Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 05, 1997, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner. Oregon Wednesday, February 5, 1997 - FIVE
lone Cardinal girls soar to victory over Helix
By Kara Miller
The lone girls got rolling and
never slowed as they soared to a
victory over
Saturday, Feb. 1.
CardinaL Suzy Heideman had
13 points while sophomore Lama
Mathews was the big offensive
play er for the Grizzlies, making a
game-high 14 points
Senior night for lone also
meant a senior starting line-up,
The five senior girls,
Heideman, LaRee Anderson,
Stephanie Haguewood, Dawn
Boor and Kemmery Bumght all
started the game together and
ended it together
challenged the seniors by putting
them in positions they hadn't
play ed before
Suzy Heideman led the girls in
scoring, rebounds, and steals as
the point guard with 13,11 and
5 Dawn Boor and Stephanie
Haguewood played the posts
underneath the basket
Cardinals switched their offense
around as all the team members
got time on the court The girls
enjoyed the game and so did the
The win keeps the lone Lady
Cardinals tied for second place
with the Echo Lady Cougars in
the Big Sky East Girls Division
The two teams will meet for the
second and last time this Friday
in Echo The winner will go on to
district play-offs and the losers
will hang up their jerseys until
next y ear
lone Cardinals control
Blue D evils, 81-51
LaRee Anderson pus up a
shot against Helix.
IM S Cardinal
boys split
Lady Cardinals lose heartbreaker to Condon
Bv Kara Miller
lone was so close to holding on
to the number one position in Big
Sky East they could taste it.
But, at the end, the Lady
Cardinals were forced to foul and
the Blue Devils capitalized on it
to come out on top, 41-36,
Friday , Jan 31
The Lady Cardinals fought a
hard battle, as they held the lead
against the the Condon Lady
Blue Devils throughout the first
three quarters and the first four
minutes of the fourth lone
slowed the tempo of the game
and at the end of the first period,
the score was amazingly low—4-2
in lone's favor
Condon gained control of the
score in the second, but lone
managed to hold onto the lead,
leaving the court at halftime.
lone's post player, senior Suzy
Heideman, and Condon's post,
junior Margaret Schott, battled
against each other in the inside to
see who could score the most
Heideman came out the winner
with a game high 14 points while
Schott managed only eight But
Heideman couldn't hold off the
outside shots and neither could
the lone guards
pressure defense caused the
Cardinals' offease to turn the ball
over too many times in the final
Camie Bumght helped out the
Cardinal offense with 11 points
and five steals LaRee Anderson
led the Cardinals on the boards
with five Condon's offense was
put together by Schott on the
inside and Kacee Kennedy. Katie
McCoin and Shannon Durfey on
the outside.
In the fourth quarter, the Blue
Devils realized they had to turn
Suzy Heideman shoots over two Condon defenders.
on the heat and came out to tire
the Lady Cardinals The Devils
picked up their aggressive
defense and scrappy offense and
the Lady Cards just couldn't hold
on. Within the last minute, the
Cardinals sent the Devils to the
foul line five times The Blue
Devils were able to answer lone
fouls by making their free throws
rebounds and put-backs to place
themselves farther and farther
away from the Cardinals' reach
The Cardinals lost the the
game, 36-41, and their first place
position in the Big Sky East
lone Coach Dana
Heideman said. "All the girls
played their hearts out tonight.
Condon simply has wore depth
than we do."
IONE (36) Boor Anderson 1 0-0 2,
Haguewood I 0-0 2, K Burright 4 1-4 9,
Burright 2 4-6 9, C
Heideman 5 4-8 14, Totals 13 9-18 36.
CO NDO N (41) Nicholson, A Durfey 1
1-2 3, Selby 10-0 2, Kennedy 2 3-4 7,
McCoin 3 2-5 8, Shaffer 1 0-0 2. Barnett
Schott 3 0-0 6 Osterlund 3 0-1 6, M
Durfey 0 0-2 0 , S Duffey 2 2-3 7 Totals
16 8-17 41
Three-point goals-lone,
Anderson. B
Burright, Condon, S
Fouled out-lone, Anderson
Total fquls-lone 19, Condon ,19
Sad goodbye, but victory over the Helix G rizzlies
By Shelby Krebs
Brad Burright brings ball up the
court in the Jr High Condon game.
By Shelby Krebs
The lone Middle School Cardi­
nal boys split the weekend, win­
ning one game and losing one game.
Friday, Jan. 31, they hosted the
Condon Blue Devils and lost in a
close game, 41-37. The Cards re­
covered from that upset and beat
the Helix Grizzlies Saturday, Feb.
1, 65-51.
In Friday’s game, lone jumped
to a 13-6 lead at the end of the first
quarter, but then tapered off and
scored only one more basket be­
fore the half. They trailed Condon
by three entering the fourth quar­
Cory Bennetto led in the scoring
effort with 10 points, while Jeremy
Rietmann had eight; Brad Bumght
checked in with seven; Korey Mor­
gan, six; and Dustin Haguewood,
four. Morgan and Rietmann both
shot 100 percent from the free
throw line.
The Cardinals led the entire game
against Helix. Bennetto had a stel­
lar performance, scoring 22 points.
Adam McCabe and Morgan fol­
lowed him with 13 and 12 points,
Helix’s Parker had a great game,
with 22 points; he was followed
by Peterson, who had 18.
Kelly Morgan (34) shoots over
By Jeremy Rietmann
The lone Cardinals took control
of yet another game against the
Condon Blue Devils with a 81-51
victory. “It was much better than
our first league game and it was a
good win for us,” commented head
coach Del LaRue.
The Cardinals were lead by se­
nior Jon Garrett with 18 points. He
was five for five on the three-point
line. Junior Jake McElligott also had
an outstanding showing with 16
points and 12 rebounds. Senior
Luke Swanson made perhaps the
most exciting showing, with 14
H J H S sp o rts
dessert slated
The Hcppner Junior High School
sports dessert will be held
Tuesday, Feb 18, at 7 p m at the
Heppncr High School cafeteria
Allen, Swanson. Garrett (5). Morgan
H H S J.V. boys w in tw o
By Lonnie Rill
"We played a lot better this week
than we did last," was all that
coach Chuck Matteson had to say
after Hcppner High School Jvs
beat Pilot Rock and Sherman
County back to back this weekend
Friday night, Jan 31, was all
Jerid Eckman, who had 19 points
and gave the Mustangs another
Although both games were not
runaway s, the Mustange press lead
H H S freshm en lose to Spray
By Lonnie Rill
Hcppner High School freshmen
had a rough time with Spray
Monday night, February 3, losing
Spray came out in a 2-3 zone
defense that shut down Hcppner’s
Spray also had 20
blocked shots during the game
It was a sad good-bye to the
eight senior boys from lone High
School as they played their last
home game of their high school
career. Steve Allen, Luke Swanson,
Jon Garrett, Joe Bacon, Jory Crow­
ell, Kelly Morgan, Randy Scott and
Jacob Taylor suited up to take on
the Helix Grizzlies Saturday, Feb.
1, and won 72-39.
The Cardinals got off to a good
start, scoring 23 points in the first
quarter. They then picked up the
pace and led 42-24 at the half. Third
quarter action saw Jake McElligott
Condon defender. No 20 is Jake score eight points for the Cards.
McElligott finished the game with
points and an amazing tw o-handed 14 points.
Swanson led the Cardinals with
stuff. Other scorers included Kelly
Morgan and Joe Bacon with nine 16 points, five rebounds and five
apiece; Steve Allen, five; Mark assists. Garrett had 13 points, in­
McElligott, four; and Marc Orem cluding three three-pointers. Mor­
gan pulled down 10 boards for lone,
and Jory Crowell with two each.
Box score lone-M McElligott 1 1-2 4,
while Taylor had six.
Allen 2 0-3 5. Swanson 6 1-2 14; J McEl-
Head coach Del LaRue com­
ligott 7 2-5 16. Garrett 6 1-1 18, Bacon 3
mented that “it was a good time
2-2 9. Orem 1 0-0 2; Crowell 0 2-2 2, Mor­
gan 4 0-0 9. Gribskov 1 0-0 2; Scott; Tay­
for the seniors who finished their
lor Totals: 31 9-17 81
careers by never losing a league
Condon-Jack Smith 0 0-2 0; McHaney
game at home in four years. It also
2 3-6 7; C Stinchfield 1 2-3 4; Weimar 0 1-
clinched our spot in the district
4 1; Camine 12 7-11 31; E Nelson 1 2-2 4;
Myers 0 4-6 4; Olsen. Shannon, S. Nelson;
tournament.” LaRue also added he
A Stinchfield, Jody Smith; J Lathrop
was “pleased with the strong ef­
Totals 16 19-34 51
Three-point goals lone-M McElligott,
fort of everyone.”
Although Heppncr scrapped in the
second and third quarters they
were still held to 31 points
"They were a taller and more
mature team than we were, and
they were only the second team
that we had seen to run a zone
defense against us," said coach
Greg Grant after the game "We
play with more heart than any
other C-team that I have coached,
development "
C-team player
Damn Ploy har said after the loss,"
We didn’t play our best, but
learned a lot about the game "
Michael Schonbachler led the
team with 10 points, and Clint
Bellamy had five
to turnovers, which lead to points,
which lead to wins. The Mustangs
also have their big men. Evans and
Burnside Eckman. the shooter on
the team can out-jump any body
Guard play is also a big thing for
the Mustangs Shane Mathcny and
Derick Gunderson, two floaters on
varsity, are fast and can jump
While Evans and Burnside were
working inside, Gunderson and
Matheny were shooting the Tn-
lone Card JVs
beat Condon
Box score lone-Rietmann 1 0-0 2; Allen
1 0-0 2. Swanson 7 0-0 16, McElligott 7 0-
0 14; Garrett 4 2-2 13, Bacon 1 0-0 2;
Orem 2 1-2 5; Crowell 2 2-4 6, Morgan 2 0-
1 4; Taylor 4 0-0 8, Scott Totals 31 5-9
Hellx-R Raymond 1 0-0 2; Ben Maney
7 2-5 16, Peters 4 7-9 15; T Raymond 1 0-
1 2; Kosey 1 2-2 4, C Peters 0 0-1 0.
W alker; Waley, Campbell. Bart Maney.
Smith; Patterson. Spratling Totals 14 11-
18 39
Three-point goals lone-Swanson (2),
Garrett (3) Fouled out: lone-Orem
H H S seniors
to raise funds
Hcppner High School's
senior class has 35 students that
are to graduate on May 31 The
class is having dinners at home
basketball games so that they can
raise money for their trip to
Disney land after graduation The
senior class also holds a raffle for
the hoop-shoot held during half
time of home games and a raffle
for the quilt and Blazers basketball
team tickets Many people have
supported the senior class
throughout the 96-97 season
Bv Kara Miller
Decimated by illness, the
Cards' JV squad had to borrow
Haguewood to put a team on the
floor to face the Condon Blue
Devils Friday afternoon. Jan 31
Bunigk had eight points while
Haguewood had 11, including a
three-pointer at the buzzer The
girls were able to play only three
Singspiration this month will be
quarters due to having too few
the Cardinals sponsored by the First Christian
Church in Heppncr on Sunday,
finished with the win, 26-16.
The JV team will face Echo at February 9, at 7 p m
This service is community wide
Echo next Friday afternoon, Feb
Jon Garrett goes high for a layin against Helix.
JV Mustangs girls squeak out win
B n M o IK Rhea
The JV Mustang girls needed
everv bit of their big first half lead
to win at Pilot Rock on Friday,
January 31 After leading by as
many as 12 points, the voting
squad squcakcu out the 41 -39 win
to jettison the Pilot Rock JVs
"This was a total team effort."
said coach Dana Reid of the w in
The Mustangs came out in a
press and quickly broke to the
lead After tnc first eight minutes
the Mustangs led 14-4. going into
the half their lead w as 26-18
Heppncr came out with a
pressure defense again in the third
and maintained most of their
Sophomore Kathleen
Greenup led the team with
controlled intensity that netted
nine points, four rebounds, four
steals and four assists
Singspiration at First Christian
and every body who would like to
attend is welcome to do so
Cookies, coffee and finger foods
will be served following the
Midway through the fourth
quarter. Greenup went out with an
ankle injury Pilot Rock attempted
to capitalize on her absence,
making a strong run on the
Hcppner frosh The young squad
just managed to jettison the
Rocket ship, holding out to win
Trisha Adams played a
strong game, finishing with nine
points, eight rebounds, two steals
and blocked a shot
Papincau had three blocked shots,
along with three points, six boards
and seven steals Kim Pointer
made five points, four rebounds,
two steals and blocked a shot
Macy Rhea made one point,
captured four rebounds ana four
Ashley Ropp came in to score six
points and chased down four
rebounds and three steals Abbv
Kahl had four points and a steal
Aleca Strousc hit a perfect two of
two from behind the foul line and
pulled down a rebound Leah
Denton also scored two points and
seized a rebound
Pilot Rock’s Rachel Greene led
all scorers with 15 and Tiffany
Copeland added 12 for the