Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 20, 1996, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 20, 1996
Eight lone Cardinals picked as Big Sky All-stars MCAC sponsors holiday events
EäjSB Pt® N»
The coaches of the Big Sky
Football League have named thé
19% Big
*g Sky All Star Team.
Eight players from the lone
Cardinals were selected to the
first, second and honorable
mention teams.
Seniors Joe Bacon and Luke
Swanson received both offensive
and defensive first team honors.
Bacon was selected as first team
offensive running back and
defensive linebacker. Swanson
was picked as first team offensive
quarterback and defensive back.
Senior Kelly Morgan was
chosen first team défensive
lineman and second team
offensive center. Junior Jake
McElligott was selected first team
offensive end and second team
defensive back.
Junior Marc Orem was picked
as second team offensive lineman
and second team defensive
lineman. Senior Randy Scott was
selected second team offensive
running back and honorable
mention defensive linebacker and
senior Jacob Taylor was chosen
second team offensive lineman.
Senior Pete Cantu was named
honorable mention defensive
Cardinal Coach Greg Rietmann
said he was very pleased to have
so many of his players selected.
The 7-2 Cardinals overpowered
their oppoinents this season by
outscoring them 416-215.
Í-V :
Sf i
Local producers
Luke Swanson
Joe Bacon
Also named to First
Team All State
Also named to Second
Team All State
their production practices to
changes in farm programs,"
said Rowley. Producers select-
• ed to participate will be notified
by letter. Interviewers repre­
senting the OASS will then
visit them , at the farm
operator's convenience, to
receive their reports.
For more details, call Rowley
at 1-800-338-2157.
The next meeting of the
whole family includes tradi­ Heppner Coordinating Council
tional medieval and English (HCC) will be on Tuesday,
carols, French Noels, Celtic Nov. 26, at 7:30 a.m. in the
winter solstice medleys and Heppner Ranger District con­
original jazz arrangements of ference room.
"Sleigh Ride" and other con­
The council will hold a work
temporary holiday favorites.
session devoted to compiling
The concert is free to the the updates of the Heppner
public. For bus transportation Strategic Plan.
to the concert, contact 422-7191,
In addition, there will be dis­
or 989-8459 for more informa­ cussion of plans for council
sponsorship of a leadership re­
This concert is sponsored by cruitment and development
Sunridge Home and Develop­ w orkshop for com m unity
ment, Irrigon Motors, Browns organizations. The council will
Auto and Truck Stop B.P. and also be updated on the work in
Huwe's Washboard, Wes Wise progress on a Heppner com­
Excavation, Irrigon Market, Ir­ munity home page on the In­
rigon Chamber of Commerce ternet and on where matters
and Community Women for stand with regard to increasing
the telecommunications capaci­
The Arts Council invites ty in south Morrow County.
everyone to come enjoy the
The public is invited to attend
sounds of the holiday season. the meetings of the HCC.
City council gets tough on eyesores
During the November Hepp­
ner City Council meeting, the
city council adopted a get-
tough policy for property
owners who refuse to clean up
their "eyesore properties."
The city has used a nuisance
abatement ordinance for the
past eight years as a means to
spur the clean up of unsightly
and dangerous properties.
"Most property owners have
been very willing to clean up
their properties when notified
by the city," said city manager
Gary Marks. "However, we
have a few properties that
never seem to get cleaned u p."
The new policy will allow the
city to hire private contractors
to clean up eyesore properties
with recovery of the costs tied
to a real estate foreclosure pro­
cess. When the contractor has
finished the required work, the
city will present a bill to the
property owner. If the bill is not
paid, the city will file a lien and
the city attorney will undertake
a legal process, that if neces­
sary, ultimately ends with a
public auction of the property
to recover the lien as well as
other related costs, said Marks.
"The council has received on­
going complaints from local
residents about neighboring
Kelly Morgan
Randy Scott
to be interviewed
When making decisions that
affect Oregon producers, policy
makers and analysts at every
level-national, state and local-
depend on studies from the
Oregon Agricultural Statistics
Service (OASS) of the U.S.
Dept, of Agriculture, according
to Homer Rowley, state statisti­
cian of the OASS.
This fall, nearly 200 produ­
cers will have input into those
decisions through the Agricul­
tural Resource Management
Study. C onducted during
November and December, the
study will cover field-crop
chemical applications, beef cat­
tle production methods and in­
puts, crop production practices,
pest management and some
production costs.
Only through information
gathered from Oregon farm
and ranch operato rs can
reliable, objective facts be merg­
ed into data used in many
ways that benefit the U.S.
agricultural community, accor­
ding to an OASS news release.
For example, farm operators'
stew ard sh ip of land and
resources is documented for
the public; conservation pro­
jects are adjusted to reported
needs; and agricultural produc­
tion practices can be developed
to improve productivity for
farm operators and ensure a
safer, cleaner working environ­
ment for producers and their
"The results of the upcoming
survey will be used to assess
how operators are adapting
The Morrow County Arts
Council is sponsoring several
upcoming holiday events.
Jazz guitarist Bob Pringle will
perform Saturday, Nov. 30 at
Beecher's Cafe in lone at 7 p.m.
Pringle has played with a wide
spectrum of musical groups
from the Oregon Symphony to
the rock band. The Grateful
Dead. The performance is free
to the public.
The ballet class directed by
Cheri Westphal will have their
dance recital on Friday, Dec. 6,
at 6:30 p.m. at the Heppner
High School cafeteria. Every­
one is welcome to attend.
A Yuletide Concert, starring
Sabella Consort, will be Satur­
day, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m., at A.C.
Houghton Elementary School
in Irrigon.
This holiday concert for the
Jacob Taylor
Jake McElligott
Marc Orem
Pete Cantu
News Deadline: Mon. 5 p.m.
The weather
changes, so shoi
HCC to meet
property owners who refuse to
clean up and maintain their
properties," said Marks. "The
new policy will give us the
means to enforce property
clean up orders."
We Print
B u sin e ss Cards
FFA members
speak at M CGG
The Heppner Future Farmers
of America (FFA) had three
members, Tiffanie Munkers,
Mandi Gutierrez and Kristi
Worden, speak at the 19%
Morrow County Grain Grow­
ers stockholders' year-end din­
ner at the Morrow County
The three talked about the
past, present and future in the
FFA group.
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The Heppner Gazette-Times
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