Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 7,1997 - FIVE PUBLIC NOTICE Wranglers Riding Club hold playdays MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY The Wranglers Riding Club PLANNING COM M ISSION held their first playday Sunday, will hold the following hearings April 20. Results are as follows: of public interest on Monday, Stickhorse race: first Taylor May 19,1997, at 7:30 p.m. at the Parks, second Garrett Robinson, Public Works Building on State third Mary Rietmann, fourth Jus­ Highway 74 in Lexington, Or­ tin Pranger. egon: Leadline: barrels-first Taighler Second o f three hearings to Dougherty, second Willy Gentry, amend Zoning Text of the Air- third Hannah Jones, fourth Kade port/Industnal (AJ) Zone, Section Mader; poles-Taighler Dough­ 3.071(2) to include: “(b) Other erty, Colby Green, W illy Gentry, industrial uses which shall not Devin Robinson; figure 8-Devin have any more detrimental effect Robinson, Kade Mader, Justin upon the adjoining areas than the Pranger, Willy Gentry. buildings and uses listed above”; Six and under: barrels-first Port of Morrow, applicant. Crite­ Lane Bailey, second Whitney ria for approval includes Section Matthews, thjrd Quinn Mader, 3.071 and ARTICLE 8 o f the fourth Joe Pranger; poles-Lane Morrow County Zoning Ordi­ Bailey, Whitney Matthews, Joe nance. Pranger, Quinn Mader; figure 8- First of three public hearings Whitney Matthews, Lane Bailey, on Conditional Use Permit Appli­ Joe Pranger, Quinn Mader. cation No. S-105 and an Amend­ 7-8 year olds: barrels-first ment to the Comprehensive Plan: Jamie Westburg, second Regina Morrow County, Guy VanArs- Seitz, third Knstel Temple, fourth dale, applicant; Brian Thompson, Emily Rietmann; poles-Jamie owner. Property is described as Westburg, Kristel Temple, Emily tax lot 900 of Assessor’s Map 4S Rietmann, Regina Seitz; figure 8- 27, located southeast of the inter­ Jamie Westburg, Kristel Temple, section o f A rchie Ball and Brent Parks, Emily Rietmann. Lunceford Roads, approximately 9-11 year olds: barrels-first nine miles southeast of Heppner. Lacey D avis, second Jenny Application is to allow the opera­ Griffith, third Madison Bailey, tion of the rock crusher and stock­ fourth Jessica Westburg; poles- piling o f crushed rock for the Madison Bailey, Lacey Davis, County Public Works Depart­ Jessica Westburg, Jenny Griffith; ment. Request is also to add the figure 8-Madison Bailey, Lacey site to the Goal 5 aggregate in­ Davis, Jenny Griffith, Brandon ventory in the Comprehensive Seitz. Plan. Criteria for approval include 12-13 year olds: barrels-first Zoning O rdinance Section Tracy G riffith, second Sarah 6.050(9), and ARTICLE 8, and Eckm an, third B rett Barber, 215.298(2). fourth Katie Bacon; poles-Tracy Land Partitioning application Griffith, Sarah Echman, Kelsey No. LP-N-198: Donald and Sus- Greenup, Sibbea Jones; figure 8- anne Seggerman, applicants and Sibbea Jones, A shley Ward, owners by contract; Harold and Tracy Griffith, Kelsey Greenup. Beverly Bates, Trust, Susan J. 14-15 years olds: barrels-first Maul, Trustee, legal owners sell­ Krista Adams, second Lindsay ing on contract. Property is de­ Ward, third Jill Barber, fourth scribed as tax lot 103 o f Heather Davis; poles-Lmdsay Assessor’s Map 5N 27 21 A, lo­ Ward, Krista Adams, Jill Barber, cated on the north side of State Brooke Boyer; figure 8-Lindsay Highway 730, one-eighth mile Ward, Jill Barber, Tracy Rankin, west of Pleasant View Road (for­ Bobbie Rankin. merly County Line Road), ap­ 16 and over: barrels-first Jay- proximately two miles east of the lene Papineau, second Annie City of Imgon. The proposal is Hisler, third Anita Pranger, fourth to partition a 6.57 acre parcel into Tern Gentry; poles-Annie Hisler, two parcels larger than the one Anita Pranger, Terri Gentry, acre minimum lot size of the Ru­ Donna Rietmann; figure 8-Annie ral Residential One Acre (RR-1) Hisler, Jaylene Papineau, Terri Zone. Criteria for approval in­ Gentry, Anita Pranger. clude Subdivision Ordinance Sec­ The club held their second tions 5.020 and 5.030. Conditional Use Permit Appli­ playday on April 27. Results are cation S-106 and Land Partition as follows: Stickhorse race: first Willy Application No. LP-S-199: HM Ranch, DBA, Robert Mahoney, Gentry; second Justin Pranger; applicant and owner. Property is third Mary Rietmann; fourth described as tax lot 1300 of Garrett Gibbs. Leadline: barrels-first Taighler Assessor’s Map 4S 26 17, located Dougherty, second Willy Gentry, on the northeast side of State third Donald Matthews, fourth Highway 207, approximately 4- Brent Eckman; poles-Taighler 1/2 miles south of Ruggs. The Dougherty, Willy Gentry, Kade proposal is to partition the exist­ Mader, Donald Matthews; key- ing home, barn, shop, pump hole-Brent Eckman, Kade Mader, house and storage shed out of the 765.80 parcel, creating a “non­ Taighler Dougherty, Willy Gen­ farm dwelling” parcel in the Ex­ try- Six and under: barrels-first clusive FArm Use (EFU) Zone. Whitney Matthews, second Lane Criteria for approval include Sub­ Bailey, third Quinn Mader, fourth division O rdinance Sections Joseph Pranger; poles-L ane 5.020, 5.030 and Zoning Ordi­ B ailey, W hitney M atthew s, nance Sections 3.010 and 6.050, Brynna Rust, Quinn Mader; key- and O regon A dm inistrative hole-Whitney Matthews, Lane Rules. Application for a Hardship Bailey, Brynna Rust, Joseph Variance by Arless Faye Seitz to Pranger. Seven and eight year olds: bar­ allow the siting of a second dwell­ ing on Tax Lot 2401 (39.62 acres) rels-first Jamie Westburg, second of Assessor’s Map 3S 26 20 in an Emily Rietmann, third D non Donner, fourth Kristel Temple; Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) Zone. poles-Jamie Westburg, Kristel This parcel is located at the north­ Tem ple, Brent Parks, D rion west intersection of State High­ Donner; keyhole-Jam ie way 207 and Clarks Canyon Westburg, Kristel Temple, Drion Road, approximately six miles Donner, Brent Parks. southwest of the City of Heppner. Nine through eleven year olds: Criteria for approval includes barrels-first Madison Bailey, sec­ zoning Ordinance ARTICLE 7, ond Jenny Griffith, third Lacey Section 7.020(B)(1) (2). Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above propos­ als or to ask questions will be pro­ vided. Failure to raise specific is­ Kool Kitchen Kids sues at this hearing precludes ap­ By Kylee Disque, reporter peal to the Land Use Board of On March 2, the Kool Kitchen Appeals based on those issues. Kids met at Jannie Allen’s old Copies of the staff report and classroom. The intermediate kids all relevant documents will be talked to members about the available after May 9, 1997. For things people can do in 4-H. more information, please contact Members can enter cookies and the Morrow County Planning should always be sure to have Department at 922-4624 or 676- extra cookies in case they win 9061, ext. 49. because they would have to send DATED THIS 7th day of Ma> them to state fair. 4-Hers can go 1997. MORROW COUNTY PLAN­ to camp, have a scrapbook or do a interview. See how fun 4-H can NING DEPARTMENT be! Published: May 7, 1997 The next meeting will probably Aflid be in April. 4-H News Student art on Davis, fourth Chantea McCauley; poles-M adison Bailey, Lacey Davis, Jenny Griffith, Chantea M cCauley; keyhole-M adison Bailey, Jessica Westburg, Lacey Davis, Chantea McCauley. Twelve and thirteen year olds: barrels-first Tracey Griffith, sec­ ond Brett Barber, third Kelsey Greenup, fourth Meghan Bailey; poles-Tracy Griffith, Brett Bar­ ber, Kelsey Greenup, Nicole Wil­ son; k eyhole-B rett B arber, Meghan Bailey, Tracy Griffith, Nicole Wilson. Fourteen and fifteen year olds: barrels-first Kathleen Greenup, second H eather D avis, third Bobbie Rankin, fourth Brooke Boyer; p o les-Jill B arber, K athleen G reenup, H eather Davis, Tracy Rankin; keyhole-Jill Barber, Tracy Rankin, Kathleen Greenup, Bobbie Rankin. Sixteen and over: barrels-first Terri G entry, second Anita Pranger, third Jaylene Papineau, fourth Mary Westburg; poles- Anita Pranger, Terri Gentry, Jaylene Papineau, Sue Gibbs, keyhole-A nita Pranger, Terri G entry, D ebora Parks, Dick Temple. Centennial Exchange students: barrels-first Amber Holcombe, second Lisa Hart, third Joe Ciseta, fourth Danielle White; poles-Am­ ber Holcombe, Danny Ward, Joe Ciseta, Lisa Hart; keyhole-Danny Ward, Joe Ciseta, Lisa Hart, Danielle White. display at BMCC A variety o f student art projects will be on display during the 1997 Blue Mountain Community College Student Art Show. The show opens in the Betty Feves Memorial Gallery Monday, May 5, and runs through,June 2 In years past the show has included more than 100 works in several different mediums including photography, painting and ceramics. Judging is May 9 at 3 p.m. by gallery board members. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from noon to 4 p.m. . Father William Green and son Colby ride during Wrartgers' playday. We Print FAX Business Cards Gazette-Times Send or Receive Gazette-Times 676-9228 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING FORM LB-1 . I I Republication . Board of Directors A m eeting ol t h e ______________________________________________ Q a m at Z l D.O. Op m ig a t ___ Lone ^ May 29 .w ill be held on 97 1 9 ____ . « , » ob , i City Hall, lone, OR H ip fiscal year beginning July l, 19 (J 7 as opprovod by tho The purpose of this m eeting is to discuss the budgei for .1 QTKJ— 1?Q X I n g to t) (/CfflC t O r y ____ A sum mary ol the budqel is presented below A copy ol the budget may be inspected or obtained al Budgot CommiMon 305 7. 2n d. ^ > t .____ lone, Oregon . between the hours o l . 6 AM_and_3 PM .. This certifies that the budget The club held its third playday on Sunday, May 4. Results are as wns prepared on a basis o! accounting that is in co n siste n t O n o t consistent with the basis ol accounting used during the preceding year follows: Maior changes, it any, and their eflect on the budget, are explained below Stickhorse race-first Devin 5T i ^ 4 2 7 -7 4 4 ; Ione-Lexington 5-5-97 Morrow Robinson, second Willy Gentry, third Mary Rietmann, fourth Jus- 1 F IN A N C IA L S U M M A R Y tin Pranger. A dopted Budget A pproved Budget TO TAL OF ALL-FUNDS Leadline: barrels-first Willy This Year— 1 9 ? ° - t 9 v ' Next Year— t9 y ' - I 9 y ü G entry, second T aig h ler 1 4 .2 0 0 .0 0 1 Total Personal Services ............................ i ............. 1 4 ,2 5 0 .0 0 D ougherty, third D onald 7 Total Material and S ervices.................................................. 9 ,7 0 0 .0 0 1 0 .3 3 5 .0 0 3 Total Capital Outlay ...................................................... '4 9 ,9 3 1 .2 5 3 8 .5 1 3 .2 5 Matthews, fourth Kade Mader; 4 Total Debt Service ................................... Anticipated poles-Taighler Dougherty, Willy 6 ,1 5 8 .0 0 5 Total Transfers ......................................... 4 .3 0 5 .0 0 Requirements Gentry, Devin Robinson, Kade 1 ,0 0 0 .0 0 6 Total Cnntingencies 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 Mader; ribbon race-Willy Gentry, 7 Total Ail Other Expenditures and Requirements 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 7 0 0 .0 0 B Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance Devin Robinson, Mary Rietmann, 9 Total Requirement» — add lines t through 6 , , 7 2 , 0 3 9 . 2 5 6 9 . 0 5 5.¿ 5 Jared Gorham. 4 5 ,0 2 1 .^ 5 4 4 . 3 1 3 . ..5 10 Total Resources Except Property Taxes.......... Anticipated Six and under: barrels-first 2 4 .7 4 0 .0 0 2 7 .0 1 8 .0 0 11 Total Properly Taxes Required to Balance Budget Resources Lane Bailey, second W hitney 7 2 .0 3 9 .2 5 12 Total Resources — add lm«s 10 and 11 ........................... 6 9 .0 5 5 .2 5 Matthews, third Brynna Rust, 2 7 .0 1 8 .0 0 2 4 .7 4 0 .0 0 13 Total Property Taxes Required to Balance Budget (tine 11) 14 Plus Estimated Property Taxes Not to be Received fourth Quinn Mader; poles-Lane Anticipated 4 .3 9 0 .0 0 1 5 0.00 A Loss Due to Constitutional L im its ................................. Tax Levy Bailey Whitney Matthews, Quinn 1 .1 0 0 .0 0 1 .3 5 1 .0 0 B Discounts Allowed. Other Uncollected Amounts Mader, Joe Pranger; ribbon race- 15 Total Tax Levy — add lines 13 and 14 3 0 .2 3 0 .0 0 | 2 8 .5 1 9 .0 0 Lane Bailey. Whitney Matthews, 3 0 .2 3 0 .0 0 2 8 .5 1 9 .0 0 16 Levy Within the Tax Base Quinn Mader, Brynna Rust. Tax Levies 18 Serial and Continuing Levies Seven and eight year olds: bar­ By Type 19 Levy for Payment ol Bonded Debt ................................. rels-first Jamie Westburg, second 3 0 .¿ 5 o .d o 2 8 .5 1 9 .0 0 20. Total ol lines lfi Uvougti 19 (eauais line l s i ....................... Brent Parks, third Em ily STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Rietmann, fourth Knstel Temple; Debt Outstanding Debt Authorized. Not Incurred poles-Jamie Westburg, Kristel □ None □ As Summarized □ As Summarized B None Temple, Drion Donner, Regi FUNDS NOT REQUIRING Seitz; ribbon race-Jam ie IRM A PROPERTY TAX TO BE LEVIED Westburg, Drion Donner, Emily B-2 Rietmann, Jake Van Doom. I I Republicano» hsh ONLY com pleted por’ion ot this page Total A nticipated R equirem ents m u e t eq u a l Total Resources Nine through eleven year olds: barrels-first Madison Bailey, sec­ N a m e o l A pp rove d Budget A do pted Budget Actual Data P E R l'E T U A L CARE Next Year 9 7 - 9 Ö T h i s Y ear 9 6 - 9 7 L a s t Year 9 5 -9 6 ond Jenny Griffith, third Jessica F u n d Westburg, fourth Brandon Seitz; 1 T o ta l P e r s o n a l S e r v ic e s poles-Madison Bailey, Jessica 2 T o ta l M a te r ia ls a n d S e r v ic e s 2 1 .1 5 8 .2 5 21 .25B .2 5 Westburg, Brandon Seitz, Jenny 3 T o ta l C a p ita l O u tla y G riffith; ring race-Jessica 4 T o ta l D e b t S e r v ic e Westburg, Jenny Griffith, Rory Kilkenny, Chantea Macauley. ------------ 2 0 , 9 5 9 . ' 5 0 ' “ 7 T o ta l A ll O th e r E x p e n d itu r e s a n d R e q u ir e m e n t s 12-13 year olds: barrels-first 2 1 , 2 5 b . t-5 21 , 1 5 b • 2 5 ----------- Tracy Griffith, second Meghan 21 , 2 5 b . ¿ 5 ----------- b'Lr— -------- 2 1 . 1 5 « . 2 5 ' " 10 T o ta l R e s o u r c e s E x c e p t P r o p e r ty T a x e s Bailey, third Sarah Eckm an, A dopted Budget fourth Katie Bacon; poles-Tracy N a m e o( Actual Data This Year ( , 6 9 7 Fund E Q U IP M E N T R E iiü R V Ü n . . r r ’s w Last Year 95-96 Griffith, Sarah Eckman, Brett Barber, Ashley Ward; ring race- Brett Barber, Donald Adams, 1 7 ,2 5 5 .0 " 1b, Î O . W -------------- 7 . 3 2 Z . Z 5 — 3 T o ta l C a p ita l O u tla y Brian Rust, Meghan Bailey. 4 T o ta l D e b t S e rv ic e 14-15 year olds: barrels-first 5 T o ta l T r a n s fe r s Kathleen Greenup, second Jill 6 T o ta l C o n tin g e n c ie s Barber, third Lindsay W ard, 7 T o ta l A ll O th e r E x p e n d itu r e s a n d R e q u ir e m e n ts fourth Bobbie Rankin; poles- 1 nc .to 1 8 . 7 ' [5-Q U 1 7 . ^ 5 5 fifl 9 T o ta l R e q u ir e m e n ts Kathleen Greenup, split second • 00 i d ; ) 10 T o ta l R e s o u r c e s E x c e o l P ro p e r ty T a x e s and third Lindsay Ward, Bobbie Rankin, Jill Barber; ring race- FUNDS REQUIRING A FORM Bobbie R ankin, K athleen PROPERTY TA){ TO BE LEVIED LB-3 Greenup, Lindsay Ward, Jill Bar­ ber. Publish ONLY com pleted portion ol this page __________________________________________________________________ [ _ j Republican 16 and over: barrels-first Anita GENERAL A d o p te d B u d g e t A p p ro v e d B u d g e i A c tu a l D a ta Pranger, second Terri Gentry, F N u a n m d e o f N ext Y ear 9 7 -9 0 T h is Y e a r 9 6 - 9 7 Last Year 9 5 - 9 6 third N ancy G orham , fourth 1 4 ,2 0 0 .0 0 1 4 ,2 5 0 .0 0 1 2 ,9 5 9 .3 8 Sam arra Silva; poles-A nita 1 Total Personal Services 9.7Ö Ö .Ö Ö 1 0 , 5 5 5 . OU 97710730 2 Total M aterials and Services Pranger, Terri Gentry, Debra 3 Total Capital Outlay Parks, Dick Temple; ring race- 4 Total Dabi Service Nancy Gorham, Debra Parks, b ,1 5 b .U 0 4 ,3 0 5 .'X T ' 5 , 7 8 5 . uO 5 Total Translers Ken Bailey, Bill Green. 1 n rw . n n 1 , o t ifi n n 6 Total C ontingencies The fourth and final playday 7 Total All Other Expenditures and Requirem ents 7 » n i) n 1 , not 1 on 7 0 0 .0 0 8 Total U nappropriated or Ending Fund Balance will be held Sunday, May 11. A 3? j 1 OA o n 9 0 ' Í 3 R O ft 3 0 , 5 4 0 . Oi . 9 Total R equirem ents Mother’s Day barbecue will be­ 0 9 0 .n o 3 ,n i3 7« 5 ,8 0 0 .0 0 tO Total Resources Except Property Taxes gin at 12 noon, followed by the ? c ;'4 5 Í 3n v i ¡m n .n o 24 . 7 4 0 . i X j I t Total Prop Taxes Received/R equirod lo Balande playday at 1 p.m. Awards will be 3 j> |in n nn 9Ó' rin 3 0 .5 1 0 .0 L l? Total R esources (add lines 10 and 11) ................ 2 7 ro m .o o 2 4 .7 4 0 .0 0 13 Property Taxes Requ«red to Balance (from line 11) presented after the playday. P |S " « # I Covjrtfy C .ty D a ta C f y * 'P * te o o o« O o v # r n m a B o d y T U T W J / ^ T A a o i> A 0 For more information, call Janet Greenup, president, at 676- 5822, Terra Adams, vice presi­ dent, 676-5819, Judy Barber, treasurer, 676-5037, or Judy Eckman, secretary, 989-8498. 14 Estim ated Property Taxes Not lo be Received A Loss Due to C onstitutional Limit B Discounts Other Uncollected Amounts 15 Total Tax Levy (add lines 13 and 14) 16 Levy W ithin ihe Tax Base .......................... 1 5 0 .0 1 ,3 5 1 .0 2 8 ,5 1 9 .0 2 8 .5 1 9 .0 0 0 0 0 4 .3 9 0 .0 0 1 . 1 0 0 . OU 3 0 .2 3 0 .0 0 3 0 .2 3 0 .0 0 17 One-Year Levy Outside the Tax Base 16 Serial and C ontinuing Levies Published: May 7, 1997 Affid