Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 21, 1997, Page SIX, Image 6

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SIX - Heppner Gezette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 21.1997
Sheriff's Report
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The Morrow County Sheriffs
office (MCSO) reports the fol­
lowing business during the last
two weeks:
May S: MCSO dispatched to
the Heppner ambulance a report
of a woman with an illness. The
patient was transported to Pioneer
Memorial Hospital in Heppner;
MCSO dispatched to the City
of Heppner a request to the city
crew for sewer problems;
MCSO received a report of a
Level 2 on lower Hinton Creek.
The computer was rebooted;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a car
being rocked and windows bro­
ken out at a residence in Hepp­
MCSO received a report of dog
traps belonging to the City o f Ir-
ngon that were missing from a
residence in Imgon;
Morrow County deputy and the
Boardman ambulance responded
to a welfare check at a residence
in Boardman;
MCSO received a report of a
wallet stolen from a pickup in Ir-
May 6: MCSO received a re­
port of a domestic dispute in Irri-
gon next to the melon stand. The
dispute turned out to be verbal
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of tires slashed on a white Ford
van at the Nomad in Boardman;
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police a report o f a
vehicle by the side of the road and
a man sleeping by Anson Wright
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Fire and Police depts.
a report of a fire alarm and sprin­
klers activated at Lamb Weston
in Boardman. The report was
false-people were working on the
MCSO issued a warrant for
Enriquez Flores Ramirez, 33,
lone, for Failure To Appear/Felon
in Possession of a Firearm;
MCSO issued a warrant for
Julio Caesar Zambrano, 38, Irri-
gon, for Failure To Appear/De-
livery of a Controlled Substance;
MCSO received a report that a
lock was broken off a garage on
Highway 74 in Heppner;
MCSO received a report of an
audible burglary alarm at a resi­
dence on Kunze Lane in Board-
MCSO received a report o f
power lines down on southbound
and westbound lanes of Highway
97, milepost 15.5;
MCSO received a report of an
attempted burglary at a residence
in Irrigon;
MCSO received a report of a
girl missing from her home in Ir­
rigon, she was believed to be a
runaway. She was later located;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a car
stolen from a residence in Hepp­
ner. The car was located, it was
not stolen;
MCSO received a report o f
cows loose on the Bombing
Range Road. A Morrow County
deputy was unable to locate;
MCSO received a report of a
loose bull in Boardman. A Mor­
row County deputy was unable to
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
o f a fender-bender in Boardman.
May 7: MCSO dispatched to
the Oregon State Police a report
of an erratic driver with a red and
white tractor trailer on 1-84 east-
bound at Boardman;
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police a report o f a
disabled pickup on 1-84 west­
bound, milepost 176-177, with a
man walking toward Patterson
Ferry Road;
MCSO received a request for
a welfare check at a home on
Upper Rhea Creek Road, Hepp­
Morrow County deputy, Lex­
ington Emergency Medical Tech­
nicians and the Heppner ambu­
lance responded to a single ve­
hicle accident with one man un­
conscious. The patient was trans­
ported to Pioneer Memorial Hos­
pital in Heppner;
MCSO received a report of a
woman with her car sabotaged in
Irrigon. A man admitted flatten­
ing the tire and putting a nail hole
in the oil pan which made the car
engine blow up;
MCSO received a report of two
pickups broken into at a parking
lot at the wildlife refuge while the
owners of the cars were fishing;
MCSO received a report of
four adults and two children who
had gone fishing by Morgan and
had not returned. They later re­
turned home;
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police a report of an
older brown sedan driving errati­
cally on 1-84 westbound, milepost
May 8: MCSO dispatched to
the Oregon State Police a report
of a white tractor with a silver
trailer swerving at vehicles trying
to pass him on 1-84 eastbound
from Boardman. “Suicide” was
written in the dirt on the rear of
the vehicle;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of telephone harassment;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a dog
underneath a pickup barking and
growling at passersby;
MCSO received a report of fe­
males harassing a woman at the
BP station in Boardman;
MCSO received a report of a
car stolen in Boardman. The car
had been repossessed;
MCSO received a report of
four juveniles trying to get on the
trail at the old depot in Boardman;
Morrow County deputy and the
Heppner Police Dept, responded
to a report of a fight between a
male and female by the Heppner
Library. They were unable to lo­
M orrow County deputy,
Boardman Police Dept, and am­
bulance, and Irrigon ambulance
responded to a report of a man
having difficulty breathing at
HabDoc Apts, in Boardman;
MCSO d ispatched to the
Boardman Emergency Medical
Technicians and the Boardman
Police Dept, a report o f a man
with a severe illness at Frontier
Trailer Park in Boardman. The
patient was transported to Good
Shepherd Community Hospital in
May 9: MCSO dispatched to
the Boardman Police Dept, a re­
port of a male and female going
through the parking lot at Trail
Apts, in Boardman, testing doors
on cars;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a request
for an officer at the Outback Apts,
in Boardman;
MCSO received a report of two
4-wheelers racing fast up and
down streets in lone. They were
going too fast to ID, but were not
wearing helmets;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a pit
bull coming in a yard, growling
and chasing the woman at the
MCSO d ispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of kids throwing rocks and hitting
a house in Boardman;
MCSO received a report of a
home broken into with a window
broken in Boardman;
MCSO received a report of a
16 year old runaway in Irrigon;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of a gassy smell at the BP station
in Boardman. A deputy was un­
able to locate;
O rder ea rly fo r
M em orial D ay flo w
We have fresh flowers
and silk arrangements
in canisters for cemetery purposes)
Murray’s Drugs & The Country Rose
will be dosed Monday,
May 26, for Memorial Day
^ Country R o s e W j t
/ •*
V i'
Morrow County deputy re­
MCSO received a report o f a
diesel spill in lone. The spill oc­ sponded to a residence in Board-
curred out of lone and was in the man for a possible domestic dis­
process of being cleaned up;
MCSO received a report of an
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
illegal dump at a gravel pit near egon State Police a report o f a
the Hermiston Gun Club. Notes disabled vehicle with an infant in
with names of two people were a carseat on 1-84 westbound,
found at the dump;
milepost 115. Morrow County
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­ deputy was unable to locate;
ner Police Dept, a report of a bur­
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
glary alarm at the Les Schwab egon State Police a report o f a
showroom. It was a false alarm; disabled vehicle on 1-84, milepost
Morrow County deputy and the 111 - 112 ;
Heppner Police Dept, responded
Morrow County deputy re­
to a report from Pioneer Memo­ sponded to a possible dispute and
rial Hospital that a female had restraining order violation at a
been beaten up by a male subject residence in Heppner;
near the Willow Creek Dam.
Morrow County deputy re­
May 10: MCSO received a re­ sponded to a report of someone
port o f a possible attempted bur­ throwing a rock at a travel trailer
glary in progress at a home in Ir­ and damaging it in Boardman.
May 12: MCSO received a re­
MCSO dispatched to the port from a woman in Boardman
Wheeler County Sheriffs office who said that her neighbor’s dog
a report of a crop duster plane that kept tearing the clothes off her
had just crashed near Mitchell. clothesline;
Mitchell Fire Dept, and ambu­
MCSO received a request for
lance, and Fossil Fire Dept, re­ an extra patrol at a home concern­
sponded with extraction equip­ ing a threat made;
ment. The victim had died. Or­
MCSO received a report from
egon Emergency Management a man in Irrigon who said his ten­
System notified due to hazardous ants took off months ago but the
material leak into the John Day electricity on. He said the food in
the refrigerator was rotten and
MCSO dispatched to the thinks something may be buried
Boardman Police Dept, a report under the trailer;
of a runaway juvenile in Board-
MCSO received a request for
man. The juvenile turned out not an officer to take a report o f a
to be a runaway;
MCSO dispatched to the
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report Boardman Police Dept, a report
of master keys stolen from Nug­ of silver two-door car squealing
get Inn;
its tires;
MCSO received a report from
Morrow County deputy ar­
a man who said he had a strange rested Larry D. Cook, 18, on
plant growing in his backyard and charges of Theft II. Cook was
thought it may be marijuana. It cited into the Heppner Justice
was not;
Court because o f lack o f jail
MCSO dispatched the Irrigon space;
ambulance and Morrow County
MCSO dispatched to the
deputy responded to a report of a Boardman Police Dept, a report
man who had cut his wrist acci­ of a theft of a cell phone from a
Morrow County deputy re­
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ported that he came upon a ve­ ner Police Dept, a report of two
hicle in a ditch near Third Street kids throwing rocks at cows at the
in Irrigon;
MCSO received a report that a
MCSO received a report of two
woman in Morgan was being in­ adults fighting in the laudromat
timidated by neighbor kids by in Irrigon. They were reported to
riding their bikes on their private be “really going at it,” and weap­
ons were involved;
Morrow County deputy ar­
MCSO received a report o f
rested Stephen Howard Seed, 44, noisy dogs at a residence in Irri­
on Highway 19 for an alleged gon;
Driving Under the Influence of
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Fire and Police depts.
MCSO dispatched the Heppner a report of a dumpster fire with
ambulance for a woman who had kids playing around it. An officer
fallen. The patient was trans­ contained the fire with a fire ex­
ported to Pioneer Memorial Hos­ tinguisher;
pital in Heppner;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
MCSO received a report o f a ner Police Dept, and ambulance
loud stereo at a residence;
a report of a man having chest
MCSO received a report of a pains and difficulty breathing in
brown two-tone blazer driving all Heppner. The patient was trans­
over the road. Morrow County ported to Pioneer Memorial Hos­
deputy was unable to locate;
pital in Heppner;
MCSO received a report of a
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
station wagon weaving in and out egon State Police a report of a red
of the fog line and driving on the Dodge Viper speeding on 1-84
embankment. The vehicle was westbound, reported to be going
located on 1-84 eastbound, mile­ over 100 mph;
post 144;
MCSO received a report o f a
M CSO dispatched to the juvenile in Irrigon who hadn’t
Boardman Police Dept, a report returned home. The juvenile was
of juveniles messing around the located at the marina and taken
entrance to the Desert Springs home.
Estates in Boardman.
May 13: M orrow County
May 11: MCSO received a re­ deputy and Heppner Police Dept,
port o f a m otorcycle driving responded to an alarm at Miller’s
around a residence in Heppner Mini Mart in Heppner. The build­
and waking up the resident;
ing was secure;
MCSO received a report of a
MCSO received a report that
suspicious vehicle driving up and the electricity was out at Sentry
down the street and then parking Market in Boardman;
in front of a residence in Board-
MCSO dispatched the Condon
ambulance, Condon Fire and Po­
MCSO dispatched to the Or­ lice depts., Oregon State Police,
egon State Police a report of a and Airlife for a report of a single
vehicle that had been driven away motor vehicle accident on High­
from the BP station in Boardman way 206 Rock Creek Grade. A
without paying and ripped the pickup was over the bank. A pa­
pump off;
tient was transported to the Con­
MCSO received a report of an don Clinic;
audible burglar alarm in Irrigon.
MCSO received a report o f a
It was a false alarm;
car with its window broken out;
MCSO received a report of a
MCSO received a report that
theft of two wooden boxes off all long distance phone lines were
property at a residence between out in the area, including Portland
lone and Boardman. Keys were and Spokane, WA;
in the boxes;
MCSO received a request to
MCSO received a report of make contact with a woman in
rocks thrown at a motor home, Heppner who had been speaking
damaging the siding;
with her doctor when the phone
Morrow County deputy re­ lines went out. All was okay;
sponded to a report o f two 3-
MCSO dispatched the Board-
wheeleis on the refuge between
man Police Dept. and ambulance
Irrigon and Boardman that were
a report of a woman who report­
tearing up the ground;
edly had gone into insulin shock.
MCSO dispatched to the
The patient was transported to
Boardman Police Dept, a report
Good Shepherd Community Hos­
of a dog running loose in Board-
pital in Hermiston;
MCSO received a request for
MCSO received a report from
an officer. Dogs had been chas­
a woman in Irrigon who said a
man had flipped her off;
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police and Columbia
Basin Electric Co-op a report of
a yellow log truck headed south­
bound on Highway 207 that had
hit a power line at the Hardman
Hall. The line was on the ground
and hot;
MCSO received a report that a
person in a silver Chcvelle had
thrown rocks from its tires;
M orrow County deputy,
Boardman Fire Dept, and ambu­
lance responded to a rollover with
a pickup on its top with a horse
trailer. It was a non-injury acci­
MCSO received a report of
four juveniles in a silver Citation
spinning cookies on the main
gravel road to the wildlife refuge
in Irrigon;
MCSO received a report of an
abandoned vehicle with graffiti
on it and windows broken. The
battery and spark plug wires were
stolen while the owner was get­
ting a tire fixed on it;
MCSO received a request to
deliver an emergency message to
a person in Irrigon;
Morrow County deputy, Hepp­
ner Fire Dept, and ambulance,
and tow truck responded to an
accident off Highway 74 north of
the mill. A woman had a broken
arm. It was a non-blocking acci­
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of an
alarm sounding at Les Schwab.
The building was secure.
May 14: MCSO dispatched to
the Boardman Police Dept, a re­
port of juveniles smoking behind
a shed at Trail Apts, in Boardman;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Fire and Police depts.
a report of a fire at a pole bam in
Morrow County deputy ar­
rested Gustavo Cruz-Juarez, 25,
on charges o f Possession of a
Controlled Substance, Delivery of
a Controlled Substance metham-
phetamine, possible forged docu­
ment, Child Endangerment. Cruz-
Juarez was lodged at the Umatilla
County Jail with a $33,500 bond;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a request
for a person who wasn’t feeling
well and needed a ride home;
MCSO d i s p a r t e d tb the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of a bicycle stolen and another
vandalized at His Place in Board-
Morrow County deputy and the
Boardm an Police D ept re ­
sponded to a report o f two males
in a vehicle who drove past a
woman’s residence and yelled
“Kill, kill.”;
Morrow County deputy, Or­
egon State Police, and Heppner
Police Dept, responded to a panic
alarm at the Bank of Eastern Or­
egon in Heppner. It turned out to
be a false alarm;
MCSO received a report that
someone had dropped off an old
appliance in som eone e ls e ’s
Morrow County deputy re­
sponded to assist a disabled mo­
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Emergency Medical
Technicians a report of a woman
who had passed out at the base­
ball field at the far end o f the
marina in Boardman. One patient
was transported to Good Shep­
herd Community Hospital in Her­
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of smoke and flames west of the
Latter-Day Saints Church. It
turned out to be Boy Scouts burn­
ing leaves;
MCSO received a report o f a
sprinkler alarm at Lamb Weston.
It was a mechanical problem;
MCSO received a report that
wolves were trying to get at a
woman’s dog in Boardman;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a dog
barking at Yaw’s in Heppner.
May 15: MCSO received a re­
port o f an unattended death.
LeRoy Britt and his horse were
discovered dead. The cause was
believed to be a lightning strike.
An investigation is underway to
ascertain cause of death;
MCSO received a report that
wolves were trying to get at a dog.
The owners of the wolves were
told that they would be cited if
they d id n ’t keep the wolves
chained at all times;
MCSO received a report that a
woman had heard a shot and be­
lieved that someone may have
shot the wolf;
MCSO received a report that
someone had cut the lock off o f a
diesel fuel tank in Irrigon and
stole 100 gallons o f gasoline;
MCSO received a report o f
abandoned puppies near the river
in Irrigon;
MCSO dispatched to the Or­
egon State Police a report o f two
sheep on the freeway. A woman
had them corralled between her
rig and the guardrail 26 miles
west of Boardman on the east-
bound side;
Morrow County deputy dis­
covered a vehicle in the road on
Baseline Road milepost 4. A
woman inside the pickup was ex­
tremely intoxicated;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report o f a ve­
hicle that had rolled off the park­
ing lot and into a travel trailer at
the Sheriff’s office;
Morrow County deputy re­
sponded to a report of a Dodge
pickup pulling a horse trailer that
was on fire;
Morrow County deputy and the
Boardm an Police D ept, re ­
sponded to a gang dispute at Wil­
son Road Trailer Court in Board-
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a concern
of gang activity and gang mem­
bers threatening to beat up a 15
year old;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report of a bur­
glar alarm at Les Schwab in
Heppner. The door was ajar;
MCSO received a report of
concern that a woman may have
almost hit a pedestrian intention­
MCSO received a report of
kids trespassing and possibly
drinking and racing up and down
city streets in lone.
May 16: MCSO dispatched to
the Boardman Police Dept, a re­
port of a runaway juvenile;
MCSO received a report of a
person in lone with car problems.
The person was given a ride
MCSO received a report of a
person harassing another person
in Irrigon;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Fire Dept, a report of
an out-of-control grass fire at the
east end o f Kunze Road in Board-
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner Police Dept, a report o f a bur­
glar alarm at Les Schwab. It was
a false alarm;
MCSO received a report of a
woman not moving inside a crate
in the back of a pickup on High­
way 19. It was a girl holding a
M orrow County deputy,
Boardman Police Dept, arrested
Dario Trujillo, 38, for Driving
while Under the Influence of In­
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of a pit bull in someone’s yard;
Morrow County deputy and
Heppner Police Dept, responded
to a disturbance at a residence in
May 17: MCSO received a re­
port of a semi truck pulling into a
driveway and possible attempting
to steal items. A man chased af­
ter the semi when it left. It turned
out that the occupants o f the semi
wanted to use the restroom;
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, a report
of a person who had not returned
home from work. The person was
MCSO received a report of a
woman in Irrigon being beaten by
her 18 year old daughter;
MCSO dispatched to the Hepp­
ner am bulance and the lone
Emergency Medical Technicians
a report of a pregnant woman in
lone with dizzy spells and pain in
her leg where she had fallen. The
patient was transported to Pioneer
Memorial Hospital in Heppner;
MCSO received a report o f
kids riding bikes and making bad
gestures at a woman at Morgan;
MCSO received a report of a
break-in at a residence in Irrigon.
May 18; M orrow C ounty
deputy and the Heppner Police
Dept, responded to a report of a
disturbance at a residence in
MCSO dispatched to the
Boardman Police Dept, and am­
bulance a report of a man laying
on the north side of 1-84 west­
bound, milepost 168, who was
having difficulty breathing. The
continued page 2