Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 04, 1996, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oreflon Wednesday, Oecember 4, 1996
lone Middle School team "tenacious"
By Jeremy Rietmann
The lone Middle School's
(IMS) basketball program was
launched last week and is off to
a good start. Dale Holland, the
IMS boys' coach for the past
three years, says he is looking
forward to working with "such
a tenacious team."
"W e have many eager play­
ers, although not a lot of
height," Coach Holland said.
He also does not think that the
limited number of players will
be a factor this year because it
will mean more playing time
for everyone. Holland's main
goal is to "turn young players
into fundamentally sound
There will be a "A " team and
a " B " team as there has been
in the past. Holland feels that
his sixth graders have "a lot of
potential and will be a tremen­
dous help to the team."
The IMS Cardinals' first
game will be Friday, Dec. 6 at
3 p.m. against the Arlington
Goslings in Arlington.
Heppner Booster Club seeks by-laws
The Booster Club will have its
The Heppner Booster Club
has lost the original copy of its regular meeting on Wednes­
by-laws and members are day, Dec. 11 at 7 p.m., in the
soliciting help in finding them. home ec. room at Heppner
Anyone who has a copy of the High School.
Anyone interested is invited
club's by-laws is asked to con­
tact Dehbie Koffler, 676-5192. to attend.
St. Patrick's Senior Center
Bulletin Board
There were 62 people present for the Senior Center birthday
dinner Nov. 27 and four meals were delivered. Bob Taylor won
the free meal ticket and Joe Engleman, the birthday candle.
Members of the Willow Creek Baptist Church served. Blood
pressures were taken before the meal. Those members of the
Nutrition Site Committee who were present for the meal met
with Corol Mitchell after lunch.
The menu for Wednesday, Dec. 11 will be chicken pot pie with
biscuits, jello, coleslaw with green peppers, chilled pineapple
and cookies. Members of the All Saints' Episcopal Church will
serve. The Senior Center Board will meet following the meal at
1 p.m.
One table of pinochle was in play Friday afternoon. Velma
Wight showed a video of elk in Wheeler County on Friday even­
ing. The video was made by Velma's son, Gary Wight, and was
excellent. Eleven people came to watch.
Eight people watched the movie, "It Takes Two," Sunday
All the seats have been filled for the trip to Hermiston to see
the Singing Christmas Tree, Saturday, Dec. 14. Ed Baker will
be the bus driver.
Other dates to remember: Tuesday and Thursday exercise, 10
a.m.; Wednesday blood pressure clinic, 11 a.m, senior meal,
noon; Friday cards, 2 p.m.; Sunday movie, 7 p.m.
Y A W ’S has new dining room
construction hours:
11 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday
6 a.m.-lO p.m. Frlday-Saturday
6 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday
These hours will allow us to do our
rem odeling with the least in con v e­
n ien ce to our customers. We will open
our doors at 8 a.m . Monday-Thursday
tor cofiee an d pastries on a serve-
yourseli basis.
Join YAW S a n d the NEIGHBOR­
HOOD CENTER to help m ak e
Christmas a lot m errier lor
deserving kids In the co m ­
munity. YAW S will h a v e a
GIVING TREE with ornam ents
with the information lor a gilt.
Stop b y a n d pick up a n o rn a­
m ent. Help m ak e som e child's
Christmas special!
h e v r o l e t
Remember when your word was your Bond. -
You sealed a deal with a handshake - That's still
the way we do business today.
’ The Largest Volume Chevy Truck Dealer In Eastern Oregon
Hermiston, Oregon 1-800-567-6487
New Car Sales
lone varsity
By Shelby Krebs
By Jennifer Thompson
The lone High School Car­
dinal boys' varsity Coach Del
LaRue says, "everything is go­
ing very well so far and this
year the team will be very com­
petitive." Seventeen players
turned out this season.
Coach LaRue says the strong
points of the team include its
experience, the number of
players, and shooting ability.
The team's main objective is
"to make it back to Baker City
and win the state champion­
This year, LaRue says, his
team will be tough defensive­
ly. He says that they are quick
and have "great court aware­
ness." Although they lack size,
he said they will try to over­
come this weakness by putting
continuous pressure on the
other team. LaRue says this
year "will be very exciting and
will keep the fans on the edge
of their seats."
Bowling League
Koffee Kup Keglers
week of Nov. 21
The B J’s
No Pin Hitters
The Dregs
The Alley Cats
High series: Linda Schultz 495.
High game: LaJuana McKenzie 183
week of Nov. 26
The B J’s
No Pin Hitters
The Dregs
The Alley Cats
High series: Bunnie Lindsay 507.
High game: Bunnie Lindsay 201.
Splits converted: Susan Atkins 9-10,
Pat Gutierrez 3-7-10.
By Claudia Hughes. Chamber Manager
C all Wow 676-5504 or Hermiston Clinic 567-8750
e n u i n e
16 Lady Cards playing this season
Chamber Chatter
Dr. Donald Carlson, Podiatric
ankle specialist will be at the Pioneer
Memorial Clinic, November 27, and
December 11, for the diagnosis and
treatment of all foot problems.
17 out for
Used Car Center
It was a "Town and Coun­
try" happening as eight people
within the Heppner city limits
and six from the country
gathered to refurbish the
Heppner Christmas wreath
decorations at the fire hall.
Many hands made light work
and within an hour the job was
complete, leaving the "work­
ers" to enjoy refreshments pro­
vided by Yaw's.
It's not too early to begin
planning for the 1997 decora­
tions, as the current wreaths
will have to be retired or mov­
ed out of the Main Street
blocks. Longtime Chamber
lighting chairman Bill Kuhn
threatens to retire with the
decorations. He was on hand
along with Fred Toombs of Col­
umbia Basin Electric Co-op,
Tom Rawlins of Heppner TV,
Dan Brosnan and Randall
Peterson to hang the wreaths-
no easy task. What would we
do without our "behind the
scenes" people? Things would
be very different. Let them
know they are appreciated.
One and all are invited to
"Deck the Tree" with the
Chamber on Sunday, Dec. 8, at
4:30 p.m. Bring a large, weath­
erproof ornament and holiday
enthusiasm. There will be hot
chocolate and caroling led by
members of the South Morrow
Community Choir. Where's
the tree? By the Post Office.
Have you noticed the corn-
unity bulletin board located at
Central Red Apple Market?
Community sponsors provided
this opportunity for scheduled
events to be posted in one loca­
tion. Watch for the December
schedule soon. Organizations
should contact the Chamber of­
fice, 676-5536, or Twice Upon
A Time, 676-5886, to be includ­
ed on the monthly calendar of
events. Call right away.
Thought for the week: "Giv­
ing thanks is a course from
which we never graduate."
Lube and Oil
Change Service
Don’t have time to take your
car to town to get it serviced?
Cell the trayeling oil
changing service.
For more information,
phone (541) 989-B204.
Sixteen players, one manager
and one statistician have turn­
ed out for lone Middle School
(IMS) girls' basketball.
Coach Steve Schaber says he
is "impressed" with the turn
out and said his main objective
this season is "to educate his
players and to further their
knowledge in basketball." He
lone JV season
looks promising
By Shelby Krebs and Jeremy
Dean Robinson, coach of the
lone High School JV Cardinals,
says his top priority this season
is "to teach and help his play­
ers reach varsity level."
"Adjusting to different play­
ers will be the biggest problem
this season," he said, but also
says he has the strongest team
he's coached in three years.
Although experience is the
team's weakest area, Coach
Robinson hopes to have a suc­
cessful JV season.
The City of Heppner is eligible
to apply for a 1997 Communi­
ty Development Block Grant
(CDBG) from the Oregon
Economic Development De­
Community Development
Block Grant funds come from
the U. S. Department of Hous­
ing and Urban Development
through the Oregon Economic
Development Department. The
state will accept applications
between March 3, 1997 and
March 7, 1997 for Community
Facilities, Housing Rehabilita­
tion and Technical Assistance
projects. Applications for
Public Works projects are taken
all year.
Approximately $16 million will
be awarded to Oregon non--
metropolitan cities and counties
in 1997. The most any city or
county can receive will be up to
$750,000 for a construction pro­
ject and/or $10,000 for a tech­
nical assistance grant.
A public hearing will be held by
the Heppner City Council at
7:00 p.m. on December 9,1996
at the City Hall, 188 W. Willow
The purpose of the is hearing
is for the City Council to obtain
citizen views and to respond to
proposals and questions about:
* Community development
and housing needs, especially
the needs of low and moderate
income persons, as well as
other needs in the community
that might be assisted with a
Community Development
Block Grant project.
* The performance of Heppner
in carrying out its community
development responsibilities.
Written comments are also wel­
come and must be received by
5:00 p.m. December 9, 19% at
City Hall, 188 W. Willow
Street. Both oral and written
comments will be considered
by the City Council in deciding
whether to apply.
A second public hearing will be
held prior to completion of an
application for a specific pro­
The location of the hearing is
accessible to the disabled.
Please let Gary Marks at City
Hall at 676-%18 know if you
will need any special accom­
modations to attend or par­
ticipate in the meeting.
More information about Ore­
gon Community Development
Block Grants and records about
the City's past use of Com­
munity Development Block
Grant funds is available for
public review at 188 W. Willow
St. during regular hours. Ad­
vance notice is requested. If
special accommodations are
needed, please notify Gary
Marks at City Hall at 676-%18
so that appropriate assistance
can be provided.
Gary B. Marks
City Manager
Published: December 4, 19%
also hopes his players will
"keep a great attitude and have
a positive experience." A main
goal is "defeating Heppner,"
and "capturing the Helix
trophy would be great," he
The IMS Lady Cardinals
have 11 scheduled games, with
the first in Arlington on Friday,
Dec. 6.
AGENCY: Bureau of Land
[O R-100-6321-01; G-3-119]
(Case File #OR-51858)
SUMMARY: In accordance
with 43 CFR 1610.2 and 1610.3
and 43 CFR 2200, notice is
given that the Bureau of Land
Management in the State of
Oregon, Vale District, Baker
Resource Area, intends to
analyze a potential amendment
to the Baker R.A. Resource
Management Plan (RMP). The
potential amendment will in­
volve adjustment of land
tenure designations. Currently
the Baker RMP designates on­
ly two land tenure adjustment
categories. The potential
amendment would reclassify
those areas with special de­
signations into a "retention on­
ly" zone, thus adding an addi­
tional category. If necessary,
the purpose of the plan amend­
ment would be to make avail­
able for exchange certain lands
located in Baker, Umatilla,
Union, and Morrow Counties
in Northeastern Oregon and
would facilitate exchange pro­
posals that involve the Prine-
ville District BLM, Baker R.A.,
numerous private property
holders, and a third party
Subject to valid existing rights,
most of the public lands refer­
red to herein have been segre­
gated from appropriation un­
der the public land laws and
mineral laws for a period of five
years, beginning May 24, 19%.
A complete list of specific lands
segregated will be available in
the same locations as the other
elements of the supporting
record, as noted elsewhere in
this notice.
DATES: A two purpose public
comment period is provided at
this time. Publication of this
Notice in the Federal Register
starts the 45 day comment
period necessary to meet public
notification requirements for
both the Notice of Intent to
prepare to prepare plan
amendments, an EIS and the
Notice of Realty Action.
ADDRESS: Bureau of Land
Vale District, Baker R.A.
P.O. Box 987
Baker City, OR, 97
Prineville District, Central
Oregon Resource Area
P.O. Box 550
Prineville, OR 97754
Central Oregon R.A. Realty
Specialist, (541) 416-6752 and
Dorothy Mason, Baker R.A.,
The Prineville District's Two
Rivers (1986) and John Day
(1985, 1995) Resource Manage­
ment Plans and the Vale
District's Baker (1989, 1992)
Resource Management Plan
(RMPs) currently provide
general management guide­
lines for land tenure adjust­
ments as well as overall land
resource use allocations and
resource protection or enhance­
ment. Although it is anticipated
that the final decisions for land
exchanges considered through
this analysis will be in full con­
formance with the applicable
RMPs, it is possible that por­
tions of some actions under
some alternatives may not be in
full conformance with the ap­
proved plans, as required by 43
Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR), Subpart 1610.5-3, "Con­
formity and Implementation".
The environmental analysis
and public and interagency
review process anticipated for
this analysis are expected to ful­
ly comply with the Bureau's
regulations for land use plan­
ning, including land use plan
amendments, public involve­
ment and coordination with
other Federal agencies, State
and local governments and In­
dian tribes, (43 CFR 1610.2,
1610.3 and 1610.5-5). This will
allow the analysis to consider
land tenure strategies which
are inconsistent with the cur­
rent direction or substantially
affect other resource uses and
allocations in one or more of
the subject approved RMPs.
Any approved decisions which
amend the applicable plans will
be incorporated into the plans
and become part of the perma­
nent planning record. Any re­
finements or clarifications of
management direction, priori­
ty of disposal or use of acquired
lands will be incorporated into
the applicable plans and
documented through publish­
ed plan maintenance reports,
as provided under 43 CFR
1610.5-4. Copies of the three ex­
isting approved plans ( as
amended) will be available in
the same locations as the other
elements of the supporting
record, as noted elsewhere in
this notice.
The decisions made through
this analysis are expected to be
implemented through a rela­
tively complex series of land
tenure adjustment actions over
a period of several years. Al­
though the intent is to consum­
mate the majority of the ex­
changes within approximately
two years of the approval of the
decision(s), some residual ac­
tions or independent land ex­
changes which are in confor­
mance with the analysis and
decisions and associated ap­
proved RMPs may occur over
a period of ten or more years.
In effect, this analysis will serve
both to facilitate the ongoing
project as well as future actions
that fall under the program­
matic nature of this analysis.
Future exchanges or other land
transfers would be subject to
— Continued next page
A request for Proposal has been issued by
the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
for a Forester to develop a timber harvest
plan on the Wenaha Wildlife Area. The
Department Wishes to use timber sale
receipts to purchase a 7 0 acre parcel of
land within the Wenaha Wildlife Area. The
Request for Proposals must be received and
returned to:
Craig Ely, A ssistan t Regional Supervisor
Oregon D epartm ent of Fish & Wildlife, NE Region
1 0 7 2 0 th S tre e t
La Grande, OR 9 7 8 5 0
Phone: (541) 9 6 3 - 2 1 3 8
FA X: (5 4 1 ) 9 6 3 - 6 6 7 0
Please call for a proposal package. Pro­
posals will be opened on Jan u ary 6, 1 9 9 7
at 9 :0 0 a.m. The S tate reserves the right to
reject, for good canse, any proposal if it is
In the best interest of the State to do so.
Bidder m ast Indicate if they are a resident
bidder as defined In ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 .
mcca P u b lish ed N ovem ber 2 0 . 8 7 . D ecem b er 4. 11, 100«