• l ? „ K s i r &<■ ••' {A V • V .1 • » , .♦_• '*-• • - J*,- * ? ? V w.,, ' l# V V * ’ . •» t > ? i 1 •*, * X • -. j ^ 4 ■ » I Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner. Oreflon Wednesday. January 8, 1997 • SEVEN Statewide Classifieds Job Opportunities Contact: Heppner Gazette-Times 676-9228 •Contract rate discounts available upon request ( )rcgon Classified Advertising Network. A service o f Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association Week of January 6, 1996 Equity/Loans/Financial CASH quick! Sell your real estate contract, trust deed insurance settlement or annuity for cash. No fees, highest prices, free valuation. Choice Finance 1-800-477-9561. ext. 12. FAST cash Real estate loans, trust deeds, balloon payments structured settlements, lottery winnings, contracts, foreclosures, injury claims, inheritances, good or had credit. (503) 223-9066, David Vndcrton. I-XOO-X45-458X BANK turned vou down ’ Private parties will loan on real estate equity Easy qualifying, credit no problem Approval over the phone Oregon Land Mortgage I-800-922-4422. CASH quickly! If you're receiving payments on real estate you've sold, well buy the remaining payments tor cash! "Nobodv beats our prices." No fees! l icensed1 onded’ Buschur Mortgage 1-800- 776-X750 A BAJILUON dollars cash available for notes and DOTs. contracts, lotto payments and annuities Free quotes, free information, great prices Skip Foss. 1-800-637-3677. CASH for all or part of the payments you're receiving on real estate vou've sold Fifteen years of satisfied customers' Competitive quotes 1-800- 678-5653 Olympic Mortgage CASH Immediate cash for structured settlements and deferred insurance claims J. G. Wentworth. 1-800-386-3582 MONEY to loan Excellent credit or poor credit loans available for residential property. Competitive rates. Call John Davis toll free. 1- 800-373-2184. L & W Mortgage. Real Estate GOVERNMENT foreclosed homes, pennies on the $1 Repo's. VA. IR 'D. sheriff sales No money down, government loons available now Local listings directors Toll free. 1-800-669-2292, ext. H-4000 OFFICE SUPLIES ■■■■■■■■■■■■■a FAX Paper Computer Paper a aa aa aa a a a a a e a G azette-T im es 676-9228 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR COMMENTS HEPPNER RANGER DISTRICT BIG GUNS SALVAGE SALE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Heppner Ranger District o f the Umatilla National Forest has completed an Environmental Assessment for the proposed salvage and commercial thin o f 354 acres located in Morrow County, Oregon, T.5S, R.28.E and R29E.; and T.6S, R.28E. and R.29E. The project includes salvage harvest o f approx­ imately 329 acres from 9 units and 15 acres o f salvage and commercial thin from 1 unit for approximately 2.2 MMBF o f wood products. This would be accomplished in two sales, Pinto (4 units at 226 acres) and Uppity (6 units at 128 acres). This project is subject to appeal pursuant to 36 CFR 215.7. To receive a copy o f the Environmental Assessment, contact Charlene Bucha Gen­ try at (541) 676-2148 or at the Heppner Ranger District, P.O. Box 7, Heppner, OR 97836. Any written comments should be addressed to District Ran­ ger Delanne Ferguson at the same address. Oral comments can be submitted by telephone at (541) 676-9187. The com­ ment period ends February 5, 1997. Published: January 8. 1997 Business Opportunities McCALL. Idaho IRS absolute land sale 29 AC - S19.000, 61 AC - $30,000. 165 AC - $117.000. Inventory reduction sale requires owner to slash prices on spectacular acreage in best 4 season retreat area in the state Riverfront national forest, new road access. survey septic approval Secluded, serene trophy wildlife Financing available This is a limited time offer Call now and save thousands 1-800-267-0652, ext. 8644 BXG Property E-Mail: bluegrtvdicyberhighwav net. Personals 20/20 without glasses' Safe, rapid non-surgical. permanent restoration in 6-8 weeks Airline pilot developed Doctor approved Free information by mail: 1-800-422-7320, ext. 232. (406) 961-5570 Fax (406) 961-5577. http: www visionfreedom com Satisfaction guaranteed. JOHN 4:23 Worship the Father in spirit. If the Holv Spirit IS showing you a worship center, write Christian Worship. Eiox 1426. Mesa. AZ 85211. Help Wanted SERVICE manager. multi-line GM dealer interviewing qualified applicants Excellent working atmosphere, wage-bonus, health insurance, etc Resume, reference to: Service Manager PO Box 730, La Grande, OR, 97850. EXPERIENCED drivers needed for Montana based long-haul earner We run 48 and Canada New trucks arriving now For more information, call S E A Trucking, 1-800-800-6178. Dnver STOP! Covenant drivers earn lots of money Excited yet1 As a Covenant team, be one of those that make money and get the most miles Call today Covenant Transport. Expenenced dnvers and owner operator teams. Call. 1 -800-441-4394 DRIVERS Expenenced dnvers. dnvmg school grads and teams needed immediately' Great pay and benefits, tuition reimbursement, more home time, assigned equipment Swift Transportation: 1-800- 487-9438 (E O.E. nvf) FAX Send or Receive Gazette-Times 676-9228 W e P r in t Business Cards Gazette-Times BE YOl'R own boss A proven lumkev business with solid established ( 'S international compans Lse todays technologies Free cassette "Wealth Building' Call. I-800-322-9537. 24 hour message CARD OF THANKS A hearty thank you to the Family Health Center and my family for the faithful and lov­ ing care I have received for the last year. My health is better than it has been for a long time. Elma Scott ___________________ 1-8-lc Thank you to my relatives and friends for the flowers, cards and gifts of food. They certainly made the holidays nicer. Annie Schwarz ___________________ 1-8-lp Thank you to my family for the great birthday party. Thanks also to my friends for attending and helping me celebrate 85 years. I had a good time visiting with all of you. Thanks also to my friends at the Bowling Alley for the cake and the party on Sunday night. I had a truly great weekend. EO Keithley 1-8-lc NOTICES Free counseling for victims of abuse and sexual assault. 24 hr. Crisis line: 1-800-833-1161. Shelter available. __________ 2-28-52c/2-28-97 I, John McConnell, am no long­ er responsible for the payment Mountain Glen Apartments RENTALS Furnished apartment. $235- $285 per m onth. Call 541-676-5857._______ 12-25-tfc FOR RENT 1 bdrm apartments available for senior citizens. St. Pat's Senior Apartments and Center, Heppner, OR 676-5241, 676-5542 . 7-10-tfc Building Materials M&W Pole Buildings 20'x30'xl0' S2.X43. 24x36x10' $3.663. 30'x4X'xl0' S5.II7. 40'x60'xl0' $7.26?. 50\72'xl0' $9.811 F O B Kit prices Manv other sizes Kits or built Engineering Financing Free Brochure 1-800- 547-1714 STEEL buildings sale 30x40x10. $4.731 40x60x14. $8.787. 50x75x14. $12.038. 50x100x16. $16.000. 60x100x16. $18.501 Mini-storage buildings. 30x100. 20 units. $9.692 Free brochures Sentinel Buildings. 1-800-327- 0790. ext 79 DIABETICS' Save monev on supplies Medicare pas s if y ou use insulin, we bill tor vou Mention - 251512. 1-800-6.33-2001 (INCN).’ WOLFF Tanning Beds Tan at home Buv direct and save' Commercial home units from $199 Low monthly payments Free color catalog Call today 1-800-842-1305 9228 ence with LAN's and WAN's required. Experience with tele­ phone systems and knowledge of accounting a plus. Salary DOE. Closes 01 15/97. Send re­ sume to Personnel Dept., Mor­ row County Health District, P.O. Box 9, Heppner, OR. 97836. Morrow County Health Dis­ trict is an Equal Opportunity Employer with commitment to provide individuals with equal employment opportunity with­ out regard to race, color, sex, national origin, religion, physical or mental disability, marital status, family relation­ ship, age or any other status protected by law._____ l-8-2c l£ j For waiting list and application call 676-9232 TDD #1-800-545-1833 for hearing impaired. ® * ^ ~ * E q u a lH o u s in £ jO £ £ o rtu m t^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ' V ' > r ’“ I V * # »/.• 1 .• > r , c* * - *1 * . é. * - ■ - ' 180 W. Baltimore #5, Heppner 676-5049 - 7 - * ' . ' • „ ' ' * . . SALES & SERVICE .• - #1 Contact Bill Maclnnes Bill Maclnnes, Jr. or parts H.C Wright Phone 503-763-4175 Fossil, Oregon i OPFORTUHIl BUILDING MATERIALS Steel buildings, new, spring delivery okav. 40x60x12 was $15,500, now $8,990; =¡0x100x16 u.is $26,200, now $17,990; 60x200x16 was S62.500, now $39,900. 1-800-406-5126. 1 -8 -lp SERVICES PETS AND ANIMALS Linoleum carpet sales and in­ stallation, interior, exterior painting. Free estimates. Call Tim H edm an, evenings 676-9054. Licensed and bond- ed #78201.___________ 1-4-tfc Glo's Housekeeping Service For more info and free esti­ mate, call 676-9810. 3-20-tfc January Special: Purina North­ west Pro-Blend All-purpose feed, 12 percent protein, now 86.95 at Green Feed and Seed, Heppner. _____ 1-1-3c Border collie puppies, 8 weeks old, out of working parents. S100 each. 676-5319. l-8-4c lanuary Special: Purina Mills Inc. High Protein Dog Food, 50 lbs., now $16.50 at Green Feed and Seed, Heppner. l-l-3c We have specialty advertising products. If your business is looking for pens, hats, jugs or any other specialty advertising products, give us a call. Hepp­ ner Gazette-Times, 676-9228. _________________ 11-20-tfx Get on the Internet Includes softw are, setup, house call and personal * a r • . » ' - .V ^ ' * • - . X . s ' » ^ ' V -A » ' •• • ' _ -X I- 1 . •••>* b -V ' ; • . O ' YARD SALES Kim’s Taekw on-do m ulti­ family garage sale at Fair­ grounds annex, Saturday, Jan. 18, 8-2. Everything you can im­ agine. Over 20 families partici­ pating_______ ____ l-8-2c { ' • - * • . • ¡ . C , r - • '' ^ * .* ' 1 . 1 ^ *» ■» X - -w. . ' : V. • . V i ' . . - V • - Ü . y. * "\ T DIRECTORY 1 -. * ''V > V *6' ■ • OIL PRODUCTS AUTO PARTS HEPPNER AUTO PARTS Æ A 148 E. Center, Heppner liwrHr 676-9123 ■ ' 00 ^ -# V • - • jk ' - -- •• » V “- S - DEVIN OIL CO., INC. Monitor Stoves Chevron Products 676-9633 ■ 76-UnoCal Motor Oils - * * ■ ' . ■ - V-.V ■ 1 ■ ’ 7 . •* H ■ -■ V ■' - . <■ . r . ' - , V«* -*r * CHIKOPHArrOK « F lo y d A . T u r n b u ll, D.C, T u esd ay 2-5 p.m . 5:00-7:00 by appt. MORROW COUNTY GRAIN «ROWERS WE D ELIV ER WT^ I * Diesel * Gasoline ■v ■ • Propane * Home Heating Oil 1 80 0 452 7:»»« »«» 8221 OPTOMETRY SEPTIC SERVICE Roger Britt Septic Service S eptic ta n k s pum ped, re sid e n tia l & C om m ercial S e r v in g M o rro w -G illia m C o u n ty & S u r r o u n d i n g a r e a s 24 Hr. S ervice • L icensed & Bonded • DEQ Approved 6 7 6 -5 0 9 6 • R t. 2 Bo* 2 0 6 0 • H e p p n e r * 3 7 3 1 6 Robert D. Rolen, O.D. 128 W. Willow Heppner. OR. 676-9465 Eye Health & Vision Care Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by appointment ^ ^ ^ p e e d J to to r^ v a ila b le ^ J fo u i^ o c a l^ e p tic ^ S e ^ ic e ^ ^ ^ MISCELLANEOUS C ru sh e d R o ck For S a le V«" minus • 1" minus • 3' base rock Clean fill material Can be picked up at pit or we will deliver. ________ Contact Roger Britt 676-5096. Huge SAVINGS on item s you use everyday. Up to 50% o ff retail. These are NOT used item s. B lu e M o u n ta in O u tle t C e n te r ____ Front Room of Skaggs Heppner____ AUTOM OBILI SERVICE In The Heppner Gazette Your Ads Are Read Call 676-9228 to place your ad Dependable Auto Service Valve Grinding • Engine Rebuilding « >. . * V * ' ^ 213 Linden Way • 6 7 6 - 9 9 4 6 6 a.m . to 5 p.m . w e e k d a y INSURANCE P loyhar I nsurance CONSTRUCTION 54 1 6 7 6 -5 7 2 2 BLU BLA K ELY No 8 9 4 5 8 Life ★ Health ★ Auto ★ Home _______ 127 N Main • H eppnt, Ore. • 676-5818_______ General Contractor I ie e n s e d • B o n d ed » I n s u r e d 1 HO S C o u r t St H e p p n e r . OR 9 7 8 3 H # v* 11 V » * » * 1 BUSINESS 1 2 8 W. W illow H eppner 676-5141 ; \ v ti 1 X-V' CARS AND TRUCKS Our Customer is always. Sharon Lewis 676-5233. JovceKay Hollomon 676-5542 UNITS NOW AVAILABLE Newly Remodeled 2 & 3 Bdrm Apartments * Rent based on income * Brand new modern appliances * Brand new laundry facilities Located behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner ' For Sale: 1977 Chevy 4x4. Runs great. With canopy. Call 676-5194, ask for Bill.' l-8-3c Heritage Land Co. *99,900 - 3 bdrm, 2 bath on 3.35 acre m/l large covered porch, lots of parking, country kitchen, large living room with wood stove. 2 tax lots. Sale pending. •36,000 - 4 bdrm, 1 bath, storage sheds, near Grade School. •55,650 - 3 bdrm, 1 bath, single car garage on nice lot. Neat and clean. Yes! You can be in 860,000 places at once! Call this new spaper for more details about the Statewide Classifieds program . Morrow County Health Dis­ trict is currently accepting ap­ plications for the postion of In­ formation Systems Manager Applicants should have a back­ ground in Systems Design, Im­ plem entation and M ainte­ nance. Current systems include personal computers, terminals and servers running various software including DOS, Win­ dows and Novel 3.12. This per­ son will also be responsible for staff training in the operation of various applications. Experi­ v % ’ -J m I * MISCELLANEOUS Five 10-foot Hi Qual panels, 1 10-foot frame gate, 2 galvaniz­ ed water tanks, almost new; paid $750. Sell all for $500. 676-5299,_____________ 1-8-lc C learance Sale: assorted Christmas and winter fabrics, 1 2 price. Fabrics, Etc. 1-8-3c Check us out for w inter reading. Changing inventory weekly at Twice upon a time,676-5886. 1-8-lc WRIGHT CHEV. INC. OLDSMOBILE H MEDIC ARE pays tor your supplies We bill them, ship to you. Save money Satisfaction guaranteed l.ibertv Medical. 1-800-633-2001 No HMO members Mention =251511 HELP WANTED \+ teaching session Call Matt Jepsen at 676-5244.____ l-8-3c Large view lots for sale on dead end street, Heppner. 676-9246 __________________ 7-31-tfc Three bedroom house for sale. 676-5443. 11-13-tfc REALTOR* Mise for Sale of any accounts or debts incur­ red by Sylvia Westrom. 12-25-4c ^ *4 * • ' REAL ESTATE Health Opportunities 676-9228 CLASSIFIED ADS ATTENTION! Texas oil co. needs dependable person to work without supervision local­ ly. Training. Write W.V. Hop­ kins, Texas Refinery Corp., Dept. W-97836, Box 711, Ft. Worth, TX 76101-0711. 1-8-lc Part time receptionist needed. Send resume to P.O. Box 572, Heppner.__________ 12-11-tfc .U..CikA -mplosmenl • fishing Indusirv tom up lo S.YOOO - S6.000- per month Room und hoard Transportation' No cvpcncncc necessarv Male temale Vge IK-70 For more information call (206)971 -1J 12. ext AK96I4 Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon lor only $200'» . .. .. . »- ■ v I; 4v • j