x16, $18.614 M in i­ storage buildings, 30x160, 32 units. $13.944. Free brochures. Sentinel Buildings. 1-800-327-0790, ext. 79. M O M O N E Y . MoMoncy. Receiving payments from real estate sold, annuity, lottery winnings? Nobody pays more for cash flows. W e ll prove it. FOSS Companies 1-800-275-6197. W EB steel buildings When quality matters call the best steel trussed building manufacturer in the Northwest. Complete packages for all uses. Free brochure! Call 1-800-782-7742. A L L cash. Receiving payments on a mortgage? W hy wait? Best prices paid locally and MAW Pole Buildings: 20 x3 0 x1 0 ' $2.908. 24 x36 x10' $3,746. 30x48 x10' $5.328. 40 x60x10 ' PETS fit ANIMALS To give away: free kittens. Call evenings, 676-5174. ____________________ 9-17-3c Free puppies. 300 East E Street, Lexington. 989-8356. 10-1-2c REAL ESTATE Three bdrm, 1 Vi bath, new kitchen, roof, patio, 2-car garage, large view lot. 676-5439, eves. 6-11-tfc H eritage Land Co. 180W. Baltimore f g v #5, Heppner «AITON ' Real Estate C ASH now for future payments We buy payments for insurance settlements, annuities, casino winnings We also buy owner financed mortgages R A P Capital Resources 1-800-338- 5815. W IPE out your debts and stop monlhyly payments w ith US government backed reverse mortgage from Seattle Mortgage C all Lynn Wert/Jer 1- 800-643-6610 ext 9 or I -503-526-1331. 676-5049 • 4 9 ,0 0 0 - C om m ercial/O ffice building on Main Street with good rental history. • 39,900 - 2 bdrm, 1 bath home with claw foot tub. Large lot with garden area by Willow Creek. Sale pending. • 99,500 - large home on .26 acre m/l in Blue Mts near Reeds Mill, 4 bdrm, 1% bath. Would be a great home or recreational lodge. • 34,000 - 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new windows on Willow Creek, good garden spot and storage sheds • 47,500 - 3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile with family room, carport, large lot, woodstove. Lexington. • 85,000 - 3 bdrm down, 1 bdrm up on large comer lot, hardwood floors, could be large fam ily home or a duplex. Price reduced. Sharon Lewi» 676-5233 JoyceKay Hollomon 676-5542 Bob Ployhar 676-9649 H EPPNER AUTO PARTS A M ADA k Job Opportunities Contact: Heppner Gazette-Times 676-9228 Equity/Loans/Financial Auto Parts $7,765, 50 x72x1 O' $10,565. F O B K it price*. Many other s in s K ils or huill. Engineering Financing. Free Brochure. 1-800- 547-1714 IJ irR f C A R Q U E S T A T T E N T IO N ! Typists/PC users. Steady work Full timc/part lime. $45,000 per year earnings potential C all lo ll Tree. 1-800-883-0819. ext T-400. D R IV E to own ClassA/CDL. $0 down/ $ 80 all miles. Avg 10.000+miles/month Company drivers. Nesver equipment. Competitive pay/hcncfils. New Apple Lines. I -800-843 8308 1-800-843-3384. • Convenience • Business • Safety 50 tit Adutiu&tba'uf' 1 9 V 7 -Í9 9 7 New fail Hours: doted Monday and Tuesday, Open Hednesday-Sunday io a.m.- 4 pm. only READY PICKED Brooks Prunes C atalina Plums (while they last) Gala Apples Golden D elicious Apples Red D elicious Apples Braeburn Apples Bring Containers rm . isti) W- 1 Í 70 • «..•s ■ ♦ w 1 «a . Y-*--: $ f " .' ¿ ‘V, j -*.y .> .V7 . j HARPER HOLSTERS 6 7 6 -5 5 6 5 a-«— 128 W est W illow Heppner 676-5141 AR EA Avon indépendant sales representative. Free gilts. Others have enjoyed $500-$ 1,000 extra Christmas money Potential $7. -$ I5. hour/coinmission. Bonuses. 50 ways to get customers. 1-800-735-5286. Tuesdays 2-5 p.m. 5-7 p.m. by appointment Electrical Supplies LOTTS ELECTRIC 676-5811 Established 1978, O il Business. We make the best racing n il in the U.S. and for your fam ily car. Manage commercial, retail accts M in cash investment $19,500 1-888-397-6645 • Electrical Supplies • whirlpool Miscellaneous Diamond APPLIANCES ADOPT: Your child w ill he surrounded with love, laughter and all the opportunities life can offer. Expenses paid. Ron A Arlene 1-800-613- 2394. WGíTAl SATRUTÍ SVSTfU DIRECT TV CABINETS Engine Repair FLOYD W IL S O N IM PO TEN C Y therapy! Did you know Medicare pays for impotence devices. Liberty Medical Supply carries the V E T. Vacuum Pump Safe, reliable, lifetim e Moncyhack guarantee. Call I- 800-627-8406. Mention A I-B A 48. - N o H air O wner % ’ LO RA IN E W IL S O N - O wner 'X V • / 806/7 Woeon Wheel Lb. (541 ) 922-3350 i i 4 ' j A n d D e liv e r * V P ic k -U p Sm all Engine Repair . Im g o n , O R 9 7 8 4 4 r • \ 1 ., ' >' ' V J J ^ ] • General Contracting Automobiles COLUMBIA RIVER EXCAVATING SEIZED cars from $ 175. Porsches, Cadillacs. Chcvys, BMW s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WDs. Your area. T o ll free 1-800-218-9000. ext. A- 1998 for current listings. General Contracting • Excavating • Septic • Pipeline Licensed • Bonded • DEQ approved 5 4 1-567-9065 3 0 , 8 1 K in g BAXTER'S presents the largcst.theme classic car car show/swap mea in the Pacific Northwest. Oct. 11 and 12. Portland. OR. For details and reservations, (503) 681-9485. ° R . - 541-379-4806 ' » Insurance Life * Health * Auto OREGON'S biggest savings and selection. 2 1 si annual Salem R V show Oct. 10, I I , 12. Oregon Fairgrounds - Salem. Shop and compare the lowest most competitive sale prices in 11 Western slates. Tw cnly regional dealerships. 200 naliona! brands, 400 RVs o f all types. Quality RVs new and used. Special close-out prices Unbelievable selection Warm and inside $1 o ff two tickets with ad. Westlake Promotion, (206) 783-5957. • - ■y ^ . >. - - -, - - > • • . >'•* ‘• • » . - - ' ' ' ■ „ ‘ 'J ■ f b- . 4 •„ . v , »-l — \ * Home • • 2? ' ^ ♦- —O Miscellaneous I + V ■ Sk ' . I I ' ..V v f I Crushed Rock For Sale 3 /4 ’ minus • 1' minus • 3” base rock Clean fill material Can be picked up at pit or we will deliver Contact Roger Britt, 676-5096 O il Products Monitor Stoves Chevron Products RENTALS SALES AND SERVICE For Rent: one bedroom apart­ ments. Willow Street Apartments, Heppner. 676-5131. _____________________ 9-3-tfc Our Customer Is Always #1 YARD SALE Contact: Bill Maclnnes Bill Maclnnes, Jr. or parts H.C. Wright Phone (541)763-4175 Fossil, Oregon Yard Sale: Saturday, Oct. 4, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 180 Second and Wil­ low, lone. 17 years of accumula­ tion-household items, toys, books and furniture. 10-1-lp 1980 M ustang. 676-9846, across from pool. Six cylinder, two door, licensed to 8-98. $850. 10-1 -2p Mountain Glen Apartments © V .* ; : . •' - V „ V ' V * • v . \ •' . ' -* tv w ' s : I ■ ~ V-*. . V * y - - ■ y ,-- . •S • • ** . - - • .. *V . * » - , . -. . i . - »' 1, - ■ .V MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS WE DELIVER . * Propane * Gasoline *Home Heating Oil I 989-8221 i Optometry Robert D. Rolen, O.D. 128 West Willow Heppner, OR 676-9465 Eye Health & Vision Care Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by appointment Restaurant W illo w L a n e s C a fe 180 North Chase Street, Heppner Phone 676-9935 Open 11 a.m .-9 p.m . daily • W eekly D aily Specials • H om em ade Soups • To Go Orders Septic Service Roger Britt Septic Service Septic tanks pumped, residential and commercial Serving Morrow-Gilliam counties 4 surrounding areas 24 hour service • Licensed 4 Bonded • DEQ approved 676-5096 • Rt 2, Box 2060 • Heppner # 37316 Speed rotor available • YOUR LOCAL SEPTIC SERVICE ______ Waiting List Newly Remodeled 2 & 3 Bdrm Apartments * Rent based on income * Brand-new modem appliances * Brand-new laundry facilities Located behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner 'Som uST Equal Homing Opportunity 4 ’■ j % X.. v'> * Ì Diesel a 1 • .• -S » r ,*■ . *. - o - - m - ■ ' . .• ■* 1 800 452-7396 WRIGHT’S CHEV. INC. OLDSMOBILE 76-UnoCal Motor Oils 676-9633 10-l-4c CARS AND TRUCKS * • " DEVIN OIL CO., INC For waiting list and application, call 676-9232. TDD # 1 -800-545-1833 for hearing impaired. 1 .. 127 N o rth M a in • H eppner, Ore. • 6 7 6 -5 8 1 8 Y o u r advertisement can reach more than 800,000 people when you advertise in the O C A Ns! C all this paper fo r more inform ation ! LHJ * . .■ . y. V '• ...y s-*. P loyhar I nsu ra n ce RV Shows 2 bdrm house, Heppner. Good references required. $425. Call 503-663-5152. 9-24-2c . • •* . . - . , • * . ' * j . * . • * . < 5 Floyd A. Tu rn b u ll, D.C. For Sale: three year old Selar Bull. Gentle, throws good calves. One year old heifer. 676-9056 af­ ter 5 p.m. C e le /tA c U itU f O u t .-V • j Chiropractor LIC EN SED life A health agents needed Q uality products, high commissions w ith advance before issue and benefits (must qualify for advances and benefits). C all 1-800-252-2581. *Blu Blakeley Construction* Commercial and Residential 1-541-989-8365 Lie #89458 mobile home set-up * roofing painting * cement * windows siding * insulation * decks sheet rock * pole bams cabinet refacing or installation 3-19-tfc Æ • ' CELLULAR PHONE T IM E F O R A F R IE N D LY Toys A G ifts has immediate openings in your area Number one in party plan: toys, gifts. Christmas, home decor. Free catalog and information. l-8(X)-488-4875. ' X . - Cellular Phones Linoleum, carpet sales and installation, interior, exterior painting. Free estimates. Call Tim Hedman, evenings, 676-9054. Licensed and bonded #78201. _____________________ 1-4-tfc Kimberly, Oregon .. 425 West Main, Ione • 422 7337 LIVESTOCK Thomas Orchards, Inc. 676-9123 ENTREPRENEURS wanted Free audio business seminar on today's hot opportunities and lips for success Make profils, or money- hack guarantee Call toll free I -888-566-6530, ext 108. SERVICES Glo’s Housekeeping Service For more info and free estimate, call 676-9810. 3-20-tfc 1 *8 East Center, Heppner In the Gazette-Times, your ad Is read! • • L 'V . ,