Heppner Gazette-Tim es, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 26, 1997 - SEVEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY O NLY $6.00 PEP WEEK Call the Gazette-Times: 676-9228, or FAX 676-92*11 START your own carpet cleaning business Truck mounted carpet cleaning machines Includes vans, training tools E-Z monthly payments Enc/Sleve (503)281-0550 We will finance you Statewide Classifieds Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon for only $200!* Contact Heppner Gazette-Times •Contract rate discounts available upon request Oregon Classified Advertising Network A service o f Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Week of March 23. 1997 Equity/Loans/Financial ALL cash! Receiving payments on a mortgage? Why wait? Best prices paid nationwide, plus we pay transfer costs Sell all/part. Purchase Equity Investors, 1-800-999-9*92. MO MONEY, Mo Money. Receiving payments from real estate sold, annuity, lottery winnings? Nobody pays more for cash flows. Well prove it! Foss Companies. 1-800-275-6197 CASH quick! Are you receiving payments from real estate you've sold or from an insurance settlement, or annuity'’ Sell your remaining payments for cash Highest prices. Choice Finance 1-800-477-9561, ext. 12. OREGON mountain woods 2 3 acne Klamath Falls. Old 2nd growth pines, meadows, maintained road $8,000 cash. $90 down $88 monthly OWC 1-541-858-4050 HOMES for pennies on the $1. Thousands of government foreclosed and repossessed properties being liquidated this month! For lists in your area call toll fiee. 1-800-396-4247, exL 1395 GOVERNMENT foreclosed homes Pennies on the $1. No money down government loans available. Local listings/ directory. Toll free 1-800-669-2292, ext H-4017 Personals FAST cash Real estate loans, trust deeds, balloon payments, structured settlements, lottery winnings, contracts, foreclosures, injury claims, inheritances, good or had credit (503) 223-9066, David Anderton. 1-800-845-4588 20/20 without glasses! Safe, rapid norv-surgical. permanent restoration in 6-8 weeks Airline pilot developed Doctor approved Free information by mail: 1-800-422-7320, ext 232. (406) 961-5570 Fax(406)961-5577, http://www visionftecdom com Satisfaction guaranteed BANK turned you down? Private parties will loan on real estate equity. Easy qualifying, credit no problem Approval over the phone. Oregon Land Mortgage I -800-922-4422 Help Wanted CASH quickly! If you're receiving payments on real estate you've sold, well buy the remaining payments for cash! "Nobody beats our prices." No fees! [jceraed/bonded1 Buschur Mortgage. 1-800- 776-8750 CASH for all or part of the payments you're receiving on real estate you've sold. Fifteen years of satisfied customers! Competitive quotes. 1-800- 678-5653 Olympic Mortgage. CASH immediate for structured settlements and deferred insurance claims. J.O Wentworth, 1-800- 386-3582 Driver STOP! Covenant drivers earn lots of money Excited yet? As a Covenant team, be one of those that makes money and gets the most miles Call today Covenant Transport Experienced drivers and owner operator teams Call, 1 -800-441 -4394 DRIVERS- Flatbed 4* state OTR Assigned new conventional, competitive pay, benefits. $1,000 sign on bonus. Rider program, flexible time off Call Roatktmner Trucking 1-800-876-7784. LICENSED life and health agent needed. Quality products, high commissions with advance before issue, and benefits Must qualify for advances and benefits Call: 1-800-252-2581 SENIORS - Need cash or monthly income? Reverse mortgage loans can be used for either, with no monthly payments FHA approved. Call Lynn Weitzler, 1-800-643-6610, ext 9 or (503) 526-1331. TYPISTS, PC users needed Great income potential Call 1-800-513-4343, ext. BI095 CANT afford the home you need? Get more home for your money with minimal downpayment. Complete financing if qualified DeGeorge Home Alliance. 1-800-343-2884 AN AMAZING opportunity Coke, Frito Lay. Nabisco. Great local routes Excellent earning potential For free information call, 1-800-321- 7690 Minimum investment $3,500 Real Estate ATT-MCI-Sprint: Pre-paid phone cards local routes for sale. 126 prime locations. Net $20, 160 monthly potential. 1-800-652-1466 (24 hours). IDAHO ranch bargain. 56.5 acres - $44,900. Spectacular mountain acreage with 60 mile views overlooking Salmon River Minutes to Hells Canyon recreation area and millions of acres of national forest End of road privacy with electric. Surveyed warranty deed, excellent financing. Call owner (208) 839-2501. Business Opportunities DONT Invest in just one business Free cassettes reveal 38 exciting businesses that are far more inexpensive than many individual opportunities Call 1-800-343-8014, ext 8194 DEVIN OIL CO., INC Monitor Stoves Building Materials 676-9228 O il Products MAW Pole Buildings 20,x30'xl0‘ $2,908 24'x36'x I O' $3746. 30'x4S'xl0' $5.32*. 40'x60'xl0' $7.765. 50'x72'xl0' $10.565 F O B Kit prices Many other sizes Kits or built Engineering Financing Free Brochure 1-800- 547-1714 WEB steel buildings When quality matters call the best steel trussed building manufacturer in I he Northwest Complete packages for all uses Free brochure! C all 1-800-782-7742 STEEL buildings sale 30x40x10. $4.850. 40x60x14, $8,688; 50x75x14, $12.256; 50x100x16. $16.368; 60x100x16, $18.598 Mini-storage buildings. 30x100, 20 units. $9,692 Free brochures Sentinel Buildings. 1-800-327- 0790. extension, 79 Chevron Products 676-9633 M O R R O W COONT Y GRAIN GROWERS WE DELIVER D ionc I "Propane ''G asoline 1 800 452 7396 DIABETICS ( using insulin). Medicare pays for your supplies. We hill them, ship to you Save money Satisfaction guaranteed 1-800-633-2001 No HMO members Mention » 271511 RESPIRATORY problems? Paying for medications? Why? Do you use Albuterol (Proventil. Ventolin), Ipratropium (Atrovent). Metaproterenol (Alupent). or nebulizer medications? Call Express Med 1-800-678-5733. Mise, for Sale GULF Pacific Cattle Company complete liquidation 190 Angus hulls. 500 Angus females plus $500,000 in farm and ranch equipment Call for catalog (208) 642-9873 H EPPN ER AUTO PARTS 148 East Center, Heppner Automobile Service Dependable A u to Service V alve G rinding The Heppner High School jun­ ior class would like to thank ev­ eryone who participated and helped in the Snack Shack at Thompson's Ranch during the St. Patrick’s Celebration. A special thanks to Joan McDaniel and Jerry Healy, for all their hard work and dedication. 3-26-lc WOLFF Tanning Beds Tan at home Buy direct and save! Commercial home units from $199 Low monthly payments Free color catalog Call today. 1-800-842-1310. DISCOUNT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING One call, one low price, statewide coverage If you desire statewide, multi-state or national advertising coverage without paying full retail price or without having to call everv newspaper individually. Our directory of statewide advertising organizations is the answer For more information or to order your copy o f Newspaper Classified Advertising Networks call 1-800-980-8977 24 hours 213 Linden Way • 6 7 6 -9 9 4 6 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Insurance P loyhar I nsurance Life * Health * Auto Thank you, donors and bidders, from the St. Pat’s Auction Com­ mittee, for ensuring that the St. Pat’s Celebration will recur, the South Morrow County Scholar­ ship Fund will receive our dona­ tion, and another community project will benefit from the auction’s success! Once again, private citizens and Heppner businesses have helped to guarantee a successful week­ end auction. We continue to be impressed by individuals who can find at least one more item of value to give and business owners who make room in their budgets for one more donation to a worthwhile event. We join our donors in al­ ways hoping for strong bids on their items. To the bidders looking for good buys and the bidders especially interested in supporting the week- \iiend, we also extend our thanks. We appreciate your support while you are enjoying some bargain hunting. We arc now examining the auc­ tion, planning ways to improve it. HELP W A N TED C olum bia Basin E lectric Cooperative, Inc. has an open­ ing for secretary-receptionist- cashier (male/female) at their Heppner office. Position has con­ tact with general public, so must possess good public relations and telephone skills. Must have a high school diploma/GED. Requirements consist of good computer skills, oral/written com­ munication skills and office expe­ rience, handling cash, be able to type and operate a 10-key calcu­ lator. Non-smoking facility. Ran­ dom drug/alcohol tests. Written applications or resumes will be accepted at the Heppner office through March 31,1997. No telephone applications will be ac­ cepted. Contact Karen Hague- wood or Jerry Healy at the Hepp­ ner office, Box 398, Heppner, OR 97836. Columbia Basin Cooperative, Inc. does not discriminate on the "91 Oldsmobile Calais No back payments due. no contract to assume Need reliable party to make small monthly payments Auto-Bank. 1- 800-454-9242. , Heritage Land Co. 3 Home Chiropractor Floyd A. Turnbull, D.C. 128 W est Willow Heppner 676-5141 Tuesdays 2-5 p.m. 5-7 p.m. by appointment Optometry R o b e rt D . R o le n , O .D . Eye Health & Tuesdays 9 a m to 5 P m by appointment V ision C a rp Electrical Supplies LOTT’S ELECTRIC 6 7 6 -5 8 1 1 • E le c tric a l Supplies • REAL ESTATE « □ ALTO* * . * 127 N orth M ain • H eppner, Ore. • 676-5818 128 West Willow Heppner, OR 676-9465 Automobiles Morrow County Health Dis­ trict is now accepting applications for a Maintenance I position. Ap­ plicant must have one year mini­ mum maintenance experience with preference to experience in health care setting. Knowledge of hospital equipment maintenance and repair, plumbing, electrical, lawn care and carpentry work preferred. Must have valid Or­ egon driver’s license, work week­ ends and be able to work with minimum supervision. To apply, submit resume and application to Gary Nolan, Envi­ ronmental Services Director; Pio­ neer Memorial Hospital, 564 E. Pioneer Dr.; P.O. Box 9; Hepp­ ner, OR 97836. Applications avail­ able at the hospital business of­ fice or by calling (541 ) 676-9133. The Morrow County Health District is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing equal employment opportunités to all statuses protected by law. 3-19-2c Thank you all, so very much. I’ve been so overwhelmed. Spe­ cial thanks to those who know and many thanks to my family and the community. You’ve all been so nice. Sen- Ka-C. • E n gin e R ebuilding • basis of race, color, national ori­ gin, sex, religion, age or handicap. 3-12-3c “Friends” With flowers and cards and jelly beans too, I’m sending my many thanks to all of you, Those who called Those who prayed Those who had just cared. With having the friends like you! Makes my days and nights not as blue. My recovery will take time, but with friends like you, I’ll be fine. 989 8221 Auto Parts 'w huipioi 180W Baltimore #5, Heppner 6 7 6 -5 0 4 9 FOUAi MOUSING ow m nn •25,000 -1 bdrm, 1 bath on quiet dead-end street Lots of charm. Needs some TLC. •200,000 - 12 acres m/1 seeded to alfalfa Four bdrms. 2 bath home with 2 wood fireplaces and 1 gas fireplace, family room ad­ dition with new windows •45,000 -1 1/2 acres of view lot in the city limits is divided into two tax lots Water and sewer avail­ able •26,000 - 2 bdrm, 1 bath large comer lot, one block from Main Street in commercial zone. Sharon Lewi* 676-5233 JoyceKay Hollomon 676-5542 RENTALS FOR RENT: One bedroom apartments available for senior citizens. St. Patrick’s Senior Apartments and Center, Hepp­ ner, OR 676-5241,676-5542. ____________________ 7-10-tfc One studio apartment for rent. Available April 1. $175.676-5857. Blue Spruce Apartments. 3-26-tfc N O T IC E S Morrow C ounty Public Works is sponsoring a flagging school on Tuesday, April 8,1997. There are only a few opening and they are on a first-come basis. You must be pre-registered to attend. For more information, call (541) 989-9500. 3-5-4c SERVICES Linoleum, carpet sales and installation, interior, exterior painting Free estimates. Call Tim Hedman, evenings, 676-9054. Licensed and bonded #78201. _____________________ 1-4-tfc Glo's Housekeeping Service For more info and free estimate, call 676-9810. ____________________ 3-20-tfc *Blu Blakeley Construction* Commercial and Residential 1-541-676-5722 Lie #89458 mobile home set-up * roofing painting * cement * windows siding * insulation * decks sheet rock * pole bams cabinet refacing or installation ____________________ 3-19-tfc Get on the Internet ( Includes software, setup, house call and personal teaching session. Call Matt Jepsen at 676-5244. ____________________ 2-26-5C LAWNMOWING AVAILABLE Experienced. References upon request. Call Scott VanWinkle at 676-5249. 3-26-2c ^ S S D ia m o n d ¿^APPLIANCES A sincere and heartfelt thank you to everyone. The phone calls, cards, food and genuine kindness during this sad time in our lives has meant the world to us. Stacey was so lucky to have grown and lived in a community with the warmth and kindness everyone has, and continues to give us. Thank you, The family of Stacey Lovgren _____________________3-26- lp *1 Ionic Mealing Oil 676-9123__________ Health & Nutrition You can be in 860,000 places at once! Please, be in touch with sugges­ tions or questions. And let me know if you want to work on the auction next year. Doris Brosnan _____________________3-26-lc 76-UnoCal Motor Oils W & T A l SA T R U T H SYSTEM DIRECT TV CABINETS Septic Service Roger Britt Septic Service Septic tanks pumped, residential and commercial Serving Morrow-Gilliam counties & surrounding areas 24 hour service • Licensed & Bonded • DEQ approved 676-5096 • Rt. 2, Box 2060 • Heppner # 37316 _______Speed rotor available • YOUR LOCAL SEPTIC SERVICE Miscellaneous ~~Crushed Rock For Sale 3 /4 ' minus • 1* minus • 3" base rock Clean fill material Can be picked up at pit or we will deliver Contact Roger Britt, 676-5096 In the Gazette-Times, your ad is read CARS A N D TRUCKS WRIGHT’S CHEV. INC. OLDSMOBILE SALES ANDSERVICE Our Customer Is Always #1 Contact: Bill Maclnnes Bill Maclnnes, Jr. or parts H.C. Wright Phone (541) 763-4175 Fossil, Oregon For Sale: 1980 Ford Fairmont. Good condition. $1295.676-9867. 3-26-4p For Sale: 1972 Ford F250 pickup with canopy. One owner. $750. 1964 camp trailer, 8’ x 10’, $500. Telephone 676-5563. 3-26-2p PETS A N D A N IM A LS “Desperately in need of a child to run with, a pickup to ride in”- smart brown on black Alsatian puppy. (541) 676-5253. 3-26-tfc HOME AND GARDEN GREAT WINDBREAK. WOODLOT, SHADE! i Hybrid poplars. Fast and hardy. 2-3’ .99 each; 3-5’ $1.49 each; 5-7’ $1.99 each. Quantity discounts available. Guaranteed to grow. Westwinds Nursery 1-800-867-7235 Rt. 1, Box 1920, Hermiston, OR 3-19-3c Mountain Glen Apartments Units Now A vailable Newly Remodeled 2 & 3 Bdrm Apartments * Rent based on income * Brand-new modem appliances * Brand-new laundry facilities Located behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner For waiting list and application, call 676-9232. TDD # I -800-545-1833 for hearing impaired. Equal Homing Opportunity % i — • ■— — W W — mm m n n « «" _ •