I Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner. Oreoon Wednesday, November 27, 1996 - THREE Firewood cutting City buys new combination pickup * llllfc on the UNF ends Firewood cutting on the Umatilla National Forest (UNF) will end Saturday, Nov. 30 when woodcutting areas on the North Fork John Day Ranger District close. All other fire­ wood cutting areas on the UNF closed earlier in the season. Woodcutters need to be pre­ pared for adverse weather and road conditions. Some areas may now be inaccessible due to snow. UNF firewood permits are available at the supervisor's of­ fice in Pendleton and at the district offices in Ukiah and Heppner. Permits are also still available until Nov. 30 at Dean's Market and Deli in Pendleton; Coast to Coast in Hermiston; Mentzer and Elliott in Pilot Rock; Rhodes Supply in Ukiah; and The Dale Store in Dale. • Congratulations To Our Treasure Hunt Winners A dult — Ray French Youth — Jessica W ain w rig h t And Our Hourly Door Prize Winners Stop in and register for our wish-list gift registry! e will be open three Sundays in December (Dec. 8, 15 S 22 ) Florist-Quality Poinsettias In A Variety O f Colors — Now In HAPPY TH A N K S G IV IN G ! fon* ¿an/ta/on, 4 Country Rose 676-9426 233 N Mam Heppner W e D eliver Heppner puts new utility pickup/snow plow into service A new multi-use pickup truck has been introduced into the Heppner city fleet as part of the city's ongoing effort to update worn-out equipment, The new truck will be used as a snowplow, street sander and utility pickup. Purchase of the new truck has allowed the city to replace its 1959 snowplow and a 1979 pickup. works fleet while red number of vehicles,' Manager Gary Mar old snowplow had re end of its rope. It wa: ally breaking down slowed the city's re: critical snowplowing sanding needs.” The one ton, dual r about 75 percent of the sticker price. The truck is part of the city's ten year equipment re­ placement program initiated by the city council in 1992. Funds have been set aside in a special fleet reserve fund for the past four years in anticipation of the truck purchase, said Marks. "The new truck continues $19,800 through a sta our effort to update our public 8on Procurement cc M arket Report Compliments of the Morrow County Gram Growers Tuesday, Nov. 26 Soft White ENTER’ TO WIN $1,000 and other K great prizes! November 13 ,1996 through June 14,1997 Oregon ShakespearefestivaL Play M EG A B U C K S D O UGH Second-Chance D raw ing! The 1996 School Visit Program Just send in fo u r n o n w in n in g Megabucks tickets from fo u r d ra w in g s in a ro w fo r a chance to w in these prizes each m o n th : S«e brochuro available at Oroqon Lottery Service Centers for details. 1 st prize - S 1,000 plus ja c k e t (1 prize awarded) 2 n d prize - $50 0 plus ja c k e t "1 (t prize awarded) 3rd prize - $ 100 plus ja c k e t W (5 prizes awarded) 4 th prize - Megabucks D o u g h w de n im baseball ja c k e t ^ D (25 prizes awarded! MEGABUCKS DOUGH Second-Chance Draw ing Send fo u r consecutive nonwinning Megabucks tickets fo r drawngs dated N ovem ber 13. 1996, through June 14.1997. w ith this e ntry fo r a chance to w n ! Enter as many tim es as you like.This e ntry is good fo r one draw ng only. Thanksgiving The Morrow County Museum Presents Address "SM ALL TOWN USA" 0 Excerpts from Shakespeare, classic and contemporary literature^ MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 7 30PM HEPPNER HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA FREE ADMISSION Performance funded by the Morrow County Unified Recreation District Heppner 676-996/ (« c n t-m m lt l u m i n i h\ I u ra n i im m IIKWEST FOUNDATION G ty State Zip Phone N am e S location of store w here you boug ht yo u r ocketfs): Send entry in a plain white envelope no larger than 4 V x 9 V to: MEGABUCKS DOUGH Second-Chance Drawing, PO Box 14280. Salem, OR 97309 $ 1 5 0 0 in G ift C e rtific a te s * GIVEN AWAY $750 Grand Prize Thank You for shopping with us - $25 Gift Certificates Winners Each Week Grand Prize Drawing December 26 Pick up your punch card today at participating businesses All Entries Eligible For $750 Grand Prize Participating Merchants P ick up Punch Card at participating m archant, gat punchad whlla you «hop. Deposit filled ca rd s at any participating store. Drawing e a ch Monday for I - $25 Gift C e rtifica tes. All filled ca rd s are eligible for Grand Prise Drawing, Thursday, Decem ber 26,1996. Murray Drugs Country Rose Peterson’s Court Street Market Yaw’s Restaurant Lott’s Electric Gardner’s Men’s Wear Green Feed Central Market Les Schwab Coast to Coast Pettyjohn’s Shoe Box Morrow County Grain Growers Willow Lanes Willow Lanes Cafe