Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 04, 1996, Image 1

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Log truck crashes into BEO annex building
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Jeff Orr (left) and Ken Eckman, of Eckman Construction, prepare to close up wall damaged by logging
VOL. 115______ NO. 49______ 6 Pages Wednesday, December 4, 1996,______ Morrow County Heppner, Oregon
Andersons named state conservation farmers
Morrow County farmers Eric
and Marnie Anderson of lone
were recently named State
Conservation Farmers of the
Year by the Oregon Wheat
Growers League (OWGL).
The Andersons operate 7,000
acres in Morrow and adjacent
Gilliam County-it is a land of
little rain (annually 9-9%” ), a
lot of wind and challenging
erosion problems. Wheat, com­
mercial and seed, is their main
crop. On four irrigated circles,
they also raise pea seed and dry
peas, and contract for some
potato production.
The Andersons rely on pro­
duction to solve some of the
erosion problems. "H igh pro­
duction is the best tool we
have,” said Eric, as it results in
a high amount of residue which
helps keep soil in place.
The Anderson crew strives to
operate tillage machinery in a
manner that will discourage
blows. If a blow does start, a
supply of straw is on hand to
fill them and hold the soil.
Straw is also applied to wheel
line tracks.
Careful managers of water,
the Andersons have been
known to turn off the irrigation
pumps on a growing crop of
wheat if the prospects for
higher returns has dropped.
They have experimented with
a variety of crops, but back out
if an enterprise is not profitable.
In wet years when there is a
high level of volunteer wheat,
grill and the bumper and
cracked the hood o f tnc truck.
Rollis' truck hit and dented a
parked car, owned by Cindy
Schmidt o f Heppner. before it
struck the wall o f the BEO
building, which is owned by
Eric and Marnie Anderson
the Andersons will harvest the
volunteer crop. Yields on the
volunteer crops may be low,
but so are input costs.
The Andersons are also care­
ful in their use of chemicals. In­
secticides are applied in the fur­
row when possible, to avoid
harming beneficial insects.
Sediment dams are used to
control runoff and 100 acres are
enrolled in the Conservation
Reserve Program.
The Andersons share with
the county winners and other
farmers a long-range perspec­
tive that calls for them to "leave
the land in better shape than
when they got it.” "W e're just
temporary stewards of the
land,” Eric said.
The Andersons were chosen
from a field of county conser­
vation winners that included:
Mark and Julie Unger, Corne­
lius, North Valley counties;
Rucker Farming, Arlington,
Gilliam County; Sunny Cove
Farms, the Cannon Family,
Athena; and Dave and Sheryl
Hug, Sum m erville, Union
County. The OWGL will spon­
sor a tour of the Anderson farm
early next summer.
This is the 49th year of the
OWGL conservation awards.
Medical district to proceed with Irrigon Clinic
The Morrow County
Medical District, at its regular
meeting Monday night, Dec. 2,
at Pioneer Memorial Clinic in
Heppner, gave a preliminary
go-ahead for purchase of the
Irrigon City Hall
The district plans to
renovate the 1440 square
foot building into a medical
MCHD administrator Kevin
Erich said that purchasing the
building and the estimatedcost
o f renovating the building
together could be in the
neighborhood o f $150,000,
compared to the estimated cost
building a 2,600 square foot
modular structure.
Erich reported that the city
expandible later if needed.
The Irrigon City Hall is still
located in the building, which
is owned by an individual.
The board also heard a report
and work calendar from Terry
Edvalson, director of the
Regional Services Institute at
LaGrande The institute is
compiling a health district
survey and report which will
The Bank o f Eastern Oregon
got a new drive-up window at
their annex building on Main
Street in Heppner Tuesday,
Dec. 3. The window, however,
was a little bit too open,
December air.
A log truck crashed through
the wall o f the building around
11:30 Tuesday. Driver o f the
truck, Jim Rollis, 42, Heppner,
said that he had stopped at the
stop sign at Coast to Coast as
he came into town and then
decided he would turn in at
Central Market to get a bite to
eat. "As I was pulling into the
parking lot, two people walked
in front o f me," said Rollis. "I
touched the brakes to stop and
keep from hitting them and it
wouldn’t stop. So I turned the
wheel to keep from killing the
people walking across." Rollis
said the impact broke the front
be sent to a random sample of
district residents for their
information and response.
The board received a letter
from Don Eppenbach, Irrigon,
to Edvalson disputing the truth
of materials sunmitted for the
survey by Raymond Michael
of Boardman.
Eppenbach’s letter to
Edvalson stated that the
material submitted by Michael,
a Boardman pharmacist, has a
"limited amount of facts and
those facts are not pertinent to
the question addressed", and
further said that there was no
"clear listing of advantages for
Boardman or the
in establishing a
department and "is certainly
the collation o f personal
consensus o f this group".
Eppenbach added that "it is
clear that no cooperative
efforts will be realized from
the Boardman representatives
in our group."
The Boardman contingent,
consisting of Michael, Tom
Meyers, Anthony Carabba and
Martin Montes de Oca,
resigned from the Morrow
Community Response Steering
Committee in response to
Eppenbach’s letter.
The Boardman group said,
"We can no longer support the
work of the committee, nor do
we want our names printed on
its report, the "Fact Sheet".
They also included a six
page letter citing reasons for
"We’re looking for the rest
o f the story, not the vocal
minority," said MCHD Board
concerning the county-wide
survey on health care issues.
"The thing we hear across
the board," said Edvalson, "is,
"we’re just plain tired o f the
North-South bickering’."
Grant Union
plans feed
Grant Union High School,
John Day, will hold a spaghet­
ti feed from 5-7 p.m. during the
basketball tournament to be
held there Friday, Dec. 6.
Heppner varsity girls and
boys will participate in the
No charge for
The Heppner Garden Club
will not charge admission to the
club's Greens Workshop which
will be held adjacent to the an­
nual Artifactory Craft Fair this
Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Mor­
row County Fairgrounds in
People coming to the work­
shop will be provided greens,
cones and assistance in making
wreaths and swags, said Jane
Rawlins, Garden Club spokes­
Wreath orders may be pick­
ed up Friday, Dec. 6.
This year, there will be a $2
charge for admission into the
Artifactory. Soroptimist Inter­
national members say that pro­
ceeds from the admission
charge will go toward scholar­
ships for area youth.
The Artifactory features crafts
and baked goods for sale.
Lunch and dessert will be
available for purchase.
date changed
The Blue Mountain Com­
munity College financial pre­
sentation for students and
parents will be held at Hepp­
ner High School on Thursday,
Dec. 19, at 7 p.m.
The presentation was origin­
ally scheduled for Thursday,
Dec. 12.
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Jim Rollis’ logging truck
Butch Laughlin.
"Everything started to
vibrate," said Sylvia Sandford,
BEO employee. "I’m kind o f
used to sonic booms, but then
the wall started to collapse."
BEO operations manager
Linda LaRue said that no
desks were located near the
collapsed wall and added that,
although a typewriter had been
there, no equipment was
damaged. "It didn't hurt any o f
our equipment or our people,"
said LaRue. "We're
A crew from Eckman
Construction boarded up the
outside o f the building.
There is no estimate o f the
damage to the building or the
Christmas concert planned Dec. 15
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The South Morrow Com­
munity Choir and the Willow
Creek Youth Symphony will
perform jointly for "A Christ­
mas Concert” on Sunday, Dec.
15 at 7 p.m., at St. Patrick's
Catholic Church, Heppner.
The public is invited to attend.
There is no charge for the con­
cert, but a donation basket will
be available to continue the
support of both group.
Deborah Wryn, lone, is the
director of the choir and Sharia
Erich, Heppner, accompanist.
Erich is also the director of the
symphony. "Both groups are
looking forward to sharing
their music with the communi­
ty and hope people are in the
holiday spirit,” said Wryn.
The choir has prepared a
variety of music, and several
are variations of traditional
Christmas carols, such as "Joy
to the World" combined with
"G o Tell It on the M ountain."
The group will also sing "Away
in a Manger” and a combined
song of "Silent Night" and "O
Holy Night.”
Another addition to the pro­
gram will be several musicians
joining for several pieces.
Flautists Ann Murray and
Susie Stillman, both Heppner,
w ill play flute for two selec­
tions. A brass quintet will per­
form for two other selections.
Members of the group are
Matt Jepsen and Paul Marshall,
trumpet and Bill Jepsen, trom­
bone, all Heppner; Brad Boul-
ington, tuba, Hermiston; and
Brian Garcia, French horn,
Echo. "T h e group is excited to
share their choral music with
these m usicians," adds Wryn.
The symphony will perform
several selections for this con-
cert-"X-M as Sing-A -Long,"
"G reat Gate of Kiev" and
several others. Another small
group performing will be Amy
Jepsen performing a medley of
Christmas carols on her harp,
accompanied by a quartet con­
sisting of a flute, violin, viola
and cello. Amy has been taking
harp lessons for almost one
year in the Tri-Cities.
The symphony will perform
Tuesday, Dec. 17, in Boardman
at the Riverside High School
auditorium at 7 p.m. The same
selections as the concert on
Dec. 15 will be performed with
other local musicians joining
them. Ken Morris, Boardman,
will sing two selections and a
local Hispanic trio will be sing­
ing several songs in Spanish. A
piano selection, "The Shores of
Capri" by Dennis Alexander,
will be performed by Hannah
Fry of Boardman.
Both the choir and the sym­
phony' are members of the Mor­
row County Arts Council that
was formed this past spring.
The choir has been in existence
since 1984 and the symphony
was formed a year ago. Funds
for both groups this year have
come from the Morrow Coun­
ty Unified Recreation District,
who helped purchase music,
risers and stands.
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Land O’ Lakes Bird Seed
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W ild Seed—50 & 25 lb bags
Sunflower Seed—50 & 25 lb bags
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Morrow County Grain Growers
Lexington 989-8221 1-800-452-7396
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