EH E? •' • • < ' * .V- • *.V- .. • * ' 'V*-: ‘ »si * •- . - » <•*;. . ; • . • ;** : . / > .V .• ; * v y - .v , >. s ? , ■ .- • • • • . . . - . 1» ■ * ' • ■ \ -•••• • * . . / . •, ' FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 9, 1996 3 Ir S íS S íS S XT, ' •*' •'*. • V-. • Letters to the Editor The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Y J Domestic Violence Awareness month Heppner Unconscionable To the Editor: 1 am responding to Jimmy Kinzer's letter in the Oct. 2, 19%, edition of the Heppner Gazette-Times. I am running for Morrow County Treasurer because I am proud of my accomplishments of the last 16 years as your county treasurer and because I have many more goals to meet if I am elected to a fifth term. Among them I plan to organize a county investment commit­ tee, asking four to six profes­ sional and lay people to meet with me on a regular basis to review county investments and to prepare a county investment policy for approval at the coun­ ty and state level. I have been the elected trea­ surer for 16 years. I was also ap­ pointed tax collector in 1979 and worked in both capacities until June 22, 1994, when I was dismissed as tax collector. The pending legal action is a dial lenge to my abrupt removal from the tax collector position in 1994. I believe that my pro­ fessional reputation required that I take this action. In spite of our differences of opinion in this matter, the county court and I have con­ tinued to work together per­ sonally and professionally for the good of Morrow County. (s) Margo Sherer Morrow County Treasurer waste offices. To the Editor: You see, domestic violence October is Domestic Violence does happen here. It affects all aw'areness Month. This month, U S P S 240-420 of us-every community, every battered women's advocates in workplace, every family. And Umatilla and Morrow counties, Morrow County's Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper we all have a responsibility to Published weelds ami entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner, and across the nation, are Oregon under the Act o f March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, end domestic violence. Action working to focus public aware­ Oregon Office at 147 West Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-9228. Postmaster can be as simple as contributing ness on the epidemic of do­ send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Tim es, P.O. Box 337, Heppner. money to your local shelter or mestic violence and encourag­ Oregon 97838 Subsc riptions: $18 in Morrow, W heeler, Gilliam and (.rant Coun­ through United Way, becom­ ties; $25 elsew here ing all Americans to become April Hihon-Sykes News Editor ing a crisis line volunteer, or part of the solution. Stephanie Jensen Typesetting having a DVS speaker come in­ Domestic violence has reach­ Monique Dec in ................................Advertising Layout & Graphics to your workplace, church, ed epidemic proportions. In the Bonnie Bennett Distribution club, or agency to teach the Penni Keersemaker Printer United States, four million dynamics of family violence women are physically abused D avid S ykes, P ublisher and what can be done. each year by the men who pro­ No women should fear vio­ mised to love them. It's easy to lence in her own home. No tell ourselves that not much of child should dread coming that sort of thing happens here, home. This month, DVS ad­ but that's not so. Just ask any­ vocates and volunteers will be one who works with victims- available to do presentations, police, medical professionals, and will be distributing posters hum an service • learning tool will begin Oct. 24. cou rts, to create an awareness and to The Oregon State University Two daytime programs, of agencies. offer help to victims. I encour­ Extension Service's Hermiston From January through three credit hours each, will re­ age readers to join in the effort office will present a new pesti­ ly solely on the new program August of this year, Domestic of providing services and help­ cide training opportunity on and enrollment is limited to six Violence Services (DVS) has ing to stop the violence. (If a sheltered 113 women and 106 Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Her­ pre-registered participants per speaker or a poster is wanted, children (for the total of 1,976 miston Agirucltural Research session. An evening program, call 276-3322.) Remember, we and Extension Center in Her- open to all drop-ins, w ill use a nights). We took 1,380 crisis serve all of Umatilla and Mor­ calls on our hotline. We had miston. traditional instruction-based row counties. For questions, Myron Shenk, of the OSU pesticide training program and another 1,236 calls for informa­ please contact me at 276-3322. tion (mostly from victims, Extension Service, has been in­ begins at 6 p.m. Sincerely, friends, and families who want volved in the development of All of these programs are free (s) Kricket Nicholson to know what kind of help is a new innovative and interac­ and pesticide recertification Executive Director, DVS available). We counseled 502 tive computer assisted learning credits will be available for Pendleton program that helps guide par­ those who already have their adults and 153 children in our ticipants through the basics of licenses but would like to brush pesticide applicator training. It up on pesticide safety. is designed to be used in ^ It is recommended that those preparation for taking the interested call the Extension of­ To the Editor: private pesticide applicator's In 1968, 1 built the first To the Editor: fice, 567-8321, to pre-register, ed his business late at exam and to satisfy recertifica­ and confirm date, location and known redemption drop-box At last, a candidate for Mor­ night to get us that one part we tion needs. for pop and beer containers. time of the programs. row County Commissioner that needed so we could get our Initial trial runs of this new And it worked. doesn't need to supplement his trucks and equipment on the Then, in 1971, we were so income. job early in the morning. proud when the legislature ap­ John Wenholz is a fair and We can't afford not to vote proved our idea for a bottle bill. In h o n o r o f the honest individual with a desire for a candidate like John. Join We expected it would encour­ to serve the citizens of Morrow me in electing John Wenholz 5 0 th w edding a n n iv ersa ry o f age recycling. And did it ever. County. Mr. Wenholz believes for Morrow County Commis­ Mr. a n d Mrs. R a y m o n d F r e n c h , Now Measure 37 comes in progress, trying not to dupli­ sioner. along. Measure 37 will put a cate problems of the past and Wesley Wise th eir ch ild ren a n d g ra n d ch ild ren major crack in the great Oregon has on several occasions open- Irrigon req u est the p le a s u re o f y o u r bottle bill. Why? Because Mea­ sure 37 takes away from the co m p a n y at a celebra tio n on recycling progress we've made S a tu rd a y , the 1 9th o f O ctober fr o m these last 25 years by turning valuable assets as a county 5-8 in the ev en in g at the our grocery stores into recycl­ To the Editor: commissioner. ing centers. Let me repeat: I have known John Wenholz H ep p n er E lk s Lodge. John is the type of guy who Measure 37 dumps even more for over 20 years. During this will research issues thoroughly stuff on our grocery stores and time I have had opportunity to and will be fair in making deci­ away from the recycling pro­ work with him in different sions that affect all of the peo­ cess. areas as he was involved with ple in Morrow County. He will Recycling at our curbs and in several youth programs in the HA??Y be willing to take "to u gh ” bins and drop-boxes has pro­ community and school district. stands on issues and not bow gressed and increased because John's background is varied DAT! to special interest groups if they of the Oregon bottle bill; it'd be and includes time spent as an do not represent the best for all f f a crying shame if it now stop­ iron worker, and several suc­ concerned. ped because of it. cessful ventures as a self-em­ Sincerely, Join me, one of the folks who ployed b usin essm an. His Show friends (s) Bob Byrd first worked to make our bot­ honesty, perserverence and i «io# it'g Hot n r pi fcc and loved ones Irrigon tle bill law, in voting no on 37. problem solving abilities will be To 6¡re You aovice, LTe^'7..«s how much you Sincerely, w t ivt DoiM6 it agriuar.. 1 n»* * ***** care with a (s) James K. (Keith) Delaney Sweetest Day Pacific City National Boss Day card from do it, a request for service gets To the Editor: Hallmark. is Wednesday, immediate action and a suc­ In November, Morrow Coun­ cessful conclusion. O O ctober 16 ty voters will make an impor­ He believes strongly in Mor­ Even bosses like to hear Brick Elton Sager and Tegan tant decision in the selection of row County and is optimistic how special they are! At Abigail Sager-twins Brick Elton a county commissioner. This about the county's future. The Hallmark, you'll find the cards and Tegan Abigail were bom to letter is written in support of county needs a person with that can do the job for you. S w eetest D ay is S atu rd ay , O c t . 19 Laura and Kelly Sager of Lex­ John Wenholz who is a can­ energy who will try to repre­ • • i • • ington on September 30, 1996. didate for that position. sent all its citizens. John Wen­ W Brick Elton weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. John is a successful business­ holz is that kind of person. and was 19” long, Tegan man who has always found Sincerely, Abigail weighed 4 lbs. 9 oz. and time to support his communi­ (s) Matt Doherty was 18” long. The twins join ty. He is especially interested in their sister, Darby, at home. the youth of this county and Maternal grandparents are has devoted many hours to James and Susan Humphrey. projects in their behalf. Never ^ 0 ^ _»j- \ nrjh V1.IIM H imhmmt 6 7 6 -9 1 5H Great-grandparents are Lee one to wait for the other guy to and Patsy Hoover and Abbie Humphrey, all of Fossil. Great- great-grandmother is Evelyn Woods of Vancouver, WA. A H ILA R IO U S O N E -M A N PLAY BY H UM OR W RITER Paternal grandparents are Harley and Bertha Sager of Hermiston. Great-grandfather is Harley Sager of Parma, ID. Th$ nitionilly loved humorist, author of boat sellers like "THEY Great-grandmother is Bertha Gates of Old Town, ID. SHOOT C A N O ES , D O N ’T THEY?" has created: Hannah Louise Lynch-a daughter, Hannah Louise, was born to Teri and Greg Lynch of Walla Walla on October 2,19% at St. Mary's Medical Center in Walla Walla. The baby weigh­ ed 7 lbs. and was 21” long. G A Z E T T E -T IM E S Pesticide training session offered No on 37 •. „ rx f In response Elect Wenholz county commissioner Wenholz tough, fair ■ >•« •’ . r » • • \* I*. I - ••.•'• : Y»* f [ j .* r . Ï • . • - :■ . • • • Rem em ber b wee test Day! r :• * r. ; •- • t • . ’ >• ' • F - • ’ I w ’ ? V :r - •* î . I ^ * i» » • i> •* f r I: • » 9. . ■* * w * . • *-4 È V Vote for John Wenholz Births í I * V . X ■ PATRICK F. MeMANUS To the Editor: The October 19% National Geographic issue has an in­ teresting map of the U.S. outlining in color all the federal lands in the 50 states. 1 ask the editors of the Oregonian to reproduce this map in living color. Precious little land exists in Oregon that is not Forest Ser­ vice land, Bureau of Land Management land, Fish and Wildlife or Wild and Scenic Rivers. If Oregon voters elect people eager to bypass multi­ ple use of these lands, and elect people who choose to lock up and waste these incredible resources, there will be pre­ cious few people left to support the economy of the entire state. Only actually looking at these vast acres will drive home the enormity of the waste if a com­ promise is not worked out for conflicting views of how our lands should be managed or not managed. Political advan­ tage should not be the deciding factor. Our futures are too threatened. The Strawberry Mountain wildfire near Prairie City, Ore­ gon, started in designated wilderness area, jumped the fire lines for the supposedly controlled burn, and burned for tw'o weeks, much of it on adja­ cent private land. The result was destruction of 10,OtX) acres. This is a mere fraction of our total burn this year. Our forests need manage­ ment in these areas-not neglect. Some of our experienced, knowledgable Forest Service managers are retiring rather than watch the continued des­ truction of our forests which are now being controlled by persons far from the scene, for political ends and purposes. In July, contrary to current law, the Clinton Administra­ tion issued an administrative rule through Agriculture Secre­ tary Dan Glickman that there shall not be any helicopter salvage logging in roadless areas where no buildings are threatened and where 25 per­ cent of the trees are alive. The resulting inferno from the remaining 75 percent is hard to imagine. It is not only an unconscionable waste of precious resources, but an ex­ treme hazard to Forest Service employees; to say nothing of the destruction of neighboring non-wilderness lands. Besides looking at the map of just how much Federal land ex­ ists in the West, I would en­ courage everyone to look around their hom es and garages and businesses. W'hat isn't made from natural re­ sources of some kind? If we had not controlled nature we would still have the bubonic plague and Stone Age living quarters. This is not to say that we should consume all that we have in the past, but the solu­ tion should be wise, sus­ tainable use-not neglect. Sincerely, (s) Margaret (Meg) G. Murray lone v X* , ^ The Pub is now Closed C . > : fà Ï ' t - v > » v », , • ., ;: { * A FIN E AND PLEASANT M ISERY for our remodeling THE HUMOI? O F PATRICK F MeMANUS Starring TIM B EH R EN S Projccts.Please yi I'' v . • Presented by the Morrow County Arts Council end Friends of the Boardman Library excuse our Clutter Marriage License« as we inlarge yaw’s The Morrow County Clerk's office at the courthouse in Heppner reports issuing the following marriage license dur­ ing the past week: Oct. 1: Paul Joseph Kramer, 33, Irrigon; and Tracy Lynn Rash, 33, Irrigon. and remodel the Pub V -i;.* y f i -V'; - r :>".\ I H B S f ' - ^ l £ & & v .* v V _ ?S -r ;*v. ST.'*. » c Y ' - ' I .. h . - • •*> . . v \ < i- . 7V" •3 . Funded by the Morrow County Unified Recreation District Riverside High Sehool ♦ Saturday, October 12 * FR EE ADM ISSION 7:30PM W A RN IN G : Spokane's Spokesman-Review cautions that "the audience was laughing so hard for so long...I thought people might hurt themselves."