Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 24, 1997, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 24,1997
All three Mustang net squads come away with win Heppner JVs undefeated in Heppner Tourney
By M olly Rhea
Although it wasn't exactly a
cakewalk, all three Mustang net
squads brought home the win
from the Condon Blue Devils on
Tuesday. September 16.
The varsity Mustangs started
out the action as they staged a
"come from behind” victory.
Game one was hard fought but
the Mustangs pulled up short,
losing 13-15.
Game two was just as intense,
with hard hits and kills coming
from both courts. The Blue
Devils had a l l - 8 lead when the
Mustangs took the bit in their
teeth for the comeback, winning
In the final game, Heppner
allowed the Blue Devils to gain a
0-5 lead before the Mustangs
picked up the pace. Using only
their next four servers, Heppner
quickly took the game and the
match, 15-5.
Mindy Binschus and Petra
strength as they powered down
kills and teamed up to double
block. While Annie Hisler and
Jill Barber shared setting duties,
they are also both strong hitters
and each racked up a few kills.
Although the varsity continues to
struggle with their serving
percentage, they are proving to
be a smart team that plays well
together and brings home the
It looked as though the Heppner
JVs were coasting to yet another
victory with a 14-7 lead, only to
allow those pesky Blue Devils to
use their next two servers to tie
up the score. With renewed
intensity the Mustangs rallied
and took game one, 16-14.
In the second game the JV
Mustangs left no doubt who was
in charge as they trampled the
Blue Devils, 15-4.
The JVs strong setters were
Brooke Boyer and Jamie Hansen.
Kim Pointer and Amy Drake
shared the "hard hitting" honors.
Boyer also demonstrated her
powerful serve, putting up 14 of
the total points for the match.
One hundred percent serving was
posted by Stephanie Clough,
Macy Rhea, Leah Denton, Abby
Jessica VanWinkle in action
Kahl and Kathleen Greenup.
The "Cs" took the floor for the
final match of the evening for
what appeared to be an easy win
as they cantered to a 14-1 lead.
At that point the Condon Blue
Devils picked up a quick nine
points and were back in the
game. The Mustangs managed to
hold off the Blue Devils and won
the first game, 15-10.
Game two was actually pretty
photo by Joyce Hughes
amazing. Many tie scores and 51
side outs turned it into a
volleyball marathon.
Heppner Cs kept cool heads as
they rose to the occasion,
winning the game and the match
with an astounding 21-19 final
The Cs are showing a mental
toughness-they don't seem to be
affected by the score and keep
up the attack instead of playing it
St. Patrick's Church to begin instruction
St. Patrick’s Parish will begin
a program of instruction in the
Catholic faith on Monday, Sept.
29, at 7:30 p.m. at the parish of­
fice, 525 Gale Street, Heppner.
This program is intended for
those who wish to become mem­
bers of the church, or who were
members at one time and now
wish to return to full membership
again, and for those who wish to
take a new direction in their spiri­
tual journey, said a spokesperson.
For further information, con­
tact Fr. Gerry Condon at 676-
9462, or any m em ber o f St.
Patrick’s Church.
H H S Site Council seeks new members
The Heppner Jumor/Semor
High School Site Council
(HHSSC) is seeking parents of 7-
12th graders who are interested
in being part of the site council.
The HHSSC is a group of
educators and parents working
together to improve school
curriculum. Members serve a
two year term, with monthly
meetings held every third
encouraged to contact Ron
Anthony, 676-9138.
By Molly Rhea
The Heppner JV volleyball
team added a trophy to the case
this week, going undefeated in
The tournament
included nine teams divided into
two pools. Pool play was set up
to enable each team to play two
games to 11 points against every .
other team in their pool. The two
teams with the best win-loss
ratios from each pool earned a
place in the bracket to play for
the championship.
Heppner JVs came out of pool
Stanfield, 11-5, 11-4, Sherman
County, 11-2,11-5, and lone, 11-
Stephanie Clough (right) gets ready for the ball at the Heppner JV
8, 11-7.
Saturday, Sept. 20
Meanwhile the Heppner C team
cut a wide swath in their pool, lone against Heppner's JVs in back row strength coming from
Stephanie Clough, Kim Pointer,
defeating Umatilla, 11-5, 12-10, the championship and Heppner's
Sykes and Abby Kahl.
Weston-McEwen, 11-7, 11-2,
for the day were
Condon, 11-7, 11-7 and splitting
The championship game was
with Wahtonka 12-10, 6-11, to
put both Heppner teams in the almost anticlimactic with the
first place seed on the bracket hard hitting junior varsity
Mustangs overpowering the lone
Bracket play was set up as a Cardinals to win the match, 15- Papmeau and Kathleen Greenup.
The junior varsity's lead setter
Perhaps the most
best of three game match to 15 6,15-7.
points with the third game using exciting match of the day was the is Brooke Boyer; other players
rally scoring. Heppner’s JVs battle for third place between the accepting setting duties in the
faced off with Wahtonka (5/3 in Heppner Cs and Wahtonka. The tournament were were Jamie
pool play) while Heppner's Cs Cs lost the first game 5-15, then Hansen, Leah Denton and Ashley
went up against lone (4/2 in their came storming back to win game Ropp.
two, 15-13. The tempo of the
The junior varsity Mustangs
made short work of the fledgling of rally scoring and the lead from Heppner's JV team-
Eagles, winning 15-8, 15-3, and frequently changed hands. Again Brooke Boyer and Casey
advancing to the championship. the scrappy Cs held out for the Ingraham; Heppner's C team -
In the other court, Heppner's Cs victory winning 15-11 to capture Maja Dietiker; Wahtonka's Lisa
lost the first game to lone, 4-15, third place in this nine team Knight; Charissa Gates from
lone; and Talia Sanderson of
won the second, 15-8, and lost junior varsity tournament.
JV Coach Susie Hisler cited Sherman County.
the third in a close 11-15 to pit
lone p ick s up non-league w in over M aupin
By Kara Miller
Friday, Sept. 19, the Lady Car­
dinals’ teams traveled to Maupin
to face the South Wasco County
Redsides. The Cards outmatched
the Redsides, 15-6, 15-10.
Kara Miller started the first
game by scoring a point followed
by the Redsides taking over and
pulling ahead of lone, 3-1. Camie
Burright scored one, then Niki
Sullivan came to serve after a
quick scoreless side out. She put
six points over and the Cards were
ahead, 8-3.
Nikki McElligott put a point on
the board, followed by Wasco
C ounty scoring one. Jenny
Sullivan took over the serve and
lone pulled away from the
Redsides, 13-4. Maupin scored
two m ore points before N.
Sullivan and Brenda Burright put
the game away with a point each,
and the final was lone, 15, South
Wasco County, 6.
Opening the second game,
once again Maupin was on the
scoreboard first with one. The
score was tied at 1-1 by N.
Sullivan. The Redsides pulled
ahead with four, but McElligott
stepped up for the Cardinals and
scored three, followed by three
from J. Sullivan, and lone was in
the lead, 7-5.
Miller scored for lone and C.
Burright added one, followed by
N. Sullivan with two, including
an ace. The score was lone, 11,
Maupin, 7. B. Burright landed
two points off her jump serve and
Miller finished the game by scor­
ing two and ended the game, lone,
15, Maupin, 10.
lone will host Helix in lone on
W ednesday, Sept. 24, and
Wheeler will visit the Cardinals’
Roost, Friday, Sept. 26. The var­
sity games will begin at 5 p.m.
lone Middle School suffers tough loss to Huskies
Look into the Eyes
of Our Future
Students study and learn, preparing
The Oregon Lottery is proud to pro­
the foundation that will help make
vide $1 out of every $10 needed to
Oregon a great place to live in the
fund Oregon’s public schools.
next century.
It takes much dedication and many
dollars to provide Oregon’s public
school students with the quality edu­
cation they need to share their
hopes and dreams with the world.
It Does Good Things for Education
By Adam McCabe and Colin
The lone Middle School played
Sherman County at Moro and
started their football season with
a tough loss of 20-8.
The game started with lone
kicking off. Sherman County
moved the ball down to lone's
in-zone but fumbled in the end
zone and lone's Adam Neiffer
recovered. The Cards moved the
ball to the 30 and it ended up in a
loss of downs. The next drive
Sherman scored a touchdown.
From there the Huskies took
control of the first quarter.
In the second quarter lone had
the ball on the Sherman 40-yard
line. lone tried to go for it on
the fourth down and was
successful. lone then lost the
ball, but this time by a fumble.
Sherman scored on a play
because lone missed so many
tackles. Sherman that time could
not score on the two- point
conversion. Right before the
half-time buzzer went off lone
had the ball on Sherman's 40
yard line.
After half-time lone looked like
they had boosted their confidence
up many levels. They looked as
if they could win the game. Also
Tailgate Party
Friday, Sept. 26
The Heppner High School
(HHS) Booster Club will hold a
"tailgate" party this Friday, Sept.
26, at the Morrow County
Fairgrounds from 5-7:30 p.m.
before the HHS-Umatilla football
Dinner will include barbecued
hamburgers, hot dogs, chili-
brownies and a drink.
P rice
fo r
hamburger/cheeseburger meal
will be $3; chili-burger meal, $4;
chili-dog meal, $2.50; and hot
dog meal, $1.50.
in the third quarter lone had
better tackling. The sixth and
seventh graders stopped the
Huskies on one of their drives.
The Huskies did score in the
third quarter. lone came close to
scoring again but did not come
through in spades. lone had a
bunch of help with the Huskies
lining up in the neutral zone
many times. lone also helped out
the Huskies defense by jumping
off sides. lone had two injuries
in the third but nothing major.
One injury occurred as Til Tullis
was trying to make a tackle when
player number 80 for Sherman
clipped him and forced Til to
come out of the game for only
one play. Koby Rea also had to
be taken out for a play after a kid
from Sherman landed on his
ankle and twisted it.
In the fourth quarter things
really looked different for lone
and they moved the ball better,
lone mainly took control that
whole quarter. lone started at
their 20 and drove the ball all the
way to the 50. On the next play
Adam Neiffer caught a pass and
took it to Sherman's 10-yard line.
Then Brad Burright ran the ball
into the end zone on a sweep to
score lone's only touchdown.
Adam McCabe ran a wedge for
three yards and the extra point.
Then with a minute to go
Sherman got the ball but was
unsuccessful in scoring because
lone's defense held them.
"I was very pleased with the
improvement that our players
showed throughout the game,"
said coach Dean Robinson. "We
are looking forward to playing
St. Mary's on Friday, October 3,
in The Dalles."
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