Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 02, 1996, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 2. 1996
The Official Newspaper of the
City of Heppner and the
County of Morrow
Quartet to perform in Heppner.
Erma C. Keithley
U S P S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner,
Oregon under the Act of March 3. 1879 Periodical postage paid at Heppner,
Oregon Office at 147 West Willow Street Telephone (541) 676-9228 Postmaster
send address changes to the Heppner Gaaette-Times, P.O. Bos 33, , Heppner,
Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $18 in Morrow, Wheeler, Gilliam and Grant Coun­
ties; $25 elsewhere.
April Hilton Sykes...................................................................................... New* Editor
Stephanie Jensen ...................................................................................... Typesetting
Monique Devin
Advertising Layout & Graphics
Bonnie Bennett .............................................................................................Distribution
Penni K eersem aker.......................................................................................... Printer
D a v i d S y k e s , P u b li s h e r
Letters to the E d ito r_______
Editor's note: Letters to the editor must be signed. The Gazette Times mill not publish
unsigned letters Please include your address and phone number on all letters for use
by the G-T office The G-T reserves the right to edit
For better understanding
To the Editor:
Elsewhere in this paper we
have placed an ad containing
information concerning how
the upcoming initiative ballot
38, the "C lean Stream Initia­
tive," will affect not only us
personally, but the communi­
ty as well.
For 75 years, the Wilkinson
Ranch has always opened its
lands to hunters, local and
otherwise, and it has been our
pleasure to allow those who en­
joy hunting and fishing to have
access to our property. T h e ;
"Welcome to H unt" signs tru­
ly meant what they said and we
earnestly hope that we may
continue to offer this privilege
in the future. Please unders­
tand that the ad is absolutely
not meant as a threat.
We have never posted "N o
Hunting" signs and we hope it
will never be necessary. How­
ever, we are taking this means
to help our friends and neigh­
bors understand that the
"C le an Stream In itiative"
Measure 38, if passed, will
create a "G estap o " type of
state because of the unfair and
unrealistic liability and lawsuit
provisions it will put into effect.
Private landowners will be
deemed "guilty unless proven
innocent," which is the exact
opposite of our rights as citi­
zens of the United States. It will
change Oregon civil law as to
the right to sue by removing
the requirement that a person
must be affected directly. The
legal consequences will cause
us and other private landown­
ers to have to close lands to
hunting and fishing.
This is a very extreme and
un-American measure; it will
cause many more problems
than it will solve. We are ap­
pealing to you to inform your­
selves and others of the adverse
consequences if this measure
passes, and vote no on 38.
(s) Dick and Virginia Wilkinson
Candidacy doesn't make sense
To the Editor:
To the voters of Morrow
County-I have a concern regar­
ding the office of Morrow
County Treasurer. Why is
Majgo Sherer, who is the coun­
ty treasurer, running for re-
election when she has a lawsuit
against Morrow County? Why
would any voters of Morrow
County vote for her, when in
the long run it will cost tax­
payers of Morrow County to
pay for attorney's fees? Also,
Morrow County could lose
their liability insurance. This
does not make sense, her run­
ning for county treasurer.
(s) Jim Kinzer
Skills C enter offers com p ute r classes
Skills Centers of Eastern
Oregon (SCEO) will be offering
computer classes throughout
October. The classes have been
changed to all-day classes,
rather than the two-day ses­
sions, in answer to requests
from clients living outside of
Pendleton. Instructor for the
classes is Dawn Salsbery, of
The classes provide basic
computer literacy instruction
for participants. The Skills
Center's open lab schedule
allows participants to return to
practice computer skills in the
computer lab.
"Introduction to Comput­
e rs" and "Windows 3 .1 " will
be taught Tuesday, Oct. 8.
"WordPerfect 6 .1 " is schedul­
ed for Tuesday, Oct. 22, and
"Q uattfo P ro" (spreadsheet)
will be offered Tuesday, Oct.
29. Classes start at 9 a.m. Ad­
vance signup is required and
the class size is limited to 10
The "Exploring Job Skills and
Career Options" workshop is
slated for Wednesday, Oct. 9 at
1:30 p.m. and will be held at
the Skills Center. This work­
shop is directed at those who
are just getting back into the
workforce, persons who are
unemployed, or anyone in­
terested in looking at changing
careers. Participants do a self-
assessment of their skills and
then begin exploring new oc­
cupations. The workshop is
limited to 10 participants. In­
structor for the workshop is
Mini Storage
5 0 7 -7 3 1 7
Patricia Neal, program coor­
dinator for SCEO.
All workshops and services
are offered at the Skills Center
free of charge. For more infor­
mation, or for class signup,
contact Neal at 276-9050, ext.
229. The Skills Center is located
at the Oregon Employment
Department in Pendleton.
Send or Receive
The Shepherd’s Staff Quartet
temporary selections which ap­
peal to all ages," said a news
The group, formed in 1984, is
well known in the Northwest
and has toured throughout the
United States and Jamaica.
Their music is featured on three
recordings, "Come Celebrate,"
"Behold H im ," and Y es!"
They are currently working on
a new recording due this fall.
The concert is sponsored by
the United Methodist Church
and the South Morrow Coun­
ty Ministerial Association.
The Shepherd's Staff Quartet
of Walla Walla, a musical group
combining the talents of Dave
Streeter, Bill Ritter, David
Williams and Curt Skifstad,
will present a concert on Sun­
day, Oct. 13 at 6 p.m. at St.
Patrick's Catholic Parish Hall in
Heppner. There will be no ad­
mission charge for the concert,
but a free-will offering will be
"T he ministry of The Shep­
herd's Staff is family-oriented
and the music varied-a blend of
inspirational ballads and con-
Luz Salas and Fidel Estrada of
Irrigon on September 11, 1996
at Good Shepherd Communi­
ty Hospital in Hermiston. The
baby weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz.
Hanah M arie W ilson-a
daughter Hanah Marie was
born to Jessica and Jacob
Wilson, Jr. of Irrigon on August
27, 1996 at Good Shepherd
Community Hospital in Her-
miston. The baby weighed 7
lbs. 13 oz.
Nia Katelynn Ruckman-a
daughter Nia Katelynn was
bom to Beverly Haugen and
Charles Ruckman of Heppner
on August 29, 1996 at Good
Shepherd Community Hospital
in Hermiston. The baby weigh­
ed 7 lbs. 10 oz.
Adrian Romero-a son Adrian
was born to Maria and Jose
Romero of Irrigon on Septem­
ber 13, 1996 at Good Shepherd
Community Hospital in Herm­
iston. The baby weighed 8 lbs.
0 oz.
Joshua Aaron Hughes, Jr.-a
son Joshua Aaron was born to
Shannon Coursey of Irrigon on
September 13, 1996 at Good
Shepherd Community Hospital
in Hermiston. The baby weigh­
ed 5 lbs. 13 oz.
Roberth Alexander Villalo­
bos Erazo-a son Roberth Alex­
ander was born to Ana Erazo
and Roberto Villalobos of
Heppner on September 18,
19% at Good Shepherd Com­
munity Hospital in Hermiston.
The baby weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz.
Austin James Whitehead-a
son Austin James was born to
Tessie Whitehead of Boardman
on September 6, 1996 at Good
Shepherd Community Hospital
in Hermiston. The baby weigh­
ed 5 lbs. 14 oz.
Danielle Tarynn Zeller-a
daughter Danielle Tarynn was
born to Stacie and Tyron Zeller
of Hermiston on September 9,
1996 at Good Shepherd Com­
munity Hospital in Hermiston.
The baby weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz.
A m elia R esen d iz-R ios-a
daughter Amelia was born to
W e P rin t
B u s in e s s C ards
Erma C. Keithley, 89, of
Heppner, died Sunday, Sep­
tember 29, 19%, at Compton
Adult Foster Care Home in
Graveside service was Tues­
day, October 1, 19%, at the
Heppner Masonic Cemetery.
Mrs. Keithley was born De­
cember 20, 1906, at Heppner, to
Franklin and Hanna Ericson
Lovgren. She grew up in the
Heppner area and attended
school at Eightmile and Hepp­
ner, graduating from Heppner
High School. She took nurses'
training at Emanuel Hospital in
She married Howard B.
Keithley on February 8, 1930 at
Heppner. The couple lived in
the Heppner area all their mar­
ried life.
Mrs. Keithley enjoyed her
family and friends, and helping
others. She was recognized as
an excellent seamstress.
She was a member of the
Methodist Church and Eastern
Survivors include daughters,
Eunice Pettyjohn of Newberg,
Delores McLachlan of Ontario,
Jo Lankford of Pendleton, Kay
Reed of Lafayette and Jeritha
Brown of Stanfield; 11 grand­
children, 18 great-grandchild­
ren and two great-great grand­
children. She is also survived
by four brothers: Al, Marshall
and Bob of Heppner, and Tim
of Redding, California; and
three sisters, Edna of Milton-
Freewater, Gladys of Heppner
and Betty of The Dalles.
Her husband, Howard, died
in 1972; a daughter, Sandra,
em eee
AILmtetlwe i.
we're erma et tee Anke service we
fteetie ear certamen , net's wkf ere
fe It riaM, g efü g ten reagiste, me
met s in k e stetem te seit m teak n
Its meekest fart. Hen’s wkat we 4 r
Rear Drum
Brake Assembly
e s t« “
Front Disc
Brake Assembly
Caliper Assembly
1 Replace with remanufactured
or rebuild front calipers
High Quality disc pads
Resurface rotors
Repack wheel bearings (except FW D )
New front seals (except FW D)
Bleed & ad|ust entire system
Free replacement 25,000 mile warranty
W *
H I A D Q U A R T IR I ' v,ar*V P |
FRONT (Most Cars)
Free Brake inspections
1 High quality t
2 Resurface drums
3 All new hotd-down return
4 AH new wheel cylinders
5 Adjust perk mg brake
6 Bleed A Adjust entire system
7 Free replacement
25.000 mile warranty
b ___
4 m u ti M M M U0T
• n o fissm A L mbtauathms
•om STOP SHorrm Fournis,
w u a s, susKKsm soAcecssom es
• s m u i c s t m options
REAR (Most Cars)
Justice C o u rt
R e p o rt
The Justice Court office at the
courthouse annex building in
Heppner reports handling the
following business during the
past week:
Richard D. Baker, Sr. 51,
Union-Failure to Secure Emp­
ty Pole Trailer, $81 fine;
Carroll H. Davis, 67, Con­
don-Unsafe Passing on the
Right, accident involved, $182
William Albert Frost, 34, The
Dalles-Driving Uninsured, $67
Patrick Picard, 28, Ukiah-
Failure to Secure Pole Trailer,
$81 fine;
Joshua Swain Clark, 18,
Heppner-Violation of the Basic
Rule, 75 mph in a 55 mph zone,
$67 fine;
Francis F. Connor, Sr., 68,
Stanfield-Failure to Renew
Registration, $49 fine;
David Eldridge, 30, Lexing-
ton-Violation of Harassment,
$297 fine, with one year proba­
tion with no further violation of
Glenn Dale Phelps, 49, Hood
River-Truck Speeding, $67 fine;
died in 1946; a grandson,
Todd Lindsay, 28, Heppner-
David, died in 1991; and three
Violation of the Basic Rule, 75
brothers and two sisters also
mph in a 55 mph zone, $101
preceded her in death.
Memorial contributions may
Health D e p t.
be made to a charity of choice.
Sweeney Mortuary of Hepp­
The Morrow County Health
ner was in charge of arrange­
ept, lists the follow ing
monthly schedule for blood
Alice L. McCabe
pressures and immunizations.
Alice L. McCabe, 79, of Flu shots will be given at all
Heppner, died Sunday, Sep­ regularly scheduled clinics.
tember 29, 19%, at Good Shep­
Thursday, O ct. 3-blood
herd Community Hospital in pressures and immunizations,
Heppner office, 8:30 a.m .-4:30
Graveside memorial service p.m.;
was Tuesday, October 1, 1996
Thursday, Oct. 10-flu clinic,
at the Heppner Masonic Ceme­ St. Patrick's Senior Center,
Heppner, 8:30 a.m .-7 p.m.
Mrs. McCabe was born June
Monday, Oct. 14-flu clinic,
17, 1917, at lone, to George and lone City Hall, 2-7 p.m.;
Vanza Cooper Patterson. She
Tuesday, Oct. 15-blood pres­
was raised and attended school sures and im m unizations,
at lone, graduating from lone Boardman office, 9:30 a.m .-4
High School in 1934. She lived p.m.
at lone until 1950, when she
Thursday, Oct. 17-blood
moved to Heppner.
pressures and immunizations,
In 1942, she married Hubert Heppner office, 8:30 a.m .-4:30
Mahon, at Heppner. He died in p.m.
1950. She married Jim McCabe
Monday, Oct. 21-flu clinic, Ir­
at Spokane, Washington, in rigon Senior Center, 12-7 p.m.;
1952. He died in 1962.
Tuesday, Oct. 22-flu clinic,
Mrs. McCabe was a member Boardman office, 9:30 a.m .-7
of the Degree of Honor.
She enjoyed her home and
Tuesday, O ct. 29-blood
gardening and lived to play pressures and immunizations,
Boardman office, 9:30 a.m .-4
Survivors include sons,
William Mahon of La Grande
Thursday, Oct. 31-blood
and Allen McCabe of Silver Ci­ pressures and immunizations,
ty, Nevada; daughter, Patty
Heppner office, 8:30 a.m .-4:30
Harshman of Heppner; sisters,
Muriel Palmer of Heppner and
Helen Sparks of Longview,
Washington; brother, Arthur
Patterson of Spokane; five
grandchildren and four great­
grandchildren. A brother,
sister, one grandson and two
great-grandchildren preceded
her in death.
Memorial contributions may
be made to Pioneer Memorial
Hospital, P O. Box 9, Heppner,
OR. 97836.
Sweeney Mortuary of Hepp­
ner was in charge of arrange-
Every car should at least have a thrust alignment.
It relates all 4 wheels to a common center line
to insure maximum tire life and a centered
steering wheel
Over 90% of all cars built today should have a 4 wheel
alignment Most front wheel drives and some rear wheel
drives have rear wheel adjustments We invite you to
ask us about it.
im w m s m m m