FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 21,1997 lone, Heppner thindads do well at league meet By Shelby Krebs lone and Heppner Middle School thinclads did extremely well at League Championships in Pendleton May 10. The most outstanding performance came from the lone Middle School Girls who scored a whopping 194-1/2 points to smash the second place team by over 100 points. Although they lacked in numbers, the Heppner eighth grade boys managed fourth place with 52 points and lone was sixth with 37. Columbia Junior High won the meet with 206 points. Heppner seventh grade boys were second while lone was fourth. Heppner seventh grade girls were fifth and lone, with only one participant, placed eighth. The Cardinals were led by Nonnee Walters who tallied up 36 points with wins in the long jump(13'3"), triple jump (28'11- 1/2"PR) and the 100 meter hurdles (18.56). Shelby Krebs and Diana McElligott were double winners in the running events. Krebs won the 800 in 2:53(PR) and the 400 in 1(PR). McElligott dominated the sprinting events, winning the 100 in 14-06 and the 200 in 29.17. McElligott broke the elementary 100 and 200 meter dash records earlier this season. Olivia Thompson and Allison Halvorsen were also first place finishers. Halvorsen won the shot put with a put of 26'8" and Thompson won the high jump clearing 4'3"(PR). She was also second in the triple jump and third in the 200. Krebs, Diana McElligott, and Thompson combined with Salli McElligott to run the medley relay in a winning time of 3:38.24. The team narrowly missed the school record this season. Other girls placing in the top three of their events were Katie Bacon who claimed second in the 300 and 100 meter hurdles, Jaysi Bennetto who was second in the 800 and Jeanette Brantley who was third in the 400. Amelia Peck was third in the discus. Heppner's Ryan Matteson dominated the 400, running it in 60.38. Matteson also won the discus with a 112' toss. Chris Peck checked in with fourth place in the shot put while David Piper was fourth in the triple jump and high jump. Craig Scott finished seventh in the high jump and eighth in the long jump. Matteson, Peck, Scott and Piper combined to break the Heppner Middle School medley relay record with a time of 3:01.37. The team shattered the previous record of 3:19. Eighth-grader Korey Morgan was lone’s top placer. Morgan placed third in the triple jump and 800 meters. Morgan holds the triple jump record with a 32'10" leap. Cory Bennetto tied for third in the 200 with a PR time of 27.6 and was fourth in the long jump at 14'8". Jeremiah McElligott ran to a fifth place finish in the 1500 while Dustin Haguewood placed sixth in the high jump (5'PR). Stephan Matheny led the way for the seventh grade with a win in the 100 meters, second place in the long jump and third in the The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U S P S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper r ■; 1 1 Ij W m Published weekly and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner. Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879 Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 147 West Willow Street. Telephone (541)676-9228. Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times. P.O. Bo* 337, Heppner. Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: »18 in Morrow. Wheeler, Gilliam and Grant Coun­ ties; »25 elsewhere April Hilton-Sykes................................................................................News Editor Stephanie Jensen ...................................................................................Typesetting Monique Devin Advertising Layout & Graphics Bonnie Bennett .................................................................................... Distribution Penni K eersem aker...................................................................................... ... t f|S David Sykes, Publisher Garden Club picnic postponed The Heppner Garden Club potluck picnic scheduled for June 1 at the Gonty's cabin at Lake lone's seventh grader Brad Bumght was on top of all his events, including the 300 meter hurdles (53.34), discus (1047"), softball throw (184'2") and high jump (4'8"). lone's team of Cayle Krebs, Cameron Krebs, Cobv Rea and Aaron Tworek sprinted to a third place finish in the 4x100 relay. Adam McCabe checked in with a third place finish in the 100 and two fourth places in the discus and long jump. Julie Proctor and Paula Spicerkuhn piloted the way for Heppner's seventh grade girls. Proctor was first in the discus with a 59’8" toss and second in the shot put. Spicerkuhn beat a Columbia runner to the tape to win the 1500 in 6:17.10. She was third in the 800 meter run. Kids invited to join Young Eagle Program Doug Drake, vice president and about 20 minutes of actual air coordinator for Young Eagles time, he said. The flights will be EAA Chapter 219, invites all tailored to the passengers and kids ages 8 - 17 to the Lexington where they live or what they airport on Friday, May 23, would like to see, he added. "We starting at 9 a.m., to a free want this to be safe and enjoyed by everyone. airplane ride. The EAA has a flight kit The Young Eagles Program has which contains a registration been developed by the EAA Aviation Foundation to welcome record and a parent/guardian more about their responsibilities classes on life skill development, young people into the world of permission form that must be to help represent and promote the work force preparation and aviation. "Aviation is exciting filled out prior to flight. The 4-H program at the 4-H citizenship, Johnson said. and vital to our nation's future," forms will be available at the Some of the ambassadors will Ambassador Weekend, June 20- said Drake. "Your child will airport or call Doug Drake 676- 22 at Linfield College in be interviewed and invited to experience a safe and enjoyable 9883 to get a copy ahead of McMinnville. The weekend, participate in the 1997 National "This is open to the flight that will give new time. sponsored by the Oregon Farm 4-H Youth Congress in Memphis perspectives on the world and public and we encourage Credit System, will also include later this year. life in general. Participation in everybody to come and enjoy," the Young Eagles Program will said Drake. "I have a goal of help him or her understand that sixty kids and hope we have one an individual's potential is hundred." Cookies punch and coffee will unlimited." The flights will begin at 9 a.m. be provided and the pilots will and continue until everyone has stay until dark if needed. For more information call been flown. At least four aircraft There were 85 present for the senior dinner May 14, including 14 will be available and they can Drake. visitors from Condon and two from Imgon. Eleven meals were home take three passengers at a time Registration forms are also delivered. Members of the Heppner Christian Missionary Fellowship Drake said. They plan on making available at the Heppner and lone Church served. two flights per hour which means schools. The family of Gladys Connor served a beautiful birthday cake in honor of her 89th birthday and everyone sang "Happy Birthday". The senior board met following the meal. The menu for the birthday dinner May 28 will be salmon puffs, augratin potatoes, peas, rolls and ice cream. Members of the Seventh- day Adventist and Nazarene churches will serve. Attendance at the Friday breakfast increased on May 16. The menu for Friday, May 23, will be waffles with strawberries, bacon, and, as usual, hot and cold cereal, juice and fruit, coffee and tea. Everyone is welcome . One table of cards was played Friday afternoon. Anyone who likes to play pinochle is welcome to come join the fun. Other games are available as well as a jig saw puzzle. Five seniors watch the movie, "Zeus and Roxanne", Sunday evening. The bus is scheduled for a tour of the county on Saturday, May 24, at 10 a.m. Those wishing to go may sign up at the office or call 676- 9030. Bring a brown bag lunch. Tickets for the afghan raffle are available in the senior center office. Proceeds will be used to buy much needed new aprons for the use of the cooks and servers. Dates to remember are as follows: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. exercise; Wednesday, 11 a.m., blood pressures taken, 12 noon, senior meal; Friday, 8-10:30 a.m., breakfast, 2 p.m., cards; Saturday, 10 a.m., bus trip; Sunday, 7 p.m. movie. Elsie Huston, one of the tenants at the Senior Center had the misfortune of falling on the steps to the side door Sunday evening. She spent the night at Pioneer Hospital and was transferred to Hermiston Monday morning. Fortunately her hip was not broken as was thought. She was returned home by Lester and Joyce Grasser Monday Claudia Hughes visits with Oregon Secretary of State Phil Keisling afternoon. last Wednesday. Keisling was in Heppner, where he attended a break­ fast and discussed vote by mail and other voting and election issues. 4-H members chosen ambassadors More than 100 Oregon 4-H members from throughout the state have been selected for the 1997 4-H Ambassador program. Participation in the Ambassador program is one of the highest honors a 4-H member can earn, according to Duane Johnson, Oregon State University Extension 4-H youth development specialist. "To become an ambassador, 4- H members must undergo a rigorous review of their accomplishments in 4-H and in community and school activities," Johnson said. Two Morrow County 4-H members have been selected to participate in the Ambassador program. Jessica Krebs of lone, daughter of Clint and Maureen Krebs, and Kristi Worden, Heppner, daughter of Bob and Pam Worden have both been outstanding 4-H members in our county, said Johnson. Ambassadors fill an important function for the OSU Extension 4-H Youth Program, Johnson said. They promote the OSU Extension 4-H programs throughout the state and participate in a variety of state, county and local activities. Included among those activities are giving talks about 4-H to community groups, setting up 4- H displays in stores and shopping centers, promoting 4-H activities on radio and television talk shows and recruiting new 4-H members. In addition, the ambassadors train 4-H leaders and members, and provide leadership for 4-H educational programs at the county and state level. The new ambassadors will learn St. Patrick's Senior Center _______ Bulletin Board_______ Phil Keisling visits Heppner Coming Soon... 400. Michael McCabe placed second in the softball throw (183'2"). Travis Bellamy followed him with a third place in the shot put. Kyle Waterland was third in the 200 with a time of 30.81. Penland has been postponed. The potluck will be rescheduled later. Klamath!^ st Federal We’re here to stay! Coming to the Heppner community in July 1997 In mid-July, Klamath First Federal will be the proud new owners of the Heppner Wells Fargo office. We are a community-oriented finan­ cial institution that has been doing business in Oregon since 1934, and we look forward to serving Heppner and surrounding areas. SOME OF THE SERVICES WE WILL BE OFFERING INCLUDE: - Business an d Personal Checking Accounts - Business and C onsum er Loans We Have GIFTS For The GRADUATES... Clocks Charms Watches Necklaces I.D. Bracelets Black Hills Gold St. Christopher Medals - H om e Loans to build, buy, rem odel, o r refinance - Equity Lines o f Credit • S '/ X - Statew ide ATM Access | Jewel ere - Savings Accounts, CDs, and IRA Accounts - Visa® D ebit/C heck G uarantee - M em ber FDIC - 33-Branch N etw ork in O regon If y o u h a v e a n y q u e s tio n s We d Be Honored to answer them. 1 (800) 285*0116 r u ttM /