Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 08, 1997, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday January 8, 1997 - FIVE
Dufur Rangers fall to Lady Cardinals, 53-33
By Kara Miller
The Lady Cardinals' varsity
game against the Dufur Lady
Rangers Friday, Jan. 3, started
out with a quick three-pointer
by Cardinal Dawn Boor and
that was all it took for the
Cards to gain the lead and get
their momentum for the rest of
the ball game. The Lady Cards
won the game, 53-33.
The lone girls held the
Rangers to eight points while
they upped their own by 14 in
the first quarter. Suzy Heide-
man helped the Cards in a big
way in the second quarter by
scoring seven o f her game-
high 15 points. Heideman was
the only Cardinal scorer o f the
quarter, but she kept the in­
tensity rolling on the court.
Dufur matched Heideman with
their 57" junior, Amanda
Lindell, who led her team with
14 points.
In the third, the Cards mixed
up their offense and let every­
one have a chance at a shot at
Camie Burright steals the ball against Dufur
the hoop. That strategy seemed
to be successful, as they held
the Rangers to one point,
while increasing their own Heppner JV teams nearly flawless
score by 17.
The fourth quarter was
really pose a threat at all
riddled with fouls and bonus By Lonnie Rill
the game.
The Heppner High School
attempts by both teams, but at
JV teams won at
the final buzzer, lone won, 53- JV boys and girls' teams were
close to flawless this weekend Sherman County on Saturday.
After the first two league
Stats: lone 53-Boor 2 0-1 5, Childers, when they met up with their
Anderson 3 2-2 8, Haguewood 1 0-0 2,
it looks like both teams
Odinet 0 1-2 1, C. Bumght 1 0-0 2, first league games against
to have very pro­
B Bumght 4 4-4 12, K. Burright 4 0-0 8, Weston-McEwen on Friday
They both
Heideman 7 1-4 15. Totals: 21 8-13 53.
and then Sherman County on
Dufur 33-Lindell 8 0-0 16, Cantrell 0
1-21, Thomas 2 4-8 8, Duncan 1 1-43, Saturday. Both teams played
Ashbrook, Thompson 1 2-4 5. Totals: 12 extremely well against the
8-18 33.
Due to some confusion in
TigersScots who are Heppner
Three-point goals: Ione-Boor, B
Burright 2. Total fouls: lone 16, Dufur main league rivalry.
The boys won with ease over Junior High School games
the TigersScots, who didn't were not played.
Bowlins League
Thursday Nite Mixers
week of December 26
Lancer Lanes
36 20
Wright's Century
31 25
24 32
R & W
Skagg's Auto Clinic 21 31
High games: Randy Sample 206.
Dianna Hoeft 178.
High series: Randy Sample 566.
Dianna Hoeft 484
Splits converted: Doug Gunderson
5-7, 3-6-7-10, 3-10.
Dime A Dozen
week of December 29
42 22
Penland House
48 16
42 22
Pin Dodgers
31 33
Bunn Horseshoeing 22 42
10 54
Our Gang
High games: Randy Sample 191,
Katie McRoberts 189
High series: Randy Sample 546.
Maude Hughes 469
Splits converted: Gerald Hoeft
3-10, 2-4-5-10, Dianna Hoeft 5-10.
Mustangs JV girls lose to TigerScots
by Mollv Rhea
The Heppner JV girls played
a great game Friday, January 3,
against a strong Weston-
McEwen group, but once
again the outcome was
determined at the foul line
The Mustangs were sent to the
line 19 times and capitalized
only five times While the
young Tiger-Scots got only
eight Tree throw attempts, they
converted four
The first half was strong
defense and low scoring with
the game tied at 11 at the end
of two quarters At the end of
the third quarter the Mustangs
led 21-20. Heppner led much
of the fourth, only to be
overcome at the finish The
final score was 33-38, Weston-
Heppner’s Amy Papineau led
all scorers with 12 points while
pulling down eight rebounds
in her two quarters Casey
Ingraham scored nine and
scooped five boards Kathleen
Greenup had eight, while Kim
Pointer and Stephanie Clough
each added two
W-M TigerScots take
victory over Mustangs
Blue Mountain
week of December 18
36 16
301/2 21V2
Who Knows
26V2 251/2
Willow Lanes
20V2 31V2
20V2 31V2
Team 2
22 22
Young Guns
High games: Gerald Hoeft 197,
John Breidenbach 194.
High series: Gerald Hoeft 567,
Randy Sample 566.
Splits converted: Randy Sample
4-9, 3-10, Blu Blakeley 3-10. Gene
Doherty 6-7-8-10
JV Lady Cards
beat Rangers,
By Kara Miller
The lone Lady Cardinals JV
team traveled to Dufur to take
on the Lady Rangers Friday,
Jan. 3, and won, 33-20.
The score stayed close
although the Cards were run­
ning the floor more quickly
than the Rangers. The shots
weren't falling for the fledg­
ling Cardinals, but it was
enough to pull out the victory.
Nikki McElligott led the team
with 15 points and grabbed six
steals. Camie Bumght and
Niki Sullivan both added six
boards to help the JV team
soar to the 33-20 victory.
photo by Joyce Hughes
Justin Matteson looks for room around Tigerscot
high 33 points in the second
The Heppner Mustangs got a half to put the game out of
split on the opening weekend reach.
Jim Schlaich led the Mus­
o f Columbia Basin Conference tangs with 14 points and 12 re­
league action. The Weston- bounds, and point guard Justin
McEwen TigerScots ran away Matteson also scored 14 points
with an 81-69 victory Friday and added seven assists to try
night, Jan. 3, and the Mustangs to keep things close. Eric
whipped the Sherman County Schonbachlcr hit for 11 points
Huskies on the road, 52-33,
in the losing cause.
Saturday, Jan. 4, to finish with
one win and one loss.
The TigerScots used a one-
two punch of seniors Michael
George Fox Lady Bruin
Peterson and Morgan Dunlap Keelie Keown dished out a
to blast by the Mustangs. game-high six assists in the
Dunlap scored 15 o f his 17 l ady Bruin's game against
points in the first half to lead Concordia University.
In its last game before
Weston-McEwen to a 41-29
No r t h we s t
lead at intermission. Peterson
no 24-
exploded for 21 o f his game-
Lady Mustangs blow away W-M TigerScots
by Molly Rhea
The wind blew in the
Weston-McEwen Tiger-Scots
for the first league match up
on Friday, January 3, and the
Heppner Mustangs blew them
on out. Although it wasn’t
actually a “blowout” the
Heppner girls did best the
seventh ranked team - exciting
stuff for us Mustang fans
It was an intense game with
both teams in a press The
Mustangs trailed 11-14 after
the first eight minutes, then by
the end o f the second quarter
were able to narrow the Tiger-
Scot lead to one, 23-
24 Heppner scored 11 points
to Weston-McEwen’s eight in
the third, and 15 to best their
13 in the fourth to leash and
muzzle the Tiger-Scots
The difference in the game
came down to the free throw
In the first half the
Mustangs sent the Tiger-Scots
to the line 14 times to convert
10, while Heppner was able to
make only four o f 12 from the
charity stripe In the second
half Heppner put up a tough
defense while committing only
six fouls so as not to allow
Weston-McEwen a free shot
While the Mustangs were
playing “hands-off defense”
the Tiger-Scots committed 13
fouls, allowing the Heppner
girls to bag 11 o f 15 free
Lori Moeller led Heppner’s
scoring with 15, seven from
the free throw line, and pulled
down seven rebounds
Hughes came off the bench to
tally 10, six popped in as free
throws Brooke Boyer came in
to rack up seven points, while
Annie Hisler and Casey
Ingraham each scored five Jill
Barber scored three with a
trey; Mindy Binchus and Lexi
Matteson each dished out a
bucket for two points apiece
Weston-McEwen’s Amber
Weatherspoon was their high
scorer with 15 in the losing
This was definitely the CBC’s
game of the week and it took
some spunky Mustang girls to
reveal that the real “truth about
cats and dogs” is that they can
be beaten.
photo bv Jovce Hughes
Mindy Binschus makes save against Tigerscots
H eppner JV girls beat H uskies
Huskies 16 to ten and galloped
_hy. Molly Rhea
Heppner’s JV girls may have on out with the win, 39-35.
Displaying a fierce tenacity,
been a little s> rprised by the
leader Kathleen Greenup
physical play allowed in the
Sherman County gym, but they scored five points, chased
adjusted quickly to take the down seven rebounds and had
four steals to help snatch the
win on Saturday, January 4
out of the Huskies' jaws
The first quarter the tough
Mustangs kicked in
Huskies set tne Mustangs back
on their heels and led at end of with points for this win Kim
eight minutes 12 to five The Pointer led all scorers with
second quarter the Heppner eleven points while pulling
girls held their grouncf and down eight boards
narrowed the gap to three at Ropp and Leah Denton each
the half with Snerman County scored six points and Amy
Papineau scored five along
leading 20-17
Greenup Casey Ingraham
Although the third quarter
was low scoring, Heppner had four and Macy Rhea added
again gained some"ground and two points
Under the guidance of coach
was trailing by only two at the
Reid, the JV girls are
end of the three The young
Mustangs put it all together in showing improvement at every
the final quarter, outscored the outing Their win-loss record
now stands at an even 4-4
Lady Mustangs defeated by Sherman Co.
hy Molly Rhea
It was Saturday, January 4,
so the Heppner Mustangs and
most of tneir fans were in
Moro facing the Sherman
County Huskies Heppner’s
varsity girls were defeated by a
team of physical players that
worked a tight zone defense to
sew up the inside while hardly
missing a shot throughout the
After one quarter Heppner
trailed Sherman County 11-20.
The Mustangs came out in the
second quarter and worked a
series of plays to come within
two points before the Huskies
went into a scoring frenzy and
finished first half once again
leading by nine, 34-25.
The Mustangs worked hard
but continued to have a tough
time penetrating the zone,
while the Huskies never lost
their hothand The margin at
the end of the third remained at
nine, 35-46 Near the end of
the fourth quarter Coach John
Boyer went to a “shoot a trey
and quickly foul” offense that
brought Heppner within five
points, but they were unable to
overcome the deficit and
ending up losing, 50-58
The margin o f loss was again
seen at the free throw line with
the Mustangs converting on
only eight of 16 while Sherman
County hit eight o f 11 This
brings the Mustangs’ record an
even 1-1 for league play, and
9-3 for the season
With 14 points, Lori Moeller
was once again Heppner’s top
scorer Jaci Hughes came in
photo by Joyce Hughes
Brooke Boyer (22) guards Sherman player
and scored 12, including two
Annie Hisler and
Brooke Boyer both racked up
six points, Lexi Matteson made
five, Janelle Healy, three, while
Mindy Binchus and Jill Barber
had two points apiece
Only six players from
Sherman County contributed
to their scoring Topping all
scorers was the Husky’s Tvan
Sanderson with 16, followed
by Maria Macnab with 14 and
Miranda Shull with 10
The varsity and JV Mustangs
will enjoy a bye on Friday,
January 10, then will resume
league play in Umatilla on
Saturday, January 11
We Print
B u sin ess C a r d s
Shorthanded, lone loses to Umatilla
inson, who also commented
that the team had returned
Despite the lack o f players, from a previous ball game at
the lone Cardinals JV team 1:30 a m.
played a respectable game
The Cards still had quite a
Saturday, Jan. 4 when they game. Pete Cantu w’as the
hosted the Umatilla Vikings. leading scorer with 12 points,
The Cards lost, 68-40.
six of which were three-
lone had only six players pointers. Mark McElligott had
available. "They just ran out of a great game with 10 points,
steam," said coach Dean Rob­ including two three-pointers.
By Jeremy Rletmann
Keown dishes six assists
ranked George Fox (3-3)
defeated Concordia (1-12) 82-
59 at Newberg The Lady
Bruins lead 24-8 at the 9 05
mark of the first half and never
surrendered the lead
Keown is the daughter of
Michael and Kari Keown of
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